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Wheel Reinventor’s Principles (2024)


Like every single software development principle, this phrase really needs to be explained with more context and considered with more subtlety than the usual "It's best practice" advice, for a number of reasons (some of which are stated in the article) of which I think the following two are the most important:

Firstly, if you want to actually understand how the 'wheel' is invented then yes, you should re-invent it. The process of re-invention involves discovering what actually goes into some of the tools you use. Even if you never use your re-invented wheel in public (often advisable), the process of learning is invaluable in understanding the tools you do use.

Secondly, however, what wheel are we even talking about? The wheel is a timeless design, seemingly perfectly suited its task. The software libraries and tools that are usually picked as targets for 'not re-invention' are not wheels. They're higher level abstractions that pre-suppose certain ways of working. There's no timeless design here, just a bunch of arbitrary desicions about how something should work at a higher level with some amount of the decision making you'd have to do without it already done. Is this a bad thing? Of course not. But understanding that all of the 'wheels' are just this and are not magical black boxes that can't be understoor or shouldn't be looked at is important.

There are good times to not immediately go and re-implement *and publish* existing tools (emphasis on the publish, you should do things for learning), but understaning why you're choosing to do or NOT do a 'reinvention' is crucial.


The usual allegoric rebuttal is to show how many types of wheel there are, and how wheels have improved over time. The wheel as a basic concept is to mount a rotating circular shaped thing on a platform for moving. The first wheels were made of wood, at some point spokes were introduced, then other materials. Many more innovations (many of them mutually exclusive) are required to realize a formula 1 car, or a ralley car, or a bus, or a plane.


There is so much work put into bicycle wheels, and you can carefully select a wheel depending on if you are building a time trial bike, a regular road bike, a commuter bike, mountain bike…

If we could create physical things as easily as software, we’d absolutely see bicycle hobbyists and certainly little shops designing their own wheels.


Sometimes when reinventing the wheel, you realize that pot-holes suck. Learn to appreciate the wheel and reinvent the road. Learn to appreciate the road and reinvent the rocket. I guess I'm walking home.


This is well-put. I think it speaks to "its the journey, not the destination", not learning to ski by only reading books, and Chesterson's Fence[0], off the top of my head.



> this phrase really needs to be explained with more context

No, absolutely not. This is a first person problem.

The primary reason to reinvent wheels is to provide the most immediate and/or portable solution to a problem. By immediate I mean only from the perspective of the product.

That is a first person problem because many people cannot, such as neurological impairment, imagine any operating condition beyond the efforts of their own individual labor. That is where the cliche of not reinventing wheels is most used as an empty defensive argument.


We re-invented the wheel quite some times.

Stone, then wood, then wood with spokes, then wood with spokes and iron trim, then we eventually added rubber, rubber tubing, then all metal spoke with rubber. For Mars rovers they made new types of air-less wheels.

The saying ‘do not reinvent the wheel’ is just silly


Re-invented or re-implemented? The design was always the same just the materials have changed (and maybe there's something about motor racing and new wheels being available every year...)


Software all uses electricity, doesn't it?




It's probably more interesting to reinvent things on the lower abstraction layers, otherwise we're just reinventing design decisions.


I'll add "reduce code size and complexity" to the list of benefits. A python library to calculate a simhash, or track changes on a django model, or auto generate test fixtures, will often be 90% configuration cruft for other usecases, and 10% the code your app actually cares about. Reading the library and extracting and finetuning the core logic makes you responsible for the bugs in the 10%, but no longer affected by bugs in the 90%.


Hard agree. A library should not inflict complex use cases' complexity on simple use cases, but sometimes they do, either because they're poorly designed or because they're overkill for your use case. But often I see pain and complexity excused with "this is the library that everybody else uses."

Sometimes a simple bespoke solution minimizes costs compared to the complexity of using a massive hairball with a ton of power that you don't need.

One big caveat to this: there's a tendency to underestimate the cost and complexity of a solution that you, personally, developed. If new developers coming onto the project disagree, they're probably right.


The big caveat is a big one. Choose your battles wisely!

There are plenty of things that look simpler than an established library at first glance (I/O of specialized formats comes to mind quickly). However, a lot of the complexity of that established library can wind up being edge cases that you actually _do_ care about, you just don't realize it yet.

It's easy to wind up blind to maintenance burden of "just a quick add to the in-house version" repeated over and over again until you wind up with something that has all of the complexities of the widely used library you were trying to avoid.

