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IAC confirms existence of a Super-earth in the habitable zone of a Sun-like Star


Next year there is a plan to send a space telescope to L2 with the main objective being to search for Earth-like planets around Sun-like stars in the habitable zone.

Like Kepler and TESS telescopes it will use the transit method to find new exoplanets, but unlike any mission before, it's going to look at the same spot in the sky for over a year. Super excited to see what data it brings back to us.

The telescope is called PLATO ( )

I contributed to the project a few years back, very happy to answer any questions.


L2 as related to space telescopes was a new term to me, and turned out to be utterly fascinating. The Webb orbits the sun and periodically boosts velocity using Earth's gravity:

> The James Webb Space Telescope is not in orbit around the Earth, like the Hubble Space Telescope is – it actually orbits the Sun, 1.5 million kilometers (1 million miles) away from the Earth at what is called the second Lagrange point or L2.


The wiki on lagrangian points also has a bunch of useful info on this stuff. Gravity is absolutely incredible


Lagrange points are fascinating to me and I feel they are underrepresented in science fiction, compared to how the space age ahead of us may play out.

The events of human history on earth have revolved in great part around settling at or controlling strategically advantaged locations, for example any coastline, or a geographic bottleneck for trade and travel (think of Singapore and the Strait of Malacca).

A Lagrange point is the simplest space-based analog to this that I know of, if you want to put something in a fixed location relative to other bodies, the Lagrange points are places where you can do it with the highest fuel economy. Then when operating from that position you will have more energy available to do other things, granting you advantage over competitors who are not at the Lagrange point.

So whether it's science, research, trade, defense etc. there is a compelling reason to locate things at a Lagrange point, and it seems this is already happening as we have science satellites at L1 and L2 and I believe L3 has been talked about. The Lagrange points are not all created equal in terms of distance to their respective bodies, size, energy required to maintain a position etc. All two body systems have them, so for example the Earth and Moon have a set of Lagrange points that are significant to us.

The LPs are what a lot of our space politics and problems may eventually revolve around (quite literally!).


There's a list of probes and telescopes that have been sent to the L1 and L2 points: -- This includes Nasa's Genesis and Goresat, ESA's SOHO, and ISRO's Aditya.


It’s arguable that even the stuff we consider to orbit the earth like the moon is really orbiting the sun.

MinutePhysics did a great video on this:


Hi, thanks for answering the questions in this thread, it feels like something out of a sci-fi novel. Do you know of any similar projects that a software engineer could contribute to in their free time? Could be of much smaller scale of course.


To what extent (if any) will this program be impacted if all U.S. federal grant funding is permanently cut? Are there U.S. funded components/researchers involved?


As far as I know it won't be affected at all, the project is almost fully funded from the European Space Agency. And it will most likely be launched with the European Ariane rocket.


All the more reason why humanity needs multiple space programs.


excellent, thanks.


What's the typical time scale for a transit? Also, why use transits instead of the Doppler method? Has this patch of sky been selected based on previous Doppler method star studies? Thanks!


> What's the typical time scale for a transit?

Generally measured in hours, or minutes. For example, if we were observing our system with perfect alignment, Earth's transit would be about 12 hours, Jupiter's transit around 29 hours.

> Also, why use transits instead of the Doppler method?

Quantity. PLATO can observe a sizeable portion of the sky at once, 100k+ of stars. With Doppler method the quantities are smaller + afaik there is a trade-off between number of stars being observed and the velocity we can measure. So to find Earth-like planets around Sun-like stars, we would likely have to go one or a few stars at a time.

> Has this patch of sky been selected based on previous Doppler method star studies?

I am not actively involved anymore. So I am not sure if they have already picked what part of the sky they PLATO is going to be observing. The previous Doppler method (aka as radial-velocity or rv method) star studies play a role, not only because if there's one planet, there might be more, but also because rv gave information about the star. However, keep in mind that this is to find new exoplanets, less to find out more data about existing ones. Rv will definitely be used along side PLATO, to confirm and gather more information about exoplanets that PLATO finds.


