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Study finds 46 percent of U.S. counties have pharmacy deserts


what is the population of these 46% of U.S. counties? 15% of the total US population?


I live in a county bigger than Connecticut with zero pharmacies. The clinic has a big medicine pantry, but if they don't have it your next best bet is to drive to the next state over, about two hours from the clinic. The clinic was staffed by a nurse practitioner only on my last visit. Rural America is not a convenient place to be sick.


Isn't this like 1/2 the appeal of living in rural America though?

Way out there, on your own. Fewer creature comforts, more getting stuff done on your own. No paying the connivence fee associated with cities, having everything nearby but paying double the rent.

Yes this sounds like an obscene edge case but it's part of the deal


You're really stretching by assuming rural Americans have the option of living somewhere else.

I live in a relatively small town (~3000, though it's much bigger than other towns nearby). Most people here have never gone more than 100 miles from town. They have shit jobs (when they get them), live below the poverty line, have poor education. There is no transportation but rotted-out 20-year-old trucks or whatever $500 used car you could find in a nearby town. Their families have lived here their whole lives. They have no savings, no retirement, usually no health insurance.

This isn't "an appeal" or "a deal" they took, like they decided it would be cute to live a libertarian dream in the sticks. They have no other choice. This is what being poor is: a lack of options and no recourse.

Rural people who aren't poor still live there because... it's their home. You don't just decide move away from your family, friends, support structure, and entire way of life, because you want easier access to a pharmacy. Expecting people to just put up with pharmacy deserts or move, is a pretty hostile and careless position. It would be like expecting city people to get mugged every so often because that's the price you pay for wanting to have a pharmacy nearby.

These things shouldn't be expectations, they are problems to be solved, as in most other developed nations they largely are solved. We're the freaks for putting up with ridiculous amounts of crime, death, inconvenience, and needless expense.


> Rural people who aren't poor still live there because... it's their home. You don't just decide move away from your family, friends, support structure, and entire way of life, because you want easier access to a pharmacy.

It absolutely is all of that. It's also the money. $10k in flames is the low end of an interstate move. Supporting yourself and arranging all the pieces (ex:training) into a job that pays the bills - maybe quadruple that. Maybe more.

And all of that assumes luck.


> Expecting people to just put up with pharmacy deserts or move, is a pretty hostile and careless position.

What other option is there? They won’t vote for a government solution. Can’t have socialism forcing a pharmacy to exist where the market says it can’t.

The idea that moving into town, or the next town over, is going to mean giving up your family and friends seems overstated. Everyone I know in the sticks has some family that’s an hour away because they married or got a job.


> You don't just decide move away from your family, friends, support structure, and entire way of life, because you want easier access to a pharmacy.

That’s how those people got there a few generations ago in the first place.




Very few completely eschew the option to get medical services when they decide they need them.


The point is that being far away from critical services is part of the rural-urban tradeoff. It's like being upset that there isn't a level 1 trauma center within a 30 minute drive, because you live in the middle of nowhere. Nobody is going to deny the importance of living near a level 1 trauma center, but you kinda signed up for it when you decided to live in the middle of nowhere.


I grew up in a fairly rural community. Every common service has basically collapsed.

The town I lived in had a grocery store, full service station, restaurant, hardware store, and even a bowling alley. Those are all completely gone. This was in a town with about 300 people.

How the collapse happened is actually pretty simple. As suppliers slowly consolidated they started raising prices for smaller business as somewhat of a "go away, you're annoying to deal with" policy. It's simply far easier to sell 1000 items to walmart than it is to sell 10 items to 100 different stores. That in turn collapsed businesses in the town as you could literally go to the walmart a 45 minute drive away and get things for half the price.

Medicine is mostly due to privatization of education and consolidation of medical offices. There are simply limits to how many students medical schools can take and as a result they've simply continued to raise tuition prices to try and limit demand. That has put huge debt burdens on new doctors which makes working in rural locations particularly unappealing (they can't afford the salary a doctor needs to afford the debt they've taken on).

15 minutes from my hometown, there's a medical center that used to employ about 10 doctors when I was a kid. Now it's mostly staffed by 1 or 2 nurses with a doctor that comes in 3 times a week. Where they used to have to tools and equipment to handle most medical needs, now they are effectively just a stabilization location while patients wait for life flight to take them to one of the more major medical locations.

