Skip to content(if available)orjump to list(if available) simple, single-task tools to help neurodivergent people with tasks


This could be overgeneralising a bit... but I see a lot of people with ADHD (on- and offline) who tend to make it an essential part of their identity. I realise it's a very impactful thing to have to deal with (I have ADHD too) but I feel like a lot of the time it's brought up for no real reason. E.g. you started daydreaming when reading a book? Forgot something to do when you walked through a doorway? Got angry? You lost track of what you were thinking about? Must be the ADHD. There are YouTube channels whose whole gimmick is that they're run by and for people with ADHD. And guess what kind of content you'll see there: "Why cooking with ADHD is hell", "How ADHD can make you lie", "Music for people with ADHD". What happened to "music for concentration"? HN is a place where I see this play out a lot.


I think it's particularly common to see that with people who discover their ADHD in adulthood, and there are a lot of us now that awareness has been raised in recent years.

I went my whole life thinking that I was broken. I had intense anxiety surrounding social interaction, was horribly depressed, got terrible grades through high school, and just generally did not enjoy most of life. I eventually learned how to cope and function normally to an outside observer, but still would go through cycles of intense anxiety and depression that I didn't know how to explain.

A few years ago I finally was diagnosed with ADHD and suddenly everything clicked. My anxiety, my depression, my grades, my intense hyperfocus on one thing at a time but also inability to keep consistently focused on one thing for more than a few weeks. All of that suddenly made sense, and there were people in the world who knew exactly how I felt. And the thing is, the anxiety and depression have largely gone away. Now that I know what's going on inside my brain I don't have to beat myself up about it, instead I can learn from and lean on hundreds of thousands of other people who have to cope with the same thing.

So yeah, today I will often notice "oh, that's an ADHD thing" at random times in my life. But it's not so much that it's an essential part of my identity as it is that it's enormously comforting to finally have an explanation for all of the weird quirks that I have, and it's a huge relief to have a community of people who experience the same things that I do. When I say "that's my ADHD", it's me reminding myself that I am not broken, just different, and different is okay.


To be honest, I thought exactly like you for years. I still benefit from society choosing to label me with something, and that I do not choose to fight. For a while my diagnoses provided so many explanations to my problems and I could live with new purpose.

But a while later, I found it was not enough. I hadn't reached "true happiness" or at least whatever I can call my current state of being. I took a different path, shed all my labels, self-prescribed or otherwise, and am happier than I was before.

I still think I am "different" and have quirks, etc. So in practice, not a whole lot different than before. I just don't use the labels to describe these differences that others might use instead.

I think this only emphasizes that one approach does not necessarily apply when generalized to all people. In my case it only served as one step towards a greater solution, and hopefully even more effective solutions I can build on top of that later.

The same goes for heightened awareness for ADHD. More knowledge can be a blessing (as in your case). At the same time, the population such awareness can serve is shaped like a very complex blob, the form of which nobody truly knows, but I believe some clinicians/promoters see the "blast radius" of promoting awareness as a perfectly round circle overlaid directly onto the population.

My experience also made me realize what one can term "ADHD" may change with overarching cultural shifts or personal growth. I think ADHD should be seen closer to a symptom of a constellation of any number of potentially unrelated causes than a "disorder" to be focused on alone. Unfortunately the established terminology seems to have won out there.

The way we see health conditions and the words we choose to describe them can have profound effects on our understanding of ourselves.


I was going to reply to the same post with similar. If just having a label to apply alleviates the negative emotion, isn't it a placebo?

I think a far far greater number of people experience the exact same problems of focus and distress, and learn to cope effectively in their own deeply personal way. I identify strongly with all the symptoms stated. A label feels useless, or worse - constraining, as it becomes your identity. I still have to drag my ass out of bed, do enough good work everyday next to colleagues who figuratively lap me every day, make a to-do list to remember to buy soap, go without soap for a week, .. etc lol.

I call it being me.


Very well said.


Russel Barkley, in his book “Leading With ADHD,” actually suggested mentioning or “blaming” your ADHD after a mistake as a way to foster empathy for your personal challenges. It’s not intended to be an excuse, but rather a means for the other person, who assumes XYZ is effortless, to comprehend better/gain empathy.