> Earth's transit would be about 12 hours, Jupiter's transit around 29 hours

…per year, for Earth; per ~12 years for Jupiter is I think what the GP was asking.

This is extremely dependent on the radii of the inner and outer limits of the the habitable zone for any given star, though, as well as the star’s mass.


Radial velocity surveys require so damn much light, and such a complex precision spectrometer that they're only used on the very largest 8m-10m class telescopes on the ground, shooting in near infrared through the most advanced adaptive optics (or even interferometric modes) in great weather, pointed at a single target for a long period of time (this is a big deal), with a focus on super-Jupiter to Jupiter class objects in tight orbits.

The next generation of 30m class telescopes will be an order of magnitude more capable for the RV method, but even then you're not really going to be able to get fast locks on Earth analogs.

The RV method is vastly superior for detecting the planets we really care about - high confidence nearby Earth analogs. The odds of a transit being in the right plane for us to observe are tiny. But if we want to run a survey like that like it really matters (let's say a Solar system catastrophe hits a thousand years from now and humanity wants interstellar diaspora), we'll be studying the nearest thousand stars with the RV method using significant numbers of 100 meter class telescopes, or perhaps big space based interferometers produced in mass quantities, for decades.

What transit studies like Kepler do is study a small patch of crowded sky (most of the stars being very distant) with the sensitivity for very rare in-plane Earth analogs, in order to get a representative sample. When I was born we couldn't say with any confidence that planets around other stars existed, post Kepler we know that they're common. We can perform these surveys even with the shoestring budgets current governments afford astronomy because even if the odds of successfully detecting a planet that does orbit a distant star are very low, we can watch a million stars at a time.


You can find much less massive planets with the transit method.

The Doppler method relies on the planet pulling on the star to change the star's line-of-sight velocity periodically. Because planets are much less massive than stars, the star doesn't move much. You can only find massive or close-in planets with this method.

The transit method is much more sensitive to small planets like the Earth. It's true that the smaller the planet, the less of the star's light it blocks, so it's still easier to detect large planets than small planets using the transit method. However, it's much easier to detect small changes in a star's apparent brightness than it is to detect small shifts in the star's velocity.

There are a few different viable methods of detecting planets. Each has its strengths and weaknesses, and astronomers use all of them.


Very cool. Got a silly sci-fi question for you. IIUC, with current technology it would take on the order of tens of thousands of years for a vessel to physically travel to the closest known Earth-like planet (correct me if I'm wrong).

So any thoughts on what kinds of hypothetical breakthroughs would be needed to make the trip doable in (say) less than a human lifetime?

And related, what do you think about the plausibility of the [Breakthrough Starshot]( initiative? Aware of any alternative approaches?


A different stab at this is to ask what it would take to build a telescope that could image some of these Earth-like planets, a project that turns out to be easier (in a very loose sense of that word) than sending cameras there.

The idea is you send a camera very, very far out in the Solar System (hundreds of AU) and then use the Sun's gravity well as your lens. Neat stuff and, unlike the interstellar probes, potentially doable in our lifetime.


Normally, diffraction and the effective aperture are what limit optical resolution. How does that work with gravitational lensing? Does the effective aperture become the diameter of the sun?


Self replicating automata as described by Von Neumann able to repair and duplicate themselves, and other things like electronic components. ICs keep getting faster (so far) but use smaller and smaller features of silicon and could wear out from metal migration and all components will be under much more cosmic radiation than on earth. This makes a large shield of heavy material on front of vehicle to minimize this effect but that increases the energy/fuel needed. The space shuttle only took maybe week long trips but it had four computers for flight control , three extra in case of failure in different parts of the shuttle along with IIRC a separate backup backup computer in for use as last resort.


