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Pierogi in Space

Pierogi in Space


·March 19, 2025


> Pierogi with cabbage and mushrooms

Here worth noting is that the superior variant has been chosen, well done.


try stuffed with white cheese and buckwheat, add mint or thyme to taste


However, they can cause some unpleasant side effects, especially in a confined space with limited ventilation.


This calls for an interesting space experiment, in fact!


Additional thrust when maneuvering should be welcome.


"Weaponising Polish Cuisine for the Purpose of Olfactory Domination in Outer Space" is the paper I want to read when he comes back to Earth.


Tbh, whole menu looks "dangerous" - shroom-cabbage pierogi, leczo and pomidorowa... That just asks for problems.

I wonder if Hermaszewski ever mentioned what russians had on Soyuz in '78


In December, yes. Otherwise the Ruski are most delicious


My polish relatives would spend all day Dec 24 make and boiling Pierogi for our Christmas Eve celebration. My wife learned later that goose eggs are a great binding material for them if you make them in the spring.




Sorry 'bout that!


/r/polandball has a running gag about Poland and space.


Heh, I thought Polsa's increased ESA spend was driven by defence imperatives, but maybe they just really, really want to help Polandball...


You know, this was one of those article titles I was really expecting to not be literal.


If we're being pendantic it should say "Pierogi in low earth orbit"


> Sławosz is bringing a taste of home to space with a special menu created together with a celebrity chef and a family-owned company in Poland.

> Any food delivered to the International Space Station must be crumb-free, lightweight and keep for at least 24 months.

It sounds like they went to a lot of trouble perfecting the space pierogi. I wonder if a 20 kg bag purchased in bulk from a random milk bar might not have worked almost as well.


They would have short lifespan when not lyophilized. Milk bars sell fresh ones, definitely not for 24 months of storage.




Pierogi are that delicate size balance where you would eat them in two bites but could eat them in one.


Wait. You can take two bites?


If you eat them with a fork and you're trying to maximize the bacon and bacon grease ratio, yes.

Optimal pierogi is browned in bacon fat and drizzled with bacon bits and onions browned in said bacon fat. According to both my mouth and my first Polish friend.


would freeze dried pierogies be commercially viable?


Pierogi are available here as fresh product in the fridge section (ready to boil or pan frying) or deep-frozen in bags which can last months in your freezer (boiling only, tho you could dethaw and fry but that's too much hassle). Making pierogi comercially freeze dried would make no sense.


Maybe as freeze-dried backpacking food? But I expect it's not economical compared to existing options that seem much easier to prepare in bulk.

PSA: "pierogi" is already plural.


Best food in the world, period!






This is worth a good giggle, as intended, but is just part of the normal space agency PR of doing relatable things like talking about using the toilet and video chatting with elementary students.

Because it’s hard to talk about the actual science being done and this is the only thing the public will pay attention to.

Poland has one of the bedrock economies of Europe and is the source of many excellent engineers and scientists.

The simple truth is that Europe lags because its common market is still quite fragmented so winner take all tech companies can scale much faster in the gigantic consumer markets of the US and China.


> The Polish astronaut, who will be conducting over a dozen technological and scientific experiments during the Ignis mission


People in some places in the world get a lot of Europe bashing on social media. There’s demand for that.

They don’t spend enough time outside of where they live to be able to tell so they live in this kind of parallel reality.


I prefer gyoza but to each their own


> I prefer gyoza but to each their own

It's a bit silly to compare two dumpling styles as varied as pierogi and gyoza, even if we limit the discussion to Polish pierogi and traditional Japanese gyoza.


Would gyoza stuffed pierogi be good fusion food?


That's on same level like wrapping kebab durum around sushi