What's Happening to Students?
·March 25, 2025dmvdoug
Your method works well as a tutor with a single student. Try doing that as a teacher with a classroom of 30+ students.
My favorite class I ever took was middle school algebra. We had a teacher, problem sets, and were put into groups of 3 or 4 to work through the problem sets together.
The teacher would give a bit of a spiel to intro the problems, but the problems themselves were very self-directed, things like "measure these triangles, square these numbers, do you notice anything?" then introing the pythagorean theorem.
The teacher would float around and basically help groups that were more stuck on things than others. But students would help each other a lot, meaning the teacher is not spending their time on people who can ultimately help themselves.
This is not a format that works for all students and all class types, but when it works it works so well, and it's extremely scalable.
it’s called a flipped classroom and students universally hate it.
>Try doing that as a teacher with a classroom of 30+ students.
I believe that OP is saying that's exactly the problem.
What percentage of the population are in K-12 any given time -- 15%? 20%? To have 1-1 tuition for all of them, we'd have to have at least that many adults also in education.
it also doesn't work for a single student case if you only start talking to them after they are already highly already at a point where you can say they have developed a sever attention deficit due to addictive dopamine loops
like you know the station most teachers are exposed to as the problem can already have takes deep root before the child goes to school
I have for the past four years averaging 180-200 students on my rosters.
My apologies. But I don't know how you can genuinely listen to hundreds of students every day, much less engage them each individually. Glad you're out there doing your best anyway.
Which I'm assuming is in a university setting, yes? In which case, I would also assume that at least a majority of the students in your class actually want to be in school somewhat.
Apply this to middle/high school students and you're going to get a lot of students being annoyed since they're being challenged, are feeling stupid, and don't know how to deal with that feeling of being stupid; especially given that many of them don't see the point in attending school since they feel like it isn't helping them.
There will be some that will engage, but those aren't the students we're concerned about here.
You can do it as a parent though.
no, it's not that simple. My supervisor, with whom I'm taking a combined undergrad/grad course, does this. It's like he's talking to a fucking wall. I did uni 30 years ago too, I remember what it was like. The blame does not belong to the teachers. Big tech's ability to make virtual crack if fucking kids up big time.
I think China is on the right track here. https://www.chinalawtranslate.com/en/kid-mode-guidelines/ While I don't like the privacy implications, I like the screen time limits China establishes. Social media and internet must be treated with much care.
It's like a candy store open 24/7 - completely free and always within reach. Even adults have a hard time to resist TikTok and YT Shorts and the like.
The Internet has changed since I was a kid browsing through GeoCities webrings and the Yahoo Directory while searching with AltaVista. Generations of technology enthusiasts have to acknowledge that the internet of the past is no more and cannot be brought to our children as such.
The temptations we faced then were nothing compared to what children today have to resist.
Just as many countries regulate advertisements aimed at minors, we need to start regulating screen time for kids - before they get pulled into the vortex of influencers and endlessly accessible, mentally corrosive entertainment.
It turns out that industry regulation can actually be a good thing sometimes.
There’s nothing wrong with moderation in moderation.
Always not sometimes.
Lead in fuel
Normal product warranty
ingridient list
The industry has few selfregularly motivations to regulate itself. If they do, they do it after customer complains and others stealing there thunder but than i t would be too late for a few
> Always not sometimes.
always if objectively non lobby-corrupt thought throught
if regulation is to much captured by lobby-corruption or ignore facts because of ideology thinking(:1) it can be very bad, then you can for example easily end up with what I like to call "red hearing regulation". A regulation which doesn't fix the problem at all but if you are naive looks like it might and prevent any further regulations from being done because it's already there. Or you can end up with monopoly-like companies cutting of access to markets for competition.
(:1) to be clear I mean the innocent interpretation of that phrase, not the one a lot of right wing propaganda in many countries is using regular where it often means "take this out of context potentially outright lying statements and treat them as obvious facts while claiming all other facts are ideologist driven fake news and then complain why no one want to have fact based discussions with you anymore"
> sometimes
// Even adults have a hard time to resist //
and here we all are.
The cratering Chinese birthrate is a pretty strong argument that what China's doing isn't working out well for young people. The only reason China limited screen time was so that kids would spend more time studying, because the government wants kids to focus on slaving their lives away in miserable jobs with 80-hour workweeks to keep the GDP growing.
