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Cottagecore Programmers

Cottagecore Programmers


·March 24, 2025


Oh hey, I'm the guy who (in?)famously no longer builds software. Still building furniture, still dicking around on HN when I'm not building furniture.

My current project is a mid-century modern-inspired dining table. I'm delighted by the design, and I'm tickled to be building it. Not all projects are as fun. Last year I built a very large liquor cabinet that involved rather more problem-solving than expected. I should've charged more for it, and I am, as ever, grateful that my partner works a salaried job that comes with health insurance.

As a small point of order, I was never actually asked to add an RSS feed to a DBMS. I've definitely implemented things that made just as much sense to me though.

I remain delighted by how much that GitHub comment still resonates with folks, and I remain astonished that the issue is still open after almost 8 years.

ETA: I remain wholly unqualified to discuss the state of actual agriculture and homesteading. My partner and I garden, but make no pretense of ever having our small home be self-sustaining economically or even in food.


That's my bad! Thank you for the correction.

It is an incredible comment, haha, as you can tell I still think about it semi-regularly. Incredible that the issue is still open as well.

Best of luck with the dining table! I took a good look through your site while I was looking back up that thread that I remembered and your pieces look great. Actually, if you're in the Upper Valley, you probably aren't far at all from where I grew up. It's over near Windsor, around Mt. Ascutney.

Edit: If you or your partner like knitting, I'm sure I could prevail upon my parents to offer some of our yarn to you as a gift for the inspiration!


Thanks for the kind words and the link in the article :-)

We're in West Fairlee now, but I've driven through Windsor a million times going to and from the Claremont MakerSpace when we were still renting outside of WRJ. I love Ascutney and really ought to get down and climb it again.

Please feel free to drop a line the next time you're in the area.


Will do! :)

Ascutney is great -- I definitely recommend starting from the Brownsville trailhead, there's an oddly beautiful view partway up where the abandoned mining operation has some remaining tracks leading out along a thin little cliff and you get an incredible view of all the fields and forest because of the rocks that blocking the trees from growing beneath the cliffside.


Having spent my youth on a dryland wheat farm in Montana, I would just say no.

Why does everyone who sits behind a computer long to be out in the fields or workshops?

My flip answer to that is that they haven't spent their youth on a farm, worrying about a hailstorm that wipes out the entire wheat crop for the year, or you lose 25% of your cattle herd to a recently diagnosed virus diarrhea. My grandparents were homesteaders who at some point in their life lived in houses with dirt floors.

The fact of life was that due to technology, the productivity of the American farm increased by almost two orders of magnitude during my Grandfather's lifetime. This meant that a tractor that my dad purchased when I was about 3 for the equivalent of 1500 bushels of wheat cost about 9000 by the time I went to college.

Thus, the economics of a family farm, or sole dude wanting to get away from the computer and grow something is painful.

A couple of kids that do an excellent job of building a homestead are the couple behind the youtube channel Ambition Strikes. They call at an off-grid homestead, but through their unbounded energy and creativity have created their own substantial mini-grid. I have a lot of respect for them and what they have done.

The article notes It is difficult to think of any field more forcibly disentangled from any sort of understanding of the impact of your labor than the majority of positions in tech. This is discussed in some detail in the book "Stiffed" by Susan Faludi. She discusses the community nature of the naval shipyards, in which everyone apparently was connected meaningfully to their work and the workers around them. She contrasts that with the workers in aerospace whose work is so abstract that it was hard for a professional working there to describe to their kids what exactly they do all day.


> it was hard for a professional working there to describe to their kids what exactly they do all day

I work remotely, and my four year old daughter asked me this morning “How does you being upstairs all day give us food?” At dinner time she always asks me “What did you do at work today?”

It’s a very odd experience trying to describe (justify?) the purpose of Zoom meetings and typing on a computer all day to a little person, and the more I attempted to come up with a coherent and reasonable explanation, the less defensible it sounded to myself as I spoke out loud. Tech is quite a strange industry to be in.


IMHO this breaks down into one of two answers: 1) I'm building something that makes a difference (if you think it does). 2) I'm building something that someone thinks makes a difference, and that person pays me (it's a paycheck).

To my mind currently some tech jobs just get caught up in the whirlwind of self-justification, while others you could argue provide real value to people. Which side of that a particular role is on is, I think, largely subjective.

