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Tesla Hate Is Making Insurance More Expensive for Owners


Might effect new buyers decisions I guess, but since about 99% of Tesla's were sold to green, left-leaning buyers, before the Elon hate-fest, I am not sure how targeting that group of people for your hatred is helping any "cause".


Nah. Insurance is based on the numbers, and Tesla is a shitty company to have financial liability to fix. There’s no parts, few shops, and lots of stuff to get stuck with.

A friend had a rental for 4 months when the panoramic sunroof cracked on his Tesla.

The vandalism isn’t computed in yet, and will immediately resulted in dropped coverage. If the Feds label it as terrorism, insurance generally excludes riot and terrorism from coverage anyway.


> insurance generally excludes riot and terrorism from coverage anyway.

TRIA insurance against terrorism is required by law to be offered as a rider. It's actually shockingly affordable, because the law shifts the ultimate financial burden for any events between $200 million to $100 billion onto the federal government. So insurers have a reasonable cap on their expenses and don't need to rely on traditional re-insurers for black swan events.

Most people decline this rider anyways, no matter how cheap it is - and therefore most people are not covered for terrorism related damages.


Is there a downside to having a terrorism rider, other than higher premiums?

For example, if your insurance company would otherwise have to declare a claim as due to non-terrorism, and just pay it (because they'd probably lose in court if they didn't pay), but because you had the terrorism rider, they decide to declare it as due to terrorism, and then you get a less-desirable experience?

(For imagined example of less-desirable, maybe you have to wait longer to get paid while the company interacts with gov't, or the reimbursement is calculated or capped differently, or some consumer protection you'd normally have doesn't apply.)


The whole point is new buyers..

People are protesting Musk. Something like 75% of Musk's current wealth comes from Tesla stock.

Tesla stock is going down.. so it is helping the cause


If you look at places like Reddit where the organizing is happening, they don't differentiate between left-leaning buyers of years past, and in fact call them out for being complicit by not selling their (paid for?) car. It's scorched earth and is not limited to new buyers.


Sounds dramatic (scorched earth! my lord), but the posts I've seen are like, "here's the anti-tesla flyer that was left on my friend's tesla" and then a bunch of upvoted comments replying that it's dumb and counterproductive to target people who bought their teslas years ago.


Reddit might not be representative of the larger shift. I am sure there is plenty of hatred, and even violence that makes the news, and that stuff is bad, but I mostly see people politely nudging those they know that own Teslas to sell them.

Which makes sense. The company sold to left-leaning, environmentally conscious buyers, and the CEO has now rebranded Tesla to basically the worst thing for that demographic. Sales are down, resale values are dropping, and insurance rates are rising. And there is no real opportunity on the horizon to save the company and/or the brand (robotaxis without LiDAR..?)

Maybe it looks like scorched earth on reddit, but in reality it's just a lot of people realizing the brand has self-destructed.


> by not selling their (paid for?) car.

It's even more confusing, who are they supposed to sell it to, if no one should drive these cars (and how big of a loss are they expected to take in order to sell it)?


Scorched earth strategies can be effective depending on your goals.


> It's scorched earth and is not limited to new buyers.

This whole thing is about destroying already bought vehicles to intimidate potential new buyers, and thus lowering future sales. Not that I support the vandalism, but I think that's the kind of logic they are applying here.


He's got less than 20% of Tesla now, but he owns nearly half of SpaceX... bet you he'd be so so sooooooooo much richer if that went public too


With rational investors I doubt it. Space launch market size is like 20 billion. One launch is 70 million and they had 133 of them in 2024. Times two (currently at half market share) this would be 18 billion.

That does not take into account that they are increasing the market size themselves with Starlink.

And with Starlink it remains to be seen if that can be profitable. I doubt it. The Starlink satellites deorbit every 5 years and need to be replaced (CapEx+++).

This is compared to the trillion+ EV market.


Also the stock was effectively a meme stock. So now the jig is up, the stock deflates like no other.


That's the funny thing here.

In case of Musk, if those protests work and as you say 'the jig is up', he can go from the richest man on earth to bankrupt in a space of months.

He is very 'cash poor' and has pledged a lot of Tesla shares as collateral to fund his other businesses.

If Tesla is priced as an automaker (shares would be in the ±10-20$), Musk will be bankrupt.


