My Beancount books are 95% automatic after 3 years (2024)
·March 5, 2025jazzyjackson
If you are in Europe, there is a very nice OSS software called Hibiscus [1] with APIs-connectivity for most banks, and (local) web scrapers for those banks that have no APIs.
I am working on a plugin to pull categories and transactions from the Hibiscus DB (H2 or PG) to Beancount [2]. It is not there yet, but the process overall looks promising.
Another Hibiscus fan.
I'm pretty sure FinTS/HBCI is a mostly only used here in Germany sadly. Which is a shame because all this "OpenBanking" stuff requires registering/paying/certificates etc.
Hi, the author here.
If you are okay with Plaid[1], many of their bank connections are now using OAuth-style authentication instead of password sharing. I actually added a new feature called Direct Connect[2] a while back to allow any plaintext accounting book users to pull CSV directly via Plaid API through BeanHub. We don't train AI models with our customers' transactions, and if we want to, we will ask for explicit consent (not just ToS) and anonymize customers' data.
If you're okay with the above, the key to achieving a high automation level is the ability to pull CSV transaction files directly from the bank in a standard format. Maybe you can give it a try. We have 30 days free trial period.
I am not so familiar with the CMMC requirements, as you mentioned, but for us to access transactions from some banks, such as Chase, Plaid requires us to pass an auditing process about our security measurements. Is the CMMC compliance your company needs to meet to take a third-party software vendor into considerations?
The space was absolutely insane prior to PSD2 in Europe. Luckily most banks now have API endpoints, but there's a new class of middlemen wrangling the APIS: the aggregators who pipe all your data from the banks to apps. It's better than handing out the keys to the old class of scraping aggregators, I suppose, but the outcome is still not that much better in my opinion.
> not a fan of every bank transaction becoming someone else's anonymized data harvest
In 2024, CFPB had mandated all U.S. banks to open up data history to SaaS/fintech vendors, if the customer gives permission.
ERPNext is fairly easy to automate. We have a number of Python scripts that use the ERPNext API to create sales invoices, add and reconcile transactions from PayPal, Stripe, etc.
We originally used Quickbooks Online and I'm glad we decided to switch to ERPNext a few years ago.
With a one-time setup, a low-fi solution is to receive an email from your bank for every transaction and extract the data into a ledger entry.
Do you plan to open source or sell your Email to ledger / ERPNext solution? I actually plan the exact same thing for my use cases...
>>>quicken et al at least use a system now where the bank grants read only permission as an app integration
...not always, they don't. Some financial institutes provide this, some do not. I know very specifically that some FIs do not have any way to grant read-only access, and that aggregators like Plaid, Flinks, Quicken, etc. will simply fallback on good-old-fashioned "give us your username/password and we'll screen scrape your account info".
I can personally attest to this being true in 2025 in Canada, at least.
I've used beancount extensively, spent many hours a few years ago. Built importers parsing bank PDFs (in UK, plaid doesn't work. Plus I'd rather also keep all the original statement PDFs).
Probably built 10+ importers, plus some plugins to do automated transaction annotations.
I have not made any update for many years now, because: - Downloading statements is still a pain, have to manually go through all websites. Banks are bad at making the statements available, and worse making it possible to automate it. - The root of the issue is actually that beancount is too slow. Any change/update takes ages. Python is both a blessing (makes it easy to add plugins/importers etc), and a curse (way slower than some other languages.
I believe the creator of beancount has started working on v3 with a mix of C++/python, relying on protobufs, a C++ core for parsing, etc. AFAIK, that is not production-ready yet.
I have a very similar setup but with HLedger[1]. A "do-nothing"[2] script helps me download statements by opening bank websites, waits for manual import and finally checks balances. That makes it a lot less repetitive and error prone. Or at least, I catch the errors faster.
I've found HLedger and Shake to be fast enough to process almost a decade of finances. Dmitry Astapov has an extremely well produced tutorial workflow[3].
How have you managed the PDF parsing? Mine has become a bit of a mess dealing with slight variations in formatting as they change over time. I've been considering using LLMs but have been nervous about quality.
