The Pain That Is GitHub Actions
·March 20, 2025deng
Already see people saying GitLab is better: yes it is, but it also sucks in different ways.
After years of dealing with this (first Jenkins, then GitLab, then GitHub), my takeaway is:
* Write as much CI logic as possible in your own code. Does not really matter what you use (shell scripts, make, just, doit, mage, whatever) as long as it is proper, maintainable code.
* Invest time that your pipelines can run locally on a developer machine as well (as much as possible at least), otherwise testing/debugging pipelines becomes a nightmare.
* Avoid YAML as much as possible, period.
* Don't bind yourself to some fancy new VC-financed thing that will solve CI once and for all but needs to get monetized eventually (see: earthly, dagger, etc.)
* Always use your own runners, on-premise if possible
I came to the exact same conclusion accidentally in my first role as a Tech Lead a few years back.
It was a large enterprise CMS project. The client had previously told everyone they couldn't automate deployments due to the hosted platform security, so deployments of code and configs were all done manually by a specific support engineer following a complex multistep run sheet. That was going about as well as you'd expect.
I first solved my own headaches by creating a bunch of bash scripts to package and deploy to my local server. Then I shared that with the squads to solve their headaches. Once the bugs were ironed out, the scripts were updated to deploy from local to the dev instance. Jenkins was then brought in an quickly setup to use the same bash scripts, so now we had full CI/CD working to dev and test. Then the platform support guy got bored manually following the run sheet approach and started using our (now mature) scripts to automate deployments to stage and prod.
By the time the client found out I'd completely ignored their direction they were over the moon because we had repeatable and error free automated deployments from local all the way up to prod. I was quite proud of that piece of gorilla consulting :-)
The way that gitlab shines is just fundamentally better than GitHub actions.
It's really easy to extend and compose jobs, so it's simple to unit test your pipeline:
This way I can code my pipeline and use the same infrastructure to isolate groups of jobs that compose a relevant functionality and test it in isolation to the rest of the pipeline.
I just wish components didn't have such a rigid opinion on folder structure, because they are really powerful, but you have to adopt gitlab prescription
I came from the semiconductor industry, where everything was locally hosted Jenkins + bash scripts. The Jenkins job would just launch the bash script that was stored in perforce(vcs), so all you had to do to run things locally was run the same bash script.
When I joined my first web SaaS startup I had a bit of a culture shock. Everything was running on 3rd party services with their own proprietary config/language/etc. The base knowledge of POSIX/Linux/whatever was almost completely useless.
I'm kinda used to it now, but I'm not convinced it's any better. There are so many layers of abstraction now that I'm not sure anybody truly understands it all.
Haha, I had the same experience going from scientific work in grad school to big tech. The phrase “a solution in search of a problem” comes to mind. The additional complexity does create new problems however, which is fine for devops, because now we have a recursive system of ensuring job security.
It blows my mind what is involved in creating a simple web app nowadays compared to when I was a kid in the mid-2000s. Do kids even do that nowadays? I’m not sure I’d even want to get started with all the complexity involved.
it's just common sense, which is unfortunately lost with sloppy devs. People go straight from junior dev to SRE without learning engineering principles through building products first.
I heavily invested in a local runner based CI/CD workflow. First I was using gogs and drone, now the forgejo and woodpecker CI forks.
It runs with multiple redundancies because it's a pretty easy setup to replicate on decentralized hardware. The only thing that's a little painful is authentication and cross-system pull requests, so we still need our single point of failure to merge feature branches and do code reviews.
Due to us building everything in go, we also decided to have always a /toolchain/build.go so that we have everything in a single language, and don't need even bash in our CI/CD podman/docker images. We just use FROM scratch, with go, and that's it. The only exception being when we need to compile/rebuild our ebpf kernel modules.
To me, personally, the Github Actions CVE from August 2024 was the final nail in the coffin. I blogged about it in more technical detail [1] and guess what was the reason that the TJ actions have been compromised last week? Yep, you guessed right, the same attack surface that Github refuses to fix, a year later.
The only tool, as far as I know, that somehow validates against these kind of vulnerabilities, is zizmor [2]. All other tools validate schemas, not vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
My years using Concourse were a dream compared to the CI/CD pains of trying to make github actions work (which I fortunately didn't have to do a lot of). Add that to the list of options for people who want open source and their own runners
This. I don't know which guru came up with it but this is the 'one-click build' principle. If youcan't do that, you have a problem.