> cratering Chinese birthrate is a pretty strong argument that what China's doing isn't working out well for young people.
yes but that is partially unrelated and has a lot to do with
- one child politics lead to abrupt fall of new young unemployed people
- so the reaming people have to work more
- and as they need to pay rent for the old people even more more more
The 80-hour workweek isn’t some grand anomaly; it’s simply the natural outcome of the fierce competition in China’s market. If you want a good job, you have to give it your all—because if you don’t, there will always be someone smarter, faster, and more determined waiting to take your place. It’s not personal; it’s just how the system works.
Yes, the government has made efforts to regulate this, but the root issue remains: if an economy can’t provide enough well-paid jobs, no amount of intervention will fundamentally change the situation. The pressure will persist—it’s a structural reality, not a moral failing.
As for the term "slave," it’s a dramatic and, frankly, amusing choice of words. It perfectly captures a certain U.S. perspective on China, one that’s often shaped by narrow assumptions and ideological filters. The lens of "communism" becomes a convenient, if overly simplistic, way to frame a complex society. It’s not wrong to critique, but sometimes the framing says more about the critic than the subject itself.
> The 80-hour workweek isn’t some grand anomaly; it’s simply the natural outcome of the fierce competition in China’s market. If you want a good job, you have to give it your all—because if you don’t, there will always be someone smarter, faster, and more determined waiting to take your place. It’s not personal; it’s just how the system works.
this is a very long way of saying "too many people"
I think they are on the right track in the sense that "the problem needs a regulatory fix", but not in the sense that "putting time limits on kid media consumption" is quite the right way to go.
There is quite a bit of analysis out there how to trigger addictive behavior for anything from news site to games. Mainly so that they can maximally abuse this.
I think the right way would be to regulate that, not so dissimilar to how we regulate drugs.
Which yes can, in a roundabout way, bring us back to age restricting some otherwise seemingly harmless games.
But its in generally a different approach as it also pulls in the adult, general public awareness both for childs and adult, tries to also reduce drug, eh dopamine fix, consumption in adults etc.
E.g. if auto scrolling short are classified as addictive similar to drugs (through not quite the same) you then can e.g. require YT to allow people to disable shorts, or "auto scrolling, swipe next" display of shorts. Or limit how they can be on search results etc. This probably will also help with addictive gamba games frequently bankrupting adults etc.
> Even adults have a hard time to resist TikTok and YT Shorts and the like.
I removed them from YT using ad block, through there isn't a way to do so on a phone/tablet without using 3rd party YT apps :/
>but not in the sense that "putting time limits on kid media consumption" is quite the right way to go.
Why not? Isn't this what sensible parents should be doing? Supervising and regulating how much time their children spend online, playing videogames, watching TV, doing homework, being sedentary, eating junk food, etc? Especially in this age of parental controls and surveillance-ware on all digital devices, it's easier than ever to monitor what your kids are up to.
Should entire societies grant the government unlimited power over online media, online speech, kids and families just because some dumb parents hand their kids a blank iPad and their credit card and let them sit around all day on it frying their brain? What about regulating just those parents instead for being that stupid? Truthfully, a lot of the people having kids are unfit to be parents.
I do believe that targeted online advertising needs to be regulated ASAP. Ad-tech is a plague on society.
> Isn't this what sensible parents should be doing?
yes _parents_, but we are speaking about state actions (which could require companies to give parents tools to help them handle this this (:1))
and that affects parents, and teachers, and what is tough, and how society in general treats such things, and which things get which age rating etc. We need to convince society that this dopamine cycles are similar bad as drugs, only forcing it down their throat is not going to end well
and I was also focusing a lot in the comment on from which angle states approach that actions
> targeted online advertising
while that is a problem, it isn't the core problem here
the core problem is dark patterns intentionally designed to make apps/sites maximally addictive
even if we didn't had any ads at all many apps(and co) would likely still do that, so that they can e.g. sell more micro transaction (like think 0.2ct per short watched, small enough to seem nothing but if you doom scroll for two+ hours every day adds up (~120$/€ a year). Heck even without micro transactions it still does make "statistics look good" some it probably still would be applied quite often.
Phones should be banned in school. Really that simple. No serious school/parent that cares about the kids' education would allow phones.
There's a recent article that basically sums it up as the parents being the ones pushing back against the bans, not teachers or students.
