An Uneasy Propaganda Alliance
·March 2, 2025wahnfrieden
It says two films but the Japanese title for Daughter of the Samurai is 新しき土 which means New Earth, so the two films appear to be the same one? I can't read the article because it's paywalled
And wow, starring Setsuko Hara
edit: I found this interesting review that explains how the Japanese title's release was adjusted for domestic audiences, so it is another version of the same film:
> Harun Farocki's juxtaposition of the way American and Nazi propaganda films represent hands in Der Ausdruck der Hände brings out that obsession of Fascist propaganda with the sexualisation of machinery, that is, through the act of touching and caressing—something essentially passive and supervisory where the machine is almost worshipped for its power (yes, as a phallus). Crucially, what we must recognise here is the automated process in which the human is a mere appendage. Compare this to the portrait of skilled labourers in Allied propaganda, hands that truly work, hands that actually appear to belong to a human—that creature who designs and builds, repairs and heals. So, why is this relevant to the German-Japanese co-production, Die Tochter des Samurai? First, what you will be struck by is the overwhelming emphasis on machinery—automated machinery. It is a cosmopolitan story* with a central Japanese character, Teruo, who returns to his home after many years abroad being educated by Germans. But then there is also Setsuko Hara's character—ah! the eternal virgin! Now we have the clash between quaint old Japan—obviously dealt with in some of the most painfully 'non-exoticising' exoticised terms (yes, there is even a sequence in which Hara plays with deer in front of the Itsukushima Shrine; gag) where the camera acts like a brush dripping (and I mean fucking dripping) with the paint of romanticist slop—and the ideals of 'the modern world', symbolised by the lack of free will, militarism, and the subjugation of Manchukuo (for the greater good, of course). Contemporary Japanese viewers must have found it really quite hilarious when they weren't furious about being condescended to; it's as if the makers just wanted to cram as many identifiably Japanese things into the movie without any mind as to how horribly they were distorting them. Ultimately, the film gets even worse once it edges into blood and soil territory, but we've all already given up hope by this point so it's hardly much of a let-down. The fact of the matter is contemporary Japanese people thought it abysmal, and that was even after Mansaku Itami had managed to get the film changed from Fanck's version for domestic release. I believe this was the version I saw, and I can hardly imagine how terrible the 'properly Nazi' one was. Perhaps my half-star rating is somewhat of an overstatement, but considering how much I respect and adore Japanese filmmaking during this troubled yet incredibly creative decade, I can't help but despise this film.
> I say this without a single ounce of hyperbole: you will not find a Japanese propaganda film from the 40s which is even SLIGHTLY as vile as this.
> In truth, the story is certainly not a work of cosmopolitanism (how could it be?), but insofar as Japan does have virtuous qualities (in the eyes of Fascists), cosmopolitanism must be presented first as the kind of initial stage in the overcoming of those unwanted traditions (already very much nonsense in every way).
> Another note: it is important to remember that the notion of “progress” always played a significant role in the authoritarian ideologies as a “reduction of historical time to an automatic and unthinking mechanism”. Thus, this film focuses on automated machinery not only to load its idea of modernity with this image of the powerful machine working for the greater (read: Nazi) good but to also inextricably tie the automatic machine with history itself, i.e. to assert the absolute necessity of ‘progress’ and everything that it involves (the rape of China, the cultivation of land in Manchukuo, etc.)
> One more thing on this note: it is essential to recognise the dangerous conflation of power and authority in authoritarian ideologies. A clear example in this film is the scene in which Sessue Hayakawa’s character goes to the Kamakura Daibutsu to seemingly draw strength from it, described by one contemporary Japanese critic as treating great Buddhist statues “as if they wielded an absolute power.” There is nothing religious to this sequence; it is the perfect expression of the secular world and bourgeois man “whose life is completely determined by the category of usefulness, so that he desecrates everything he thinks about.” (Del Noce) Hayakawa’s character visits the statue in order to draw power from it, just as his son talks of Manchukuo as nothing more than land ready for cultivation, i.e. use. Traditions only have value when there is some specific use to them—a belief as closely at home in Nazi Germany as it is the liberal technocratic world order.