So if even remotely possible we write all CI as a single 'one-click' script which can do it all by itself. Makes developing/testing the whole CI easy. Makes changing between CI implementations easy. Can solve really nasty issues (think: CI is down, need to send update to customer) easily because if you want a release you just build it locally.
The only thing it won't automaticaly do out of the box is being fast, because obviously this script also needs to setup most of the build environment. So depending on the exact implementation there's variation in the split between what constitutes setting up a build environment and running the CI script. As in: for some tools our CI scripts will do 'everything' so starting from a minimal OS install. Whereas others expect an OS with build tools and possibly some dependencies already available.
I think it was mentioned as a part of the 'Joel test'
Yeah spot on, this was definitley it. I now remember reading this probably right after it came out and being somewhat proud to be able to tick most stuff of the list without ever being told directly to do so. But the 'Can you make a build in one step?' was not one of them so I figured that since the rest of the list made so much sense, I'd better get started on that one as well. I also really like that most of this list is practical, low-level advice. No 'use tech X' or 'agile ftw', just basic stuff which automatically happens anyway if you'd opt to use tech X or agile - should those be the right tools for the job, but which would cause more friction if not.
25 years later and we’re still having to relearn some of his lessons!
Whenever possible I now just use GitHub actions as a thin wrapper around a Makefile and this has improved my experience with it a lot. The Makefile takes care of installing all necessary dependencies and runs the relevant build/Test commands. This also enables me to test that stuff locally again without the long feedback loop mentioned in other comments in this thread.
Do you have a public example of this? I'd love to see how to do this with Github Actions.
I don't have a makefile example, but I do functionally the same thing with shell scripts.
I let GitHub actions do things like the initial environment configuration and the post-run formatting/annotation, but all of the actual work is done by my scripts:
mise ( and dagger ( seem like nice candidates too!
Mise can install all your deps, and run tasks
In addition to the other comments suggesting dagger is not the saviour due to being VC-funded, it seems like they have decided there's no money in CI, but AI... yes there's money there! And "something something agents".
"The open platform for agentic software.
Build powerful, controllable agents on an open ecosystem. Deploy agentic applications with complete visibility and cross-language capabilities in a modular, extensible platform.
Use Dagger to modernize your CI, customize AI workflows, build MCP servers, or create incredible agents."
> * Don't bind yourself to some fancy new VC-financed thing that will solve CI once and for all but needs to get monetized eventually (see: earthly, dagger, etc.)
Literally from comment at the root of this thread.
After years of trial and error our team has come to the same conclusion. I know some people might consider this insanity, but we actually run all of our scripts as a separate C# CLI application (The main application is a C# web server). Effectively no bash scripts, except as the entry point here and there. The build step and passing the executable around is a small price to pay for the gain in static type checking, being able to pull in libraries as needed, and knowing that our CI is not going to down because someone made a dumb typo somewhere.
The other thing I would add is consider passing in all environment variables as args. This makes it easy to see what dependencies the script actually needs, and has the bonus of being even more portable.
> I know some people might consider this insanity
Some people here still can’t believe YAML is used for not only configuration, but complex code like optimized CI pipelines. This is insane. You’re actually introducing much needed sanity into the process by admitting that a real programming language is the tool to use here.
I can’t imagine the cognitive dissonance Lisp folks have when dealing with this madness, not being one myself.
> I can’t imagine the cognitive dissonance Lisp folks have when dealing with this madness, not being one myself.
After a decade trying to fight it, this one Lisper here just gave up. It was the only way to stay sane.
I remain hopeful that some day, maybe within our lifetimes, the rapid inflation phase of software industry will end, and we'll have time to rethink and redo the fundamentals properly. Until then, one can at least enjoy some shiny stuff, and stay away from the bleeding edge, aka. where sewage flows out of pipe and meets the sea.
(It's gotten a little easier now, as you can have LLMs deal with YAML-programming and other modern worse-is-better "wisdom" for you.)
> Some people here still can’t believe YAML is used for not only configuration, but complex code like optimized CI pipelines.
I've been using YAML for ages and I never had any issue with it. What do you think is wrong with YAML?