* Research faster interstellar travel, especially using something like a Buzzard engine to utilize interstellar hydrogen as resection mass. Required nuclear fusion power plants / engines and ridiculously strong magnetic fields; both seem attainable.

* Slow down human body metabolism and allow humans to stay asleep at near-freezing temperatures for a long time. If bears and chipmunks can do it, chances are humans could learn it, too.

* Invent sets of machines that can reliably self-replicate, given most basic inputs like minerals, water, and sunlight. Advanced semiconductors are going to be the tricky part.

* Study psychology, sociology, history, game theory, etc, so that the early society that will form on the new planet, isolated from Earth, would avoid at least some of the pitfalls that plagued human history on its home planet.


>Slow down human body metabolism and allow humans to stay asleep at near-freezing temperatures for a long time. If bears and chipmunks can do it, chances are humans could learn it, too.

The thing is - our current bodies can't live in space for long. So either we will have to build new bodies for us somehow or build a ship that can have gravity inside and protection from space outside (and we are talking about very heavy protection here)

In any other case there is no point in slowing down metabolism or whatever. You will die rather soon.


> Buzzard

That's a bird, the engine is named after a person and is spelled differently:

Also, it won't work unless scaled up to the sort of thing only a Kardashev type II could do — 4000 km diameter — and at that level you've got other options that mean they probably won't:


Time dilation means that the closer you get to the speed of light the less time you experience passing. So even a 12000 year long journey as seen from earth, if moving fast enough, could feel to the travelers like a much shorter amount of time.


Yes, but practically with todays technology there is no feasible way of getting to a speed where time dilation matters over that distance, we run out of fuel so we need some external power source like a laser or solar wind that have other issues, iirc one only gets to 2x time dilation at 0.9 c. That’s a lot of acceleration.


And we don't have to send people, we should do our job as a Von Neumann probe and send frozen rna to distribute across the surface.


and in that 10,000 year blink, a civilization progresses from bronze metalworking to digital computers, awaiting our arrival


Can't pulse nuclear get there? Or does it require antimatter catalyzed fission?


Why is it pointing at the same spot for a year ?

Is it to get a more exhaustive survey single star or can full of stars? Or does that help it find smaller/further/different planets?

And how do they pick where to point at? Is there a way of guessing the likelihood of finding a planet?


  > Why is it pointing at the same spot for a year?
The transit method requires observing a dip in the brightness of a star. Actually - three dips. The first dip indicates - but does not prove - the existence of a planet transiting in front of the star. The change in intensity, rate of change of intensity, and duration of the dip all give us information.

The second dip, if roughly identical to the first dip in parameters, gives us the orbital period of the star. So now we wait a second period in order to observe the expected... Third dip, which confirms the planet if it occurs with the same parameters at the expected time.

Though I think that such observations would require at least two years, and up to possibly four years, for stars with orbits of periods similar to our own. I don't believe that a single year is long enough.


> Though I think that such observations would require at least two years

It is at least two years at least if I'm understanding this⁰ correctly:

Observational concept

Ultra-high precision, long (at least two years), uninterrupted photometric monitoring in the visible band of very large samples of bright (V ≤11-13) stars.


Great questions.

> Is it to get a more exhaustive survey single star or can full of stars?

PLATO will look at 100k+ stars at once. And for most we will be unlucky to see a transit between PLATO and the star. Geometrically it won't align - imagine the star systems being in different angles from us. To bring an analogue - Take a pack of cards and throw them in the air, and take a quick picture while they are sitll in the air - how many cards will be facing the camera exactly with their edge. For us to spot a transit, the planet has to pass between us and the star. If the orbital plane is not parallel to us, we will miss the transit. So that's one of the reasons why it helps to look at bunch of stars with transit method. We expect that about 1% of the orbital planes will be aligned so that we can get meaningful data.

> Or does that help it find smaller/further/different planets?

