Writing your own C++ standard library from scratch
·March 25, 2025bregma
This is an unnecessarily combative comment.
The author doesn't claim to be implementing the C++ standard library. They clearly say they are implementing a C++ standard library.
It's obvious from the context that they mean a hobby-scale set of basic datatype and algorithm libraries. It would take an uncharatible reading to not realize that they mean a lowercase "standard library", not "conforming implementation of the ISO C++ Standard Library".
The article literally says "It's my time, and I'll waste it if I want to!" and uses "pystd" as the namespace.
How do you know about a billion-dollar multinationals threatening suit?
I mean, I think you have unreasonable expectations for a 1K word blog post. Or maybe I have very low standards and no matter how disappointing a post is, I accept it... could be. However, if I read a blog post on "Rewrite React from Scratch", I'm expecting to see some reactivity and that's it.
As a reader, after I see I barely need to scroll to the end of the article (and the repo isn't very big either), I immediately understood that they aren't rewriting C++ standard library from scratch. Of course they can't give all the answers on how to maintain backwards compatibility with decades of legacy stuff with probably billions of devices and exotic use cases..
I agree, and every time I see someone refer to the standard library as the STL, I know I’m interacting with someone who doesn’t actually know the language very well.
> I agree, and every time I see someone refer to the standard library as the STL, I know I’m interacting with someone who doesn’t actually know the language very well.
I would put away the judgment. I and many others still call it the STL despite knowing the language and history of the term. Because that ship sailed and it's what many people call it nowadays. Because writing out "the standard library" every damn time gets really tiring really fast.
It works in the reverse direction too, btw. The people who constantly nitpick on this are usually the ones who are more focused on being pedantic than being helpful. So that's the signal you send when you do that. Ask me how I know.
Pretty much every C++ developer i've ever interacted with the last 25 years -informally- refers to the standard library as 'STL'.
I do not think anyone with even a small amount of C++ experience will be confused when 'STL' is referenced in the context of C++.
Of course it might be that every C++ developer i've interacted with doesn't really know the language very well. But considering the popular axiom that says something along the lines of 'people who claim they know C++ do not really know C++ while people who know C++ do not claim they know C++' what you wrote might actually be true :-P.
Yeah but, it's one thing to informally refer to it as the STL; people will know what you're talking about. It's another to write an article about the standard library and say "The C++ standard library (also know as the STL)," which is a false statement and implies the author doesn't know what they're talking about. That's what the parent is referring to, I think. Personally no one I know has even informally referred to it as the STL since at least C++11, so it's a bit jarring to read.
Well, a lot of people in general use words incorrectly when speaking informally, that doesn't make that usage correct. Irregardless, for all intensive purposes, I could care less how people say STL.
Yet, Microsoft's own implementation was open sourced in 2019 in the repo "microsoft/STL" and in the second line of the readme claims the C++ standard library be also known as STL and the readme continues to use the term STL to refer to the C++ standard library.
(https://github.com/microsoft/STL, https://github.com/microsoft/STL/commit/219514876ea86491de19..., https://github.com/microsoft/STL/blame/main/README.md#L3)
From https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/standard-library/cpp-s... --
"Microsoft's implementation of the C++ Standard Library is often referred to as the STL or Standard Template Library. Although C++ Standard Library is the official name of the library as defined in ISO 14882, due to the popular use of "STL" and "Standard Template Library" in search engines, we occasionally use those names to make it easier to find our documentation. From a historical perspective, "STL" originally referred to the Standard Template Library written by Alexander Stepanov. Parts of that library were standardized in the C++ Standard Library, along with the ISO C runtime library, parts of the Boost library, and other functionality. Sometimes "STL" is also used to refer to the containers and algorithms parts of the C++ Standard Library adapted from Stepanov's STL. In this documentation, Standard Template Library (STL) refers to the C++ Standard Library as a whole."
> the readme continues to use the term STL to refer to the C++ standard library.
Would not be the first time Microsoft were wrong about a standard.
STL is actually a subset of the full C++ standard library, which includes, for example, C headers.
The STL is the algorithms + data structures + utilities, which are templates.
I certainly don’t think Microsoft can be used as a barometer for what is considered accurate or standardized with C++.
Interesting that their implementation is Apache 2.0 licensed, yet includes exceptions for LLVM and for GPLv2 licensed code/projects wrt patents.