> Some people here still can’t believe YAML is used for not only configuration, but complex code like optimized CI pipelines. This is insane.
It's miles better than Jenkins and the horrors people created there. GitLab CI can at least be easily migrated to any other GitLab instance and stuff should Just Work because it is in the end not much more than self contained bash scripts, but Jenkins... is a clown show, especially for Ops people of larger instances. On one side, you got 50 plugins with CVEs but you can't update them because you need to find a slot that works for all development teams to have a week or two to fix their pipelines again, and on the other side you got a Jenkins instance for each project which lessens the coordination effort but you gotta worry about dozens of Jenkins instances. Oh and that doesn't include the fact many old pipelines aren't written in Groovy or, in fact, in any code at all but only in Jenkins's UI...
Github Actions however, I'd say for someone coming from GitLab, is even worse to work with than Jenkins.
I've used for this in the past. This makes it nice for injecting environment variables into properties and for auto-generating CI YAML to wrap the main commands, but it is a bit of a pain when it comes to scaling the build. E.g. we did infrastructure as code using Pulumi, and that caused the build code to dramatically increase to the point the Nuke script became unwieldy. I wish we had gone the plain C# CLI app from the beginning.
I don’t think it is insanity quite the opposite - insanity is trying to force everything in yaml or pipeline.
I have seen people doing absolutely insane setups because they thought they have to do it in yaml and pipeline and there is absolutely no other option or it is somehow wrong to drop some stuff to code.
> I don’t think it is insanity quite the opposite - insanity is trying to force everything in yaml or pipeline.
I'm not sure I understood what you're saying because it sounds too absurd to be real. The whole point of a CICD pipeline is that it automates all aspects of your CICD needs. All mainstream CICD systems support this as their happy path. You specify build stages and build jobs, you manage your build artifacts, you setup how things are tested, deployed and/or delivered.
That's their happy path.
And you're calling the most basic usecases of a standard class if tools as "insanity"?
Please help me explain what point you are trying to make.
Honestly, "using the same language as the application" is often a solid choice no matter what the application is written in. (and I suspect that for any given language somebody might propose as an exception to that rule, there's more than one team out there doing it anyway and finding it works better for them than everything else they've tried)
Did a similar thing when we needed to do complex operations towards aws.
Instead of wrapping the aws cli command I wrote small Go applications using the boto3 library.
Removed the headaches when passing in complex params, parsing output and and also made the logic portable as we need to do the builds on different platforms (Windows, Linux and macOS).
> The other thing I would add is consider passing in all environment variables as args. This makes it easy to see what dependencies the script actually needs, and has the bonus of being even more portable.
This is the dumbest thing I see installers do a lot lately.
> * Invest time that your pipelines can run locally on a developer machine as well (as much as possible at least), otherwise testing/debugging pipelines becomes a nightmare.
Yes, a thousand time.
Deploy scripts are tougher to deal with, as they'll naturally rely on a flurry of environment variables, protected credentials etc.
But for everything else writing the script for local execution first, and generalizating them for CI one they run well enough is the absolute best approach. It doesn't even need to run in the local shell, having all the CI stuff in a dedicated docker image is fine if it requires specific libraries or env.
This is the joy of HN, for me, at least. I'm genuinely fascinated to read that both GitHub Actions and DevOps are (apparently) so universally hated. I've been using both for many years, with barely a hiccup, and I actually really enjoy and value what they do. It would never have dawned on me, outside this thread, to think that so many people dislike it. Nice to see a different perspective!
Are the Actions a little cumbersome to set up and test? Sure. Is it a little annoying to have to make somewhat-useless commits just to re-trigger an Action to see if it works? Absolutely. But once it works, I just set it and forget it. I've barely touched my workflows in ~4 years, outside of the Node version updates.
Otherwise, I'm very pleased with both. My needs must just be simple enough to not run into these more complicated issues, I guess?
It really depends on what you do?
GitHub CI is designed in a way which tends to work well for
- languages with no or very very cheap "compilation" steps (i.e. basically only scripting languages)
- relatively well contained project (e.g. one JS library, no mono repo stuff)
- no complex needs for integration tests
- no need for compliance enforcement stuff, especially not if it has to actually be securely enforced instead of just making it easier to comply then not to comply
- all developers having roughly the same permissions (ignore that some admin has more)
- fast CI
but the moment you step away from this it just falls more and more and more apart and I every company which doesn't fit the constraints above I have seen so far has non stop issues with GitHub Actions.
