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Legged Locomotion Meets Skateboarding


I really want to have something insightful to say, or perhaps something predictably pessimistic about robotics and AI.

But I just can't get over how cute the little fucker is. Little robodog skateboarding around living his best life.


This is the kind of twee, midwestern robotics research that we all need today.


Pretty cool! At first I wasn’t that impressed because it’s mostly just pushing to get some speed then “passively” riding down some ramps and steps. Then I realized that riding down steps is not a passive activity — most humans will fail their first time and need to learn to maintain balance while the board bounces over rough terrain.

I think most inanimate objects would fall off a skateboard when pushed down steps, so it’s an impressive display of balance and tool-use in my opinion!


> most humans will fail their first time

it's easier on 4 legs


Circa 2004, we undergrad tagalongs on CMU's robot soccer team were in charge of two things: the Sony Aibo dog's post-goal victory dance, and getting it to ride on a little Sony-provided skateboard. Clearly "dogs on skateboards" never gets old. :)

But from the title I was hoping to see a "skateboard with legs" instead. Imagine a little eight-legged horse for your feet, you know?


I'm reminded of all those "dog rides skateboard" animated gifs and videos.

but the two-legged scooby-doo windup is amazing!


I'm not an expert, but if I understand the abstract correctly, the big deal isn't the skateboarding at all. This is a modal behavior where both the individual behaviors and the mode transition decisions were trained at the same time. Is this correct?


Do a kickflip!


Aw, I was hoping for a skateboard that replaced the wheels with legged locomotion— like a cilia skateboard


Cue the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater music.


Love the video's ASMR vibes


2025 and we still can’t flawlessly instantly play a web video when play is pressed.

What are we doing here?


Based on the title alone, I thought this might be a skateboard that moved on millipede style legs, rather than wheels.


Me too. Visions of Terry Pratchett's luggage from Discworld.


See also Snow Crash.


Yes. Smart wheels. I came here for the smart wheels.


Exactly what I expected


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.



