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Project Aardvark: reimagining AI weather prediction


Are all the inputs (from buoys, weather balloons, stations, etc) from decades of history stored, as well as past daily forecasts of existing weather models, so that this AI algorithm (and any future new ones) can be run across historic data and compared in terms of performance to existing methods?

Is there a big Clearinghouse for this data?

Kind of like how fintech algos can be run against historic stock market data to evaluate them.


The World Meteorological Organization has data that national weather services exchange to make forecast. Apart from that, its on a country-by-country basis.

In France for instance Météo-France has released all of its historical data in January 2024:


But national models go beyond there borders and usually have some modelling outside so the exchanges will cover quite a lot of the world.

For example, the UK's metoffice has a low resolution medium term global model:


How does windy do it? Did they just scrap all the sites or api. Would be great to have global dump every 1 minute of all the countries. Or have it have in a radio broadcast.


Windy uses openmeteo, which in turn aggregates many weather providers under one roof/api


> Kind of like how fintech algos can be run against historic stock market data to evaluate them.

Backtesting, that's called.


In weather it's called hindcast




> Is there a big Clearinghouse for this data?

The short answer is, "no." There are some projects like the "NNJA-AI" project at Brightband[1] which is attempting to create such a clearing house in order to focus research efforts across the community.



> Are all the inputs (from buoys, weather balloons, stations, etc) from decades of history stored

I was also thinking about smartphones. They have barometric data, and while it might vary from phone to phone, I'm sure something like a kalman filter + historic data could do something there.

Think about gathering all the data from "stationary" phones, correlate that with weather sat data, and with real "ground truth" weather stations, and then go back 30 - 60 min / a day, and see what comes out.



I'm still grumpy about apple buying and shuttering darksky


They stopped using it during later years.


Not really; it was a gimmick. They used standard forecast post-processing techniques to bias correct global/regional weather models. There is virtually no evidence they actually used device data in this process.


>smartphones. They have barometric data

For anyone else having a TIL moment: It's apparently for vertical position and supposedly sub meter accurate. o_O


Depends on smartphone (and smartwatches). Not all have it, at times it disappeared from brands that had it earlier.

The smartwatch series I use explicitly include it because it's essentially the "all in one" version in a series that had smartwatches designed for aircraft use (including military versions where they serve as backup cabin pressure warning, apparently)


"Collecting and processing of barometric data from smartphones for potential use in numerical weather prediction data assimilation"


It would also be nice to have a historical store of the weather predictions and not just instantaneous parameters. But I'm not aware of such record, perhaps because weathermen don't want a record of their (mis)predictions...


Oh they absolutely do track their predictions and how the different models perform. That’s how they keep improving.

This is a lay-person overview which cites some of the in-depth studies:


> Is there a big Clearinghouse for this data?

Many commercial and even third party governments rely on the data from NOAA and its archives, on top of that the EU runs its own EUMETSAT fleet of data, plus a ton of national services - unfortunately, the result is there's a looooot of datasets.

NOAA's dataset is public domain [1], EUMETSAT only requires attribution for most of its data [2]. On top of that you got the EU's Climate Data store [3], ECMWF [4], and ECA&D [5].

The service that many private weather services provide is to aggregate and weigh all of the publicly available datasets, and some also add in data from their own ground stations, commercially licensed "realtime" data from governmental services, and their own models as well.

The interesting question is what DOGE will do regarding NOAA - it is increasingly possible that NOAA will shut down, either to be turned into a pay-for-play model, replaced by private services, or just carelessly dropped in its entirety.







NOAA saves lives. Cutting that organization would be an absolute slap in the face to rural trump voters who rely on that system for weather alerts.




NOAA marine forecasts and FAA integration is critical infrastructure for marine transportation and aviation. If they shut that down it will result in direct losses much larger than NOAAs budget, and thousands of lives lost through disaster and workplace accidents.

I sure hope those “smart” people are capable of understanding that.


> I sure hope those “smart” people are capable of understanding that.

Well, NOAA can be privatized, sold off to the highest bidder and be fed money from the annual government to provide said critical infrastructure.

In the end, it's always one giant ass grift.


> The service that many private weather services provide is to aggregate and weigh all of the publicly available datasets

Yes, and more people need to understand this. Too many people seem to think that commercial services won’t be impacted if NOAA stops doing what they do.