Does anyone know if the library's quality is on par with the GNU or Clang libraries? Google has their own too, if memory serves. Is there an implementation deemed "the best"?
I use C++ since 1993 and still refer to the standard library as STL, as do many WG21 members in many of their conference talks, do they don't know C++ very well?
It is a matter of habit and none of us are going to change, only because some folks think otherwise on the Internet.
Meh - many simply use STL for the STandard Library. Few people even remember Stepanov’s Standard Template Library.
So I haven't been a C++ programmer for almost 20 years now (I would have considered myself very experienced with it at the time) and STL was the Standard Template Library for me back then. Is the Standard Template Library no longer in (widespread) use? Would any modern C++ programmer use it anymore?
The SGI documentation for it was quite nice though.
The section about the "perfect ABI stability" is rather naive. If you have a 3rd party library that exposes a class like this in a header:
class SomePublicClass {
pystd::HashMap<pystd::U8String, size_t> member;
and distribute that 3rd party library as compiled against a particular pystd version and the headers, then that build is tied to one particular "epoch" or version of pystd, you can't safely link that library against a program that uses a different "epoch" of pystd.It's also not a new idea either. libc++ puts everything inside an inline namespace `std::__1`. There is a reason that they never bumped that.
I think you may have misunderstood the proposal. Your 3rd party library example would have to write `pystd2025::HashMap<pystd2025::U8String, size_t> member;`. Isn't that stable?
From the post:
The sample code above used the pystd namespace. It does not actually exist. Instead it is defined like this in the cpp file:
#include <pystd2025.hpp>
namespace pystd = pystd2025;
just like there is a dynamic linker that can relocate code and fixup addresses, there should be a "dynamic class-sizer" which can recognise that something is being linked against a different version of some library, but the used fields used are all still present even if the structures have changed size, and dynamically adjust all pointers into the class to match the new size.
Stable API implies stable size, but not the other way around. If I have a vector class that is a pointer and two sizes and change that to a vector class that is three pointers then I didn't change the size, but I broke ABI.
Any change to the value representation of a class is an ABI break. A change that also changes size is just an obvious one. And value representation is an abstraction which is determined by the semantics of member functions, not something a linker can easily have access to.
I think you're probably right, but maybe a bit too dismissive of the thought experiment.
> value representation is an abstraction which is determined by the semantics of member functions, not something a linker can easily have access to
This is the real problem. The GP's hypothetical extended linker could work even with semantic changes to the meaning of member variables, like in your sizes to pointers example, so long as all member functions are dynamically obtained from the shared library for that class (and no member variables are publicly exposed for use by application code). That means disabling inlining, which is a problem for templated code. Where does the machine code for std::vector<MyClass>::begin() go when MyClass is by definition unknown at the point when we're compiling the standard library? Even an exhaustive set of implementations for those known at that time isn't feasible (e.g. should the library contain code for vector<vector<int>>::begin()? What about 3 or more levels of nesting?)
One option might be if template class implementations were tailored to this situation by ensuring that any template class is just a thin inlined wrapper around a non-templated class (with non-inlined methods). Early template libraries actually were often a bit like this to avoid "code bloat", or still are to some extent. But to do it fully, the inner class would need to hold the size of the data type at runtime, and need callbacks for copy constructors etc. This is where the concept really starts to break down.
Coming with C++26 as far as I see...
Reflection won't allow a linker to magically translate a class from one library version to another. It may not even be possible to do that translation at all.
That might be possible only if we compiled to some intermediate bytecode first, and shipped that with the code.
The title is confusing. He is not reimplementing the STL. He is writing some C++ classes providing functionality that is also already implemented in STL.
Yes, and he has so far reimplemented only a tiny fraction of that STL functionality.
Still interesting, despite the misleading title.
There is a science to designing reusable containers and algorithms, and it’s based on research like Art of Computer programming and you can learn more by reading primary sources about the design of STL.
STL can absolutely be improved, but posts like this indicate most programmers are clueless about how it works, and not in a position to learn from its mistakes and make something better.
If we are serious about code reuse we need to study these ideas and learn how to actually write libraries. The alternative is the npm/crates model - where you throw together 100 different open source concoctions and hope it works.
A problem I encountered while writing custom stdlib, is that certain language features expect stdlib to be there.
For example, <=> operator assumes, that std::partial_ordering exists. Kinda lame. In the newer C++ standards, more and more features are unusable without stdlib (or at least std namespace).