Update: The title of the book should have been “Taking Charge of Adult ADHD.” It’s a great book; my psychiatrist recommended it, and I’m grateful for it. Full of actionable ideas and suggestions.


Barkley opened the door for me to the term 'executive dysfunction'. This better describes my symptoms than the blanket ADHD term that is now oversaturated IMO. Its given me much better anchors to reason with the issues that mess up my day(s), and ive made notable progress since the discovery of his work, at a time when I had been plateauing.




And then after a while the energy get distracted again. You get both over stimulated and understimulated and the quest for another thing that gives you the feeling of the world finally clicking into place begins.. And each of these fixes (, nootropics, adhd-planner-apps etcetc) give you that feeling just for a little while… That’s why we crave it..and because we (can) have more energy we talk about those (a lot!!). But in the end most of us just go from one fix to another..some of us are just really loud about it..


How did the diagnosis help you cope? Did you seek some kind of treatment as a result? Did it help you change your behavior? You are describing a lot of what I experience but having someone say "me too" doesn't help me personally with overcoming these challenges.


I am not on meds—my dad is on Adderall but has had some pretty serious side effects so I've been avoiding it for now.

Mostly it's changed my attitude towards myself. I'm naturally a strong perfectionist, which doesn't combine well with ADHD. That has historically led to me constantly beating myself up when I do anything wrong, ruminating over conversations for days to figure out what I should have said differently, and generally being anxious and depressed. After receiving the diagnosis, I've been able to separate "me" from "my ADHD", which has helped me stop kicking myself while I'm down, which in turn has actually increased my ability to stay functional because I don't get into anxious/depressed spirals.


>my intense hyperfocus on one thing at a time but also inability to keep consistently focused on one thing for more than a few weeks

Sounds extremely normal to me. I wonder what I'm missing.

For example, suppose a typical person decides to learn a new language.

At the beginning, they are very excited and enthusiastic about it. They might buy a textbook, download an app or sign up for language classes, and spend lots of time on it for a couple of days.

After a week or two, as the tediousness sets in and the goal seems farther off than they expected, they start to shift their focus to something else. After a month, there's a 50/50 chance they completely forget about language study and stop doing it. Only a very small minority will last more than a year.

That's what I'd consider normal. How is ADHD different?

Another example: meditation. A new meditation practitioner may try to focus on their breathing, but then find they usually get distracted and start thinking about something else within 10 seconds.

I have a feeling that if I were to say "I find it difficult to focus my attention on something for 10 seconds without getting distracted", many would reply "that sounds like ADHD." But this is, in fact, quite normal.


> That's what I'd consider normal. How is ADHD different?

ADHD is different in that sustained focus takes a ton more of energy than for non-ADHD folks - if you're high functioning. And is almost impossible if you're not high-functioning.

Totally agreed that "can't focus on my breath for 10 seconds today" isn't ADHD. "I have repeatably sub-par executive function" very much is, though.

For your language learning example, it's more that somebody can't stay focused on the learning, even if they want to/have to and are aware their focus is sliding away.

There's a reason ADHD diagnosis is technically a process that's a bit involved, you're trying to test for both sub-par function, and for the repeatable part. I'd take self-diagnosis with a bit more salt, especially it's of the "I often forget my car keys" kind.


> I have a feeling that if I were to say "I find it difficult to focus my attention on something for 10 seconds without getting distracted", many would reply "that sounds like ADHD." But this is, in fact, quite normal.

That would be quite normal. A determination of ADHD is made based upon the severity of impact. Everyone gets distracted to some extent, but is it significant enough to be destroying your life, Y/N?

That's the determining factor.




I have ADHD and while you're right that everyone experiences some of these things occasionally, for those with ADHD our emotion regulation system is fundamentally different.

As a kid, you build your identity and coping mechanisms through emotional experiences, but when your emotion engine is 'broken' or works differently, you develop differently.

The intensity, frequency, and impact of these experiences for someone with ADHD is far beyond what neurotypical people experience.

It's not about occasional forgetfulness or distraction - it's about a brain that's structurally and functionally different, affecting every aspect of daily functioning.

Getting diagnosed isn't about finding an excuse, it's about finally understanding why basic things others find easy have always been so much harder for you.