[1]: [2]: [3]:
Why not spot check your PDF LLM outputs? I always make sure my accounts balance by hand anyway. Though Occasionally it's really painful especially if it's a missing Venmo transaction. It's rare that I need to really comb through my accounts to account for some money but when I do it's really time-consuming.
I suspect Python isn't the limiting factor here - it's the file format. You can end up with huge interconnected text files that have to be fully parsed on every change.
If you have 1e5 - 1e6 of lines of transactions, I think a SQLite database would be a huge step forward. If you have much more than that, you probably need an ERP system.
Of course the text files make it ~easy to enter transactions, but maybe there's an elegant way to use those for ingestion only; that does make the system much more complicated to use. That might not be a problem for the kind of person using plain-text accounting over the course of years though.
v3 is out now and v2 is officially deprecated:
I found the migration pretty confusing and haven't found good documentation on how to go from v2 to v3.
The best I've found is this unofficial write-up from an experienced Beancount user:
As far as I can tell this is without the planned C++ rewrite though, and the documentation at still says to use v2.
Is there a point in migrating already?
I'm still waiting on better migration instructions.
The maintainer says here that v2 is officially deprecated:
>You should not use v2 anymore.
I'd be really curious on how hard programmatic access to your own, personal banking data might be in the PSD2-era.
I can link my secondary bank account to my main bank's app so I can see the balance in one place, but the catch is that I need to refresh this authorization through the app every 90 days.
Ideally, you'd just use your banking credentials to authorise the API access and pull data through that. What this requires in practice, I have no idea but it probably involves a bit of bureucracy.
Some modern banks (Monzo, Starling, etc) give the account holder (read-only) access to their API.
If you can't, you can try use one of the open banking providers such as TrueLayer, Plaid, Nordigen (seems to be acquired by GoCardless:, etc. Most have a free/dev tier that nevertheless allows connections to real accounts and might be enough for personal use.
Finally, screen-scraping is potentially an option. One of the few benefits of shifting everything to SPAs is that you generally have clean JSON APIs under the hood that are easier to interface with than "conventional" screen-scraping involving parsing HTML.
Ran into this annoyance recently setting up new accounting software, that the access my bank provides is last 6 months only, so I still had to go and export a csv, rejigger the column names and date format, to reimport the first 8 months of 2024.
My thought for working around tracking new transactions without a third party is to just set up email alerts so I get a notification on every charge, deposit etc and set up some cron job to read new emails and update my books.
> Downloading statements is still a pain, have to manually go through all websites.
Have you considered using Playwright?
I used aider[0] recently to log into my work's payslips and download all the relevant payslips into JSON format (with values encrypted). It took about 3 hours, but that's mostly because of my lack of knowledge of good CSS selectors.
Banks in the UK allow to export transactions in many formats. Login, pick time range, download in ofx format. Why is this a pain?
It makes it about them not about you. I don't care which banks and other financial providers I use. I care about managing my funds in a way that is efficient and healthy for my life. The banks I use are simply service providers, a subclass of service providers across all the dimensions of my life. They have regulations they must abide by but in so doing they attempt to force me to think and act in those terms and I think they're poor.
"banks allowing export of transactions" is only the start.
I deal with two banks for credit cards.
One (call it "Blue Bank") allows me to download a statement. I filter out a couple of things (payments mostly), check that it matches the paper statement balance, and post it. About 15 minutes start to finish.
The other (call it "Orange Bank") allows me to download a "statement". I filter out a couple of things (payments mostly), check my previous month's transactions to see which ones at the beginning of the file actually go in the current billing period (not already paid), stare at the last transactions to see which ones actually were posted to the current billing period (not after the cutoff), run the script to check the total (nope, doesn't match) then do that a couple of times until it matches. The time they changed the meaning of the "credit" column from "just confirming this is a credit" to "it's a credit, you need to flip the sign" it was 45 minutes.
But hey, it's all CSV!
I guess you must have a more complex life than me. I never filter out anything, and everything always matches.
Multiple bank accounts and multiple credit cards. Also, figuring out the time range for each bank.
I run into the same issues here with banks in the US. It is a real pain in the ass, and makes tracking this sort of information way more time consuming then it needs to be.