Sometimes standard library types defined in terms of compiler-builtins like `typedef decltype(nullptr) nullptr_t` but that doesn't always make sense. E.g. for operator<=> the only alternative would be for the compiler to define std::partial_ordering internally but what is gained by that?
Well, just the idea that you can use the entire core language without `#include`'ing any headers or depending on any standard-library stuff, is seen as a benefit by some people (in which I include myself). C++ inherited from C a pretty strong distinction between "language" and "library". This distinction is relatively alien to, say, Python or JavaScript, but it's pretty fundamental to C that the compiler knows how to do a bunch of stuff and then the library is built _on top of_ the core language, rather than alongside it holding its hand the whole way.
Your example with partial_ordering is actually one of my longstanding pet issues. It would have been possible (I wrote in https://quuxplusone.github.io/blog/2018/04/15/built-in-libra... ) to define
using strong_ordering = decltype(1 <=> 2);
using partial_ordering = decltype(1. <=> 2.);
But it remains impossible, AFAIK, to define `weak_ordering` from within the core language. Maybe this is where someone will prove me wrong!As of C++14 it's even possible to define the type `initializer_list` using only core-language constructs:
template<class T> T dv();
template<class T> auto ilist() { auto il = { dv<T>(), dv<T>() }; return il; }
template<class T> using initializer_list = decltype(ilist<T>());
(But you aren't allowed to do these things without including <compare> resp. <initializer_list> first, because the Standard says so.)account42
Note that even for C the dependency from compiler to standard library exists in practice because optimizing compilers will treat some standard library functions like memcpy specially by default and either convert calls to them into optimized inlined code, generate calls to them from core language constructs, or otherwise make assumptions about them matching the standard library specification. And beyond that you need compiler support libraries for things like operations missing from the target architecture or stack probes required on some platforms and various other language and/or compiler features.
But for all of these (including the result types of operator<=>) you can define your own version so it's a rather weak dependency.
At least you have the chance to implement your own std::partial_ordering if necessary; in most languages those kind of features would be built into the compiler.
Haskell solves this nicely: your own operators just shadow the built-in operators. (And you can opt to not import the built-in operators, and only use your own. Just like you can opt not to import printf in C.)
that's not the issue, the problem is the operator is required by the language to return a type from the stdlib, so you have to pull in the stdlib to get that type
Very nice! I like the tone and flippant energy of the post, of course, and also the way to get a nice scope by having a concrete case of a program to implement.
I also appreciated the comparisons against STL, very informative. It's ... interesting that if including `vector` in STL brings in 27,000 lines, and the author's implementation of the functionality for the example program was only 1,000 lines, that the compilation time difference is only 4X. Not sure I understand that, really. But benchmarking is hard, of course.
If I could come with a single suggestion it would be to include the sample program's source as text, not as a picture of text. If that means losing the pretty syntax highlighting, that's fine (by me). :)
> interesting that if including `vector` in STL brings in 27,000 lines, and the author's implementation of the functionality for the example program was only 1,000 lines, that the compilation time difference is only 4X
I imagine the time taken varies much more based on what's on the lines, rather than how many there are.
I'm not aware of specific pathological cases, but I'm sure you could make maybe 10 lines take 20 times longer than both of those vectors put together.
It also depends on how much of the lines end up being actually used - sure the compiler will have to parse all 27000 lines and probably do some more processing on that code but it won't have to do optimizations, register allocation and code generation on member functions or specializations you don't use.
I unexpectedly did some cpp few days ago and I was surprised that cpp standard library doesn't have string trim function! Everybody is rolling their own. What is the reason behind that?
What do you want to trim off? ASCII 0x20? Any ASCII white-space? Any Unicode white-space? Well the latter requires defined string encodings and depends on the Unicode version and you can't just use the latest without introducing subtle compatibility issues.
ASCII white space (in any encoding) by default with an optional user defined set of trim characters (like Python) would probably solve the needs of 90% of people rolling their own.
Not all unicode whitespace characters take up exactly one byte when encoded in utf8. Not even talking about other possible encodings, just good old utf8. Let that sink in a bit, and you'll realize what a can of worms it is in a language where strings are just byte sequences.