So...someone thinks it's worth it to pay you. Maybe you care too; at the least, it puts food on the table because it matters to someone enough to swap money for.

That's my 2 cents, but I invite a disagreeing perspective.


I think alienation is more of a bottom-up emotional experience than anything that a top-down argument can really impact.


I assume said YouTube channel is funded by the revenue they get from said YouTube channel. An individual trying to replicate their efforts would likely have a different experience.

It's the ol' "person selling you X didn't get rich from X, they got rich selling people X".


For examples of Real Modern Farming™ documented on youtube that's bringing in a bit of extra cash and sponsership but is very much riding on a pre existing lifestyle .. see (say) Merrett Contracting

For similar, but documenting tree farming life in NZ there's Marty T .. which is almost 100% field fixing and shed restoring old tractors, bulldozers, excavators, and any bit of machinery related activity that might be useful in a rural setting - power from hydro, building rafts to move machinery, etc.


So far as I can tell, yes. Plus they do have occasional sponsors, plus a bit of swag.

Few of us can replicate their energy and resourcefulness.


>community nature of naval shipyards

I'm guessing from the other thread, this was way back in Rickover's youth as well?


I believe it was so.


Operationally, there's still some of that


That's exactly it. If you have to actually do this for survival or to make functional products at the pace of making a profit it's no longer "wistful and whimsical". These fetishes come from living in a time where industry and automation has dealt with most of our problems and we can romanticize hand work, etc.


Grey hair sysadmin story time...

I came to understand the "purposelessness" of my career very early on; when I decommissioned a bare metal server from a datacenter after finishing the deploy of it's replacement and realised that the old server was the first unit I'd racked when I started in the position 4 years ago.

That was ~20 years ago. Nothing I've had a hand in building / maintaining has "survived" for more than ~7 years.

My Dad worked to build houses. Prior to my IT career I'd laboured for him and played my small part in the creation of many homes around where I grew up. They'll be there for a hundred years maybe.

Quitting the ephemeral world of IT to work on building a homestead and creating tangible things that directly keep humans alive seems like an obvious calling to me.

The constant evolution of "tech" is a blessing and a curse.


I have wondered how people who have spent their career jumping from runway to runway feel when they look back over their shoulder and only see plane wrecks at the end of derelict runways. Perhaps they made a ton of money, but it has to hurt on some level to have never seen your work amount to something.


I laughed really hard today. I did some contract work for a friend of mine a long time ago and he sent me a message today to let me know that the some of the code I wrote for him was broken. He sent me a screenshot of git blame… I committed it in 2011 :D. Definitely made me smile knowing that that work has been humming along in production for 14 years without a hitch.

The only reason it broke is because, apparently, Django finally removed an API that they deprecated a while ago.


Code I slaved over and expended all my effort - gone when the startup collapsed.

Half-assed solution I threw together as an intern in 1999? Still operating and foundational to this day.

Ah, well.


> Nothing I've had a hand in building / maintaining has "survived" for more than ~7 years.

The companies? The websites? Google, for example, has been in existence since 1998. If you're working on a farm, the crops don't live longer than a year. The livestock longer than that, but probably not decades - my (limited) understanding is that most cows are slaughtered around age 2 or 3. But the farm itself can, in certain circumstances, last for generations.

If you're talking houses, sure, solid walls can last decades, centuries, millennia even (cf the Pyramids). However, I think this is because stone is particularly durable. Roofs, windows, doors, anything that isn't made of really good masonry will tend to decay much quicker than that. Even states like the Roman Republic and Empire (which had probably a good ~2000 year run if we count from 509BC to the fall of Constantinople in 1453) will eventually crumble and fall.

Now a tech company is a newer type of institution than a farm, but some of them are quite old - GE was founded in 1892. IBM was founded in 1911. We can also take Bell telephone and Standard Oil, both of whom were broken up by anti-trust cases, but whose descendants still live on today, as other examples of tech companies that have had lifespans similar to or greater than houses or farms.