I was diagnosed with ADHD because I scored in the 10th percentile for some totally normal use cases of the human brain. You know, normal “being human” stuff. Evidently I can’t do normal human stuff.

I think getting ADHD isn’t special or interesting at the population level—when you aren’t face to face with it—but it certainly matters to individuals. I wanted to believe I was just being a human, but the reality is that I don’t have a typical human experience. I have a lot of overlap with everyone I know, but most people I meet genuinely can’t understand the experience at all. However, they are often confident that they get it. Meanwhile, they would not qualify as disabled on cognitive assessments.

To me that’s the big difference. People with ADHD often carry around legitimate, often hidden disabilities. Usually more than one.


Except that isn't how neurodivergence works. Yes, everything that the commenter originally posted are things that happen to normal people as well. The difference is in the intensity and duration of these symptoms.

Your comment is overly idealistic about neurodivergent people dealing with their problems. If it was a simple as accepting that our symptoms are normal, don't you think that we would gladly take that as an option? Psychologically, it just isn't a very effective tactic for dealing with our symptoms.


As the parent of a teen with ADHD, I find myself comparing my growing-up experiences and anxieties with his. I'm confident that if I were coming of age today, I would probably have been diagnosed with something because I was firmly a couple standard deviations away from the societal mean.

Because we didn't have as extensive diagnoses or therapies back in the 80s compared to now, I had my own phase of wondering what was wrong with me. There weren't any peer or adult role models available to me that really related to my experiences. As a result, there were some difficult years in there...but also, I had to find my own resiliency and ways of mapping my worldview to other people.

Fast forward 40 years. I am conflicted about which is better: to be left to figure it out on your own, or to have a support system that is (at times) overly biased towards leaning on the diagnosis as the explanation. But I can say with high confidence that at least for the coming-of-age years of my child, I am far more thankful that his experiences are different than mine.

"Being a human" is grossly inadequate as a lowest common denominator definition of the needs and experiences of children. Even as broadly discussed as it is, it's still only ~11% of US children and that's still a challenging hill to climb if their peer culture doesn't provide some sort of explanation or incentives for understanding each other.


If ADHD-oriented media and discussions provide neurodivergent adults a means to work through decades of internalized shame and anxiety, why get in the way of that?






I have ADHD. Here's my story:

1. I can focus and solve hard problems, but you’ll notice my legs swinging restlessly, hand gestures, or me suddenly typing a completely unrelated web address.

2. I was always a great student, but I was also the most restless; making jokes and talking constantly, no matter how hard I was punished for my behavior.

3. The toughest part of my ADHD is inconsistency. My performance can fluctuate a lot, and it takes tremendous effort to stay consistent. I get bored quickly with easy tasks, so I rely on alarms, calendar events, and other reminders to help me stay on track.

4. People like me are prime targets for distraction businesses, whether it’s social media, gambling, or other addictive behaviors. And a lot of my energy goes to resist them.

All in all, even for a functioning person like myself - managing ADHD takes a lot of effort. In my late 30s, I’m finally feeling a bit more in control. I’ve accepted that this is part of who I am, and while I can’t fix it completely, I’m doing my best to avoid letting it impact the people around me.


I would recommend you pay careful attention to your diet

- get the proper amount of essential fatty acids

- experiment with vitamins, especially magnesium

- green, leafy vegetables

- minimal processed sugar & zero alcohol

And exercise. Get some cardio, even if it's just walking for a half-hour to an hour.

It's a struggle, but learning your body will help you optimize your performance and consistency.

Peace be with you, and I wish you the best of luck.


On the one hand, it's true that these things are very important. I (as another diagnosed with ADHD) definitely do worst when I don't get proper nutrients.

But it's very, very important to remember and understand that these things don't make it go away.

I'm not saying you're suggesting that doing these things will make ADHD go away—but your comment is ambiguous as to whether that's where you're going with it, and there's definitely a lot of people who don't really believe that ADHD is a "real" disorder, many of whom give advice just like yours and end with something like "...and if you do all of this right, you'll be perfectly normal!"

So I want to both heartily endorse your recommendations (both the general "eat well," and these specific items), and also caution strongly against expecting miracle results.