I mean, you're a big grown-up language with generic programming, why can't you:
C++ can't manage to do this because it doesn't give its primitive types methods, it doesn't have a sensible way to talk about methods on types, and it always coerces to function pointers...
assert_eq!("123foo1bar123".trim_end_matches(char::is_numeric), "123foo1bar");
But it's pretty easy to at least do this: assert_eq!("11foo1bar11".trim_end_matches('1'), "11foo1bar");
(Yes Rust does provide one that always trims off trailing whitespace, but that requires that you know, as Rust does, what the encoding is)null
The problem here isn't so much that it's not in the standard library (not everything needs to be in the standard library), but that everyone is rolling their own instead of using third party libraries.
"Everybody" is the problem, there are two proper use cases for a standard library†
1. Vocabulary. Things Everybody will want to talk about. It's easier to communicate if we all agree this is a List<Goose> than if we first have to negotiate do we mean MyLinkedList or ArrayList or HybridStorage::List, and if we can't agree do we need an adaptor layer. Vocab is a reason the stdlib should provide a string type (if the language itself does not), a growable array, a hash table, etc. With generic programming you likely want some algorithms in here too, all & any, sum, that sort of thing.
2. Shared features Everybody will find they need and might otherwise screw up. Trimming trailing whitespace, turning numbers into strings and vice versa, sorting, basic arithmetic, familiar constants.
This should be in category (2). "Everybody" will need this once in a while.
† In C++ instead the standard library functions as a way to not bother with package management, this does have amusing effects like how FreeBSD will end up with a linear algebra library required to build the OS.
Exactly, same as for base64 encoding, sha256/512 hashes and many more.
In a similar vein, I found out that Go doesn't have a string reverse function either. Everyone online pretends reversing strings is easy (just iterate through the array backwards! The world is US ASCII only, right?).
Trimming strings isn't hard in most real world applications, on the other hand, and not putting it in the standard library means people won't confuse the way the trim method works (i.e. the user must make a choice between copying memory or reusing memory and risking memory lifetime/consistency issues). And that doesn't even include problems like "what if the string isn't utf8".
I'm more disappointed in Go, which takes a ton of questionable assumptions in the standard library to pretend difficult problems are easy. C++ wants to be correct and knowing what is or isn't whitespace is hard when you don't know the length of a single grapheme.
Slightly OT:
Interview question(s): "Write a function to reverse a string/linked list"
Me, as interviewee: "You spend a lot of time reversing things, do you?"
I don't understand why people are so obsessed with this kind of thing. In my entire career, I don't think I ever felt the need to reverse anything - iterate backwards, perhaps.
That is the point - nobody does this in the real world so you don't have the solution memorized. However doing it is "easy" enough that you can actually do it in an interview. More than once I've worked with someone who had a great resume with a lot of experience, but we quickly figured out once they were on the job that they couldn't write code (I was sometimes involved in the hiring decision, but I never did the hiring alone).
What the world is looking for in question like that is enough to figure out if you can program. Most people looking for a job have a lot of experience but they can't show you any code.
Any sane company in the US will only confirm the dates someone worked there and they "left on good terms" - they will not tell you if the person was any good. If they must fire someone HR will often offer to let the person write a resignation letter on the spot thus meaning the the person leaves on good terms - it is to your advantage overall to accept this offer - you can't sue for wrongful termination which protects them, but in turn they will say you left on good terms instead of giving a bad reference.
As such there is often no indication someone is bad and so they can jump from job to job despite being incompetent. Questions like this exist because you can solve it (at least a simplified version of ASCII only, if you need to work with unknown character set it gets hard)
The goal of an interview isn't to get the candidate to write code that will be used in production. The goal is to observe the candidate doing something that predicts whether they're a viable hire. If a candidate cannot write a function to reverse a given sequence, especially in a situation where candidates have been led to expect that they'll be asked to do something just like that, then it becomes harder to believe that the candidate is a viable hire.
It is the closest to do a programmer casting.
I would rather have that question, instead of how many golf balls fit into a plane.
At least the former has something to do with programming.
If you want to reuse memory in C++, you'll either have to modify the string or return a string_view because strings must be null terminated (string_views are not). If you just chop off the last n-bytes of a string, it won't be a string anymore.
I personally use std::string_view as much as possible especially for compile-time constants. Then you can slice as much as you want without reallocating.
In C++ frameworks it exists for ages.
Why not in ISO C++?
Welcome to the ways of ISO and committee driven development, apparently no one cared enough to submit a paper, and do the work to win the paper voting into the standard.