Of course, I understand that "I built some software/racked some servers for a company 20 years ago and they're still business" isn't the same as "I put the bricks in that wall twenty years ago and the house is still there". So I agree that the individual artifacts we create in the tech industry are somewhat fleeting, compared to things made of metal and stone, even if, compared to things like music or other performing arts, where the song disappears the minute you stop playing, software running on computers is relatively lasting. And artifacts created with software, while they are a relatively new thing, may prove quite durable. Films made with Final Cut, or songs made with Pro Tools, or heck, even video games like Doom, may prove to outlast every house that you ever worked on. It's possible that 200 years from now, people will still be watching YouTube videos made today, even if, in a Ship of Theseus like fashion, every line of code and every server that YouTube is currently using has been replaced since then.


Every company I've worked for still exists and many will clearly continue for many many years (some previous employers were Universities).

Some previous roles I was involved in solving "this could end the business" situations, so I do thank you for making me realise that I laid bricks (or more importantly; helped detect and repair serious foundation problems) for my employers.


This is a really beautiful sentiment, it's interesting to look more at our careers as stewards of a lasting organization in some ways, where every iteration of some product is dependent on the existence of work done before. Even with ephemeral software we all leave our mark in that way. Thank you for writing that.


I'm not sure how deeply involved you've gotten into homesteading, and whether you are doing anything in the IT world, but if you are still a bit connected to IT then I'd suggest scratching an itch you have with software. Perhaps something that connects your homesteading to IT, so you are able to use your knowledge from both?

I've worked for smaller companies, and have software I started in 2009 that I am still working on, literally up to 15 minutes ago. I enjoy working with the client, because they are building in an area that seems to be untapped for potential. I've moved across two programming languages, and two database systems, to keep the software running, and feel that my personal investment and belief in what my client is doing has helped push me in a direction where I am almost tied to this software as my client. It's a good feeling, and think perhaps you need a project like that for yourself. The benefit is that you are also homesteading, so you could learn IoT software for your homestead, even starting off with something simple like watching temperatures at night, or reading humidity readings to decide whether to water areas of your garden/food source.

I grew up with grandparents that lived off the land, mostly pushed from them growing up during the Great Depression. I wish I had known to ask more questions of them while they were around, but I did pick up a strong work ethic, along with what I picked up from my parents. Having a project that you enjoy goes a very long way towards keeping an interest in anything, whether it's IT or gardening of vegetables, flowers, or raising animals for meat or labor (or pleasure, but figured that fell outside of homesteading).


You wouldn't say that manufacturing tires is purposeless just because the tires need to be replaced in a few years. They were able to accomplish a lot of transportation while they lasted.

You wouldn't say that making a sandwich is pointless just because you'll need another one tomorrow. It let you survive and gave you the energy to do things.

The purpose of a server is what it was able to do for people while it lasted. The fact that it won't last forever doesn't take away that purpose.


Why would people who are so comfortable, whose job was to me a lifelong goal, want to do exactly what I worked so hard to move away from?

The difference is doing it out of necessity vs. doing it out of choice. Nobody fetishizes being worked to the bone in fear of making ends meet. Tech people are by and large well-educated and comfortable enough to dream of a utopia where they can be close to nature and do tasks that feel meaningful and human in an of themselves (vs. hyper-abstracted acronym-laden functional teams value-adds that often only provide the indirect satisfaction of "I'm doing my job and my boss is happy"). "I made a chair" and "I grew some carrots" are instantly relatable and valuable to anyone.

Source: I quit my tech job and moved to the woods 8 years ago, but would only do so because I don't need to worry about grinding a survival out of it.


For me, it's that homesteading has lots of problem solving but in the physical realm.

It's not that it has strictly to do with being outside or away from the computer (that's nice though) but for me it's that you still get to build and be proud of what you've done.

When I do work away from the computer and more in farm/homestead situations, I'm still drawn to using technology to solve problems (e.g. Automating certain tasks with microcontrollers), so it's not a rejection of my $job.

I think it's that I'm a builder and a problem solver at heart, I love finding issues, fixing them and being glad. Homestead is often that 100x.

Have to disagree with the article though, I don't think it has anything to do with a mythos.


> I think it's that I'm a builder and a problem solver at heart, I love finding issues, fixing them and being glad. Homestead is often that 100x.

Are you saying this from experience homesteading? Or from imagining what homesteading is like?

