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Preview: Amazon S3 Tables and Lakehouse in DuckDB


As a data engineering dabbler; parquet in S3 is beautiful. So is DuckDB. What an incredible match.


This is pretty exciting. DuckDB is already proving to be a powerful tool in the industry.

Previously there was a strong trend of using simple S3-backed blob storage with Parquet and Athena for querying data lakes. It felt like things have gotten pretty complicated, but as integrations improve and Apache Iceberg gains maturity, I'm seeing a shift toward greater flexibility with less SaaS/tool sprawl in data lakes.


Yes - agree! I actually wrote a blog about this just two days ago:

May be of interest to people who:

- What to know what DuckDB is and why it's interesting

- What's good about it

- Why for orgs without huge data, we will hopefully see a lot more of 's3 + duckdb' rather than more complex architectures and services, and hopefully (IMHO) less Spark!

I think most people in data science or data engineering should at least try it to get a sense of what it can do

Really for me, the most important thing is it makes it so much easier to design and test complex ETL because you're not constantly having to run queries against Athena/Spark to check they work - you can do it all locally, in CI, set up tests, etc.


I have the same thoughts. However my impression is also that most orgs would choose eg databricks or something for the permission handling, web ui, ++ so what is the equivalent «full rig» with duckdb and S3 / blob storage?


Yeah I think that's fair, especially from the 'end consumer of the data' point of view, and doing things like row-level permissions.

For the ETL side, where often whole-table access is good enough, I find Spark in particular very cumbersome - there's more than can go wrong vs. DuckDB and it's harder to troubleshoot.


from the blog: "This is a very interesting new development, making DuckDB potentially a suitable replacement for lakehouse formats such as Iceberg or Delta lake for medium scale data."

I don't think we'll ever see this, honestly.

excellent podcast episode with Joe Reis - I've also never understood this whole idea of "just use Spark" or you gotta get on Redshift.


Funny, I read TFA and came to the comments to share exactly this recent blog post of yours. Big fan of your work, Robin!


Ah nice - reading that made me feel good! Appreciate the feedback!


if you're looking to try out duckdb + iceberg on AWS, we have a solid guide here:


I've mentioend this whenever iceberg comes up. It's wild how immature the ecosystem is still. Duckdb itself lacks the ability to write iceberg....

Apache iceberg go ? Nope

Basically java iceberg is the only mature way to do this, it's not a very accessible ecosystem.

For a side project I'm using pyiceberg to sink streaming data to iceberg (using DuckDB as the stream processor):

It's basically a workaround for DuckDB's lack of native support. I am very happy with the Pyicerbg library as a user, It was very easy and the native Arrow support is a glimpse into the future. Arrow as an interchange format is quite amazing. Just open up the iceberg table and append Arrow dataframes to it!

Arrow is quite spectacular and it's cool to see the industry moving to standardize on it as a dataframe. For example, Clickhouse python also support arrow-based insertion:

This makes the glue code trivial to sink into these different systems as long as arrow is being used internally.


Does this support time travel queries?

Does it support reading everything from one snapshot to another? (This is missing in Athena)

If yes to both, does it respect row level deletes when it does this?


Anybody tried S3 tables? How is your experience? It seems more tempting now that DuckDB supports it.


Haven't tried it. S3 Tables sounds like a great idea. However, I am wary. For it to be useful, a suite of AWS services probably needs to integrate with it. These services are all managed by different teams that don't always work well together out of the box and often compete with redundant products. For example, configuring SageMaker Studio to use an EMR cluster for Spark was a multi-day hassle with a lot of custom (insecure?) configuration. How is this different from other existing table offerings? AWS is a mess.


When is write support for iceberg coming?


pfsh who needs to write data??? ;p

If you have streaming data as a source, I built a side project to write streaming data to s3 in iceberg format:

I realize it's not quite what you asked for but wanted to mention it. I'm surprised at lack of native iceberg write support in these tools.

Pyiceberg though was quite easy to use, arrow-based API was very helpful as well.


Can someone Eli5 the difference between AWS S3 Tables and AWS SimpleDB?


S3 Tables is designed for storing and optimizing tabular data in S3 using Apache Iceberg, offering features like automatic optimization and fast query performance. SimpleDB is a NoSQL database service focused on providing simple indexing and querying capabilities without requiring a schema.


They are so completely different that it would be simpler if you explained what similarities you see between the two.