I personally blame weak anti-trust enforcement and mass privatization and deregulation for the current state of things in rural America. These communities are dying because they have no capital power. That causes them to be steam rolled by basically everyone. Big business has wrecked that part of america.


Oh, and one more thing I'll add. I can't move to my hometown anymore because housing prices have gotten insane. I could probably build for cheaper than it costs to buy an existing home.

Why is this? Because a bunch of "get rich quick" scammers have purchased all the vacant homes and turned them into air-bnbs while they wait and hope to flip the properties to someone else.

My hometown is not some sort of "vacation destination". I highly doubt anyone is ever renting a single one of those homes. Yet here we are, with people sitting on property that used to be the homes of my childhood friends leaving them vacant or with a sale price that's double or triple what it should be for the location.


I remember a documentary on China and apparently they let people study medicine for free if they play Medicine Woman Quinn in the boonies for a few years in exchange.


If you study medicine in Turkey, at a public or private university, you have to do up to 3 years of mandatory but paid service in a place government assigns you in order to obtain your diploma. This is how you can get rather good healtchcare coverage accross the country.

You need to do this once more if you do a specialization.


Not really, it doesn't have to be a binary, and wasn't always that way, and doesnt have to be this way.


Rural America certainly votes that way. I’d be curious if the people in these counties view this report as more than bashing.


There were three doctors here before Obamacare, now zero, same population. So it's very common out here to blame that. Healthcare access in the nearest big city has also cratered. Two week appointments have become six months ... to see a nurse.


Similar story here. Our insurance likes to mail things, but gets the prescription wrong or it doesn’t show up 60% of the time.

We spend a lot of time arguing on the phone.


Not just likes to mail things, they basically try to force you to use the mail pharmacy service that they own.

My Aetna policy will deny all prescriptions for anything greater than 30 days supply or multiple refills unless you go through their mail pharmacy - it's the only way to get a 90 day supply.

And yup. Their online service often is "unable to determine status" of a prescription that they are filling, which means I can't even order a refill through them.


I use a mail order pharmacy for most of my needs, and I live in a major metro.


So let’s vote for the party who isn’t for healthcare for everyone. Obviously business will sort this out and put pharmacies in these places. I cannot help but remain cynical of the world that we’ve inherited.


Putting pharmacies in all those places when door to door delivery exists would be insanely wasteful. Just make it easier for pharmacists to mail you your medicines.


Let’s see how that works out with privatized USPS. Last mile isn’t free.


And who is going to pay for or subsidize the delivery costs? Especially when the government is talking about axing USPS?


Which party is that? Both of them?


At the very least one of them tried with the ACA.


To me, the headline is a little misleading. From the first paragraph of the article:

> ... 46 percent of all counties studied had at least one pharmacy desert, and that 15.8 million people in the U.S. live in pharmacy deserts.

So while 46% of all counties have at least one pharmacy desert, less than 5% of people actually live in a pharmacy desert (USA population of ~340.1M).


There's also problems with the concept of these deserts. I live in a small town in a pretty rural county, the town is big enough to have a couple of superstores, so we have those pharmacies, a Walgreen's, and a regional one.

People that don't live in the small town are definitely going to be driving 10 and 20 minutes to get to a pharmacy, but the majority of that population is living outside of town by choice, because they want the lifestyle. Much of the cheaper housing in the county is in the town, and it's not like it's crime ridden or anything.


Walgreens is being taken private in a $10B deal, and is planning on closing 1200 locations in the near future.


I have two pharmacies in my town, but they're both owned by RiteAid which can't keep inventory on the shelves. If you need a prescription filled they can do that, but if you need something over the counter they won't have it. I walked into a Walgreens the other day in the next town over and was amazed at fully stocked shelves. Hadn't seen that in a drug store for quite some time.


> I have two pharmacies in my town, but they're both owned by RiteAid which can't keep inventory on the shelves.

Rite Aid filed chapter 11 bankruptcy almost 2 years ago.


Sure, but the point of Chapter 11 is to restructure so you can hopefully get back to operating profitably.


Yes, keyword hopefully...over some indeterminate time horizon...but surely not a mere 6 months after emergence from a legal proceeding that took a year to resolve.