Imagine you are trying to find Earth from another solar system. The longer you look at our Sun the higher the likelihood that Earth will pass between you and the Sun. And once you get lucky, and the Earth transits between you and the Sun, the brightness of the Sun only dips about 0.01%, so that means that in order to find small planets we have to have sensitive instruments and little noise, so that the dip in brightness can be measured. Furthermore, as the planet passes the transit and continues on its orbit, the perceived brightness of the star will increase, due to the planet reflecting some extra light. Measuring that can gives us some rudimentary information about the atmosphere - e.g. if a small planet reflects a lot of light back, maybe it's covered in clouds or snow.

> And how do they pick where to point at?

There's a whole complicated process to find consensus on where to point. Basically they look at spots that have lots of stars, and they look what type of stars they are. Here the objective is to find planets around Sun-like stars, so they would prioritize fields that have more Sun-like stars.

> Is there a way of guessing the likelihood of finding a planet?

It seems that some stars are more likely to have planets than others.


Since I have your attention - I figure this is still the best condensed ELI5 explainer of the history and methods used in search for exoplanets, and I keep sending this to anyone remotely interested in the topic:

(I also consider it to be the only true, original, canonical rendition of the Alladin song.)

It gets into the transit method around halfway through (at 3:43), and makes it glaringly obvious why this is the way to go, over tracking Doppler shifts. Still, this video is almost 8 years old (and neatly coincided with discovery of additional planets around TRAPPIST-1) - I wonder if there are new methods at play that are not covered here, and of course if the middle part still corresponds to how things are done?


You said: > We expect that about 1% of the orbital planes will be aligned so that we > can get meaningful data Somewhere below, someone used the figure of 0.01%. I assume they were mistaken, and your 1% number is about right for some "average" star sizes and orbits.

At any rate, that figure depends on the size of the star, and the distance from the star that the planet orbits--the further away, the smaller the chance that their orbital plane would be aligned with our solar system. For a Sun-class star, and a planet inside the habitable zone, what is the %? Am I correct in thinking it would be approximately 0.5/180, where 0.5 degrees is the apparent size of our Sun in the sky, and 180 degrees is of course half a circle (since it doesn't matter whether we're on one side or the opposite side of their star, hence 360/2). Which works out to about 0.14%, right?


How does the 0.01% look in comparison to the natural variability of star brightness, due to cycles, spots etc? Would that be a concern in terms of false positives? And also, given the specific line-up needed for us to see the pass, how likely it is for us to be able to observe the same planet in front of the star in the following years?


>> Is there a way of guessing the likelihood of finding a planet?

> It seems that some stars are more likely to have planets than others.

to the best of my knowledge it has yet to be proved that any star has no planets.


Light collection. You want to observe one point for a really long time so you get a really good understanding of where the light is coming from, the properties of that light, and its behavioural patterns.

A lot of the detection is statistics around signals, so the better (read more thorough and coherent) your data (observations of changes in light), the more confidence you can have in your conclusions around what's causing the changes (planets with different atmospheres, different positions, different sizes and compositions etc...).


Many thanks! Comments like yours are what I love about HN.

How is the spot to analyze during that year of focus determined?


Sorry, I see this was answered in a previous comment:


What was your contribution?


Figuring out the optimal placement of CCDs on Plato's 24(+2) cameras. Due to the way CCDs are fabricated, their properties vary a bit, they are not identical. For example, they can vary how much light they can hold before they become saturated. Given the high cost of fabricating these CCDs, and the fact that for each camera 4 CCDs are used, and all these 4 have to share front-end electronics, it was prudent to optimize their grouping to we maximise the dynamic range we get. More dynamic range means that we can tell more about the planets we find with higher confidence.



I think this is "Charge-Coupled Device"?

"an electronic sensor that converts light to digital signals through charges generated by bouncing photons on a thin silicon wafer"

Is that correct? Not familiar with the acronym.


That's awesome! Are the multiple CCDs because you're taking photos in separate colors or something?


