Why Clojure?
·February 22, 2025ilrwbwrkhv
Did you move from CL because of hiring or another reason? I cannot imagine leaving CL and if I had to, I would go for abcl and then add clojure. Depending on the business that is of course. As long as I don't need to build a 1000s person tech team, I would not move; it's just far faster until you get to a scale where processes take over everything.
Hiring. And honestly the docs and stuff look really dated and I understand why people are a bit put off. At some point you have to modernize the look and feel of the ecosystem. The docs are really detailed though and if it was just me and a few others I would have gone to CL in a heartbeat.
I feel like there’s a minimum developer quality that’s needed when using a language like Clojure, without static typing, and with a wealth of idioms and best practices that need to be followed and libraries that need to be known.
Without it it’s a matter of time before the codebase can’t be developed anymore and the software doesn’t work as intended.
I would love to see how Clojure's "wealth of idioms and best practices that need to be followed and libraries that need to be known" compare to almost any other popular language. Clojure is by far the simplest most straightforward language I've ever used with very few details and gotcha's that need to be memorized.
well i agree you need developers who are on the senior side but thinking about data and pipelines, multi methods etc, makes for a quite extensible, large, applications.
the fact that because of the repl the happy path is always tested while being built and with clojure spec you can secure the edges, it is quite scalable.
i love static typing and rust in general but with web applications, the problem space is really a distributed concurrency problem of dynamic data. and clojure is basically tailor made for that.
Yes and actually this happens often that a project is moved to another language because of maintainability, especially when a key person leaves the company.
You should give Gleam a shot. No REPL, but its simplicity, functional-ity and the BEAM lend themselves to the get-shit-done approach
Immutable data and REPL is where is at for iteration speed though.
Gleam takes more code to write than rust. Doesn't have a strong enough documentation / ecosystem yet. But I agree the beam VM is very underutilized and underappreciated.
Can you describe your stack and workflow ?
> which you can build things when you have the repl and interactive programming.
This is how I use Python to be honest. If I'm unsure of something, I just bust out the REPL.
I know people talk about python being Lisp without brackets, but for example in SBCL and in other lisps like clojure I could just run a larger function, figure out that there is the wrong output, change a tiny function in it, eval that, eval the larger output, get the result. In SBCL there is also the break loop which is just magical.
I do not know how you do that in python without using a debugger and stepping through the code line by line. To be fair I used Python only a little bit almost a decade back. Are things more interactive now?
The condition framework/break loop is one thing I wish more Lisps would copy.
I think in Python REPL you just have to redefine the whole larger function. I am not aware of a way to access internally bound identifiers, or even modify what values they are bound to.
The part about the "stability" is a bit surprising - in my experience, I try playing with clojure about once a year, and every time, everything is different (I mean, I had to go through classpathes, then lein, then boot, then deps.edn - what is the current way to "try and run a program" du jour ?)
Also, is running your "hello world" still going to be incredibly slow, or has something changed in the core system (I know I'm supposed to fix that with graails. Or is it babashka ? Or something else, I suppose.)
It's really sad, because i just love the language. Reading about clojure is a pleasure. Trying to write anything has always been a blocker to me, though. Maybe that's the true "immutable" nature of the language ?
While clojure has gained (accreted) more options of ways to run things, every single one of the ways you mentioned still work! It’s extremely stable in this regard. Nothing was taken away because there is a new hotness. Sure, things were added. Why is that bad at all?
I've always heard that the JVM[0] in general is considered to have a fairly high startup time compared to other common compiled language targets; is Clojure especially bad in this regard, or is this something that's frustrating coming from outside the JVM ecosystem that just adds additional friction when you're already trying to look into using new language?
[0] Not sure what the correct term is here, but I mean the official default one; I know there are other implementations, and my vague recollection is that there's at least one other one that's either sponsored or maybe even fully developed by Oracle, and that the OpenJDK version is the "canonical" non-enterprise one now anyhow, so saying " first party" feels like it might add more ambiguity than it would resolve
10+ years ago Clojure had a fantastic introductory experience. lein new and away you go. lein was so good and effective, for both tiny hello world projects and real production apps.
The experience has gotten worse and worse now for a decade. The core team have continued to take things in a worse direction (supported by a small group of fanboys) and most newcomers are now completely baffled by the tooling.
Why Clojure = for Datomic, Rama, Electric and Missionary. No need for long blog post - this stack screams if your app fits within its intended operational margins - e.g. enterprise cloud information systems and rich interactive web products.
My co-founder uses the phrase minimal-viable-company for maximum-viable-product.
We bootstrapped for 5 years to well over $1M+ ARR before recently closing a seed round[1], Clojure played a large part in our ability to deliver as a small team. Also in our general happiness as programmers, it is a nice language to work in.
We will grow our Clojure core product team over the next couple of years, but mostly the funding round is about balancing our business to keep up with our product delivery.