A bit off-topic maybe, what is a good open source library to read through to see some clean&modern C++? I've not dealt with the language in a bit and was thinking of diving back in
I've always found SerenityOS to have quite nice C++ source code. The project runs on very recent versions of C++ (to the point where the standard compilation script for Ubuntu will compile a modern compiler first) and the OS intentionally doesn't stick to POSIX, allowing some very nice API improvements that only work in a C++-first world.
Its main author moved on to Ladybird, though, so I haven't really browsed the code recently. I'm not sure if SerenityOS uses concepts and other such recent additions.
In any case, having a go at Tour of C++ book is a good way to read about modern idioms.
the most recent version has `import std;` in the very first hello world, which to my knowledge is not close to working in the vast majority of compilers.
It works alright on VC++ and clang/CMake/ninja.
The main issue is VS where the EDG frontend still hasn't been properly updated, and clang/cmake can't handle header units.
GCC is lagging behind, and everyone else is anyway mostly catching up to C++17.
For my hobby coding, I am mostly doing C++23 on VC++, so it is modules all the way.
At work, it is still C++17 land on native libraries for managed languages.
A bit off-topic, but as a Meson user, I would love to see C++ modules support since they start to be usable in all three big compilers.
Nice experiment for the pyStd, though, as pointed out, this would break with pre-compiled 3rd party deps that use pystd in a different version :)
How will this year release scale when you need to work with newer compilers? I don‘t write cpp so I honestly don‘t know. Do you need to freeze your version of the compiler forever? Or is gcc / clang backwards compatible? Or do you sprinkle tons of pragmas on the files to control this? What I mean is how can you make sure your version one API is still compiling in the future. Take the counter example of ruby for instance. I could write a package with lots of namespaces and declare v1 frozen. But I still need to potentially
update the code so it can run in newer versions of the runtime. Edit: typos
Overwhelmingly, new compilers will compile old code just fine. IIRC, the only time old code is broken intentionally is when fixing a bug in the compiler itself causes the code to break.
I do wonder how much smaller the STL source code would be if it was pre-processed or written with only a single C++ standard in mind. So only for C++20 or only for C++23 etc. In that case how much faster would things be to compile where it doesn't need to filter through hundreds of preprocessor options?
From what I've read on mailing lists and whatnot, it seems a lot of complexity comes from explicit choices made, like iterators being unaffected by insertions[1] for maps and such, or time complexity guarantees that forces the implementation into certain corners.
[1]: https://kera.name/articles/2011/06/iterator-invalidation-rul...
> In that case how much faster would things be to compile where it doesn't need to filter through hundreds of preprocessor options?
I think most of the time spent isn’t running the preprocessor, but parsing the declarations and definitions.
Regardless, the way to speed up importing definitions in modern C++ is to use #import instead of #include.
https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38904758 says they could import the entire std namespace in under a second (that is long when you want to run C++ as a scripting language, but not when you compile large programs)
> The C++ standard library (also know as the STL)
The C++ Standard Library is not the same as the STL.
The STL is the Standard Template Library, which provides containers such as vectors, as well as related functionality like iterators.
The C++ Standard Library includes STL, but is a lot more, including things like I/O, math, concurrency, and so on.
The maintainers of Microsoft's C++ standard library use the term interchangeably, both "STL" and "C++ standard library" refer to the same thing. https://github.com/microsoft/STL/blame/main/README.md#L3
Probably a historical artifact. It has never been the correct term.
He's not writing the C++ standard library from scratch. He's writing his own library, in a different namespace, with some similar functionality. It's easy to write a non-standard library that only satisfies your limited subset of needs. People do it all the time. It's not special.
The ABI stability boast is based on having no legacy to support. It will work fine as long as everything is shipped only as code and the whole world needs to be rebuilt from scratch every time and even then, you never change any code ever even for a major bugfix. That's hardly practical in the real world where one tiny misstep on the ABI front can result in billion-dollar multinationals threatening suit (ask me how I know). It's a facile claim.
The C++ standard library hasn't been known as "the STL" for almost 30 years, ever since part of the STL was modified and adopted into the C++ standard library. Most of the features he's providing implementations for were never a part of the STL (file I/O, strings, hash maps, UTF-8).
I maintain an implementation of the C++ standard library for a living. It's a full-time job. It's a huge library (note to the committee: please stop) and it's really easy to mess something up. But if you want to write your own library that doesn't do what the standard library does or meet any of its requirements and implementation constraints or serve its real-world purpose, go right ahead. Just don't claim you're writing your own C++ standard library. You're not.