With that said, I still agree that it's good to write things from scratch and avoid complex dependencies where possible! I just think choosing the right cases to do so can be a bit of an art. It's a good one to hone.


> I/O of specialized formats comes to mind quickly

The classic "I'll write my own csv parser - how hard can it be?"


At my current workplace the word "bespoke" is used to mean anything that is "business logic" and everyone are very much discouraged from working on such things. On the other hand we've got a fantastic set of home made tooling and libraries, all impressive software engineering, almost as good as the of the shelf alternatives.


> [...] Be wary of abstractions made for fabricated use cases.

Very well put and I would argue this applies to general software development. This is one of the biggest difference between my freshly-out-of-college self and me right now and something I try to teach engineer I'm trying to grow into "seniors".

Too many time have I seen a lot of wasted efforts on trying to build hyper flexible components ("this can do anything!") to support potential future use cases, which often never come to be. This typically results in components that don't do that much and/or are hard to use.

Design your components as simply as you need them, but no simpler. This typically gives more flexibility to grow rather than accounting for currently-not-needed use cases.


I'm not sure, perhaps this is an issue with how our craft is taught, but I think we're missing something when we talk about the (economic) tradeoffs when making these decisions.

Keeping components simple, decoupled and with minimal dependencies allows for a high degree of optionality. When you pair this with a simple system that is easy to reason about - you're doing huge favours to your future self.

On the other hand, hanging off a bunch of unused features, especially ones that have interacting configuration - that's more like adding lead weights to your future self. It weighs you down and adds friction. And we tend to do a terrible job of predicting our future needs.

Kent Beck does a great job discussing the costs of these tradeoffs in his recent book "Tidy First". It builds upon the YAGNI principle, but adds a level of cost analysis that should allow you to sell these ideas to the managerial level.


I think some of it comes from a sense of admiration or even awe of complex systems. You’ve just been introduced to some of these tools as a college student and you really want to use them as they seem so neat.

But then as you start dealing with over-engineered system, you become intimately aware of the downsides of poorly abstracted system and you start becoming much more careful in your approach.

At least, that’s my pet theory.


The concept of Don't Repeat Yourself and the concept of You Ain't Gonna Need It are the yin and yang of software development.


I don’t think there’s an accepted set of concrete criteria for making software that can absorb major design changes later without a great deal of effort and stress. How you write code that can accept an abstraction layer at the last responsible moment.

Some people have an intuition for it, but it’s sort of an ineffable quality, buried in Best Practices in a way that is not particularly actionable.

So people having been scarred by past attempts to refactor code reach for the abstraction in fear, just in case, because they don’t know what else to do and it’s not written down anywhere, but abstractions are.


I've found that refactoring to fix a lack of abstraction is usually easier than refactoring to fix the wrong abstraction.


Definitely. Among other things, this is akin to Work Hardening.

Refactoring tries to avoid this but the slope of that line can still end up being positive and you can’t refactor forever unless you’re very careful. And “very careful” is also not yet quantified.


Another good way I've seen it put is, the difference between underengineering and overengineering is that you can fix underengineering.


Somewhere, at a tender age, I read a paean to the Chevy Straight Six engine block. One of the most heavily modified engines of all time. Later on when I read Zen and the Art of Motorcyle Maintenance it had a similar vibe and effect.

I still sometimes use it as an allegory. As it originally shipped it had very low power density. It’s an unremarkable engine. But what it has in spades is potential. You can modify it to increase cylinder diameter, you can strap a giant header on it to improve volume and compression more. You can hang blowers and custom manifolds and more carbs off it to suck out more power. IIRC at the end of its reign they had people coaxing 3, almost 4 times the first gen OEM horsepower out of these things. They had turned it into a beast for that generation of “makers”.


In scientific software development "don't want to reinvent the wheel" is an oft-repeated mantra that I like to push back on when I hear it. To be fair it's often used in the context of "we'd rather/like to collaborate", rather than an appeal to use "that exact thing".

Re-inventing things independently in parallel (parallel evolution analogies) is perhaps a strong indication that something interesting is going on. How do we know we got it "right" if we don't converge independently? If we invent a square wheel, and stopped because "wheel", we'd be in a horrible place. Science is a process, the process of reinventing is a great way to realize new things, and to train, at a low level, scientists. I suspect the process of re-inventing is also important in building out our (long term) ability to depend on our "gut feelings", thus providing the ability to nudge us to experiment along one path or another.

[Edit ... all things the article mentions.]


Reinventing certain wheels is arguably the only way to be sure you understand them. For example Monte Carlo sampling implementations.