But the worst part, which maybe is where a lot of hatred comes from, is that it's there for cheap maybe even free (if you anyway pay for GitHub) and it doesn't need an additional contract, billing, etc. Not an additional vetting of 3rd party companies. Doesn't need managing your own CI service etc. So while it does cause issues non stop it also seems initially still "cheaper" solution for the company. And then when your company realizes it's not and has to setup their own GitHub runner etc. it probably isn't. But that is if you properly account dev time spend on "fixing CI issues" and even then there is the sunk cost fallacy because you already spend so much time to make github actions work and you would have to port everything over etc. Also, realistically speaking, a lot of other CI solutions are only marginally better.
> languages with no or very very cheap "compilation" steps (i.e. basically only scripting languages)
This is not true at all. It's fine with Haskell, just cache the dependencies to speed up the build...
I use GH actions. You should treat it like all build systems: let them do what they are good at and nothing else. The rest should be shell scripts or separate docker containers. If it gets complicated, dumb it down to "run this script". Scripts are a lot easier to write and debug than thousands of lines of yaml doing god knows what.
The problem isn't github actions but people overloading their build and CI system with all sorts of custom crap. You'd have a hard time doing the same thing twenty years ago with Ant and Hudson (Jenkin's before the fork after Oracle inherited that from Sun). And for the same reason. These systems simply aren't very good as a bash replacement.
If you don't know what Ant is. That was a popular build system for Java before people moved the problem to Maven and then to Gradle (without solving it). I've dealt with Maven files that were trying to do all sorts of complicated things via plugins that would have amounted to two or three lines of bash. Gradle isn't any better. Ant at least used to have simple primitives for "doing" things. But you had to spell it out in XML form.
The point of all this, is that build & CI systems should mainly do simple things like building software. They shouldn't have a lot of conditional logic, custom side effects, and wonky things that may or may not happen depending on the alignment of the moon and stars. Debugging that stuff when it fails to work really sucks.
What helps with Yaml is using Yaml generators. I've used a Kotlin one for a while. Basically, you get auto complete, syntactical sanity, type checking and if it compiles it runs. Also makes it a lot easier to discover new parameters, plugin version updates, etc.
> I use GH actions. You should treat it like all build systems: let them do what they are good at and nothing else. The rest should be shell scripts or separate docker containers.
That's supposedly CICD 101. I don't understand why people in this thread seem to be missing this basic fact and instead they vent about irrelevant things like YAML.
You set your pipeline. You provide your own scripts. If a GitHub Action saves you time, you adopt it instead of reinventing the wheel. That's it.
This whole discussion reads like the bike fall meme.
Sounds like you have the same pain points as everyone else; you're just more willing to ignore them.
I am with the author - we can do better than the status quo!
The pain points sound pretty trivial though.
You notice a deprecation warning in the logs, or an email from GitHub and you make a 1 line commit to bump the node version. Easy.
Sure you can make typos that you don’t spot until you’ve pushed and the action doesn’t run, but I quickly learned to stop being lazy and actually think about what I’m writing, and get someone else to do an actual review (not just scroll down and up and give it a LGTM).
My experience is same as the commenter above, it’s relatively set and forget. A few minutes setup work for hours and hours of benefit over years of builds.
The non-solution solution, to simply downplay the issues instead of fixing them. You can solve almost anything this way, but also isn't it nice when things around you aren't universally slightly broken?
I guess it's possible. But I also don't really have anything to ignore....? I genuinely never have an issue; it builds code, every time.
I commit code, push it, wait 45 seconds, it syncs to AWS, then all my sites periodically ping the S3 bucket for any changes, and download any new items. It's one of the most reliable pieces of my entire stack. It's comically consistent, compared to anything I try building for a mobile app or pushing to a mobile app store.
I look forward to opening my IDE to push code to the Actions for my web app, and I dread the build pipeline for a mobile app.
> I genuinely never have an issue; it builds code, every time.
Well yeah because nobody is saying it isn't reliable. It's the setup stage that is painful. Once you've done it you can just leave it mostly.
I guess if your CI is very simple and always the same you are exposed to these issues less.