Clojure has been very good to me (I had 15 years on the JVM prior to moving to clj/cljs in 2013-ish). YMMV.
[1] https://factorhouse.io/blog/articles/from-bootstrap-to-black...
Learning clojure has improved all of my programming in every language. I’m in love with the simplicity and smallness of it. Rich said one of the reasons he built it was he was programming like this already (pure functions acting on data) but the languages he was using didn’t support it well. There is a lot to be learned and applied even if you can’t use clojure at work every day.
Elixir is a little less flexible since it doesn’t have the JVM interop but for domains where it’s a good fit I think it’s even better at most of this stuff (and easier to teach people unfamiliar with FP or lisps)
Who are these articles for? I feel like Clojure’s value proposition is pretty well understood, and every last Clojure pitch can be relied upon to make the same exact points.
Idk ... it feels Clojure stalled since Nubank bought Hickeys company. Worst thing: spec is still in alpha !! I put so much on this ... but nothing really happened since ... idk 8 years?
Call it “stalled” if you like, it’s stable and it’s pure joy. I can just get stuff done with Clojure. And things that may seem inactive, like that lib that you need that hasn’t had a commit in 8 years, turns out that it just works and doesn’t need to change. This is commonplace in Clojure.
Spec is still alpha and I’m not sure it will evolve more or if it’ll be something completely different. At least they’re not pushing you down the wrong path. Use/look at Malli instead of spec.
I don't know what you're talking about, 2 new versions of Clojure have come out since then, both of which have more substantive changes than the previous couple versions.
Spec isn't really essential to Clojure, and most people use Malli nowadays which is very actively developed https://github.com/metosin/malli
I see the fact that there isn't much happening with the language as a positive myself. I want the core language to be small and stable. The big difference with Clojure and most languages is that it makes it far easier to implement new semantics in user space. It has a powerful macro system and new ideas can be expressed using libraries instead of having to be baked into the core language itself.
Most language grow through accretion as usage patterns change over time. New end up features end up getting bolted on to facilitate that, and the language keeps growing. The problem here is that the scope of things people have to know keeps growing as a result.
Meanwhile, Clojure managed to stay small and focused, while different kinds of ideas are expressed using libraries. When a new idea comes along people can just use a new library, and they don't have to learn about all the previous libraries that worked differently. I think this is a huge benefit from user perspective.
But have you seen flow? I don't think it's stalled at all, and Nubank seems to have become an enabler to the ecosystem.
I mean, Datomic is free to use!
[core.async.flow]: https://github.com/clojure/core.async/commit/03b97e0b3e0ec32...
I like Clojure well enough, but it feels like every single time I see it mentioned now is an write up trying to justify using it.
Arne has written, as usual, an excellent piece. Not only it argues its intended points, but it can also be followed by everybody-it brings readers up to speed without assuming any significant background knowledge.
I tried clojure long time ago, honestly what made me give up is when I saw a java stacktrace in place of a proper error message when learning it. Also the repl was slow. The UX sucked, I wonder if they improved that
I used to hate JVM stacktraces but they’re incredibly useful and I miss them when I’m using other ecosystems these days. The way JVM exceptions do “caused by” when an exception is thrown while handling another exception gives so much more information than other languages. It’s also relatively simple to filter out the noise when you want a concise error message: just remove lines that start with a tab.
CIDER (the emacs IDE for Clojure) does a really good job of filtering the stack trace and presenting several views depending on what you care about. L
Usually there is also an error message together with a stack trace. I like stack traces: they are usually more informative than just an error message. I had lost too much time debugging Haskell exceptions where they by default do not come with any stack traces.
The only thing that really sucked is just the documentation. They are overly concise. You end up relying on non-official sources of documentation.
There are no Clojure stacktraces specifically, only JVM/Java ones. Clojure sits closely beside its host so there is no difference. People do complain about stacktraces and they've made some improvements. But they are long because the abstractions run deep and the function you passed in might be on the stack at the very bottom with the actual origination of the cause.
The repl isn't slow, what are you referring to?
Probably referring to startup time. Larger apps solve this with the “reloaded” type of workflow (https://www.cognitect.com/blog/2013/06/04/clojure-workflow-r...)
Using Clojure without Datomic can be frustrating since you feel like you lose some of the language's value, as you likely want to extend its philosophy and style to the database as well. Of course, Hickey probably knew this when he started planning Clojure, which is why he also created Datomic. However, Datomic can be a hard pill to swallow
I run a multi-million dollar business which I started with common lisp. I since moved away to go and then rust but I've been looking at clojure again lately.
For a team that needs to get s** done and has more per employee productivity than Faang combined it's hard to beat the speed with which you can build things when you have the repl and interactive programming.
The jvm while doesn't have great error messages is a fantastic runtime.