My other issue is with stores like Costco that sell both household goods, groceries, clothes, and even misc kids stuff. I like to track each separately. Which means I then need to fetch and analyze the receipts.
Love this! I have been using hledger for a while now and have a pretty automated process for importing exported CSVs. I would love a little more automation in terms of pulling down the data, but on the bright side the manual process provides a good touch point to keep up on accounting regularly in small doses. This is great for just keeping an eye on things on a monthly basis.
I am starting a new business now and intend to see how far I can take plain text accounting in that context. I plan to use mercury for banking and want to automate as much as possible. I would also like to associate invoices that are stored in a self-hosted paperless-ngx instance.
I wrote a script to download and categorize my Mercury Transactions and it is quite straightforward. Highly recommend it.
I am looking to deprecate my Quickbooks usage after this year since it is such a pain to split payments into multiple chunks automatically and I don't really know what I am getting for $60/month.
Love this! I haven't used Beanhup, but was a user of text based accounting systems (beancount, hledger) for many years to track personal expenses. I stopped doing it when I realized I wasn't getting much out of it, but the knowledge of double-entry accounting still helps me to this day when I keep track of my business expenses in Xero.
One thing which I disagree with in this article is the focus on file based data storage:
> That makes it 10 times harder because you need to parse the text file, update it accordingly, and write it back. But I am glad I did. That guarantees all my accounting books are in the same open format.
This quote captures my issues with it. It just makes things so much more difficult; and it makes the whole process slower as the file grows. I remember that when I used hledger for tracking my expenses over 3 years, I had to "close books" once a year and consolidate all the transactions for the past year into 1 entry in a new ledger file to keep entry/query operations fast.
I get the sentiment; you want open data formats that remain even after your app is shutdown. But you can get the same by using open formats; maybe a sqlite DB is good enough for that?
The only thing that would be more complicated with a DB is versioning & reviewing commits like this app does; which does seem like a very exciting feature.
I'm not at all familiar with text-based accounting tools, but I feel like the performance issues could be addressed by using multiple files instead of one big one.
Then you are slowly building a database engine.
When do you split the files? How do you track which data resides in which files? Does one file represent one kind of data (table)? Does it reflect data within a given time range? Do you sometimes need to retrieve data that crosses file boundaries?
You quickly lose the simplicity inherent in saving to just a single file.
Which is where Sqlite shines. It's a single file. But with a full, user defined schema. And can update it and query it incrementally, without having to read and write the entire thing frequently. It handles all of that complexity for you.
Some people, myself included, prefer text-based files as a user interface. Like, some Vim users won't leave their Vim session forever and would like to do everything in it. While SQLite is immortal software and will probably be there forever, using it means changing the UI/UX from text files to SQL queries or other CLI/UI operations. I think it's a preference for UI/UX style instead of a technical decision. For that preference of UI/UX, we can push on the technical end to solve some challenges.
> Then you are slowly building a database engine.
> When do you split the files? How do you track which data resides in which files? Does one file represent one kind of data (table)? Does it reflect data within a given time range? Do you sometimes need to retrieve data that crosses file boundaries?
Not really. Splitting anywhere from per-day to per-year is probably fine! Or split arbitrarily and merge the files at runtime. Make it configurable! Add tools to split or merge files, it's really not that hard, a far cry from a database engine.
> You quickly lose the simplicity inherent in saving to just a single file.
No, you really don't.
> Which is where Sqlite shines. It's a single file. But with a full, user defined schema. And can update it and query it incrementally, without having to read and write the entire thing frequently. It handles all of that complexity for you.
That you need a particular tool or library to interact with.
I'm not going to try and sell you on the benefits of using plaintext tools because you've already clearly made up your mind, but there are reasons even if you can't see them. SQLite has like 160k lines of code complexity that isn't necessary and is inherently less composable.
Hi, the author here.
I get where you're coming from. My books are also growing big right now, and indeed, they have become slower to process. Some projects in the community, such as Beanpost [1], are actually trying to solve the problem, as you said, by using an RMDB instead of plaintext.