> "Mommy and Daddy were checking in all day long saying, 'I miss you and can’t wait to see you,'" Hochul told the NYT. "That’s a parental need, not a student need."
Newborn Stroller babies are not asking to be looking at a tablet. It’s the parents.
Newborn Babies do not ask to watch YouTubes while being fed ultra-processed food.
It’s the parents who purchase all those electronic devices to their children. I gather that they do it because shutting them off is illegal and irreversible
No. Try actually asking someone who's raised kids recently.
Man I don’t know. Schools can be genuinely awful. Easily half of the educational value I received during my school hours was found while messing around on my laptop instead of paying attention. I’m sure I’m a rare case there, but these devices were my only escape from a dull, incompetent education system.
Nah I agree 100%.
My computer studies teacher would teach us about ergonomics and warcraft.
Whereas, exploiting the school systems taught me far more.
Heck we had VB6 compilers installed on school systems, but got maybe 1 week of curriculum over 3 years. However they were very good for building my first nefarious apps.
Theres an expectation by many students that you can just meet all class obligations and receive a proper education. But really, class metrics are for ass covering. You need to use that time, when the world isnt trying to squeeze you for labor, to actually learn things.
The customers are captive (pay or sheriff with guns show up to toss your ass out), the employer is spending OPM (largely funded to administration or special interest segments or overhead), and the student consuming has essentially no say since his parents have no money left to choose somewhere else after paying already for the public school.
What could possibly go wrong where the only person with any real choice is an administrator who doesn't bear the cost or benefit of his own actions? The incentives could hardly be more misaligned.
Precisely. I moved around quite a bit as a kid, so I got a more wholistic picture of the public education system than most. I’m not sure I met a single teacher that wasn’t overworked. In the richer areas teachers typically wanted to teach; in the poorer areas even that often wasn’t true (An issue of filtering and work environment, not a personal failing thing). I once had a history teacher who only showed movies for the entire year I had her. With us placated, she’d go lounge in the corner. But even the teachers who gave a damn couldn’t do much with the absurd ratios; it was impressive they even managed to keep kids in their seats and fights from breaking out.
Any time the instinct to further police kids in schools arises, I get defensive. I know what that environment is like for the kids in it, and anyone would look for an escape while trapped in there. Schools right now function as weird little child prisons, somewhere to put kids while their parents (those who aren’t rich enough to do otherwise) go to work. If the schools aren’t gonna get any better (certainly not under this administration), then why bother taking away the coping mechanisms people have available?
Its crazy to me that they are not. I was in high school in the mid 2000s, and if the teachers saw a phone it was immediately confinscated. What happened since then?
Isn't the article suggesting that because students do not have access to their phones during the school day, they are suffering withdrawl?
I'm interpreting the message that students should not have a phone at all or at least in limited capacity.
The linked article is clearly sensationalist and focuses on "experts" who are trying to make their career off this "crisis" (I expect they all have books lined up and speaking engagements).
Meanwhile "As the New York Times reports, schools where smart devices have been partially or fully banned during instructional hours have seen incredible increases in student attentiveness and communication."
As much as their opinion page sucks, I'm much more inclined to go with the reporting in the New York Times instead of someone who says "zombie apologists" in all sincerity.
> I'm much more inclined to go with the reporting in the New York Times
Quite the opposite for me. I don't have a problem with their opinion pages, because it's labelled as such and is at times interesting. I wouldn't trust their reporting though, least of all the numbers.
> Phones should be banned in school. Really that simple.
It's not that simple, because as the article says, "these children are getting turned into screen addicts long before they enter the school system" and "they are in a constant state of dopamine withdrawal at school".
Is "dopamine withdrawal" really a thing? Is there any studies about it?
To me "dopamine addiction" feels a bit of a figure of speech to make people quickly understand and relate to the problems of social feeds and especially short form content. But is there any science behind it that could classify it as an addiction?
I would find it hard to imagine that kids at school are in physical pain and psychically unable to do something (which would be symptoms of real withdrawal). I think it's more reasonable that they are just bored and annoyed because they can't access their favorite form of entertainment. I remember how bored (and restless to go home) I was in middle school the day after I bought and started playing GTA: San Andreas, is it that different?
I'm sure the education system need to update a lot of ways of teaching as they are indeed outdated and extremely uninteresting to a young audience, but I also think that phones should absolutely not be allowed in a class rooms (same way we couldn't play a videogame or watch tv in there).