It probably depends on your org size and how specialised you are. Right now I dislike GitHub Actions and think that Gitlab CI is way better, but I also don't give it to much thought because it's a once in a blue moon task for me to mess with them. But I would absolutely hate to be a "100% DevOps guy" for a huge organisation that wants me to specialise in this stuff all the time. I think that by the end of week 1 I'd go mad.
We see quite a lot of organisations inside because of the business we have, and, while usually this is not our task, when I hear these stories and see people struggle with devops stuff in reality, the first thing we push for is to do anything to dumb it down and remove all the dependencies on 3rd party providers so we are back to having everything run again like, in this case, the hello world of github actions. It is literally always the case that the people who complain have this (very HN, so funny you say that) thing of absolutely grossly overarchitecting and writing things that are just there because they read it on HN/some subreddits/discord. We sometimes walk into struggling teams where we check the commits / setup only to find out they did things like switch package manager/bundler/etc 5x in the past year (this is definitely a HN thing where a new packagemanager for js pops up every 14 minutes). Another terrible thing looking at 10+ year codebases, we see js, ts, py, go, rust and when we ask wtf, they tell us something something performance. Of course the language was never the bottleneck of these (people here would be pretty scared to see how bad database setups are even for multi million$ projects in departmental or even enterprise wide; the DBA's in the basement know but they are not consulted for various reasons), mostly LoB, apps. And the same happens with devops. We only work for large companies, almost never startups, and these issues are usually departmental (because big bad Java/Oracle IT in the basement doesn't allow anything so they have budgets to do their own), but still, it's scary how much money is being burnt on these lame new things that won't survive anyway.
You must have simple, straightforward flow touched only by a handful of folks max.
The world is full of kafkaesque nightmares of Dev-ops pipeline "designed" and maintained by committees of people.
It's horrible.
That said, for some personal stuff I have Google Cloud Build that has a very VERY simple flow. Fire, forget and It's been good.
Yes, your needs are simple. I've also been using GitHub actions for all my needs since Travis shut down and haven't run into any problems.
I wouldn't want to maintain GitHub actions for a large project involving 50 people and 5 languages...
Software engineer thrives on iteration speed. Things have to change, if your pipeline is difficult to change it will cost you.
GitHub actions is nice. People are just not accustomed to being punched in the face. The stuff I work on regularly makes GitHub actions seem like a Hello World app.
I worked at companies using Gitlab for a decade, and got familiar with runners.
Recently switched to a company using Github, and assumed I'd be blown away by their offering because of their size.
Well, I was, but not in the way I'd hoped. They're absolutely awful in comparison, and I'm beyond confused how it got to that state.
If I were running a company and had to choose between the two, I'd pick Gitlab every time just because of Github actions.
Glad I’m not the only one. GitLab runners just make sense to me. A container you run scripts in.
I have some GitHub actions for some side projects and it just seems so much more confusing to setup for some reason.
There are lots of problems. Actions try to abstract the script away and give you a consistent experience and, must crucially, allow sharing. Because gitlab has no real way to share actions or workflows (I can do yaml include, but come on that sucks even harder than actions) you are constantly reinventing the wheel. That's ok if all you do is " build folder" but if you need caching, reporting of issues, code coverage etc. Pp it gets real ugly really fast. Example: yesterday I tried services, i.e. starting up some DB and backend containers to run integration tests against. Unfortunately, you cannot expand dynamic variables (set by previous containers) but are limited to already set bars. So back to docker compose...and the gitlab pipelines are chock full of such weird limitations
I haven't looked too much into how sharing workflows works, but isn't the use of shared GitHub workflows (from outside your org) a little dangerous? I get it, we use other people's code all the time. Some we trust more (ISO of a Linux OS with SHA) and others we trust a little less even if it comes from a verified source with GPG, because we know that supply chain attacks can happen.
Every time someone introduced a new way to use someone else's shared magic I feel nervous about using it. Like GitHub Actions. Perhaps it's time for me to dig into them a bit more and try to understand if/how they're safe to use. But I seem to remember just a few days ago someone mentioning a GitHub action getting hijacked?
You can apply dynamic env to other jobs by exporting an env file as a dotenv artifact. So first job creates a dotenv file and export it as artifact. Second depends on the first so it can consume the artifact.
they have this now:
Actions have special integration with GitHub (e.g. they can annotate the pull request review UI) using an API. If you forgo that integration, then you can absolutely use GitHub Actions like "a container you run scripts in." This is the advice that is usually given in every thread about GitHub Actions.