Further, asking adhd folk to "pay careful attention" is like asking a paraplegic to mind where he steps. Just FYI.


I was referred to a school counselor in high school because I couldn't sit still, my behavior was inconsistent and I had a hard time focusing.

If that person had caught it, and referred me on to get an ADHD assessment, I would be miles better off.

Instead he gave me exactly the advice you just did, and it achieved nothing. Guy actually owned the whole food / wellness / woo store he referred me to which makes it worse.

Now I have my medication I look back on shit like this with absolute scorn. I know you probably intend the advice in good faith but its absolutely not a replacement for medicine.


Imagine if someone had a broken arm and you told them to focus on their calcium intake. I mean, yeah, for sure, but it's kind of primarily important to put the arm in a sling before we discuss the finer points of mineral uptake efficiency. This may not be your intention but this post reeks of crunchy granola holistic fluff woo.


Labels in public health are absolutely problematic for exactly that reason.

But I will also say that ADHD, if you have it, is an essential part of your identity regardless of your awareness of the label.


It's not an essential part of my identity. There are symptoms that I sometimes and sometimes do not display that can be managed with medication and behavioral changes.

Part of the problem is the identifying with a spectrum of symptoms we assume to be eternal and unchanging.


I tend to find it's causing things even if I'm trying to avoid essentializing it, and this also goes for side effects of medications for it.

eg relationship advice says you shouldn't "change your personality" for your partner, but in my last relationship both of ours changed quite a lot when our medication changed or even if we hadn't taken it that day, so I don't really feel attached to it.


There’s so much survivor bias in these comments.

We know what happens when ADHD is underdiagnosed and not recognized in society (which requires it to be labeled appropriately). You have scores of children who get labeled as “problematic” or “bad students” ans suffer from that discrimination for the rest of their lives.

Labeling may not help a particular individual but helps all in society as a whole


During COVID, the amount of people diagnosed skyrocketed. I was one, and I was putting it off for a long time. I think you see it a lot because of this; If I'm a content creator, tagging it with ADHD puts it on the feed of a lot of people that are newly-diagnosed/self-diagnosed.

I completely agree with you though, I don't mention it to people generally. I may be quirky and might have some weird rigid rules about how I work personally, but I hate the idea of sharing it publicly.

Final note: I think it's a good marketing tool for productivity tools. "It's such a good to-do list that people with ADHD can find success with it! That implies that if you don't have ADHD, you will be a superhero when you use it!"


My life got infinitely better when I stopped believing in any of that. It feels more like a spiritually bereft western pseudo-religion and I resent anyone parading around these titles.


Definitely agree there. There seems like there is a label for EVERYTHING these days. Coincidentally there was an article in the paper I saw just today about how destructive self diagnosis can be (and how many gen z / alpha are doing that via tiktok) I rememeber when some first tried to explain ADHD to me... and I was like... "what? elementary school kids dont like sitting in a classroom for 6 hours a day? so like, being NORMAL?"

Source: I had / (have?) ADHD, don't think about it at all anymore, just keep working hard, stick with hobbies and you can do great things regardless of what "labels" society has assigned you.


I think what's incredibly important to remember is that ADHD is not a binary thing. It's not even a single spectrum.

It's a cluster of executive-function-related symptoms, any number of which a given person with the disorder can have a little, a lot, or even not at all. (I forget what all of them are offhand, but I have about a half-dozen of them in noticeable amounts, and several others that seriously debilitate many people with ADHD I've never had problems with.)

So while you may be able to "[not] think about it...just keep working hard...and do great things regardless", that's guaranteed not to be true of everyone with ADHD.

The worst advice anyone with ADHD can give someone else with it is "just do exactly what I did, and you'll never have problems again". That goes triple when "what you did" is ignore it.

The best advice I know of is to learn and understand what having ADHD means to you. Then use that knowledge to figure out how best to mitigate the problems it causes. For some, that will be medication. For others (like me), it may mean finding specific interventions for individual symptoms, and learning to live with some of the others.


If your life improved when you stopped believing in the symptoms that's a good thing for you but it also means you probably didn't actually have symptoms.