What sucks is that the cars* are actually very, very good cars. I've owned three of them so far, and I love driving and owning them. They take almost no maintenance, and I've only had one problem that needed me to take it into the shop, and it was for a recall that was totally handled in a day, and they gave me a loaner.

Legitimately, Teslas have been the best cars I've ever owned, but thanks to Elon, I will never buy another one, so long as he runs the company.

* - not you, Cybertruck


wrong. the people in question are not "protesting" anything. they are committing violent destruction of property against random people who happened to buy an EV. calling them "protesters" only does a disservice to those who actually are. these people are criminals to catch and lock away, nothing more.


Sadly I think, and for some time now, we are well past the point where political action needs to make sense either to the people involved or to the people outside. The message, the narrative, they’re whatever you want them to be. Whether that makes sense - much less where the truth lies - is irrelevant.


Or, you should do politics without promoting nazism and white supremacy on the platform that you solely bought to be able to do so.


Did you mean to respond to another comment? You’re in the thread about vandalizing left-leaning Tesla owners.


Protests and ethics and capitalism and products and politics are more complicated than that. If collateral damage or somehow hurting anybody in "your" half of The Two Groups (which is a faulty premise to begin with) is ruled out, you're wiping out nearly all opinions and protest. Things just aren't that simple (though it's convenient to pretend they are when it lets us point a finger at the enemy out-group - look at their hypocrisy/in-fighting!)

That is not to say the opposite - that I think all anti-Tesla hatred/actions are justified. I'm just refuting your opinion specifically.

I have a lot of thoughts that run in both directions on topics like this, including this one. However, this specific case is especially far gone, in terms of drawing lines between "understandable" and "unreasonable" on any given anti-Tesla action/opinion, simply because of the fact that he and some of his supporters invoke Nazism. If it wasn't for that, I could more confidently say something like, "No, that one is over the line" for any given anti-Tesla thing. But I can't.


> I think all anti-Tesla hatred/actions are justified

to be clear, you think it's acceptable to destroy a car someone bought half a decade ago because of something a part-owner of its manufacturer said a few months ago?




Usually this type of thing isn't really about a cause but making oneself feel better. The stuff that is actually beneficial to a cause tend to be less emotionally satisfying.


This probably doesn't fit the two-team paradigm. When you consider the objectives might be something different from ensuring democrats win offices in two years, the rationale may make more sense.


Thanks to Leon's salute, instead of buying 1-3 more Tesla's in my lifetime, I'm going back to plain gas powered Hondas. I'm choosing specifically non-turbo non-hybrid models. The American people, with their choice of President, have shown me they don't care about the present or the future. I'm sure their president will keep gas prices low. I don't see any reason for me to suffer for their benefit or anyone else's. The American people have chosen to doom us all, so why not just make life easy on myself.


“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”

George Bernard Shaw


Today I saw a diesel truck roll coal on anti-tesla protestors.

We've gone full circle.


I'm curious if that's plausibly an act of criminal assault.


There's no laws any more


This article provides no causation between 'Tesla hate' and insurance costs. The only factual claim is that Tesla insurance premiums rose 30% in 2024, and cost to insure is 25% higher than a Mercedes A-class. But a quick internet search shows that 2022 MSRPs for those cars were $47k and $34k respectively, a 32% difference.


This has more to do with Tesla's being totaled in fender benders than the events of the last two months because the cost associated with replacing and fixing the cameras, electronics, and sensors. I've had two friends who had rear end accidents with their Teslas. One took over a year for his car to be returned in full working order after being rear ended at a stop sign. The other backed into a pole in a parking lot and they totaled out the car. All this cool stuff made these vehicles unrepairable from what are minor issues with less advanced vehicles.


>The other backed into a pole in a parking lot and they totaled out the car.

That's ludicrous.


I struck a column in a multilevel garage while reversing out of a parking spot, my mistake completely, resulting in damage to the driver door, door hinge, mirror, and front quarter panel. Progressive considered the car totaled due to the cost/availability/labor to fix it. Unsure what the cost would be for a toyota or honda, but I was perplexed at the total loss of my still drivable car.


It's not entirely because of all the gadgets in there. They have a massive supply chain restriction which means that some repair centers can't even be sure that they will ever get the parts they need for some repairs.


Absolutely correct. But also there could be other reasons. The Mercedes cars offer SAE Level 3 certification ("you are officially not driving the car or watching the road, but we may demand you take over"), versus the much more dangerous Tesla Level 2 ("you are still responsible for driving and must constantly supervise but also the car will be doing it all for you, please don't stop paying attention at any point").