That helps a bit but doesn't solve everything.
If you want to make a CI performant, you'll need to use some of its features like caches, parallel workers, etc. And GHA usability really fall short there.
The only reason I put up with it is that it's free for open source projects and integrated in GitHub, so it took over Travis-ci a few years ago.
Devil's advocate: They could make the github CLI capable of doing all of those things (if it's not already), and then the only thing the container needs is a token.
So Github was really the perfect acquisation for the Microsoft portfolio. Applications with a big market share that are technically inferior to the competition.
// Luckily still a gitlab user, but recently forced to Microsoft Teams and office.
> recently forced to Microsoft Teams
my condolences to you and your team for that switch; it's my 2nd used-and-disliked thing (right next to atlassian) - oh well
but one cool feature i found with ms teams that zoom did not have (some years ago - no clue now) is turning off incoming video so you dont have to be constantly distracted in meetings
edit: oh yeah, re github actions and the user that said: > Glad I’m not the only one
me too, me too; gh actions seem frustrating (from a user hardly using gh actions, and more gitlab things - even though gitlab seems pretty wonky at times, too)
Technical superiority is so irrelevant compared to distribution. Welcome to capitalism, where the market rewards marketing.
Same. I'd been using Gitlab for a few years when Actions came out. Looked at it and thought, wow that's weird, but gave it the benefit of the doubt as it's just different, surely it would make sense eventually. Well no, it doesn't make sense, and seeing all the shocked Pikachu at the action compromise the other day was amusing.
There is one thing that I haven’t seen mentioned: worst possible feedback loop.
I’ve noticed this phenomenon few times already, and I think there’s nothing worse than having a 30-60s feedback loop. The one that keeps you glued to the screen but otherwise is completely nonproductive.
I tried for many moons to replicate GHA environment on local and it’s impossible in my context. So every change is like „push, wait for GH to pickup, act on some stupid typo or inconsistency, rinse, repeat”.
It’s like a slot machine „just one more time and it will run”, eating away focus and time.
It took me 25 minutes to get 5s build process. Naive build with GHA? 3 minutes, because dependencies et al. Ok, let’s add caching. 10 hours fly by.
The cost of failure and focus drop is enormous.
Feel this pain so much. If you are debugging Github Action container builds, and each takes over ~40 minutes to build.. you can burn through a whole work day only testing six or seven changes.
There has to be a better way. How has nobody figured this out?
There is act, that allows you to run actions locally. Although not exactly the same as the real thing, it can save time.
In organization setting this is almost useless if you are (or forced to) use some pre-made actions and/or actions that are for your organization only (they cannot be downloaded) also useless if you are forced to use self hosted runner with image that you don't have access to. Not to mention env/secrets and networking...
This is a great tool, but I always cringe when something so important comes from a third party
Highly recommend nektos/act, and if it's something complex enough, you can Ssh into the server to investigate. There are many action that facilitate this.
> A few days ago, someone compromised a popular GitHub Action. The response? "Just pin your dependencies to a hash." Except as comments also pointed out, almost no one does.
I used GitHub actions when building a fin services app, so I absolutely used the hash to specify Action dependencies.
I agree that this should be the default, or even the required, way to pull in Action dependencies, but saying "almost no one does" is a pretty lame excuse when talking about your own risk. What other people do has no bearing on your options here.
Pin to hashes when pulling in Actions - it's much, much safer
I think the HN community at large had a bit of a learning experience a couple of days ago.
"Defaults matter" is a common phrase, but equally true is: "the pattern everyone recommends including example documentation matters".
It is fair to criticise the usage of GH Actions, just like it's fair to criticise common usage patterns of MySQL that eat your data - even if smarter individuals (who learn from deep understanding, or from being burned) can effectively make correct decisions, since the population of users are so affected and have to learn the hard way or be educated.
Pinning dependencies is trading one problem for another.
Yes, your builds will work as expected for a stretch of time, but that period will come to an end, eventually.
Then one day you will be forced to update those pinned dependencies and you might find yourself having to upgrade through several major versions, with breaking changes and knock-on effects to the rest of your pipelines.
Allowing rolling updates to dependencies helps keep these maintenance tasks small and manageable across the lifetime of the software.