The logical conclusion of this mindset is mathematics, where people literally prove all of algebra and calculus to themselves as they learn it. There are good pedagogical reasons for doing this.


More thoughts about reinventing the wheel:

- Did YOU invent the last wheel, or any before it? If not, then you will make the same mistakes the last inventor made. Until you make a bunch of wheels, you'll probably suck at it.

- You learn more by studying old wheels than trying to bang one out yourself. Study the principles behind the designs rather than shooting from the hip. This is why we study medicine, science and engineering, and don't try to invent new medicines, sciences, and engineering disciplines from ignorance.

- Novel-ness is only good when it fixes more problems than it introduces. Novel-ness introduces not only "bugs" from a new, untested design, but also the problems of changing people's expectations, requiring new training, and possibly requiring all the other parts to change to fit the new wheel (which is often more work than just dealing with the old shitty wheel!). New things are not inherently good. Incremental change is almost always better, even if it's harder because you have to struggle with all the existing limitations. Your job isn't to do something easy, it's to make a product better.

- Only after you make your new wheel will you find out if it's good or not. Don't go into it assuming what you have is better just because you like the idea of it better. In fact, the more you like the idea, the more you should question it; ego is a dirty liar. Kill your darlings and be prepared to accept others' judgement of the thing, and the reality of it moving on the road.


Good points, all of them.

Especially the last one is just a painful reality of the process. I think it's somewhat similar to the scientific method in that regard. Often your hypothesis is just false, but that does not make the attempt less valid.


I this this ought to be an iterative process, such as study principles so that you don't start from absolute scratch, then make a wheel that sucks, study some more and do more resarch yourself, rince and repeat until satisfied.

There is so much nuance that doesn't get captured in all the study you can do about how a certain thing is made.


I find that for me to deeply understand something, I have to reinvent it. There's SO many nuance not captured in textbooks or papers. I reminds me of the feeling of attending lectures by great teachers. Everything makes so much sense until you start the homework assignment.


Creating a lighter, faster wheel that only works with sort of cart your company builds might invite accusations of “reinventing the wheel” but often it’s just “doing engineering”


But when you need other people to work with your wheel it's much harder to find those capable enough/that want to deal with that. Also when shit hits the fan and the wheel reinventor left the company you're gonna wish you had a standard wheel.

(I am a wheel reinventor btw)


Yeah I’ve seen solo wheel reinvention lead to frustration with people leaving. It should be group effort or at least lots of “teach the wheel” (can we switch off this analogy yet :p)


It's funny how often engineers say "it depends"! Even a basic axom like don't reinvent the wheel doesn't always apply. After all, we have entire industries dedicated to doing exactly that! Goodyear spends a lot of time investing in new wheel technology every year.


> It's funny how often engineers say "it depends"

Then just wait until you speak with lawyers.


I laughed out loud and can't agree more. If I have to boil down law school to one sentence, it's this one... it depends on the particular circumstances.




"I am not reinventing the wheel, I am disrupting the wheel industry" — TramSDK creator


“Tramway Drifting and Dungeon Exploration Simulator”

I thought I knew what those words meant but as I read the README I realize I don’t.

I am clearly not the intended audience for whatever that is.


I am a wheel re-inventor. Nice article. The _Specificity_ reason listed is usually the driving factor for me, with the others being downstream effects. In short, the wheels are often built for a different chassis than the one I'm using. Adapting these may be more difficult than making a new wheel.


This. I'm trying to set up a personal developer blog and I have a very specific set of requirements. Tried several static blogging frameworks. Apart from the software bloat, I found myself spending a gratituous amount of time trying to customize pieces to my needs. Finally got sick of it, landed up writing a python script and after a few days and < 200 lines of code - I have a working prototype that fits my current needs. I will be doing more of the wheel re-inventing for other projects I have in mind. I strongly agree with your observation that adapting generic frameworks to specific needs probably have longer learning curves than just building a new wheel.


The specificity reason is interesting as it relates to what feels like an assumption in software that all software components are neatly shaped boxes that a) perfectly encapsulate an area of functionality and b) can be placed into neatly shaped holes of 'required functionality', neither of which ever seem to be true.

The boxes are always weirdly shaped with odd edges, and the holes they have to fill are always oddly shaped. The code written to join the two is at minimum glue that seals the two edges, but also usually involves converting one shape to another.


An often unintended benefit of reinventing wheels is vastly superior performance improvements, most of which are entirely unintentional.