There have been, what, more than 50 self-driving fatalities in Teslas already? Of course the insurance premium would be higher.


> The Mercedes cars offer SAE Level 3 certification

In an S-class. The comment above compares it to a MB A-class.

Tesla produces no car in the MB S-class category.


Good catch.


Nothing MB has is anywhere close to FXD 13.2.x

So if the SAE standards don't reflect that, they are poor standards


It fits the narrative, who needs logic?

Clearly the two are not connected - it just hasn't been enough time for insurance rates to be adjusted based on recent happenings. The industry does not react that fast.




> It’s a machine run on actuarial tables and its calculations are telling insurers that they’ll probably have to pay out a damage claim if they cover a Tesla EV.

How is something as recent as this already affecting interest rates? If this is true, then only negative short term trends can have such an effect. Otherwise I would expect rates to lower just as quickly when public ire moves onto the next outrage generator.


My thought is that this is not going to last. Law enforcement is completely different from a year ago, when they "couldn't find" who was ransacking Apple retail stores. There are many lawful forms of expressing your views.


Isn't most law enforcement in the US at a state or local level? Why would that be completely different from a year ago?


I would guess that the multiple interstate locations will bump it to the Federal level. Exactly as it would have, with the Apple stores.


Yes, after the recent promotional event at the White House I can easily imagine protecting Teslas becomes a top priority, and that damaging one is punishable by death.


Trump did literally say during that event that attacking Tesla showrooms was domestic terrorism.


I'm sure the apartheidist made similar statements when Musk was a child. Didn't really work out for them IIRC.


It is unequivocally terrorism to participate in violence against civilians with the aim of causing political change. And it's domestic because it's here. It's definitionally correct.


Honestly, I don't think the article supports the headline.

ex. "The cost to insure a Tesla Model 3 went up 30 percent last year.". Nothing happening in March of this year is affecting the price of insurance from last year. I have no doubt that stuff happening in March of this year will affect insurance prices this year but Tesla insurance is just expensive because the availability of Tesla repairs is low.

Whether or not law enforcement (which is most likely state level and therefore didn't change this year) can figure out whose doing vandalism isn't going to affect the price as significantly as Tesla's own inability to repair vehicles.



Tesla and Tesla charger vandalism was high last year by the anti-ev crowd

It's expected to be higher occurrence, but less measurable (ie, petty vandalism) by the anti Elon crowd


The insurance in question is more about individual cars rather than stores;

And while Teslas have Sentry mode that could detect things like paint, door dings, tire vandalism to record a criminal act, law enforcement has rarely been able to enforce much except the extreme or flagrant.


Unfortunately a Tesla is not under $900


But it is more difficult to prove criminal intent and value paint, metal, and tire damage.

If Sentry mode records the perpetrator, the cops have to find it criminal, and then the DA decides to prosecute....

Good luck civilly pursuing every door ding or the mustard that fell off a sandwich -- even if somebody holds their ID up to a sentry mode camera, or drives off with their license plate clearly visible.


Law enforcement, comprised completely of government workers, is going to go out and find the people protesting against killing off their golden goose?

I think it's more likely they'll start enforcing jaywalking laws against children playing hockey in the street.

Now, I'm not saying anyone should vandalize someone else's car for political reasons but as a campaign to dissuade people from buying Teslas this seems to be quite effective.


> Law enforcement, comprised completely of government workers, is going to go out and find the people protesting against killing off their golden goose?

Law enforcement has both generally been spared direct cuts and had federal accountability measures removed, so they, and especially the worst actors, have plenty of reason to friendly to the regime.


Sure, but how many are either veterans or are friends with veterans?


I'm fine with people here who think it's totally fine to set fire to tesla vehicles AS LONG AS they are also fine with Jan 6th.


I’m not.


I decided to test the hypothesis. I compared quotes for a 2024 Nissan Leaf and 2024 Tesla Model 3. Kept all parameters the same.

Nissan Leaf: $94/mo Tesla Model 3: $140/mo


By design, no? The point of Tesla vandalism is to incur costs to the owners. Or is it just a mostly peaceful protest?


The Tesla, last I read about and test drove one, is a great car. Why tear at a company that makes a great car over anyone's political preferences? The phrase "shooting oneself in the foot" comes to mind. It makes no sense whatsoever.


>Why tear at a company that makes a great car over anyone's political preferences?