> To me "dopamine addiction" feels a bit of a figure of speech to make people quickly understand and relate to the problems
I agree. I think the key point from the article is this: "they behave like addicts". The "dopamine" part is inessential to the diagnosis. Smartphones are like a drug, similar to or analogous to a drug. If they were literally a drug, causing overt physical withdrawal symptoms, then we might have taken the problem more seriously already.
dopamine self regulation is easier to think of.
It's really that simple. By day 3 they'll be used to it.
Then they grow up to be parents and realize that it's a pain and don't turn their kids into screen addicts.
They tend to be. One of the issues is the dopamine withdrawals they experience while away from their phone:
"First of all the kids have no ability to be bored whatsoever. They live on their phones. And they’re just fed a constant stream of dopamine from the minute their eyes wake up in the morning until they go to sleep at night.
Because they are in a constant state of dopamine withdrawal at school, they behave like addicts. They’re super emotional. The smallest things set them off."
Phones are banned in the school my kid attends. It’s fine. Students put them away when they arrive, and can take em out again when they leave.
We've had a problem for a very long time that kids are convinced that school is 1) not worth it, 2) not necessary, and often 3) a waste of time and in some cases 4) harmful to them.
I think we should take a look at the education system and figure out how to make it better align with what actually interests kids instead of trying to force them to learn what we think suits them.
Most kids would get off their phones if school was interesting to them. Sure, you'll always have bad apples.
Rather than trying to shove a square peg into a round hole, we should realize there's a mismatch and try to correct it.
Phones are a problem, but they aren't THE problem.
School itself is the problem, and has been for a VERY long time.
I live in a country where almost no one under 35 is able to purchase a house, no matter how educated you are. We live to pay the rent, the system is broken and we all know it, so we don't need to toil anymore; there is no incentive. As simple as that.
Kids don't really realize those concerns. However that's the reason why adults have stop caring as well.
Seriously what's the point of even having a national identity if you are a renter in your own country.
Housing is the biggest crisis that no government truly wants to fix
> Kids don't really realize those concerns.
You often see that argument being made that the youngest generation has lost hope and has so many mental issues because the "system is broken".
Yet, as you rightly point out, kids don't really realize those concerns. I mean, being able to afford a house or a car was the least of my concerns at that age, and I can't really see why this would have changed for the next generation.
So I'm genuinely intrigued: what could be the underlying cause(s) of that feeling of hopelessness?
>So I'm genuinely intrigued: what could be the underlying cause(s) of that feeling of hopelessness?
As another commenter pointed out, the teenagers are already well aware of the world around them. But for the kids, the point stands.
Maybe it has something to do with the other adults' attitude? When I was a child, my parents were poor and I was a rather bright one. I distinctly remember adults around me viewing education as a ticket to a better life. Nowadays, it feels like this is not really the case. Maybe the children don't understand what is going on, but maybe they do understand what adults/teenagers around them feel?
Kids DO realize those concerns though. It may not be at the same conscious, rational level as an adult, but they absolutely recognize that they are living in a broken world and being forced to play a rigged game.
I disagree. They are well aware of these issues as teenagers, especially now that they are affecting their parents' lives.
Must be, because in Germany no one under 45 can afford a house.
I laughed.
(And by the time we're 45, the bar will have moved up to 50+)
I've seen the same attitude in Australia. "What's the point in saving because I'll never be able to afford a house?"
Buy a small parcel of land and park a trailer on it or build something expedient.
My house cost like 20% of almost anyone else in my area by just doing it myself without any code inspections. All it takes is courage to bypass the conventional system, society was wrong and I won by calling bullshit.
I don't think there is any place in the Schengen area (and I have a hunch that parent lives there) where this isn't absolutely illegal. At least in Germany, if you just buy a small parcel of land (and even that is really expensive), and "build something expedient", you won't be able to register that address with the government (which you are, by the way, legally required to, even if you're homeless). The local government will find hundreds of reasons, why your expedient building is not up to code (besides fire safety, which would be enough reasons in itself) and has to be torn down. But of course they don't have to, because you didn't even apply to get permission to build something (which is mandatory here), it wouldn't be granted anyways, because you bought a cheap parcel of land and those are outside the areas where permission to build something can even be granted.
