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Microsoft paywalling features in Notepad and Paint


Long ago I loved Windows, it wasn't pretty, but it was utilitarian and it worked and I could strip it down to what I needed and I was good to go.

I still fondly remember the old windows 95 start me up commercials, wonderful time.

Then they started introducing all sorts of incomplete UI and UX, then the updates kept undoing my explicit settings, now Windows just seems like an ad-supported Operating System ...

I ran to Apple and haven't looked back. All I see are reasons to stay away if at all possible.


Me coming from Amiga, I didn't love Windows (starting around 95-98 versions). It should have been more modern and quick, but in many aspects it wasn't. I learned to tolerate it, and I became good at working with it. After years I tried hackintosh (OsX Lion, 2011), and I was amazed at the difference. Even hackintosh was completely stable (unlike windows) on my hardware and I loved all the features and polished things. I still kept a windows machine or two somewhere around to deal with work, etc. and from what I've seen, it went downhill so much since the XP era. Although I think even macos goes downhill, but it's night and day difference to Windows. YMMV of course.


> the old windows 95 start me up commercials

Yes, so do I. I worked as editor for a computer magazine and as such was invited to the launch event and was flabbergasted by them selecting a song which' next line was "you make a grown men cry". It sure did, in many ways but not as they intended.

Maybe I should add that I was and am more of a Linux person? Windows 95 was a house of cards built on quicksand, it out-guru-meditationed the Amiga, it was OS/1.13 to OS/2 2.x but boy did it sell well.

I also remember a sales droid showing me the "security" offered by the policy manager, "look you can restrict which programs your users can run". Sure, I thought, let's see how deep that goes and opened a document in Windows Write, added an embedded (OLE) document for the program he just removed from the user's start menu through the policy manager and double-clicked the resulting icon in the Write document. The "forbidden" program started, the sales droid looked surprised, the hypothesis was proven.



I don’t know what that is supposed to mean.


Sure, microsoft isn’t going to foot the openai bill for every idiot with a pirated windows installation. I’m sure nobody is really surprised to hear that.

The fact that somebody at Microsoft saw fit to add AI integration for notepad.exe in the first place is … interesting. I guess it’s been a very dull time for the notepad product manager during the past 30 years so now they finally get their revenge on the world.


You're right about them not wanting to give away requests for free, but in fact they don't rely on OpenAI directly - thanks to the agreement Microsoft has with OpenAI they get model weights for all OpenAI models before OpenAI "achieves AGI", and Microsoft hosts all of these on their own Azure cloud [1].

Oh, and as a counterpoint, o3 mini is completely free and relatively unlimited (I don't know, probably there are actual usage limits) in Microsoft Copilot in chat. See the original announcement [2] and in the tweet [3] they mention that they "updated it" to o3 mini (high)





Jeez, it makes me want to buy windows start bar ads for Notepad++ and just to raise awareness that there's free options a bazillion times better.


"Features" that a large number of users would gladly not pay for anyway. MS has really burned a lot of the reputation and trust they've built in the early days.

The new Win11 notepad is repulsively modern, a good example of how far software has fallen. I don't want tabs, more whitespace, nor more sluggishness or AI "enhancements" in a simple text editor.


What's wrong with tabs in notepad?

I personally find them super useful.


When I open the notepad I want a clean blank slate, not an accumulation of all the previous files I've opened with it.

There's already a taskbar... which they also managed to screw up in Win11, so maybe the tabs are supposed to be a compensation? It's a stupid design either way.


The article lists the features that require a subscription and it's just the generative AI. It also (shame on PCWorld) leads the article by listing the newer, actually useful features including spell checking and tabs, which is confusing for explicitly ragebaiting reasons.




During the first era where notepad.exe really sucked (non-standard key commands and such) I switched to the very lightweight notepad replacement metapad.exe by Alexander Davidson and never looked back.

That said, after over 25 years primarily on Windows, I am planning my exit to Linux. Windows has diverged from my expectations.


I think Linux, at least if you have an AMD graphics card, has gotten a lot better as a desktop OS in the last decade or so.

For a long time you'd have issues with graphics drivers and wifi drivers and X crashing and PulseAudio just deciding to not work, but nowadays that really hasn't been an issue for me. AMD drivers are built into the kernel, Wayland is generally stable, Pipewire with Pulse works ok, and most Wifi seems to work out of the box for me. Hell, I have a network card in a desktop computer from the infamous Broadcom, and even that worked out of the box in Linux now.

I'm sure it's more difficult if you're a FOSS purist, but I'm not. I allow the unfree stuff in NixOS, and things have generally been pretty good, at least in my current laptop (ThinkPad P16s Gen 2 AMD).