Once you get past the storybook fantasy version of homesteading, a lot of it is drudgery and unwelcome surprises. You may love finding and fixing problems now, but when the problems are coming faster than you can fix them, each one requires a lot of labor (or cash) to fix, and you haven't touched your fun project for months because you're too busy putting out critical fires, it doesn't seem so fun any more.


I think this is the biggest thing - anything will be much more enjoyable when you can choose how much to engage in, and you do not depend on its completion for income or survival.

Of course farming and carpentry will be more fun to a software engineer who is doing it as a hobby or in retirement, than the work they did in their job. Even if you “switch” to it as a source of income, it is far different to have another career and set of skills to fall back on, than to be doing it out of necessity.


Back when I was in school and choosing what university course to apply for, I was torn between computer science and law, both of which interested me a lot. One of the several factors that swayed my decision was that if I did law as a career I could still practise programming in my spare time, whereas if I did programming as a career, I was highly unlikely to practise law in my spare time. So (for that and other reasons) I went into law and became a lawyer.

Now, every now and again, when I am stuck working late on a deal and all I want to do is go home and hack on my latest project, I wonder if I made the right choice. But ultimately I know I wouldn't be so excited to fire up an IDE if I relied on it for my livelihood.

As for farming, I grew up in a rural area so never had any illusions about it. I do admire the resourcefulness and ingenuity of many farmers, but I know it's not for me. Most of the retirees I know like to do "a spot of gardening" in their retirement, and honestly I think the kind of micro-scale "farming" a lot of office workers dream of is not that distinguishable from gardening, so many of them will probably get their wish eventually.


I've wondered: if I could switch my main and side jobs, making farming my primary career and doing some programming and sysadmin work on the side, would I be happier? Or would I get as tired of the main job as I am now, and wish I could spend more time on the side work? Hard to say, since I need to keep it this way to make a good living.


I guess there is homesteading and homesteading.

I'm sure doing homesteading at the fringes of Canada is different than doing it in the middle of Europe.


yeah, there's subsistence farming and cosplaying as a subsistence farmer. one's a lot more fun than the other :P


That's fair, I think there are some people (like that initial hn post I reference) who such as yourself really are just people who really enjoy that sort of lifestyle. But I also think that societally we put a lot of value and for lack of a better word, "coolness factor" on manual labor. You could imagine in certain time periods and cultures that something like working in a field wouldn't be viewed positively at all, and maybe something like writing poetry is seen as a very masculine and rugged endeavor.

I think that for certain individuals that sort of mythological status ascribed to being a frontiersman or a person who can do everything themselves definitely influences how they perceive a potential job or method of living.

Thanks for reading though!!


There is too much of a tie between being satisfied with that type of work and being successful as a pre-civilization human animal for me to agree with you completely, I think.


Yeah it seems like everyone's definition of homesteading is on a bit of a spectrum. Don't get me wrong - throwing a bunch of arduinos/microcontrollers together to automate stuff is very fun but when I personally think of homesteading it's about self-sufficiency through agriculture.

In conversations with the IT world, I have definitely found a pretty high level of romanticism" often associated with the idea of leaving the modern world behind, going off-grid and running a farm.

It dovetails with the same kind of naive transcendentalism that espouses that natural = good, a simpler kind of living, etc.


a friend recently described bouldering - which I understand is also fairly popular with engineers - as something to the effect of "solving problems in a physical space with your body". this seems not dissimilar


Luckily my uncle and aunt had a large farm, where my mother used to send me and my sister for a couple of weeks, every summer - at least for me that pretty much killed any romantic idea of what farm life is like.

In fact, I'm also very grateful that I got to try a wide range of shitty manual labor job as a student. So many people would kill for a cushy office job.

EDIT: Might I also add, I think some engineers - especially those that have reached FIRE, enjoy the idea of LARPing a homestead / farming life. If you have enough money to not feel the stress, you can have a smaller farm.

The harsh reality is that operating a small farm can be brutal. You're at the very bottom of the food-chain, as far as the agricultural business goes.


My dad built houses. Sometimes, like another poster here, I think about how his work will be around for decades if not centuries (they were nice houses). I think about how I might feel if I had kept his business going, maybe worked to expand it. Then I think about being 16, leaving the house at six to go pour concrete piers and being exhausted and caked in mud and cement by lunchtime. And how it felt a lot less exciting on the first Friday than it did on the first Monday.