Let me remind you guys that "just 20 light years" = roughly 200 trillion kms. At the speed of voyager 1, it takes roughly 1600 yrs to travel 1 trillion kms. 200 trillion kms would take 320,000 years to reach there. Even if you increased the speed of voyager 1 by 10 times, it would still take 32000 years to reach. We really need to up the speed by a factor of 10000 before we can get anywhere close to human lifetime achievable travel times.


Accounting for acceleration and deceleration seems like an unspoken obstacle in your timeline. How can a human comfortably accelerate or decelerate at a rate greater than 9.8m/s^2 for long periods of time? “Hey guys, we will need you to pull 9Gs for the next seventy years as your ship slows down to enter a stable orbit”


Accelerating consistently at 1G (and then -1G for the second half), should take 6 years of proper time (from the perspective of the traveller) to get there.


Yea, actually the problem is not at all that we’d need too much acceleration for the human body. Accelerating at 1g for a couple years gets you to preposterous speeds (and we don’t even need any artificial gravity nonsense!). The problem is that accelerating at 1g for years would require a ridiculous amount of energy.


In his 1958 juvenile novel Have Spacesuit, Will Travel (I read it years later as a tween), Robert A. Heinlein described this as a "skew-flip maneuver" that would get someone from Earth to Pluto in five days at 8G (!). And apparently E.E. "Doc" Smith described it even earlier.


Huh. I've heard lots of science fiction ideas for artificial gravity, usually starting with rotating space stations.

I never heard of anything so obviously straightforward as that, though. Surely impractical, but good to know!


I don't think we'll be sending humans on these kinds of missions. We'll be sending AI systems (ship, bots, etc.) and then waiting millennia for them to report back.


It's conceivable that we could send the seeds of humanity and other terrestrial life — along with AI systems capable of raising it, terraforming the planet as necessary, and building a society.

We might not ever travel there or receive guests from New Earth any time in the foreseeable future, but it's fun to imagine that one day we could have a colony of distant pen pals separated by only 20 years of latency.


Under current financial and incentive system this will not going to happen unfortunately.


You just need to be constantly accelerating to hit very high speeds very quickly. You don’t need to pull 9Gs throughout.


I have a feeling that when we figure this out, the forces of acceleration and deceleration will no longer be a problem.




Or alternatively, we make Alcubierre spacecraft work, or we move our whole planet system.

All entirely plausible approaches :D


Even the fastest spacecraft ever made (the parker solar probe) "only" went at 692000kph. So 1,000,000,000,000/692,000 = 1,445,086 hours, or 164 years.


How fast could a ship get going with a RTG powered ion engine like AEPS? Rough back of the envelope figures come out to 100 years to cover 1 light year, or a few thousand to reach 20 ly out, which is... nothing like science fiction books but not impossible either.


> before we can get anywhere close to human lifetime achievable travel times.

Humans are an intermediate step. We are not the final shape of earth-origin intelligence.

Why would we continue to fill these bodies when we develop the tech to no longer be so limited? Constrained to the parameters of our gravity well and to short lifespans without backup?

Or maybe we just get replaced outright.

Or, the worst outcome, everything from this planet dies without ever having left.


You can’t develop tech to move intoto a computer. Although it’s a good book idea.

A kool-aid style cult where they convince their followers they will be “uploaded” once they hand over all their possessions. Then they just get shot in the head.

AI might do it, but I wouldn’t count that as us going there.


You're inventing requirements. This doesn't require that any of us live or achieve immortality.


A universe full of p-zombies


If you haven't, read "blindsight" by Peter Watts


It's murky concept though, so I wouldn't bet on mind uploading in our lifetime.

Some fairly fundamental things need to be answered first. Things like how does consciousness and the sense of self arise.