Of course people still do it. But the threat that you might be forced to tear down your home at any moment just to be homeless really is not that much fun.
Edit: Oh, and a parked trailer is a building as well, of course. Just that tearing it down is a lot easier
Don't we all love German law...
Where I live, code requires that if you build a fence, it should not block the view and should be lower than 1.6/1.7m. So you cannot build a full fence for privacy or to block road noises.
Some neighbours wanted to build such a fence, because the road passing by is busy and noisy. So they build a "fake" pre-fence to code, next to the road, and 2 meters back, the first allowed distance for any construction, they build a "natural" 2.5 meter high "fence" of stacked wood to dampen the noise and have some privacy.
The town hall is furious, but cannot do anything, because nothing prevents you from stacking wood 2.5 meters high. The winters are harsh in the mountains, after all. And even the locals a few villages down the valley were impressed and laughing about it.
Sadly doing this is illegal in many, many places. Though you could start a halting site perhaps.
I like it. Fix something for yourself without hurting others and without complaining. Getting shit done in optima forma.
May I ask you where this is, without getting into specifics of course. Western Europe?
Western USA. Due to rarely used loophole in my county this is all legal if you DIY everything (no commerce so most regulation drops off) and I got permit explicitly exempting from code inspection.
Great approach, when your shoddy installation burns down half the neighborhood and kills 7 people you may not feel so heroic and braggish. Thats not courage but arrogance.
Regulations came into effect as they are now due to a very long line of horrible disasters & regulatory reactions to them.
Cool story but most houses here are old and grandfathered (think baloon framing without blocking) in and built before modern codes whereas mine incorporates modern fire mitigating materials and techniques like platform framing with blocking, egress windows, fire rated drywall, etc. Mine is actually safer than most of the neighborhood, I am poor not stupid.
I'm in my 50's and looking forward, I just don't see anything good in the future for this world.
Probably people have felt this way throughout all of history but this time seems different.
> Probably people have felt this way throughout all of history but this time seems different.
In my 30s and I make a habit of asking people in the generations above me if they felt the same when they were younger / my age. As in, did things always seem this futile, clogged, and broken?
The answer is always "no".
Cold War? World Wars? There's been a ton of doom. Perhaps elder millennial and younger Gen X got to go through their 30s without some of this worry?
I remember being scared of nuclear war as a child in the 80s. But even though that cast a pall of fear, only 2 superpowers had them in world-ending capacity, and they were self-interested enough that MAD could maintain the precarious balance.
World War I was long and devastating but there would be an end to it; wars don't continue forever by default. WWII was potentially cataclysmic but we were fighting coherently with a unified front, throwing everything we had towards beating it. You could buy war bonds, grow a victory garden, ration your use of gasoline/rubber/steel; do your part and we'll get through this.
The modern issues like climate change are global, imminent, and increasingly present, and there's no contemporary feeling of solidarity and effort against them. We've been told annually that the window to save ourselves is closing rapidly, and yet carbon emissions are still increasing. That's right, they're not going down too slowly, they're still going up.
Pick another modern issue, like education (which is arguably a root solution to these other issues). It's getting worse, so are we trying like hell to improve it? Teachers are trying but can't seem to move the needle. And the US is about to dismantle its national Department of Education to improve "efficiency".
I've looked at the situation and despite a desire for optimism, I have to be realistic. All efforts against the current slate of problems are off by an order of magnitude. Please, tell me a story, any story at all, for how this gets better within our lifetimes, without science fantasy like colonizing Mars or limitless fusion power (as though either of those things would help anyway).
Today's situation is not very similar. Previously we worried about specific threats. The Axis Powers, the Soviet world and its influence, even nuclear war. We had a pretty good characterization of what the threat was, even if it was devastating, even if we didn't have a great plan to prevent it. We knew how it would manifest.
Today we are facing a sort of nebulous destabilization of social institutions and norms that seems to be related to digital computing and communication technologies but we can't nail down what particular aspects cause the problem or how it manifests. We are not sure if any particular problem is related to The Problem or not. Some people don't believe that The Problem exists at all. We have no idea what the consequences could be if The Problem is not addressed, nor do we have a good way to tell if it's currently getting worse, barring some kind of unexpected catastrophe like a bunch of high-ranking government officials accidentally inviting a journalist to an illegal chat room where they are planning air strikes.