Similar story here. My grandparents had a farm and had cows (dairy). Even by the time I was around, they had mostly wound down operations and had semi-retired.

They still had some dairy cows though.. and I still remember (over 30 years later!) the almost physical wall of smell that assaulted you going into that barn when it was all closed up because it was -20ºF outside. Nothing romantic about that!


None of my family worked on a farm. But, literally one time I went to visit a friend whose family farmed. We all spent some time digging up some kind of root vegetable. It was fun because it was with friends but also, it would absolutely suck to do for a living, haha.

What gets me about the homesteading fantasy: it’s, like, so incredibly easy to disabuse oneself of the notion that digging up tubers is a good time.


>In fact, I'm also very grateful that I got to try a wide range of shitty manual labor job as a student. So many people would kill for a cushy office job.

Working a couple warehouse jobs when in college provided me with some valuable perspective.


I think this impulse is actually pretty simple and doesn't need to resort to high level cultural politics to understand it (though I agree that culture comes into play too). I think it's mostly two things:

1. We crave tactile skillful experiences

We have thousands of years of evolution that encourage us to want to use our bodies skillfully. We're a tool-using species and humans that didn't derive some intrinsic satisfaction from manipulating the physical world deftly probably didn't survive long enough to make babies.

It just straight up feels good to watch ones own hands turn a piece of wood into a utensil, a hank of yarn into a wearable garment, or a patch of dirt into edible vegetables.

2. We want to feel resourceful and secure

We have emotions like anxiety and worry to get us to prepare for the future. Of course, we can't fully predict the future, so part of that is a general feeling of resourcefulness. "I don't know what's coming, but I know I can handle it when it does."

Working in tech is in many ways the opposite of that. We're like hothouse flowers or thoroughbred racehorses. We are fantastically good at this one specific thing that happens to be highly valued right now. But there's an underlying anxiety that if the world stops needing more software... what's our plan B?

You don't have to go full apocalyptic prepper mentality to have a gnawing worry in the back of your head that if this whole software thing doesn't work out, what else am I good for?

A craving for manual skills that transcend trends, time, and specific corporate employment is a natural hedge against that frightening level of specialization.


I think this is it. And I suspect most of these folks don't honestly believe they want to actually run acres and acres of farmland as a commercial enterprise.

But speaking as someone who has a small herd of sheep, a few pigs every year and processes his own 50~ meat birds on the property every year. I know how much it sucks to watch a lamb and mother die in childbirth. I know the itch of thousands of hay cuts after clearing a field of bales and putting them up.

And I also have a 2g fiber line to my house and work a tech job remotely for my primary income. My desire to do the land things is not based on mythology. It's because the food tastes better when I helped raise it. It's a slight independence from some of the modern just-in-time food conveniences. It also means I have to work with my neighbors, cause who else is gonna help you cull a dying sheep in a pouring rain and put it down and get it in the compost?

I don't do these things because they're easy. I do them because I feel a little more alive once it's over and I've shared a difficult moment, or a delicious meal with a friend or my children.


Now that you mention it, I have always enjoyed that general feeling of resourcefulness. I've talked about this with other people, but given my fairly eclectic background I usually feel like I can handle a pretty wide variety of problems. It's a very centering feeling, so it would make sense as to why other people worry about being overinvested in just one skill.


Honestly, after being a gentleman farmer for 15 years or so now, I've come to realize that farmers were the original hackers. In this sense, there's almost a coming-home aspect to software developers wanting to do farm work.

I've never been so proud as when I figured out how to rig up the water nipple in a way that the pigs wouldn't rip it off the wall for the umpteenth time. And my solution probably wouldn't work for most other farmers. It's a design of circumstance and an appreciation of material and the brutal-ness of animals. Livestock are 10x worse on your designs than your average web site user.


Twenty-some years ago working 12am-6am overnight trying to fix production database issues and meet deadlines, I told myself I didn't want to be doing this in another 10 years.

"Plato saw Diogenes washing lettuces, came up to him and quietly said to him, 'Had you paid court to Dionysius, you wouldn't now be washing lettuces,' and that he with equal calmness made answer, 'If you had washed lettuces, you wouldn't have paid court to Dionysius."


In addition to the sitting on your rear or day just schlepping code for a company, there's also this perception that other people have of programmers just not really producing anything tangible and/or the profession just being something you do if you are weak and/or afraid to do labour.