(RIP Harun Farocki)
It appears there are actually two films. From
> Conflict between the two directors began almost at once. Itami was alarmed by the raw political intent of the film and by what he considered were the many misinterpretations of Japanese life. Fanck, however, refused all compromise, insisting that this first German-Japanese film collaboration had to have a clear, pro-Nazi message. It soon became obvious that the project would collapse if a compromise was not worked out.
> It was – but in the most surprising manner - each director would make his own version of the picture. Fanck shot all of his scenes in the daytime. Itami, using the same sets and locations, shot his at night. Difficult as this was for them, it was even harder on the cinematographer, Richard Angst, who had to shoot both films, and on the actors who had to work all day and all night, and on the studio, where costs for the film doubled.
Oh interesting. Never heard of another production like that
edit: looks like it was common practice in 20s/30s Hollywood to do this for different languages, such as with Dracula having a different simultaneous production in Spanish
Yesterday: Japan and Nazi Germany
Today: Trumps America and Putin's Russia. Trump has gone way beyond just standing up for his own countries interests. He is literally echoing Kremlin talking points every chance he gets, probably to the detriment of his own country.
Do you hear yourself? YOU are a propagandist on a mission of suicide via nuclear holocaust. Three years of fighting and Ukraine has made zero progress. It's high time to give up the delusions of victory before more people get killed. We CAN peacefully coexist with Russia, and they may help us reign in China.
This is exactly what the Kremlin have been saying. That said, they do have any army of online trolls that heads into forums like this...
So what do you propose? What is Ukraine's path to victory? Conscript the 18-24 range so that when Russia's economy collapses in 1-2 years time they'll have no male population left?
During WW2 a lot of US propaganda was based around things like showing full store shelves stocked with cheap goods. The best sort of propaganda is the truth, because ultimately there's no argument against it beyond attacking the person who said it 'Blah! That's just filthy imperial capitalist propaganda!'
But the briefest glance at history (or the past few years) will emphasize that the 'good guys' don't always tell the truth and the 'bad guys' don't always lie. Such is the nature of war that in reality the person most likely to be telling the truth is the person winning, and the person most likely to be lying is the one that's losing. It's in large part for this reason that wars often end only years after they've been really decided, which ultimately achieves little beyond hurting the losing side even more.
“Peace for our time”
We can't defeat Russia in a regional squabble, much less strategically (as the risk is too high if we let it escalate). The potential for more conflict in the future is not an excuse to never seek peace. If you think there is another conflict coming, we can prepare for that, but this crap can't go on. There won't be any Ukrainians left at this rate.
The reason the western allies wanted to make peace with Hitler was because they had a role in creating him and re-arming Germany in order to create an anti-communist bulwark state. They were surprised when this Frankenstein creation backfired on them and then told a big story about how they are the good guys.
If you think about Poland, they were probably psyched that this insane anti-communist regime was moving eastward.
More like we had Galba, this is Otho, now who is next? Will it be Vespasian a little early?
Why on earth would Russia reign in China? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve read today.
Nuclear holocaust? lol
You may not have realized but China needs more room and resources, and Russia has them. Russia is a natural ally with us against China, if we let them be.
>Nuclear holocaust? lol
The left used to march to stop nuclear war, now they laugh about it maniacally on the Internet... You are truly unhinged.
Do you hear yourself? You are being hyperbolic, Putin made the same threat that is _always_ looming by any nuclear power, and now the leadership in the right-wing side of our party, who have had a clear connection to the Russians, are kowtowing to the Russians, destroying our government, and ruining the shred of reputation America had in the process.
You’re either a propagandist or delusional.
The threat is always looming. Do you think fighting a war with another nuclear power makes that threat go away, be diminished, etc.? War between nuclear powers is supposedly inconceivable yet it's happening before our eyes.
>the leadership in the right-wing side of our party, who have had a clear connection to the Russians
The only clear connection is through the false allegations manufactured by the left. Why do they want this war so bad?
>destroying our government, and ruining the shred of reputation America had in the process.
The right is presently trying to fix all the damage done over decades by politicians from both parties. We were on an unsustainable path leading to ruin, and now maybe the country can be saved. It won't be painless but it must be done.
Imagine having Trump living in your head rent-free that this needs to be forced into every single HN thread no matter how irrelevant.