Haven't personally had issues with WiFi drivers since 2010 on any of my many Linux computers, graphics cards as long as you avoid NVIDIA work flawlessly, even with NVIDIA as long as you don't need their closed source driver. Pulse Audio though an abomination I hate with the burning heat of a thousands suns.


Since I started using Pipewire, audio has mostly been "just fine" for me.

I actually have gotten Nvidia cards working with the closed driver on NixOS, but it took an entire weekend of whack-a-mole. It works mostly fine now, but man it was a huge pain in the ass. I should have bought an AMD card, but when I bought the Nvidia card it was specifically for Stable Diffusion and most of the documentation I could find at the time for that wanted CUDA.

Not trying to self-promote too much, but I wrote a blog post explaining how to get it working if anyone needs help: (There are no ads or anything, I don't make any money from this, FWIW).


Yeah I've been using an HP laptop with AMD chip and integrated graphics loaded with Pop!OS for an internet machine + some really minimal steam gaming (older 2D titles) and it's been effortless. The only shortcoming I've run into is DRM-equipped sites like prime video refusing to play nice.


Yeah, the DRM stuff has been irritating for me as well. I've spent more time than I should trying to get a SteamOS box to replace an Nvidia Shield TV, but no matter how many variables I tweaked I couldn't get any of the big streaming services to do better than 720p, and a crappy version of 720p at that.

But if you can forgive that, I think desktop Linux has come a long way. I'm admittedly a software person, so it might be a bit easier for me than average, but if someone could convince Microsoft to port over MS Office to Linux (which I don't think is likely), I think I could even convince my parents to use something like Ubuntu or OpenSUSE.


I had to look, thinking "What, I can't save a file anymore without a subscription?" Sounds like a microsoft thing to do.

But no, it was just goddamn access to AI. In notepad. Oh, that's a thing, and one I should pay for?

/me goes back to using Linux chuckling at the poor bastards that use windoze only every day


I had the same reaction to the article. I'm not so quick to laugh at the poor bastards though. Even if we are unshackled ourselves, we still have to live in a society that largely is--and there are costs to that.


At least there'll be no confusion about Microsoft suddenly changing the default option to "enable" at a later date and suddenly all your Notepad/paint data is getting processed by an Azure box somewhere.

Unless Microsoft decides to make those features free and enable them for all to increase adoption...


My windows machine has been basically delegated to a Steam launcher.

And no, before anyone else tries to sell me on Proton, it's not there yet. It doesn't have Dolby Atmos, DualSense support, advanced gpu features, the peripheral support, half of the games don't work properly, and of course there's performance loss.


Genuinely assumed this was parody.


I assume that the venn diagram of people using notepad and people using AI stuff would be two distinct circles. Same with paint.

I don't use windows and I know nothing about how people use it.

Am I totally off the mark with this loosely held opinion/confusion?


Just today, I finished migrating all my local services from my Windows desktop to a new machine running Ubuntu 24.10. I can now shut down the entire Windows machine and boot it up without Internet access as needed. Seems like as good a time as any to run Linux on the desktop.


So people still use notepad and paint? One of the first things I do with a fresh install is install notepad++ and


I've been using Pinta, but I find it slow to open (Paint is also slow). Is quick to open? I'm talking 1-3 seconds; Pinta & Paint take 6-10 seconds. Granted, this is on a work machine with a bunch of AV and other things slowing it down.


I feel sad for Windows users here on Linux. KDE Desktop has KolourPaint (basic image editor) and KWrite/Kate text editors, all miles ahead of their Windows counterparts and completely free. It's criminal that Open Source software isn't used more.


As a recovering Windows user now on Linux for a couple months now, I agree about feeling sad for Windows users. Occasionally I think "maybe Windows wasn't as bad as I thought", and then I hear or read something about it that makes me go, "Ohhhhh THAT'S why I got the hell away from that trash heap."

Also, personally I prefer VSCodium. I love Kate more frankly, but unfortunately for some reason it doesn't support the standard Unix "Ctrl-Shift-U" Unicode hex input method, and as someone who likes to write in their free time, that's a dealbreaker for me.


> Occasionally I think "maybe Windows wasn't as bad as I thought", and then I hear or read something about it that makes me go, "Ohhhhh THAT'S why I got the hell away from that trash heap."

Same, but there’s a special type of rage for their dark patterns tricking or even directly coercing their own users. I have to help family members who don’t know better to fix their broken experience because windows update replaced their default browser, among many similar slimy things. It makes me upset they prey on the technically ”less able” in order to squeeze unsuspecting people for pennies. Their guidelines on malware would put their own software in either PUA (potentially unwanted applications) or malware, if they didn’t create exceptions for themselves.