I gotta admit, that on a day where it's just about chasing some elusive bug or bugs, even I say to myself: "What the hell did I do today?" even though I might have spent 8-10 solid hours actively working. If the bug is hard enough to find I feel like I accomplished nothing nor have anything to show for it.

And sometimes, when you add to the fact that as devs we have all these perks in the office like free snacks, being able to go out for lunch, free sodas, free coffee, or WFH etc. and for what? We accomplished nothing!

Conversely, you might meet blue collar workers who has to, absolutely has to commute to a job site (no WFH for them), busts their rear to get something real and tangible done. Like for example, setting up electrical, or building a frame, or fixing a major plumbing issue, or doing drywall, or painting an entire house, or doing an entire roof in the heat etc. And sometimes these people barely get their bathroom, lunch and/or coffee breaks. It really makes us seem spoiled in comparison.

And yes, I know that it's kinda denigrating to use the word "real" to describe anything but software, but, what I mean, is that most non-software people only understand finished and shipped software as real. They don't that understand DB schemas, software specs, MVPs, for example, etc. is also real as well. And they certainly don't understand time spent on thinking about data structures and algorithms as anything real or tangible. Especially if you spend most time planning properly before you code.

Anyways, we want to prove, at least to ourselves, that we can actually create something that everyone can see, touch, feel, pick up, eat, stand on, sit on, etc. And we want to prove that we can have same high standards and craftsmanship this kind of work that we have for code.

Yeah, some of us have a chip on our shoulder about that.


I've definitely struggled with that feeling in my work as well.

When I was growing up, the metric for having done something were things like: All the hay is baled and we moved it all into a loft, or we finished shingling the roof.

Working in a technical position, it feels much vaguer. Maybe I finished a project, but then again, maybe there's a bug, and I'm back working on what I thought was done. Maybe I made a tool accessible online, but now there's a new tech stack and my tool is irrelevant unless I update it. It feels very Sisyphean at times I suppose, in a way that making a physical product and then seeing someone use it or eat it really doesn't.

It's interesting that it feels like that though, because I certainly didn't have to throw hay only one time, and I didn't have to scrape paint from a wall only one time. I suppose I'm interested in why it feels more real and less repetitive, and maybe part of that is what you point out, that people outside of the field just don't understand what the work that tech workers do consists of in actuality.


> It feels very Sisyphean at times I suppose, in a way that making a physical product and then seeing someone use it or eat it really doesn't.

An ex-manager had a phrase that stuck with me, that we are building the factories. Ultimately software gets used to do something, there are lots little "products" being emitted each time it is used. If you are looking at physical products on the shelf, people don't normally think "who fixes the factory that built this when something goes wrong? who makes the factory more efficient so the producer doesn't go bankrupt? who changes the factory when a new design needs to be produced?". This kind of work is rather ephemeral and Sisyphean by nature, so sometimes I like to remind myself that there are these tangible products people rely on but they are just a layer removed. (Nowadays I'm two layers removed - I build a factory to build factories, i.e. compilers and platforms and such).

(This particular business line essentially processed data - it was much more complicated than that but fundamentally was remote-sensing -> data-in -> data-out, so the "data factory" metaphore kinda made sense in that setting).


Thanks for sharing, I've never thought of it that way.


> It feels very Sisyphean at times I suppose

I feel this every time I touch CSS. Sometimes I spend hours just fiddling with it, and my code commit is a few characters. And what's worse, it's the thing I stumbled on in the first 10 minutes of debugging, but that, for some reason, never worked that I tried again out of desperation, after not getting anything else to work (an hour later) and that I'm now trying again for some reason. Yet, for some reason, it works this time. CSS makes me feel stupid.


While non software people certainly don't understand data structures etc themselves I'm sure they get the idea that software has to be designed, just as they get that most buildings (like larger than a shed) have to be designed by an architect before construction people actually start building it.

Most / all of software work, including coding, is actually architecture / design (at varying levels of zoom) the equivalent to construction in buildings is fully automated in software (compilation etc)


Judging from the questions I've received from clients and managers I think the average person has no clue what our work involves. They certainly don't know that software has an architecture, that someone had to create that architecture. All they know is I type on a keyboard and the result is software that probably doesn't do what they want.