Perhaps none of this means that The Problem is worse than anything we have faced before, or even as bad. But humans have always gotten through our problems by turning our intellect onto them, and it frightens us when our best weapon doesn't seem to be working.
What is the Internet doing to society? That's the trillion-dollar question.
This really highly depends on the person. Also, people always tend to view the past with more rose-eyed-glasses compared to how they actually felt at the time they are remembering.
Here is an interview with kids in 1966 about what they think life will be like in future https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xS8xX3usi4c
They were more worried about dying than getting likes on Instagram.
I’m slightly older and you know, in high school I bought Cliff’s Notes to avoid the boring long books I was supposed to read. Are kids today really different?
I hear ya. Early 50s here too. The world feels too "coupled", so that the same sorts of things are happening everywhere, so you can't really "get away" in any sense anymore.
Being "connected" is basically a requirement instead of a cool hobby you can do after hours now, and so your data gets stolen 24x7, and you get advertised / marketed to, regardless of how resistant you are, eventually, it gets you.
And well.. feeling a bit like those people in 1930s germany.. "No good can come of this".. Just not sure where to run to anymore - most countries have their (virtual) walls up too (no visas), and the one out (Canada) isn't necessarily a sure thing as a backup..
Yes, it's different because this time democracy is under attack.
>Probably people have felt this way throughout all of history but this time seems different.
There’s good comedy in recognizing how you feel about it isn’t unique in time and then following up with thinking this time it’s different.
Everyone thinks this time is different. The kids think they’re the first ones to really want change and the old folks thinks this new generation is really the bad one. The kids are rebelling against you and when you were a kid you weren’t paying enough attention to understand what was going on in the world.
If the world stayed the same and you thought the same way as you did when you were a kid and the next generation thought the same way as you do now, we’d still be living as animals.
I find it incredibly amusing to see people in my generation complain about things like slang from the generation after us when it wasn't barely over a decade ago when I was having to answer to my uncle jokingly demanding to know why my generation was (according to an article he read) responsible for the demise of the can opener as a household applicance. In retrospect, maybe being out of touch with whatever people my age thought was cool as a kid was really good practice for me now that we're _all_ old and out of touch!
>Probably people have felt this way throughout all of history but this time seems different.
You're assuming that people in the past were wrong when they felt that way. People love to bring up Socrates being charged with "corrupting the youth" in 399 BC but always seem to forget that Athens was conquered by the more rural, agrarian, and presumably more socially conservative Macedonians 60 years later.
Actually this is the best time in human history since you get to choose your universe (where you live and who you interact with)
Nothing to worry about. They don't need to learn anything anyway. Anything they would do in the future will be done by agentic AI, and generative AI will produce all the content they could possibly consume. They will be free to spend all day on their phones.
I tend to think that students preferring internet trash over schooling is more an indictment of the state of schooling than internet trash. Of course, that reflects on the kinds of worker units society is directed to produce as well, and their alignment with the economy as it actually exists and works.
I don't think you can draw that conclusion. With respect to Internet trash, the only real metrics are (along the lines of): how many eyes can you captivate, and how long can you keep them captive. There is no real incentive to encourage people to think about what they are viewing, retain what they are viewing, or even apply what they are viewing. If anything, these thing are disincentivized. At the very least, you don't want people to realize they are viewing trash (otherwise many would go elsewhere, and quality content takes more effort to produe). You also run the risk of the audience not wanting to put in the effort, and shifting to something easier.
That said, my initial response when I read "When you are standing in front of them trying to teach, they’re vacant" was, "back in my day, we had to do that without the benefits of smartphones." The whole article struck me as the type of ramblings we have heard from educators for millenia.
I think this view is not appreciative of the power of innate animal intelligence applied to the direct world as superior to abstract advertising models. The latter only stands a chance when the first is not functioning properly.
If I'd had handheld toys in class as a child, and no one stopped me from using them... ?
Think Gameboy, or Sony Watchman w/ MTV.
Well, no school subject could have competed with that. Certainly not those that require a bit of work.
Even if this is true, the condition can go as far back as your childhood as well. When it is clear that the organism should be doing something, it does it. If it is somehow not clear, it is likely just not necessary.
A significant confounding factor is the lack of awareness of the productive forces. The average suburban school kid has relatively little idea of how the world works and what workers actually do, and why, in part due to a culture of corporate secrecy.