But I still like text file format more for many reasons. The first would be the hot topic, which is about LLM friendliness. While I am still thinking about using AI to make the process even easier, with text-based accounting books, it's much easier to let AI process them and generate data for you.
Another reason is accessibility. Text-based accounting only requires an editor plus the CLI command line. Surely, you can build a friendly UI for SQLite-based books, but then so can text-based accounting books.
Yet another reason is, as you said, Git or VCS (Version control system) friendliness. With text-based, you can easily track all the changes from commit to commit for free and see what's changed. So, if I make a mistake in the book and I want to know when I made the mistake and how many years I need to go back and revise my reports, I can easily do that with Git.
Performance is a solvable technical challenge. We can break down the textbooks into smaller files and have a smart cache system to avoid parsing the same file repeatedly. Currently, I don't have the bandwidth to dig this rabbit hole, but I already have many ideas about how to improve performance when the file grows really big.
Thanks for responding and your thoughts! Generally agreed with all you said.
However, I feel like maybe a different approach could be to store all the app state in the DB, and then export to this text only format when needed; like when interacting with LLMs or when someone wants an export of their data.
Breaking the file into smaller blocks would necessarily need a cache system I guess, and then maybe you're implementing your own DB engine in the cache because you still want all the same functions of being able to query older records.
There's no easy answer I guess, just different solutions with different tradeoffs.
But what you've built is very cool! If I was still doing text based accounting I would have loved this.
Language models completely upended my Beancount setup. To me, there is no point fiddling with precise parsers when a language model can read any PDF. I have the language model extract balance assertions from the PDF (beginning/end balance) so that it grounds its work in reality.
I dream of a future where anyone can download a ZIP of all the PDFs they've ever received from their bank, drop it onto a local app, and wait while it creates an entire accounting setup for you.
Edit: also not mentioned here is Fava, which is a really nice web UI for Beancount ( I share a link with my accountants, and they find it convenient (for downloading files, at least).
Lovely, now LLM can hallucinate how much I spent or earned in a month, or year.
For a usecase like this, a local running model would be ideal. I won't like to share my personal accounting books with LLM either.
It makes it a lot harder if you check the balances!
FWIW I went down the path of automating as much as I could about this process.
These days, though, my process is more manual. Around every 24 or 48 hours, or immediately after making a transaction, I'll record the transaction in my ledger, which I store in Google Sheets (!) instead of a .ldg file. No more CSVs, no more pure functions of bank output.
Sometimes I miss the .ldg format. But I don't really miss maintaining the automated system. Google Sheets isn't as expressive as Ledger, but it is sufficient for my needs. Charting is a bit easier. YMMV!
To me, the most essential pivots to get me back into personal accounting were to record expenses both manually and ~daily. If I were to return to ledger again — which I might! — I'd focus on those aspects more than the automation.
A long time ago I wrote a python extension to the C ledger implementation that did a basic RPN calculator:
And fed it with pile of scripts that extracted bank PDFs -> Text -> ledger entries, and shoved it all in git.
This looks like it some superset of that, but in general I found the files + text to ledger process to scratch a great itch.
That's interesting. I, however, still spend between 20 and 30 minutes once a week to keep by beancount updated by manually entering the transactions, a habit I perform for the past 14 or so years.
At the same time, I did automate 90% of my business beancount import by writing a custom stripe importer that imports transactions from stripe. As for the expenses, I still enter them manually in the aforementioned 20-30 minute session.
> I, however, still spend between 20 and 30 minutes once a week to keep by beancount updated by manually entering the transactions
That sounds a lot - I spend less.
Consider entering the transactions into a software like KMyMoney and write a script to export to beancount format. Entering/importing is a lot easier in a SW like KMyMoney (e.g. it does decent matching of the new transaction to prior transactions of similar amounts).
Honestly, there's a sort of Jevons paradox at work. Importing credit card transactions isn't that hard, but now that it's solved, I should really be monitoring my investment portfolio more closely, or tracking intangible assets like unused vacation hours, or recording all those taxes and expenses listed on my paycheck.
