FTC Removes Posts Critical of Amazon, Microsoft, and AI Companies
·March 18, 2025_--__--__
>Misleading clickbait heading
In fact, the headline kind of underplays the significance -- everything in that time period was deleted! Including posts critical of Amazon, Microsoft, and AI Companies, among everything else that was deleted.
>The posts in question are public and available here: https://www.ftc.gov/business-guidance/blog
The deleted posts in question are not available there, because they were deleted. Blog jumps from December 2020 to March 2025.
Am I right to understand this is signaling an end to the FTC, or at least on what concerns it harnessing the will of the tech giants?
Not just FTC. The CFPB, USAID, NHS, Department of Education, Research funding to colleges, the list goes on. Anything Elon Musk has no use for is getting shut down.
It's not just "has no use for", but he's seeking revenge for being regulated. FTC for telling him he can't do securities fraud, FAA & FCC for telling him he has to launch rockets responsibly, etc.
That's the message I got from it.
Thats not really planned in Project 2025, more likely any large tech company that bent the knee to Trump will be exempt, but we shall see.
At the same time, the document discusses how large tech companies influence politics, and can harm individuals.
> Conservative approaches to antitrust and consumer protection continue to trust markets, not government, to give people what they want and provide the prosperity and material resources Americans need for flourishing, productive, and meaningful lives.
> At the same time, conservatives cannot be blind to certain developments in the American economy that appear to make government–private sector collusion more likely, threaten vital democratic institutions, such as free speech, and threaten the happiness and mental well-being of many Americans, particularly children. Many, but not all, conservatives believe that these develop- ments may warrant the FTC’s making a careful recalibration of certain aspects of antitrust and consumer protection law and enforcement.
There's a conflict between destroying all government, corrupting it for personal gain by a given elected official, and corrupting it to serve a given owner of a given megacorp.
Somewhere along the way ethics, morals, truth, and serving We the People was lost.
When technofeudal corporate owners don't just capture the regulators but install lackeys in service of them. This is a natural progression towards authoritarianism and corruption.
(along with everything else published during the Biden administration)
I am waiting for the excuses for this. Recently, this administration has been involved in deporting a lawful resident on behalf of a foreign entity (Isra-l), denied universities free speech and due process (on behalf of Isra-l), and now the government cedes power to monopolies. Our people are either a) blind to these abhorrent and anti-American measures, or b) cognizant of the fact we have no control and are no longer a free country, and knowing their helplessness and lack of power in this regard, cede control to our big masters (big tech and Isra-l). Look no further than 3 Ivy League deans being outed by Jewi-sh donors over this. We need to accept the America that led the free world is no longer. In its place, is a country that is owned by big tech and by a foreign hostile gov. Both operate via lobbying groups (AIPAC and Alphabet are among the largest). Meanwhile, homelessness is at an all-time high and healthcare is shit. It seems cheap lobbying can get you really far. Hell, even criticizing these all-powerful monopolies is no longer allowed. It is only a short time until our posts on here are no longer allowed. Free speech might not be dead as of yet, but it has been castrated
What does this have to do with Israel? Why are you censoring Israel and Jewish? How does the removal of this content from the FTC mean citizens are not allowed to critique monopolies? I dislike this administration as much as the next guy but your comment isn't making much sense in my head
My point was related to free speech, and these incidents are all infringing on it. Unless you don't consider censorship in the removal of these blogs, or similar incidents, as attacks on free speech. I am censoring it to protect myself from repercussions. You might not be paying attention...
>I am censoring it to protect myself from repercussions. You might not be paying attention...
Just a note that if everyone here knows you mean Israel when you type "Isra-l" (and Jewish when you type "Jewi-sh"), so does whoever you believe to be protecting yourself from.
Self-censoring is giving in.
Sure, there are a lot of concerning happenings related to free speech as of late. This particular article isn't one. The removal of content from a government website isn't in-of-itself a free speech issue
Your rant is filled with so many things that have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Homelessness, Healthcare, Ivy League, Jewish and Israeli people, Big Tech, AIPAC, and Bears oh my!
I also have no idea why you've developed the urge to censor the words "Israel" and "Jewish". They're just words... they can't hurt you.
This appears to be the flailing's of a dying ideology. Fewer and fewer people are paying attention to these extremist positions. So we get things like this; totally nonsensical rants connecting dots with imaginary red yarn in ways only a schizophrenic "true crime" enthusiast could appreciate.
It's pretty amazing to see the "conspiracy theorists" swing from the far-right to the far-left in such a short period of time.
> outed by Jewi-sh donors
Tones of racism
It is possible to criticise Zionism - and call out Israel for its racism and apartheid -without being racist ourselves.
Israel really wants the whole world to conflate "Israeli", "Jewish" and "Zionist", but it is a lie.
We have no problems with people's ethnicity nor religion
We have a problem with war, colonisation, ethnic cleansing and the re-emergence of apartheid
Misleading clickbait heading, article mentions that 4 years of blog content were blanket deleted and then randomly implies that certain tech issues were targeted among all the other (also-deleted) posts. The posts in question are public and available here: https://www.ftc.gov/business-guidance/blog