"No phones in school" can be a stopgap but really produces a dead end arms-race situation, even if it worked for a time. The only solution is to make school genuinely interesting and relevant. Until institutionalized education is no longer interesting and relevant on the face of it.
Yep, one of my favorite tradesmen is Larry Haun. He started carrying tools for carpenters for pay as a young kid -- which today would be illegal. Imagine being in school and learning math and science in the context of how it tied into building a house . Suddenly the majority of it is useful.
Perhaps the problem is in part kids aren't economically 'exploited' enough so they have basically nill solidifying the utility of their schooling.
> The average suburban school kid has relatively little idea of how the world works and what workers actually do, and why, in part due to a culture of corporate secrecy.
What workers actually do is easy to find out. The problem is rather: for quite a lot of jobs, as a school kid, you'd rather come to the conclusion that if this is what life is about, you should rather commit suicide as soon as possible.
Similarly, understanding how the world works, gives you an insane hate for a lot of people (i.e. makes you a misanthropist). Beginning from politicians, ending with basically everybody (you get to understand that the (irrational and clearly not in their long-term self-interest) behaviour of many people around you causes perverse incentives for the markets).
Are these really the lessons that children should get?
Yes, I am very black-pilld.
I tend to think that kids preferring candy and preprocessed trash over vegetables is more an indictment of the state of seasonings than candy and preprocessed trash. Of course, that reflects on the kinds of worker units society is directed to produce as well, and their alignment with the economy as it actually exists and works.
This is not as ironic as you think if you learn about plant defense chemicals in vegetables. The preference for something with usable sucrose over a pile of carcinogens and anti nutrients in undercooked leafy greens is understandable.
for sure; leafy greens don't "want" to be eaten. "Eat your veggies" is very understandable though. And the lack of seasoning and preparation is a big problem for why kids don't like their veggies. Soggy mash from the microwave with no salt? No thanks.
Veggies prepared well is great. So is education. Most of public school is simply mass market soggy, saltless, microwave veggie plates.
I remember watching hours of TV as a child in the 80s. I remember my cousins, born in the 90s staring like zombies at Cartoon Network when they were toddlers. We're all reasonably functional adults (most high achievers academically, and holding down well-paid jobs, with families). We also had huge amounts of screen time playing games, mostly on PCs.
If screens per-se are the problem, we'd have seen the same issues manifesting decades ago.
I think phones are the issue, rather than screens, specifically social media and notifications in particular. Someone suggested turning notifications off for social media, and it was a big change in my life, and something I've urged my own children to do as well.
Yeah I saw a study that didnt find the link everyone suggests between screen time and childhood issues.
The issue is what kind of screen time. Stuff that just constantly presses dopamine buttons is what needs to be avoided.
It's an interesting question. If I were to speculate, I think the difference is the sheer volume of choices available now.
When I was a kid, the choices were very limited. There were only 3 TV networks, and TV shows were on a fixed schedule, so you couldn't watch whatever you liked whenever you liked. Often, there was absolutely nothing good on. Moreover, watching a TV show required at least some degree of attention span: 30 or 60 minutes on one TV show. You couldn't scroll through an endless stream of 30 or 60 second videos.
As for video games, we couldn't download them from the internet. We had a very limited number of physical game cartridges. So yes, you could spend hours playing a video game, but that again required a level of focus and attention, and you were stuck with the few games you had at home.
Given the limited number of choices available to kids at the time, it was much easier to get bored with those choices, as the article mentions: "the kids have no ability to be bored whatsoever".
As a society, or I guess even as a species, we need to figure out how to deal with digital drugs, fast. I mean it, they are drugs. That doesn't mean ban them, but getting serious about understanding how to integrate them safely into our lives is important. Just like the chemical versions, digital drugs come in different potencies and with different effects and we need to think about classifying them as such. FB, Fox, HN, you name it. What is a 'safe' experience? How do we introduce our kids to them or how do we keep them away if it is too harmful? These are not easy questions for sure.
It's a good analogy, one that I think also applies to other things that really are "drugs" that people don't normally associate with the word: alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, fast food, and sugar.
I think a way to maintain agency as well as avoiding overly restrictive regulations is an AI 'guardian' app that uses coherent extrapolated volition to nudge you toward your ideal self. Blocking sites, pushing productive content (aligned with what you deem productive of course). You can't stop digital drugs from being made, you can only stop yourself from accessing them. And you must find ways to do that for you and the people you care about. AI guardian aligned with your best interests would make this a lot easier.