Not pinning dependencies is an existential risk to the business. Yes it’s a tradeoff, you must assign a probability of any dependency being hijacked in your timeframe yourself, but it is not zero.
I don't think others were necessarily talking about "business".
Though, yes, I prefer pinning dependencies for my personal projects. I don't see why things should break when I explicitly keep them the same.
You don’t have to update them manually. Renovate supports pinned GitHub Actions dependencies [1]. Unfortunately, I don’t use Dependabot so can’t say whether it does the same.
Just make sure you don’t leak secrets to your PRs. Also I usually review changes in updated actions before merging them. It doesn’t take that much time, so far I’ve been perfectly fine with doing that.
Dependabot does support pinned hashes, even adds the comment after them with the tag. Dependabot fatigue is a thing though, and blindly mashing "merge" doesn't do much for your security, but at least there's some delay between a compromise and your workflow being updated to include it.
But there is no transitive locking like package manager lockfiles. So if I depend on good/foo@hash, they depend on bad/hacked@v1 and V1 gets moved to malicious version I get screwed.
This is for composite actions. For JS actions what if they don't lock dependencies but pull whatever newest package at action setup time? Same issue.
Would have to transitively fork everything and pin it myself, and then keep it updated.
I have been using renovate, which automatically pins, and updates, hashes. So I can stay lazy, and only review the new hash when a renovate PR gets opened:
This was an interesting read and highlighted some of the author's top-of-mind pain points and rough edges. However, in my experience, this is definitely not an exhaustive list, and there are actually many, many, many more.
Things like 10 GB cache limits in GitHub, concurrency limits based on runner type, the expensive price tag for larger GitHub runners, and that's before you even get to the security ones.
Having been building Depot[0] for the past 2.5 years, I can say there are so many foot guns in GitHub Actions that you don't realize until you start seeing how folks are bending YAML workflows to their will.
We've been quite surprised by the `container` job. Namely, folks want to try to use it to create a reproducible CI sandbox for their build to happen in. But it's surprisingly difficult to work with. Permissions are wonky, Docker layer caching is slow and limited, and paths don't quite work as you thought they did.
With Depot, we've been focusing on making GitHub Actions exponentially faster and removing as many of these rough edges as possible.
We started by making Docker image builds exponentially faster, but we have now brought that architecture and performance to our own GHA runners [1]. Building up and optimizing the compute and processes around the runner to make jobs extremely fast, like making caching 2-10x faster without having to replace or use any special cache actions of ours. Our Docker image builders are right next door on dedicated compute with fast caching, making the `container` job a lot better because we can build the image quickly, and then you can use that image right from our registry in your build job.
All in all, GHA is wildly popular. But, the sentiment around even it's biggest fans is that it could be a lot better.
Depot looks nice, but also looks fairly expensive to me. We're a small B2B company, just 10 devs, but we'd be looking at 200+500 = $700/mo just for building and CI.
I guess that would be reasonable if we really needed the speedup, but if you're also offering a better QoL GHA experience then perhaps another tier for people like us who don't necessarily need the blazing speed?
> Things like 10 GB cache limits in GitHub
10,000,000,000 bytes should be enough for anyone! It really is a lot of bytes...
Depot is fantastic. Can heavily recommend it. It’s like magic when your builds suddenly take 1m instead of 5+ just by switching the runner.
By what measure is this "exponentially faster"? Surely GH doesn't take an exponential time in the number of steps of the workflow...
GitHub Actions started off great as they were quickly iterating, but it very much seems that GitHub has taken its eye of the ball and the improvements have all but halted.
It's really upsetting how little attention Actions is getting these days (<> tells the story -- the most popular issues have gone completely unanswered).
Sad to see Earthly halting development and Dagger jumping on the AI train :(. Hopefully we'll get a proper alternative.
On a related note, if you're considering, you really should consider We evaluated both but went with Depot because the team is insanely smart and they've solved some pretty neat challenges. One of the cooler features is that their caching works with the default actions/cache action. There's absolutely no need to switch out popular third party actions in favor of patched ones.
I might have missed the news, but I did not find anything in regards to earthly stopping development
What happened there?
I missed it too, but then found this:
> Why do I need a custom token? Because without it, the release completes, but doesn't trigger our post-release workflow.