I disagree with that assessment. I have autism, which is much more dysfunctional than ADHD in statistical terms, and I also saw a dramatic mental health improvement when I disengaged from popular autism culture. It's become a space that implicitly preaches helplessness and reacts to notions of personal accountability (i.e. receiving behavioral therapy) with hostility.

Somewhere along the way, the mission moved away from the aspirational culture of identifying problem areas and addressing them, to a more stagnant culture that only goes so far as to validate your present behavior and mindset. It feels good and positive on the surface, but it lacks productivity over the long term.




It's likely a definitive example of selection bias, you won't hear people not talking about having it, but ADHD affects (approximately) 30% of the population.

Assuming even a tiny amount of those are loud when exploring their discovery would mean a lot of people talking about it online.

This is likely also combined with Millennials (my cohort at least) being one of the most self-aware generational cohorts in history (while also being a tad self-centered).

I have my own journey with ADHD ("many markers" but no official diagnosis, as that could negatively affect my life in Sweden) and it was really liberating to learn that, no, I wasn't just lazy, that I may have an issue with executive function and if I work around it I can at least partially tackle it.

The amount of stress that gets applied by society for people who are "not performing up to their potential" or slacking off or what-have-you is actually quite immense when you cannot force yourself to work, so I understand people who feel liberated in the moment and who seek solutions, loudly.


My understanding is that ADHD prevalence is closer to 5-10%. That's the number I've seen most by reputable sources.

Nonetheless, the rest of your post resonates with me and and your points stand on their own :)


I think its unknowable, but I definitely read 30% expected undiagnosed in the population.

Here is a reputable source that claims 25%


It seems odd that as a society it's been deemed a-okay to pathologize a cluster of traits shared by 30% of the population.


neurotypes exist in an n-dimensional space with loose clusterings, making binary attributes at best vague and clumsy.

i hope we move away from pathologizing and toward making social and economic structures adaptive for people that are currently challenged by them, and likewise find better ways for people to adapt their lives to fit how their minds work


We as a society seem to enjoy doing that.

Half of the population are provably on a different circadian rhythm than the other half, but we force everyone to function only one way.

There’s a dozen more examples, related to psychiatry and medicine.


Not necessarily pathologize – just structure society in a way that doesn't quite work for them (me included.)


So if 30% of people develop high blood pressure should be pretend that doesn't exist anymore as well?


> I see a lot of people with ADHD (on- and offline) who tend to make it an essential part of their identity

Honest question: why is this an issue? If someone makes it part of their identity its because they feel its important for others to know, and that can be for a variety of reasons.

Is there a reason we shouldn't make it part of our identity, if we so choose?




You should choose what is right for you and accept that others won't like it, like anything else in life


Because attaching to an unstable spectrum of symptoms and making it an essential cornerstone of an "I" is a terrible idea, no matter who you are. The "I" is just as formless, slippery, and unstable.

Secondly, when we do attach, we now have a shield we can use to abdicate responsibility for, well, the duties of being a human in a society. I've had to remind people who have thrown their hands up to exclaim, "I have ADHD!" that hey there buddy, so do I, but I still have to live my life right here in the same society/job/relationship they do.

Where diagnoses like ADHD are useful is as frameworks to understanding your own symptoms, but there's no reason to pull them in as part of you, and I've seen a great deal of harm done in our generation by people insisting on playing out their identity fantasies.


Because they want to gatekeep it and how you are supposed to act with it.


Boy, the unsubstantiated claims in this thread are really ramping up. Who's the 'they' in this case? You saw a person gatekeeping something one time so now it's some kind of problem to discuss real symptoms that impact people's lives in a very tangible way?


I've ADHD and I'm on the spectrum. Others may differ - it's a spectrum after all- but I feel no list-only app will ever silence the drunk baboon on my shoulder constantly pulling my attention from what I'm doing.

I'd advise to market itself differently and aim for the neurotypical market as well.



Yeah, no gameification or breaking down can make doing the dishes or writing documentation more interesting than whatever my interest of the month is, unfortunately. I'd be beyond cooked without medication


I ended up taking my own path towards small-scale tooling. I've been using the binaural audio trick through youtube for some years now, particularly the rendered 40hz trick to clear my head.

The insight was that a lot of the noise pulling me off center was coming from built up clenching of muscles around my head and back, and a destabilization of core posture while sitting, leading to shaky leg and such.