Naively, if you think that you are just a program that runs on a bunch of neurons in your brains, and that this program can be uploaded to a computer, you are still left with a very annoying problem: you upload a copy, and leave the original running in your squishy brain. So what then? Do you kill the original? But that involves killing a living and breathing human being. Do you wait until it dies naturally? That's still not a good answer, because you have to die so that a copy of you can continue existing.

So until we figure how to actually "teleport" our consciousness to some other host, we are in a pickle. And there's absolutely no evidence that we'll ever be able to do this teleportation. What if we never figure out the physics to do this?

Edit: I suppose you could sidestep this by generating fully digital consciousnesses that mimic what a human brain does. So a fully digital human. Assuming we can brute-force simulate a real human brain, this should be at least physically possible (as opposed to teleportation), but this still raises philosophical questions. What you are generating then aren't human beings, but conscious AI. You could argue that the human race would eventually be supplanted by immortal AI that are no longer bound by biology, but I'd argue that this isn't an evolution of the human race, rather a completely new life form (if you can call it that), which has nothing to do with humans except that we created it.


You're imagining a future that is a continuation of our lives here and that is kind to currently living humans. But this is just inventing requirements.

Imagine none of what you've presumed is necessary is even a design objective. Maybe it is, but probably it's too difficult and uneconomical. These capabilities could be built without ever enabling any of us to live or achieve immortality.

Those hypothetical digital beings could be human-like, maybe exact simulations, or perhaps totally different. They could be benevolent, or perhaps not. We might come to a conclusion that it's no longer ethical to have biological humans. Or maybe we're forced into that outcome.

Who knows. This is all wild postulation. But one thing that might happen is runaway growth and a deviation from a world we're familiar with.


I’ve never understood the idea that humans should be doing space exploration. Especially given the proof that robots and machines are demonstrably better and more suitable for these kind of tasks by such a degree that they dominate off-planet sensors-effector combinations.

Making space exploration comfortable for humans instead of creating TARS like intelligent machines (possible in our lifetimes imo) foundationally limits and constrains the ability and scale of exploration.

Seems entirely egoistic and anthropocentric. Is there any alternative reason - other than stated - as to why humans should be considered the best candidates for these tasks?


Because they want to. We see mountain, we climb it. Space is no different.


I wonder if space exploration will turn out to be no different than mountain climbing. There's nothing useful on the mountain, we can't live there, it's purely exploration, sport, and a feeling of achievement.


Humans generally do things out of their own self interest (which for a lot of people includes improving the living conditions of their descendants). So, if humans aren’t going to colonize space, we’ll either need somebody who… just sort of likes colonizing space with robots? Like as a hobby I guess?

Or maybe we’ll have robots at some point capable of working in their own self-interest.




If these robots find a good target and make it habitable, then you would still need to send humans at some point, right? But then you sort of wasted all these thousands of years by doing robots first, you might as well send humans too.


Yes, but that’s only a few hours away through hyperspace !


The existence of the Super-earth was not directly observed, but was instead inferred by the gravitational lensing of all the democracy[0] being spread in a sphere around the planet.



We know that, due to the lack of observable galactic civilizations, if there is a Space War For Democracy, it is a Shadow War [0]. Perhaps with one exception [1].

[0] [1]


It's not in the habitable zone 100% of the time because of its eccentric orbit.


in Vernor Vinge's novel A Deepness in the Sky the alien planet freezes for part of the year and the intelligent aliens have evolved to survive being frozen and thawed. One group develops technology to say unfrozen while their enemies are frozen and this gives them a huge advantage.

Great book and I highly recommend it. Also has concepts of realistic mind control that is VERY creepy and the ultimate in distributed computing based on smart dust.


This general idea is explored in many other pieces of science fiction literature, but it has also recently been visualized in


So kind of like living in Minnesota?


Ya' know, Oly was very happy to find his farm was in Iowa, rather than Minnesota. When his friend Sven asked him why, given that taxes were higher in Iowa, Oly replied "Vell, now I don't have to put up vith those lousy Minnesota vinters no more!"


