Building and deploying a custom site using GitHub Actions and GitHub Pages
·March 20, 2025onli
The simplicity of the example might give the wrong impression here. A Github action that produces some static HTML is of course without value, Github pages can host HTML files without needing any workflow action. The idea of the article seems to be that the Github action file can do something interesting regularly, like downloading a json file from somewhere, then produce a page and publish it. That is kind of neat then, as you can have your static site generator offloaded to Github's architecture - instead of needing to run that somewhere else, like your own PC or a dedicated server.
The other thing that is useful about this pattern it means you can deploy files to GitHub Pages that don't exist at all in your repository. I like that for frequently changing data where it would be wasteful to record all prior versions, or that duplicates data already in the repository.
My page is a good example of that.
I can see how that aspect can be useful.
Actually it does have value, since I literally do what you describe, I just haven't plumbed the GitHub Pages part yet.
Here[1] I keep docs about the truck camper I'm building. I use one GHA[2] to generate the TOC, and another GHA[3] to run make in the root directory and then commit and push modified files (to a PR branch). The make process uses scripts to generate new Markdown pages based on a template, auto-generating Markdown tables from CSV files and inserting them into the final Markdown.
By keeping this all as a GHA, I don't have to do anything manual to generate the new site. I just open a PR with my new content and the actions fix up everything. It's basically a janky static site editor but using simpler tools I'm familiar with and can customize easier.
I've been wanting to host it as GH Pages but haven't gotten around to it. Partly I need to do this because my 3d models run into GitHub's LFS bandwidth limits and hopefully Pages won't (if I do run into Pages' bandwidth limit, I'll need to find some other cheap hosting, or not share my models anymore =/ )
[1] [2] [3]
Do what works for you of course, but you could also just run your makefile on our PC and then push the generated HTML to the gh-pages branch/repo. I don't see (much? any?) value in running that on a server, if it's not triggered regularly for some external source. There are no simpler tools here, just the same with the gh layer on top.
The value is 1) I can edit the site from any device with a web browser, 2) I don't want to run a process manually, I want it to be automatic (I don't want extra work every time I change a line of text), 3) other people can contribute content through a PR and everything is fixed again with no need for me (or them) to run anything, 4) there are canned github actions to do things so I don't have to figure them out, 5) once I add the Pages plumbing it'll automatically publish a website for me
I make enough edits to my various projects from my phone these days that I avoid anything where I would need to run a script on my laptop.
I've used GitHub Pages for a long time to serve sites for free, notably, however I have recently moved it and other sites to CloudFlare Pages - it's also got a very generous free tier and many other useful features that GH pages lacks. Setup is simple -
GitHub Actions is just great, and I think people overlook again how much you can do for free! As the author highlights, I use it for running workflows on a schedule, which you can use to rebuild static sites hourly, so they aren't so static after all.
I need to spend more time with Cloudflare Pages - I get the impression deploys are faster and they have support for redirects!
I just set up an apt repo of uv packages using GitHub Pages via Actions and wrote up some notes here:
Looks like Simon and I were working on very similar things simultaneously.
There should be a "Verify signature of checksums and Verify checksums" at "Download latest uv binary".
GitHub has package repos; "GitHub Packages" for a few package formats, and OCI artifacts.
OCI Artifacts with labels include signed Container images and signed Packages.
Packages can be hosted as OCI image repository artifacts with signatures; but package managers don't natively support OCI image stores, though many can install packages hosted at GitHub Packages URLs which are referenced by a signed package repository Manifest on a GitHub Pages or GitLab Pages site (e.g. with CF DNS and/or CloudFlare Pages in front)
>There should be a "Verify signature of checksums and Verify checksums"
I get it, but verifying checksums of downloads via https from github releases, downloaded across github's architecture (admittedly Azure) to githubs's runners seems like overkill. Especially as I don't see any signatures of the checksums, so the checksums are being retrieved via that same infrastructure with the same security guarantees. What am I missing?
If downloading over https and installing were enough, we wouldn't need SLSA, TUF, or sigstore.
.deb and .rpm Package managers typically reference a .tar.gz with a checksum; commit that to git signed with a GPG key; and then the package is signed by a (reproducible) CI build with the signing key for that repo's packages.
conda-forge can automatically send a Pull Request to update the upstream archive URL and cached checksum in the package manifest when there is a new upstream package.
The thing about GitHub Pages is that it doesn't handle redirects and index pages the way I like, besides being quite a bit slow when you have thousands of static items (I ended up building my own custom uploader to Azure storage, which only rebuilds the pages I update and figures out all the asset dependencies, so it also only uploads the bits that need updating).
Yeah, the lack of support for redirects is really frustrating - it's the single feature I would most like to see them add.
I spent a while exploring how index pages a few years ago and figured out the rules:
I did something similar recently for deploying some Bevy examples to a webpage:
Probably not a problem unless you work with others or have a tendency to push commits fast/have a slow pipeline (building WASM from Rust is really slow), but it seems you're missing to limit the concurrency, which can lead to old commit being deployed over a newer commit, depending on which finishes first.
Also limiting it to your main/master branch makes sense in case you use branches, otherwise WIP branches might deploy over your "production" one :)
One final word of advice, try to do as little as possible in the .yml configuration itself (I see Simon is "emulating" the build process inside of the CI config), as testing changes becomes a huge hassle otherwise. Instead, extract it into a shell-script/Makefile/Justfile or something, then call that from your CI config, so you can also run the same code locally.