Commodified OTCs are hardly raking in compelling margins relative to filling scripts, so it's unsurprising that some Rite Aids are operating as the parent reports.


Sounds like Bartell's in the Seattle area. Plenty of friendly staff but nothing on the shelves. Walgreens meanwhile has fully stocked shelves but 1 barely conscious person at the register and a 30 minute wait at the pharmacy.


> Sounds like Bartell's in the Seattle area.

To be sure, Bartell's is a subsidiary of Rite Aid.


We had Rite Aid and Walgreens, then Rite Aid went bankrupt or whatever all they aren't here anymore (they would always be across the street from each other).

Now you have a 45 minute wait when you go, they never have stuff in stock, their phone support people are terrible...

Walgreens was great (and 24 hours) but now it's a shit show. At least we still have the pharmacy at grocery stores, Walmart, and a couple mom-n-pop pharmacies but their hours stink.

There are a couple other places without a storefront that are delivery-only but I haven't tried any of them yet.


Yea, where I live there is sometimes a 2+ hr wait at the Rite Aid.


When I was a kid, it seemed every town had two or three pharmacies (~1980s). Now, unless you have a CVS, Walgreens, or are lucky enough to have a pharmacy in a grocery store, its not as common.

Did something change in the regulation or cost model to make pharmacy deliver unprofitable? Medicare/Medicaid too expensive? Less demand for Pharma services? Not sure of the driver -- there are a lot of points one could evaluate.


{ Amazon, Target, Walmart } happened.

In the 80s the local pharmacy was your primary source of sundries, towns and cities alike. Everything from hardware to toys to medicine. If the local pharmacy didn't have it, you didn't buy it.

Now with hoards of Chinese shit available at your fingertips to order with same-day delivery, pharmacies couldn't survive on selling medicine alone, of which there are very small margins.

San Francisco and other cities making widespread theft and shoplifting de facto legal didn't help either. Local mom & pop pharmacies can't afford to put the entire store behind glass.


Rural resentment of cities is as old as the hills. I don’t know what the solution is. Price supports to keep small pharmacies alive? Heavy regulation of e-commerce? I’m no free-market zealot, but it’s hard to see how you blunt this impact in a non-heavy-handed way.


Wait for them to actually care about it. Where I live, rural areas are supposedly desperately short of doctors but the rural people can’t stop whining about them always wanting more money and to not be berated for being brown or gay.

Why is a solution needed if the people it supposedly impacts hardly care?


Yes, pricing regulations forced brick and mortar pharmacies to sell drugs below cost. Several closed in my area in the last few years and this was one of their cited reasons why.


What regulations specifically?


Vertical integration among healthcare providers, insurers, and pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) due to PBMs being extremely costly middlemen. So the big insurers and providers started buying the PBMs and using them to abuse pharmacies out of the market to continue their vertical integration and complete rent-capture of American health.


No, what happened is the same thing that's been happening to smaller retail shops, grocery stores and so forth. Smaller pharmacies are either obliterated by larger stores using economy of scale to undercut and kill competition, or they're bought out by larger corporations, hollowed out and then consolidated.

You can look at the history of Bartell Drugs in WA. They were sold to Rite Aid, Rite Aid went under because of them being a shitty business and so most Bartells have closed down or are practically dead. And without replacement, that means there's now fewer pharmacies and the ones remaining are understaffed and overworked.


There's a lot of competition with mail order pharmacies, I think.


The thing that always shocks me is the number of Americans on prescription drugs. We eat this stuff like candy. 66 percent of all adults in the United States use prescription drugs[1]. 50 percent of people used at least one prescription drug in the past 30 days[2]. I get asked as part of a routine doctor's visit what prescription drugs I'm on, and I sometimes get weird looks when I say "none."

I'm not a doctor, but these numbers seem totally out of whack and out of control. It's not just the elderly, either, although the percentages from 80+ aged folks do skew the overall numbers.




I was given my first prescription drug (to suppress stomach acid) around my 61st birthday. It's a PITA. Though the drug itself is "free" (or was ... my last pickup in December they charged me $5) they will only give you three months of it at a time and the freaking GPs office charges $20 each time to receive a "please can I have some more" request on their web site / app and forward the order to the pharmacy.