The project I built was simply a mixable tone dashboard for different frequencies. Ive been dogfooding it hard, and its my goto to push around my headspace to clear out the noise and make a protected space for work. The easiest litmus for tone choice has just been, 'does this help or hurt'. On my better days its like im giving my brain a massage and I have the most productive times.

A note: i load the file directly from repo when I use it on Firefox, theres an audiocontext policy i havent been able to figure out. Should work great on mobile and elsewhere.


ADHD + spectrum as well. I couldn't agree with this more.




I second that, I saw a lot, I tried some... most of them are just task planners, but I was always missing same basic features.


what is that same basic feature they are all missing?


Let's start with some simple basics:

I need an integrated app, not a website, not a standalone app. It must seemlessly integrate into Android. A webinterace is okay for maintaining purposes. But the app itself must be an integral part of my smartphone. Visible in my taskbar and stuff like need. Without any detours.

Something that integrates with Outlook/Gmail. Why? That helps to keep information synchronized. I need synchronized information, not the 12th app that offers me to help my organizing my day, while infact it's adding up another item to my mind-pile.

Of course it must be simple. Not a fancy interface. Not too much UI elements. No bling-bling.

And one feature I like specifically: A reminder, that tells me how many days/hours/weeks/months I am overdue for recurring tasks. Like a dynamic todo list where I can uncheck items. Let's say the task is "Watering Plants", every 2 days. I must uncheck this item, otherwise it would increase the amount of days its overdue.


I'm not diagnosed anything, but I'm a paid user because of Magic ToDo -- and I don't even use it that often. It really is magic, and I use it most often as a demonstration of what LLMs are capable of in somewhat unusual use cases.


I’m quite NT and I tried Magic Todo and was impressed. This is really a great application of the tech.


I have to say my neurotypical family members love goblin chef tool as well as the spectrum individual.


There are other tools in the menu.


> is written and maintained by Bram De Buyser, an AI, software and data engineer.

I'm not saying that a semicolon and an Oxford comma are _necessary_, here - but I am saying that I did a double-take at my first interpretation that we are now naming and personifying AIs.


Your reaction proves the entire point of the Oxford comma -- to eliminate this kind of confusion. It absolutely should have been written as "...Buyser, an AI, software, and data engineer."

There are more reasons to use an Oxford comma than not, and I remain continually surprised that it is not taught as the default.


I intentionally included "a semicolon" in my comment, because, no, even the sentence you wrote is susceptible to garden-path parsing. One _could_ read it as "...written by Buyser, and by an AI, and by software, and by...hmm, wait, there's no indefinite article on 'data engineer', I need to back-up and reparse".

(Just sharing grammatical curiosity, one ~~pedant~~ enthusiast to another - I agree with your second paragraph!)


Pedantry welcome :-) I have always viewed the semicolon as a creative choice, and the comma as a technical requirement; hence, my reply.


I am neurodivergent. Yet, this website (while well-intentioned) feels chaotic, offering too many things (I bet the author is neurodivergent as well :)). So, instead of doing something from the TODO, I want to give the professor mode a try.

In any case, I saw quite a few time something "expanding the list". Usually it works less than anything that actually asks you on the next step - in this case, my go-to are recent LLM models. For example, it split "take out the trash" into 8 steps - quite a lot of detail, even for an autist.


I asked it to break down eating a pie, this is what I got:

Choose a pie

Gather necessary utensils (fork, plate, napkin)

Place the pie on the plate

Cut a slice of the pie

Pick up the slice with the fork

Bring the slice to your mouth

Take a bite of the pie

Chew and savor the flavor

Repeat until finished

Dispose of any leftovers responsibly

Clean up the utensils and plate

Maybe an absurd example but I feel like something like this makes it seem even more intimidating to do basic tasks


You can adjust the spiciness level (level of detail) to the right of the prompt.

At the lowest you get

    - Select a pie
    - Grab a fork or your hands
    - Take a piece of the pie
    - Bring it to your mouth
    - Chew and swallow the pie
Still probably a bit much, but I think using a to-do list for eating a pie is also a bit much.