> I'm sure they get the idea that software has to be designed

You’d be surprised at the number of people who don’t. The rise in popularity of vibe coding won’t do our industry any favors.




I think there are a few reasons.

- Simplify (whether or not this is misguided, it's part of the appeal).

- Autonomy. Being able to, even partially, move off-grid decreases your reliance on society.

- Physical / nature. Sitting at a desk all day definitely has a toll.

There's several No true Scotsman comments here, but IMO there's nothing wrong with attempting this lifestyle. If someone decides (and can afford) to live more simply, it doesn't bother me any. Good for them!

I think the negativity might be because every frikin' one of them tries to turn into a snake oil selling influencer, and we're just seeing influencer fatigue setting in.


Huge agree with the "autonomy" part.

That scene in Office Space where he complains about having 8 different bosses really resonates with me.

I love programming, if I could get paid to work on what I wanted, how I wanted, when I wanted, I would (and hopefully at some point I will), but run of the mill corporate JIRA ticket churn isn't exactly something that deeply satisfies my soul, and I can understand fantasizing about getting as far away from that as possible.


The post talks like tech jobs have a societal benefit but it's difficult to see it due to the many layers of abstraction.

I would rather posit that most tech jobs have a negative societal impact and it's difficult to find a company which isn't focusing on fucking the maximum amount of profit out of their customers while utilising the cheapest lubricant.


It depends on the job for sure, but you're certainly not wrong that many technical jobs have a negative societal impact. I had a hard time finding jobs I actually wanted to apply to after college because I strongly disliked the idea of working for a company where the sum total of my contribution was making people more likely to click an advertisement or something like that. Felt pretty awful in terms of "meaning" in that way.

But there are a lot of tech jobs that aren't like that as well, and I think people have similar feelings about wanting to escape into a more natural world in those ones too. The sum total of which are positive and which are negative is certainly up for debate though. I actually have another post I started writing about the negative second-order effects of certain outcomes of software development in the last decade or so.


I'll put on my devil's advocate hat and try to argue for the positive social impact of tech companies.

Thanks to tech companies, people can communicate more easily with each other.

People call Google out for being an ad company. Their mission is to organize the world's information and make it accessible. Showing you an ad for burgers near your house when your recent YouTube watches have all been for burger reviews is doing exactly that.

Facebook helps people connect and stay in touch over long distances (and so does email). I have a brother in Canada, I live in France. We talk via WhatsApp. Basically every person I know living in a country far from their family uses WhatsApp or a similar service to communicate. Once again, those much vilified ads that everyone always complains about are helping people find things that might improve their lives.

Netflix entertains people. It gives them an escape from the tedium of their boring office jobs in tech companies (;D)

Amazon (and Ali Baba) has unified the world's market place. You can now get basically anything from anywhere, delivered to your house in less than a week.

The long tail of platforms like YouTube and Instagram have enabled hobbists and enthusiasts that would have spent their whole lives in isolation to connect and share their passions.

We're having this discussion on an online communications platform made by a tech company (Y Combinator). It is enabling us to both learn more about the world and improve errors in our thinking by communicating, despite that fact that we very probably live in completely separate world and will never have a chance to meet in real life.

The abundance of computing power and internet connection has spread knowledge throughout the world and is probably responsible for a fair amount of scientific progress. Any 10 year old with a basic smartphone now has access to basically the sum total of humanity's knowledge, especially if they use SciHub and LibraryGenesis.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to read a Wikipedia article about the Roman empire, maybe in Dutch or German to improve my knowledge of those languages, using Google Translate if I have to, and thank God that I get to live in these wonderful times. <3


There are also a ton of tech companies that we don’t have to play devil’s advocate to defend. Apple, AMD, TSMC, Intel, so on and so on… they make or design useful devices.


I don't know if I can agree with this. I am a programmer. I work with programmers and I know quite a few outside of work. Maybe three or four have expressed this wish, but not many.

There are a multitude of reasons why one might not like being a programmer, but most of them have nothing to do with programming itself. It's other people. Other engineers or managers or parasites. People who think antisocial behavior is okay, or worse, that it's the way to get ahead in life.

Toxic people make everything suck. I worked extremely hard to stop being even a little toxic. I wish more people would realize how their behavior affects others.