What data is used to train this AI? The article doesn't say anything about that (tough I have to admit I didn't read it super carefully). My first thought would be exactly all this historical data, but then you can't use that same data to test the AI's performance. Are different subsets of the available historical data used for training vs testing?



No, they say end-to-end, meaning they use raw obsevations. Most or all other medium-range models start with ERA5.

There's a paper from Norway that tried end-to-end, but their results were not spectacular. That's the aim of many though, including ECMWF. Note that ECMWF already has their AIFS in production, so AI weather prediction is pretty mainstream nowadays.

Google has a local nowcast model that uses raw observations, in production, but that's a different genre of forecasting than the medium-range models of Aardvark.


Is there an equivalent modelling approach for earthquake prediction? A data repository for it widely shared on the same line as the top comment would work



I have a challenge for the model:

Accurate (within 3deg F) weather predictions for the Kansas City metro more than two days out. As of 2024 these were rarely accurate.[0]



> Accurate (within 3deg F) weather predictions

Sniff test: ASTM E230 standard tolerances for the venerable Type K thermocouple is +/- 2.2°C or +/- 0.75%, whichever is greater.

Expectations are in need of recalibration if anyone thinks a single number is going to meaningfully achieve that level of accuracy across a volume representing any metro area at any given point in time, let alone two days out.


I am not sure if type K thermocouple are used for meteorological air temperature measurements.

These sensors (based on thermal resistance) for example have an accuracy of 0.2 °C under typical conditions [1].



That is the accuracy of one sensor. The law of large numbers comes into play when using forecasts such as this, since accross any reasonably sized metro area you will have hundreds if not thousands or even tens of thousands of weather stations, accross which you can average to bring down error thresholds.


I think you misunderstood the assignment. The temp predictions in my area wildly swing around, until the day of, and even then I have to adjust for my actual location. And I'm not in Kansas City. The only place that has ~3° accuracy is San Diego. And maybe Antarctica.


The bigger the volume the more accurate temperature you should be able to get.

Do you think 2C global warming is irrelevant because a single thermocouple couldn't accurately measure it?


Well, take the actual weather observations for the past year. Take the actual weather observations for the last week. Overlay and slide this week of observations on top of the observations of the past year, until you find the window that matches "the best" — then take the day right after this window and predict that the weather will be just like that (or maybe try to tweak the values a bit).

I wonder how poorly this thing operates, and whether taking several years of history to look at would help much.


Extremely poorly, because forecasting the weather is all about forecasting the deviations from the expected seasonal patterns - the "eddies" in the atmospheric flow which give rise to storm systems and interesting, impactful weather.


What are your use cases for such level of accuracy on such long time frames?


Is it safe to put my seedlings outside or is there going to be a soft freeze that kills them all in two days.


Then use a thermometer. A city is a large area and can have variances of +/-10 degrees depending on where you are in the city.


According to paper model grid resolution is 1.5 degrees. I do not think it can predict accurate weather in any location. It show global weather trends.


It's lower than many other medium-range AI forecasts, but note that those other models get state-of-the-art with pretty coarse grids, 0.5° or so. The point is that upper atmosphere and broad patterns are smooth, so with ML/AI they don't require high resolution (while simulating them with physical models does require). And at the forecast lag of say 5-10 days, all local detail is lost anyway, so what skill remains comes from broad patterns, in all models. (Some extra skill can be gained by running local models initialized with the broad patterns, for there are clear cases like mountains where fine resolution is useful.)


1.5 degrees is perfectly fine for predicting large-scale (synoptic) weather patterns. They're not just "global trends." But yes, typical global NWP models and their MLWP competitors are run at 0.25 degrees or finer. All forecasts are statistically post-processed and biased-corrected to create local forecasts.


Indeed we have it tough out here. I like the excitement, though, I must say! Funny to find the sentiment here on HN, though!


Where in the city?


Eh, make it MCI or MKC or wherever they're getting the data now.


It's a shame they just cut funding for launching the weather balloons and other equipment needed to collect this data.


Let's name "they". It was Trump via DOGE.


I'm curious if some future, hypothetical AGI agent, which had been trained to have these kinds of abilities, would be akin to how most humans see a ball in flight and just instinctively know (within reason) where the ball is going to go? We don't understand, consciously and in the moment, how our brain is doing these calculations (although obviously we can get to similar results with other methods), but we still trust the outputs.

Would some hypothetical future AI just "know" that tomorrow it's going to be 79 with 7 mph winds, without understanding exactly how that knowledge was arrived at?