I did "get a haircut" and it was a pretty good breakdown. Same with "Paint a room in my house". I think these types of tasks are more suitable for step-by-step breakdowns than "eat a pie".


> still probably a bit much

I think what's worse is that it still over detailed the steps but left out the actually additive steps of the OP's list which I would say is the bit about the getting/cleaning the dishes and trash


That sounds perfect to me. Often on low-spoons days, I'll ask ChatGPT to do exactly this, break down a task or recipe into the simplest, concrete steps to be taken. It's meant to be used when your mental energy is low enough that "obvious" things don't seem obvious anymore, and you need them broken down into a form that doesn't assume or ask anything of you.

It's like taking an old school BASIC program and modularising it into small self-contained functions. That may increase the lines of code by a lot, but it still makes it simpler and easier to process because you only need to keep one function in mind at a time.


If you want to see a really intimidating breakdown, check out Carl Sagan's approach to baking an apple pie from scratch.


I asked it for that, but it refused to estimate the time required to "Conceptualize the universe and its fundamental laws to create the framework for matter and energy."


Vaguely related: Julio Cortázar’s “Instructions on How to Climb a Staircase” –


And then if you asked for a time estimate it would probably take hours to eat that slice. (not mocking the app, I like the idea, I just think its estimation feature is funny)


I enjoyed reading my >30-step process to boil water, which included "wait for the water to come to a boil", and the final step was "review all steps".


Hm, these instructions are interesting -- is it suggesting I repeatedly pick up an entire slice of pie with a fork and take bites out of it?


It sounds like eating a pie will be a huge pain and I’ll give up halfway through it, assuming that I don’t get distracted even before.


This is a great use for LLMs because anywhere that they can get someone over the activation energy requirement of the blank page effect, it's okay if they're wrong – it's much easier to correct a wrong broken-down list than start it oneself.


One of the bigger uses of Llama I found for myself is throwing a description of email to write, having them generate a skeleton for me, this kickstart enough that I can do a rewrite even when I totally lack the energy to start one.

Sometimes also making them rewrite it in a different style then rewriting that manually again


I cautiously like this. I asked it to break down “clean the bathroom” and it gave me a reasonable series of steps.

It then gave a time estimate of 3 hours 25 minutes, but I know from my own time tracking that doing a similar series of steps takes me 40 minutes on average.

It seems to overestimate the time taken to do very simple tasks, so if you break the task down too far then it will always wildly overestimate. Perhaps a fix would be to ask the LLM to make one estimate for the overall task, make separate estimates for each subtask, and then ask it to reconcile the two? Something like chain-of-thought/reasoning.


Oh hey! I made something like this that integrates with TickTick

It needs updating, but basically you set a tag that let’s you expand tasks out much in the way goblin tools does.


I just recently started heavily using TickTick, and my first thought on seeing this was that it would be cool to be able to integrate this into it. Very cool to see someone has done it, thank you!

If I might ask, how was your experience working with the TickTick API? I've been waffling on whether my frustration with some of the pain points I have with it (e.g. no way to hide recurring daily tasks that you've already completed today but aren't actionable for tomorrow from cluttering the "tomorrow" heading in every smart list) justify building my own dashboards for it.


ClickUp already has this integrated natively. Such a lifesaver!


Nice. AI-powered replacement for my missing executive function. Now I just have to remember to use it…


Diversity makes teams stronger but makes clear communication harder. 20% of the population aren't neurotypical... they're simply not wired the same way. Throw in cultural differences.

I was so excited when I found The Judge: Am I misreading the tone of this?

What a wonderful tool to have at hand when things go awry in email threads, chat rooms etc.


Pretty neat. The automatic breakdowns are cool, but you absolutely need to move the delete button inline. Confirm dialog if there are items beneath it, otherwise just delete.

Generated like 10 sub-items for me, 5 of which were relevant. But to remove the 5 junk ones, you have to open the dropdown for each and hit delete.


With the Estimator I asked...

How long to build a Space Shuttle? "5 to 10 years"

How long to build a Time Machine? "5 to 50 years"

Tearing down the governance systems of the United States of America and replacing them with a dictatorship? "Several months to several years"


Democracy is just a handful of key people following some norms. This can change very quickly once the wrong people are in power. See the timeline of the downfall of the Weimar republic.