> kids have no ability to be bored whatsoever
Funny how intolerance for boredom is framed as the problem, rather than the boredom itself.
> incarcerated students really want to learn
They also really want to see the sky. It's good that students in general don't behave as if they are incarcerated.
> children under the age of two are already spending more than an hour per day on screens
Most two-year-olds can fit an hour of Cocomelon into their busy schedule. Kids, like adults, are going to burn a few hours every day vegging out. Before the phone screen, it was the TV screen, which was worse.
> And they have a level of apathy that I’ve never seen before in my whole career. Punishments don’t work because they don’t care about them. They don’t care about grades. They don’t care about college.
Perhaps students increasingly feel that the things above obstruct and delay their future, rather than prepare them for it. Perhaps we should consider how to make school more relevant and engaging to them, rather than how to impoverish their lives outside of school.
The ability to cope with boredom is an essential skill, and boredom is a necessary aspect of life. Great ideas come from boredom. Great questions do too. Boredom is not the problem, attention spans are.
Not to mention, who actually cares? Not every aspect of learning is going to be fun. Sometimes you have to sit down and memorize times tables, or read about an important historical event you just have zero passion for. That’s okay.
As for the screen-time, it’s not about having enough hours in the day, it’s about the concerns regarding what this is doing to kids. Losing out on interaction with your parents because they throw the iPad at you when they’re tired of parenting is probably affecting kids in some unknown way. If it were just an hour a day, probably nobody would be complaining about it.
As for kids thinking college or grades somehow obstruct their future… I have no idea how you overcome such ignorance. I’m actually at a loss for that one.
>As for kids thinking college or grades somehow obstruct their future… I have no idea how you overcome such ignorance. I’m actually at a loss for that one.
It's pretty evident at this point. A degree has gone from something you get if you are genuinely interested in further learning and a career in that area to an absolute must-have if you don't want to be stuck in dead-end low-paying jobs. So yeah, the process is being seen as a gatekeeper to a successful adulthood as opposed to an opportunity, because while for some kids it may still be the latter, for all kids it is most definitely the former (and one that's likely to saddle them with a lot of debt in the process).
This is really happening. I like taking courses, so I've been doing part time university studies (now into a PhD) for about 15 years now. I'm 50, so I remember uni before the internet was even really a big thing. The drop in engagement in students is shocking. I take some combined undergrad/grad level courses in my PhD program, and half the time I'm the only one, in a class of like 100, who says anything. And then so many do homework with ChatGPT and have no actual understanding.
I shudder thinking what managing theses people will be like. I've heard from someone who is managing recent grads that it's awful.
Obviously these are generalizations, not everyone is like that, etc. But this is a real problem. Pretending it's just old people not like change is sweeping it under the carpet. Tech has (deliberately) gotten more and more addictive and it's badly screwing people up.
> There must be thousands of people working at these tech behemoths—many in positions of great responsibility—who are horrified by what their own companies are doing. They need to speak up, and lead by example.
This seems wildly naive. Everyone working at Meta knows that the sum total of their work is giving teen girls depression more efficiently.
They don’t care or they’ve made excuses or they’ve made up a story about how that’s not really what they’re working on - that’s those other people, their work is different.
> Poor and marginalized communities are hurt the most. As your income drops, your children’s screen time more than doubles.
The children of tech workers and tech leaders are not harmed as much by their products.
Try talking to them. Try asking them questions about what they think about things and then challenging them to defend it. Above all, try listening to them. Truly listening. Not call and response. Not 3-second wait time followed by “good job” or “well, not exactly.” Students today, like kids always, eagerly seek connections with people, not content. Establish that first and the rest will fall into place.
(That’s the good news. The bad news is that our education system, from federal level on down to the individual school board, will readily jump in and agree, but then require metrics and other “measurables” to show that students are cranking out “learning outcomes.” So with the best will in the world, and genuine interest in our kids and their lives as a predicate to meaningful learning in an otherwise highly artificial classroom setting, you as a teacher are stuck banging your head against an immovable concrete wall that gets refreshed annually with million dollar consultant contracts for outsiders who spend two hours every two weeks in your school to tell you what you need to do to reach your students. And at some point, you just say fuck you to all of it.)