How do they evolve when they are frozen part the year before evolution?


Life in that planet evolved to essentially hibernate during their long winter. Presumably the processes that resulted in the very earliest life forms happened countless times until some surfaced that had that feature.


> Its distance from its star changes significantly, causing the planet to move from the outer edge of the habitable zone to the inner edge throughout its year

Too bad that the year is relatively short. If it were hundreds of Earth years that could be like Helliconia


It's not in our habitable zone.

Life on such a planet seems likely to hibernate just like some Earth life already does.


> It's not in our habitable zone.

The habitable zone is defined as the area around a star where liquid water could be found, there is no "our" habitable zone and "their" habitable zone.


Parts of our own Earth aren't in the habitable zone, by that definition. Even here we get big surprises - undersea vents were unexpected oases, microbes miles deep underground, microbes living in boiling water in Yellowstone...

Not all life in the universe may require liquid water, nor require it 24/7. In our own solar system, some planetoids outside our supposed habitable zone likely have some liquid water - Europa and Enceladus, for example.


Given the mass of the planet, if there's a lot of water it's entirely possible there could be oceans which stay warm due to a hot core.


Regardless of the official definition, the word “habitable” is highly subjective. Extremophiles like tardigrades can survive being frozen and/or completely dehydrated. A planet with an eccentric orbit like this one could hypothetically support species capable of entering some form of extreme hibernation during part of their year.


The terminology was probably chosen specifically to be somewhat clickbait, so it's probably not worth picking apart the words "habitable zone".

The core idea really boils (heh) down to water, _i.e._ the "universal solvent". You can certainly argue that liquid water may not be necessary for life, but it's hard to argue that water's presence isn't a decent prior for potential life.

But directly detecting liquid water in extrasolar planets is _hard_. So we do the next best thing and try to use whatever indirect signals we got. We know that liquid water can only exist within some range of temperatures and pressures. So let's just start with temperature.

What things can affect the surface temperature of a planet? Amount of energy received from the parent star (i.e. stellar irradiance), geothermal heating, tidal forces between a moon and planet, and probably many others. Stellar energy stands out as being the biggest contributor of energy and, fortunately, the easiest one to measure.

Of course, you could have localized sources of favorable conditions, like thermal vents or whatever, but those kinds of things are _way_ beyond our ability to detect with current tech.

So, we've narrowed down our focus to _one big contributing factor for potential life_, the amount of energy received from a planet's host star. But how can we relate energy to temperature? This is effectively where all the physics and astronomy come in via thermodynamics, orbital mechanics, and stellar physics.

Suffice it to say that all the effects combine to give a range of possible orbital radii and planet sizes where liquid water has a good chance of existing on the planteary surface.

This range of radii and planet sizes is the concept that matters. The name for this idea is "habitable zone", which suggests why we might care, compared to the more precise "orbital and planetary mass parameters favorable to liquid water formation at average planetary surface".


Reminds me of the planet inhabited by Arachna spider species in Vinge's A Deepness in the sky.


This kind of resource variability seems likely to favor the development of intelligence, so there’s that.

But I m sure we will find that the planet has issues that make complex life unlikely, just on a statistical basis.

Simple life seems increasingly likely to propagate through panspermia, based on what we find deep inside the crust of our planet. Life forms that feed off of radioactive decay especially seem promising for panspermia.

I wouldn’t be surprised at all if we discovered that for habitable zone, earth-like planets , the presence of simple life forms deep inside the crust turns out to be the rule rather than the exception, at least in our corner of the galaxy.


Highly recommend listening to In our Times (BBC) episode "The Habitability of Planets" that was aired last month.


My napkin math says the surface gravity would be around 30 m/s2.

I'm not looking forward to a visit. Maybe it has a large moon like Earth. If it is in the same proportion as ours, the moon might even be friendly to humans.