This is so frustrating. Having to inject a PAT into the workflow just so it will kick off another workflow is not only annoying but it just feels wrong. Also not lots of operations are tied to my user which I don't like.
> It doesn't help that you can't really try any of this locally (I know of [act]( but it only supports a small subset of the things you're trying to do in CI).
This is the biggest issue with GH Actions (and most CIs), testing your flows locally is hard if not impossible
All that said I think I prefer GH Actions over everything else I've used (Jenkins and GitLab), it just still has major shortcomings.
I highly recommend you use custom runners. The speed increase and cost savings are significant. I use WarpBuild [0] and have been very happy with them. I always look at alternatives when they are mentioned but I don't think I've found another service that provides macOS runners.
We use a combination of AWS autoscaling and Nix to make our CI pipeline bearable.
For autoscaling we use terraform-aws-github-runner which will bring up ephemeral AWS machines if there are CI jobs queued on GitHub. Machines are then destroyed after 15 minutes of inactivity so they are always fresh and clean.
For defining build pipelines we use Nix. It is used both for building various components (C++, Go, JS, etc) as well as for running tests. This helps to make sure that any developer on the team can do exactly the same thing that the CI is doing. It also utilizes caching on an S3 bucket so components that don't change between PRs don't get rebuilt and re-tested.
It was a bit of a pain to set up (and occasionally a pain to maintain), but overall it's worth it.
> A few days ago, someone compromised a popular GitHub Action. The response? "Just pin your dependencies to a hash." Except as comments also pointed out, almost no one does.
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned dependabot yet. It automates this, keeping action dependencies pinned by hash automatically whilst also bringing in stable upgrades.
Well but that’s the problem. You cannot fully automate this. You have to manually check the diff of each dependency and only accept the dependabot PR if the changes are safe.
The only automation that I know of is cargo vet. Although it doesn’t work for GitHub Actions, the idea sounds useful. Basically, vet allows people who trust each other to vet updates. So one person verifies the diff and then approves the changes. Next, everyone who trusts this person can update the dependency automatically since it has been “vetted”.
Dependabot is only approximately as good as your tests. If you have holes in your testing that you can drive a bus through, you're gonna have a bad time.
We also, to your point, need more labels than @latest. Most of the time I want to wait a few days before taking latest, and if there have been more updates since that version, I probably don't want to touch anything for a little bit.
Common reason for 2 releases in 2 days: version 1 has a terrible bug in it that version 2 tries to fix. But we won't be certain about that one either until it's been a few more days with no patch for the patch for the patch.
Wasn’t part of the problem though that renovate was automatically upgrading people to the compromised hash? Or is that just the fault of people configuring it to be too aggressive with upgrades?
Usually if you’re using it, it’s because you’re forced to.
In my experience, the best strategy is to minimize your use of it — call out to binaries or shell scripts and minimize your dependence on any of the GHA world. Makes it easier to test locally too.
This is what I do. I've written 90% of the logic into a Go binary and GitHub Actions just calls out to it at certain steps. It basically just leaves GHA doing the only thing it's decent at...providing a local UI for pipelines. The best part is you get unit tests, can dogfood the tool in its own pipeline, and can run stuff locally (by just having the CLI nearby).
Makes migrations easier too; better to let gitHub or gitlab etc to just be the platform to host source code and trigger events which you decide how to deal with. Your CI itself should be another source controlled repo that provides the features for the application code's thin CI layer to invoke and use. That allows you to be able to run your CI locally in a pretty realistic manner too.
I have done something similar with Jenkins and groovy CI library used by Jenkins pipeline. But it wasn't super simple since a lot of it assumed Jenkins. I wonder if there is a more cleaner open source option that doesn't assume any underlying platform.
> Usually if you’re using it, it’s because you’re forced to.
Like teams.
I am completely switching my mental model of what a ci/cd system should be at the moment: i use docker compose for absolutely everything possible. unit tests? runs as part of the container build. linear build dependent steps? multi stage docker biuld. DAG of build steps? dependencies in docker compose. This way every developer has the same system that ci/cd uses locally. debugging the dev setup is the same as debugging the ci/cd. The purpose of the actual ci/cd is reduced to handling/configuring triggers, handling env vars/secrets and triggering the docker compose command with the proper selected docker context
This also reduces the lock in by orders of magnitude.