I remember learning that humans trying to catch a ball are not actually able to predict where the ball will land, but rather, will move in a way that maintains the angle of movement constant.

As a result a human running to catch the ball over some distance (eg during a baseball game) runs along a curved path, not linearly to the point where the ball will drop (which would be evidence of having an intuition of the ball's destination).


This hypothesis could be tested, now that major league baseball tracks the positions of players in games. In the MLB app they show animations of good outfield plays with "catch difficulty" scores assigned, based (in part) on the straight-line distance from the fielder's initial position to the position of the catch. The "routes" on the best catches are always nearly-straight lines, which suggests that high-level players have developed exactly this intuitive sense.

Certainly what I was coached to do, what outfielders say they do, and what I see watching the game, is to "read" the ball, run towards where you think the ball is going, and then track the ball on the way. I was and am a shitty outfielder, in part because I never developed a fast-enough intuitive sense of where the ball is going (and because, well, I'm damn slow), but watch the most famous Catch[1] caught on film, and it sure looks like Mays knew right away that ball was hit over his head.



There are a few that kind of theories. You are probably referring to the Optical Acceleration Cancellation theory[1]. There are some similar later so called "direct perception" theories too.

The problem with these is that they don't really work, often even in theory. People do seem to predict at least some aspects of the trajectory, although not necessarily the whole trajectory [2].




Sounds a bit like proportional navigation from missile guidance


Humans are definitely able to predict where a ball wil land.


Agreed. Reminds me of juggling, while learning I noticed that as long as I could see each ball for at least a split second on its upwards trajectory I could "tell" if it would be a good throw or not. In order to keep both hands/paths in my view I would stare basically straight forward and not look at the top of the arc and could do it at any height. Now I can do it much more with feel and the motion is muscle memory but the visual cues were my main teacher.


It makes sense that there are several heuristics. After all, "Thinking: Fast and Slow" already makes the point that human brains have several layers of processing with different advantages and drawbacks depending on situations.


> would be akin to how most humans see a ball in flight and just instinctively know (within reason) where the ball is going to go?

Up to a point .. and that point is more or less the same as the point where humans can no longer catch a spinning tennis raquet.

We understand the gravitional rainbow arc of the centre of mass, we fail at predicting the low order chaotic spin of tennis raquet mass distributions.

Other butterflies are more unpredictable, and the ones that land on a camels back breaking a dam of precariously balanced rocks are a particular problem.


* Dzhanibekov effect demonstration in microgravity:



Yes, humans are obviously limited in the things we can instinctively, intuitively predict. That's not really the point. The point is whether something that has been trained to do more complicated predictions will have the a similar feeling when doing those predictions (of being intuitive and natural), or if it will feel more explicit, like when a human is doing the calculus necessary to predict where the same ball is going to go.


Humans have both intuition and explicit calculation, predictive calculation can be stable or inherently unstable.

The point is whether a LLM has any feelings ...


I think “chain-of-thought” LLMs, with access to other tools like Python, already demonstrate two types of “thinking”.

We can query an LLM a simple question like “how many ‘r’ are in the word strawberry”, and an LLM with know access to tools will quite confidently, and likely incorrectly, give you an answer. There’s no actual counting happening, and any kind of understanding of the problem, the LLM will just guess an answer based on its training data. But that answer tends to be wrong, because those types of queries don’t make up a large portion of its training set, and if they do, there’s a large body of similar queries with vastly different answers, which ultimately results in confidentiality incorrect outputs.

But provide an LLM tools like Python, and a “chain-of-thought” prompt that allows it to recursively re-prompt itself, while also executing external code and viewing the outputs, and an LLM can easily get the correct answer to query “how many ‘r’ are in the word strawberry”. By simply writing and executing some Python to compute the answer.

Those two approaches to problem solving are strikingly similar to intuitive vs analytical thinking in humans. One approach is driven entirely by pattern matching, and breaks down when dealing with problems that require close attention to specific details, the other is much more accurate, but also slower because directed computation is required.

As for your hypothetical “weather AI”, I think it’s pretty easy to imagine an AGI capable of confidently predicting the weather tomorrow, not be capable of understanding how it computed the prediction, beyond a high level hand wavy explanation. Again, that’s basically what LLM do today, confidently make predictions of the future, with zero understanding of how or why they made those predictions. But you can happily ask an LLM how and why it made a prediction, and it’ll give you a very convincing answer, that will also be a complete and total deception.