I use YNAB and love it but I'm always interested in alternatives. That said I opened the main website [0] and the animation [1] shows a bunch of crypto logos. To my eye this seems to be a product aiming itself at people using crypto. I don't think that's the case given the blog post I just read but it's not a good look. Anyone catering to the crypto market is at least a little suspect in my book. Maybe it's just a feature of BeanHub and you don't have to touch it at all but to be featured so prominently is icky/
Yeah, the site and service seem to be trying to attract a range of people. However, `beancount` and the other `ledger-cli` like tools are all just plain-text files with a semi-rigid markup for recording transactions. is the resource for most of them, and has good resources for making them work for you. It's not for everyone, though, many people just prefer spreadsheets or apps, and that's fine.
Hi, the author here.
So BeanHub is built on top of Beancount and uses double-entry accounting. It's one of the benefits of double-entry accounting. Many accounting software are not good at dealing with multi-currencies or custom currency. With Beancount, you can define any commodity you want, create transactions, and convert them with different currencies easily. For example, you can define a commodity TSM and create transactions[1] like this:
2025-01-01 commodity TSM
2025-03-05 * "Purchase TSMC"
Assets:US:Bank:WellsFargo:Checking -2,000 USD @ 100 TSM
Assets:US:Bank:Robinhood 20 TSM
I think many people trade crypto, and traditional accounting software may not be that friendly to them. That's why I emphasized a bit to the crypto target audience. But you're right; I should make it clearer that it's not just for crypto.[1]:
YNAB seemed WAY too involved for me. I spent so much time in the fucking app and barely understood it. I had to "give each dollar a job" which is a total inversion of the traditional "set a dollar amount you want to spend on each category and then exercise some self control". I pay for everything on a credit card and then pay back that CC at the end of the month, and doing so complicated the UI when it automatically pulled in my spending from my bank account. I've found GNU Cash to be a bit more intuitive with a little bit of training.
I feel that there are some people who legitimately enjoy looking at money on spreadsheets and implementing budgets/categorizing purchases and I think that YNAB is great for those people, but I personally hate even THINKING about money, let alone interfacing with budgeting software every couple days
> "set a dollar amount you want to spend on each category and then exercise some self control"
How is that different from "give each dollar a job"? The only difference I see is that it forces you to make the categories add up to the amount of your paycheck.
Yes, that's the difference. When I asked on help forums questions like "Can I just set the budget with the assumption that how much money I make this month will be the same as next month", they said no, because I don't know what will happen to my paycheck this month. I need to divy up real dollars, and not expected dollars, meaning that the budget is a constantly moving target and I need to readjust and give a job to my actual dollars every two weeks instead of just my expected paycheck.
People should use what works best for them but I'd like to respond a bit to the YNAB issues you ran into (not to convince you to switch or anything).
YNAB with Credit Cards was difficult for me, as was envelope-based budgeting (what "give every dollar a job" is called) because I also was used to the typical "set limits on categories and stay within them"-style budgeting (Like Mint, at least Mint way back when it first came out, I haven't touched it in years). YNAB is very different in that it doesn't let you allocate dollars that are not in your bank account. You can't say "$300 for eating out" unless you have $300 in your bank account and YNAB doesn't care that you might have that money available by the time you want to spend it, it forces you to allocate the money you actually have and every time you get paid you allocate it into categories with the long-term goal of getting a month (or months) ahead in your budgeting (not spending the money you made this month on stuff you need in this month).
Credit cards were also hard to wrap my head around. In a debit-only world it all made sense but CC's complicated things for me. I really enjoyed Nick True's videos on Youtube, they helped me with this a lot but a simplified way to think about this is:
* You put $200 in your "groceries" category (aka envelope)
* You go to the store and spend $60 (on eggs I assume?) and pay with your CC
* In YNAB-land you will record that transaction (or it will be auto-imported) and you will assign it to the groceries category but since YNAB knows you spent this on a CC (you always record which account the transaction happened on) it essentially takes $60 out of the "Groceries" envelope and moves it to the "Chase Sapphire" (or whatever you name it) envelope. You set aside the money for your CC purchases at time of purchase and then when the CC bill comes due it's paid out of that "envelope".