Habitable exomoons is a cool idea [1]. "Scientists estimate that there are as many habitable exomoons as habitable exoplanets"



I see all those big gas giants in the habitable zone and always imagine the kind of civilisation that can emerge from that scenario.


Eccentric orbit.

Too cold is one thing, but too hot I suspect is harder to handle.


Not sure how "artist's impression" the graphic in the article is, but it shows the innermost orbit being just on the edge.

Given we have ice on Mercury right around here, and the fact that I have to pressure can stuff like garlic because boiling won't kill spores, probably not a dealbreaker.


If a "humanoid" from this planet visited Earth with 1/6 of their normal gravity, would they be a super athlete, or barely functional?


Ever pick up what you thought was gonna be a really heavy box and it turned out to be empty, and got briefly thrown off-balance? I'd imagine that, but for everything.


Oh good, so it's not just me that happened to!


The moons gravity is 1/6 of the Earths. So looking at our moon visitors performance, a super earth visitor would probably be great at high jump but pretty shaky at anything else.


I wonder if jumping even makes sense at 6x gravity... maybe they would never have learned how to jump at all and always keep some limbs in contact with the ground.

Or if "humanoid" even makes sense. Something snake like that can spread out the pressure along a longer surface might be better. Or at least something with more than two legs.


What body shape would creatures living at six times the gravity even have? Would they be able to jump? Would they have a skeleton as we know it?

I would almost go looking at deep sea creatures that have to deal with extreme pressures on earth.


They might have to be entirely aquatic at that point or perhaps have some very exotic skeletal structure that can support their weight. Perhaps ball shaped beings who roll around instead of any sort of walking? I'm unsure how would they deal with a small incline.

Weight lifters are able to lift 6x their body weights, but it's not a sort of load that we could profitably exist under long term. We'd need to have extremely thick limbs and at some point that won't help either because of the cross-section vs. weight scaling law. It's also a sort of weight where any kind of leverage against a joint will generate massive forces. E.g. try catching a 50kg falling weight, you are likely to dislocate your joints and/or break some bones. And yet 1/6 of that is entirely manageable.


If intelligent life exists on a superearth it would be trapped there because rockets wouldn't be able to reach orbit. In fact 1.4g seems to be the max that chemical rockets can escape. Maybe they could built an electromagnetic launcher on top of a absolutely huge ramp.


Or they would be forced to figure out technology that we would consider science-fiction, assuming it's possible. To consider our tech as the pinnacle is the wrong approach, I think.

Perhaps we've had it too easy here - moderate climate, oil as an easy fuel source, and gravity that isn't too oppressive. I wonder what technology would arise in a more difficult environment, such as this superearth.


Ironically I think you’d be more likely to go to space on such a planet. Imagine being barely able to jump, let alone fly. You would want to leave more than anything. It would be like a space race, against the universe.

I’m imagining some sort of mega cannon or railgun as a propulsion method to fling them off the planet.


Nuclear thermal rockets would also be an option.


I asked a physicist friend about this. At 6x mass, it would only be 6x the gravity if it was the same size as Earth. Depending on the density, the gravity could actually be weaker than Earth!


Yeah, not having the radius/diameter of the planet mentioned really hurts understanding the effect of that mass. However, I doubt it is like Saturn where it could float in water.

perihelions ("Revisiting the multi-planetary system of the nearby star HD 20794")


I'm sure the aliens reading that are saying "Thank god! They aren't coming here." :-)

But on a more serious note, this is some great science. I am super impressed by how sensitive the instruments need to be to chart the fluctuations due to mass here at 20 light years. I'm always on the fence about whether or not we should focus a beam of RF with some modulation on it in their direction, on the one hand it would say "hello! we see you!" on the other that might not be a good idea.


Just 20 light years away (As a normie I giggled a little).


Helldivers predicted this


Arrowheads marketing team moving heaven and Super-Earth for the 1-year anniversary of the release on February 8th?




My life for Super Earth!




Humans live on a planet called 'Super Earth' in that game