> would be akin to how most humans see a ball in flight and just instinctively know (within reason) where the ball is going to go?

Generally no. If I show you a puddle of water, can you tell me what shape was the ice sculpture that it was melted from?

One is Newtonian motion and the other is a complex chaotic system with sparse measurements of ground truth. You can minimize error propagation but it’s a diminishing returns problem, (except in rare cases like for natural disasters where a 6h warning can make a difference).


While generally correct there has been evidence that machine learning models can predict multiple Lyapunov times past traditional models.




To quote Iain M. Banks, probably not :)

> "Sma," the ship said finally, with a hint of what might have been frustration in its voice, "I'm the smartest thing for a hundred light years radius, and by a factor of about a million ... but even I can't predict where a snooker ball's going to end up after more than six collisions." [GCU Arbitrary in "The State of the Art"]


6? That can't be right. I don't know how big a GCU is, so the scale could be up to 1 OOM off, but a full redirection of all simulation capacity should let it integrate out further than that.


For ball-to-ball collisions, 6 is already a highly conservative estimate-- this is basically a chaotic system (outcome after a few iterations, while deterministic, is extremely sensitive to exact starting conditions).

The error scales up exponentially with the number of (ball-to-ball) collisions.

So if the initial ball position is off by "half a pixel" (=> always non-zero) this gets amplified extremely quickly.

Your intuition about the problem is probably distorted by considering/having experienced (less sensitive) ball/wall collisions.



The target precision wasn't specified.


That's assuming we are actually tracking all the relevant indicators.


I think that's actually a pretty good way to frame how these deep learning-based forecasting models might evolve


> Would some hypothetical future AI just "know" that tomorrow it's going to be 79 with 7 mph winds, without understanding exactly how that knowledge was arrived at?

I think a consciousness with access to a stream of information tends to drown out the noise to see signal, so in those terms, being able to "experience" real-time climate data and "instinctively know" what variable is headed in what direction by filtering out the noise would come naturally.

So, personally, I think the answer is yes. :)

To elaborate a little more - when you think of a typical LLM the answer is definitely no. But, if an AGI is likely comprised of something akin to "many component LLMs", then one part might very well likely have no idea how the information it is receiving was actually determined.

Our brains have MANY substructures in between neuron -> "I", and I think we're going to start seeing/studying a lot of similarities with how our brains are structured at a higher level and where we get real value out of multiple LLM systems working in concert.




According to arxiv paper, code will be made available here: (from 8 months ago)


The Nature preprint references this zenodo archive with data and code in a big 13GB .tar file:

I haven’t downloaded it to see what’s in it.


Why are the Arxiv and Nature versions so different, even the text?


As another comment mentioned, papers get revised during review, usually in response to reviewer comments. Also, some journals (not sure about Nature) do not allow authors to "backport" revisions made in response to reviewer comments to preprints; I guess they view the review process as part of their "value add".


Its quite common to revise papers. For example, they might have uploaded to arxiv in order to submit to a conference. Later, they revised and submitted to Nature.


Arxiv is mostly meant for preprints for peer review.

In a Nature paper in particular, the final layout is typically done by the journal's professional production team, not the authors.

Not all publishers grant permission for authors to upload the peer-reviewed and layouted postprints elsewhere.


For a second I thought this was related to that old school FogCreek internship programme with the same name.

Fun documentary at the time. Something about 12 weeks with geeks, and jumping out of windows comes to mind.


> replaces all of the steps

Unable to tell if this is an exaggeration or if I'm just missing nuance, how would the model replace the data gathering which is listed as step 1.


I think it’s replacing data assimilation. Ingesting observation data from lots of sources. Not replacing observations themselves.


When I saw this I thought... "The Turing Institute? Does that still exist?"

There was a previous Turing Institute in Glasgow doing AI research (meaning, back then rules-based systems, but IIRC my professor was doing some work with them on neural networks), which hit the end of the road in 1994. There was some interesting stuff spun out of there, but it's a whole different institute.


not to hijack this thread but my dad did extensive research in sea breeze and rainfall modeling and he would have loved to see these AI and machine learning advancements in weather prediction.




Richard Turner (one of the authors) gave a talk on how AI weather prediction works to the Cambridge Philosophical Society around 18 months ago. A recording is available here:


Model data here:

~14GB, needs login, works with some federated accounts.


I wonder if something like this could allow for local forecasts with just regular consumer sensors, or maybe with stuff like cameras or mic arrays.