In this way YNAB has become a layer on top of all my finances and I care little about how much money is in any given savings/checking account since YNAB tracks everything. I just make sure there is enough to cover CC payments (there always is) or any big transfers I want to make (like moving money to a HYSA).
I've automated as much as I can with YNAB but I do spend 30min-1hr every few weeks (this is not what they recommend, but it works for me) reconciling my accounts. I totally get if people don't want to do that or don't see the value in it. Personally I love knowing where every dollar of mine is and tracking every purchase/transfer.
I own a couple of small businesses, and I've tried a few things with my books - was on Bench for a year (thankfully not the year they shut down, and they were so incompetent I dropped them before that), tried to do them myself for a year, then upon realizing the P&L generated did not match the numbers I expected, hired bookkeepers on Upwork to fix them for me.
I really feel like I ought to be able to do them myself - it's just following some rules, and my accounts aren't that complex. Still, it was just enough of a pain that it was easier to hire someone overseas for cheap (especially since I know what the business' numbers should roughly come out to, so I can validate their work).
But as I've been using the latest AI models, I really feel like this is something that's going to be fully automated by AI in the next 1-2 years (at least for my very simple use case). It's simple enough that an AI agent should pretty trivially be able to fetch the docs from the various places that I sell upload them, categorize transactions (this is already basically automated by rules for me anyway) and then do whatever it is that bookkeepers do to close the books.
I can't help but think that bookkeeper is not going to be a profession in five years, and I'm just not sure where those people go. It's not like automating bookkeeping will expand the economic pie enough to create new jobs - I don't believe it's a bottleneck to anything at this point.
Hi, the author here.
Many customers have asked me about AI offerings, and I am considering them. While this is doable with modern LLM technologies, I need to consider many issues.
The first is that nobody, myself included, likes their data being part of someone else's machine-learning training pipeline. That's why I promised my users that I wouldn't use their data for machine learning training without asking for explicit consent (and, of course, anonymization will be needed).
While I know everything involved in AI sounds cool, do we really need LLM for a task like this? Maybe a rule-based import engine could kill 95% of the repeating transactions? And that's why I built beanhub-import[1] in the first place. Then, here comes another question: Should I make LLM generate the rule for you or generate the final transactions directly?
Yet another question is, everybody/every company's book is different from one to another. Even if you can train a big model to deal with the most common approaches, the outcome may not be what you really need. So, I am thinking about possibly using your own Git history as a source of training data to teach machine learning models to generate transactions like you would do. That would be yet another interesting blog post, I guess if I actually built a prototype or really made it a feature for BeanHub. But for now, it's still an idea.
Is there any solution for statement downloading, like many small businesses I have credit card statements, bank accounts that I need to provide to my accountant.
While my "books" are synced via Quickbooks, they (accountants) really seem to love having the PDF in hand. I just need the PDFs and they do not send them via email...
So can this be used for business books and records? A lot of the documentation I’ve shifted through since Intuit sh*ttified their product made me think that this the ledger open source accounting is more of a quicken like personal finance product.
double entry book keeping can be used to track any resource of any size, though it's particularly good at tracking money of any size.
The upside of a "real database" like postgres is when you need multiple people in the books making changes at the same time. Until your accounting department grows into multiple people, Beancount, hledger or any plain text accounting system would be fine.
If those multiple people are updating the files via VCS, or via UIs that enforce append-only updates, it's still reasonably fine.
As for automatically pulling transactions, it's still shocking to me that anyone handed over their banking username and password to a third party, quicken et al at least use a system now where the bank grants read only permission as an app integration, but still I'm not a fan of every bank transaction becoming someone else's anonymized data harvest.
I'm evaluating whether self hosting accounting software is at all feasible to meet CMMC requirements and so far have my sights set on ERPNext. I configured my bank to send me an email alert for every transaction and intend to parse that and appene it to my ledger, but the API to do so is fairly annoying, so hearing that beancount is meant to be automatable is intriguing indeed
BTW the other thing that shocks me about quicken classic is lack of version control - the database can become corrupt and your only recourse is restoring from backup or sending the file to support and having them manually fix it!