Does that include birth control? If so I think that would account for a pretty large portion of the 50% that used one in the last 30 days.


I'm trying to understand what their actual definition of a Pharmacy Desert is, as they don't seem to define it. A search suggests it might be having no pharmacy within 1 mile in a city or 10 miles in a rural area.

I'm guessing I've lived most of my life in a pharmacy desert without realising it.

Looks like I'm 18 km (23 km by road) from a pharmacy to the north and 22 km (28 km by road) to the south, but the one I actually go to because it has longer hours (7 days until 9 PM) is 32 km drive.

On the other hand, when I lived in Russia every street had a pharmacy seemingly about every 300m, and people ran to them for the slightest sniffle. That's probably why they have such a good life expectancy.


"X desert" is a catchy phrase that often covers up weak analysis. Commonly the availability of delivery grocery, medicines, etc. is ignored.


I'm grateful for the focus on counties here.

Health discussions commonly assume that medical services are within reach. But for much (often most) of the US that isn't the case. Most counties do not have sufficient mental health services, few have medical specialists and an ER can be several counties away.

People who live in underserved areas matter. Overwhelmingly, they are people who are trapped there by poverty. And while poor urban Americans get occasional lip service (if little else), poor rural Americans (inc brown, white, indigenous) don't even get that. No one is more invisible than the rural poor.


The rural parts consistently prefer a tax cut over anything else. Rural people elected the current federal government.


> The rural parts consistently prefer a tax cut over anything else.

No. They do not prefer tax cuts over eating, for example.

> Rural people elected the current federal government.

When the entire country acts as if you and your problems don't exist (for several generations), burning it all down doesn't feel like much of a catastrophe.

I've heard from Indigenous Americans who aren't overly bothered by our massive ongoing crises. Their position is something like 'you might experience a tiny sliver of what we've had for centuries'. And they have a point.


> No. They do not prefer tax cuts over eating, for example.

They turned out in droves to cut food stamps to fund large tax cuts. So yes, they do.


It’s only going to get worse with brick and mortar pharmacies not being able to compete with online pharmacies.


It’s not even legal for them to try to compete. Even if someone preferred to pay more for the convenience the brick and mortar shops aren’t allowed to charge a premium over the online pharmacies.


>brick and mortar shops aren’t allowed to charge a premium over the online pharmacies.

What is this referring to? Is there some law that prevents pharmacies from setting their own sales prices?


There is no law against a pharmacy owner from charging whatever they want.

However, most pharmacies enter into contracts with various groups, such as the government, insurance companies, etc so that they effectively give away their right to charge what they want.


Aren’t compounding pharmacies meant to solve this? I’m not familiar with how they work but I remember small family compounding pharmacies used to be everywhere. Now you never see them and I’ve heard some states like California are trying to get rid of them.


Are you thinking of the correct term? Compounding pharmacies provide simple drug manufacturing tasks, like pressing pills from raw ingredients or splitting and mixing liquid drugs.

Some regulators dont like them because the medicine and dosages they produce do not need FDA review for safety or efficacy.


I was working in a college job for a pharmaceutical distributor when the New England Compounding Center outbreak happened. I think that dropped a nuke on the whole industry. We stopped dealing with compounding pharmacies after that because that whole thing was more like a matter of when not if.


I'm most familiar with them for off label ocular injections. Avastin is a common medication for colorectal cancer, but has an extremely similar biologic to Lucentis, used of ocular injections. Compounding pharmacies will breakdown Avastin because it is cheaper than Lucentis, and pre-fill disposable syringes.


I think I am. But maybe I’m wrong. What I remember is these pharmacies could basically make prescription drugs locally and do custom drugs and things like that because they worked differently from big pharmacies. That was what kept them surviving as small businesses. But over time they’ve just disappeared. At least in places I’ve lived and traveled to.


Pharmacists could be replaced by vending machines and a phone consult. They're the proof that even if GPT-n can replace humans, humans will still have jobs. The only thing they're good for in my experience is to fail to read the script properly, necessitating you to perform some social engineering so that they can read it again and get it right. Bottom tier intelligence.

"Oh but they can tell you drug interacti-" give me a break. They've never done that and besides, so can a computer.


The computer could do it better, with little errors from fatigue or focus degradation--provided you tell them the drugs/supplements to worry about ...