With how our society is set up, you are suggesting not holding any political viewpoints or preferences.

I had a whole diatribe typed up that I deleted because I realized I cannot actually empathize or have a theory of mind for how you could think this was an acceptable way to live life. Do you silo every interaction you have with everyone else?


If it makes you feel better, the person you're replying to isn't siloing. These people set up a wonderful Catch-22: "we don't need laws or regulations: consumer choice and people voting with their wallets is enough to ensure good behavior. If people really care, they will stop buying it" (people exercise consumer choice and vote with their wallets) "Hey, whoa, not like that! Let's not bring politics into this!"

What the OP and others like them actually want is a total lack of accountability for bad actors, and they will pick whatever argument is convenient in that moment regardless of consistency.


Having political viewpoints is fine. Protesting at their showrooms is fine. Making purchasing decisions for yourself based on your political viewpoints, also fine.

Punishing people (vandalism, scrawling Nazi symbols, hostile/threatening interactions on the road) for owning a brand of car and not sharing your viewpoints is not fine.


Why is it not fine? It's apparently effective.


He is suggesting the opposite. Attacking every company run by someone you disagree with politically is a recipe for not being able to participate in society in any meaningful way. Musk's views are quite normal and are shared by people involved in every company and institution out there. Are you going to boycott them all?

These boycotts only work as isolated, selective outrage. It is the same with countries. If you wanted to be consistent, you'd have to boycott every country in the world. They all do some bad things.


>> Musk's views are quite normal

Citation please


Throwing around Nazi salutes is normal? Are you writing this from an evil mirror universe?


> The phrase "shooting oneself in the foot" comes to mind.

It should come to mind for elon, not car buyers. He built a car company based on environmentalism that naturally appealed to people with environmental concerns and then pivoted to publicly insulting and denigrating those exact people.

It's not even really political. Elon isn't the first CEO to hold political values that differ from a majority of the company's customers. It's the fact that he goes out of his way to call his most likely customers retards.


It's at the bottom of all reliability lists so I'd argue it's not a "great car"


Making a sacrifice, whether great or small, is a very common ethical behaviour.

I refuse to make purchases on Amazon. Sometimes that's a minor inconvenience: perhaps the alternative has slower delivery. Sometimes purchasing elsewhere probably costs me more than it would on Amazon.

My purchase value is low considering the whole world, but it's not zero. I can also influence my employer's decisions, which are larger — and we use Azure rather than AWS.


The car isn't the problem, but it's tied to an incredibly overvalued stock, which in turn made it possible for Musk to buy massive influence and political power, and wield it irresponsible self-serving ways.




> over anyone's political preferences

I think this phrasing mellows the reality that he has, regardless of intent, displayed Nazi-like behavior. Why not tear at a company whose absentee CEO acts this way? Tesla is not the only great car or the only great car company. Let it thrive or die based on myriad factors, including leadership optics.


Because the better Tesla does the more financial leverage that Elon Musk, a terrible person who is causing a great deal of harm, has.


Insurance companies will use ANY EXCUSE to raise rates on their customers.

Source: Go look at your last bill.


Never been a better time to buy a used Tesla! Thanks to all the mouth breathing, smooth brained leftists and their soros funded propaganda you can get a used Tesla for a great price. Factor in the gas savings and it's a no brainer.

Don't even worry about the insurance. You just insure through tesla and enjoy rates 2x to literally 10x lower than what you will be quoted frome the failing woke dinosaur insurance companies. When you insure via Tesla you are pooled with only high income safe drivers and people with 8 dashcams and the best driver assist in the world so damages can always be recovered from all the other morons on the road. It really is an incredible savings reserved only for Tesla owners. Non owners have no idea and the old insurance companies are just awful trying to gouge Tesla owners. They think we're as dumb as their normal customers.


I have a financed Tesla that hasn't driven enough miles to offset the embodied carbon (we're a one car family who walks wherever we can). I'd love to get rid of it because as I'm mad about Musk and Trump, and I'm really afraid someone will protest while my 2 year old is in the car, putting him at risk.

If I sell— and it's a terrible financial decision (laid off in the fall)—I will assuage some of my fears and worries, but I will make the world worse for everyone else (more carbon in the atmosphere).


Just buy one of these "I bought this before we knew Elon was a piece of shit" stickers


Insurance companies use ANY EXCUSE to raise premiums on their customers.

Source? Go look at your last bill.