Generate impressive-looking terminal output, look busy when stakeholders walk by
·March 16, 2025vzaliva
That reminded me:
Back in the early '90s, I wrote an MS-DOS TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) "boss key" program. It would bring up a fake TurboC compilation screen whenever I pressed a key - just in case my boss walked in while I was playing a game. (The tricky part was restoring the graphics state back to normal, but that's another story.)
My boss wasn’t stupid. After a few close calls, he started asking why my compilation was taking so long without producing any results. That motivated me to improve my "boss key" app - I ended up adding line numbers that incremented on the screen, making it look like the fake compilation was actually progressing.
I recall playing an 80s-ish submarine (WW2?) game with a "spreadsheet mode".
That's probably Gato (1984):
Lots of old games have this, I played many MicroProse flight simulators and they all had it.
Creative use case for a TSR :)
The classic "fun" TSR use-case was to make an app that installs an interrupt vector to decode mouse hardware "events" directly from the RS232 port before exiting via 0x21h, so that DOS screen would display a pointless "native" mouse cursor that doesn't do anything :)
When I say mouse cursor, I mean an ASCII block character with the blink bit on.
Some mouse drivers used an upper ascii range (less used) and rendered 4 “arrow” cursor parts into it over 4 chars over which the cursor ought to be. And then replaced those 4 chars on screen temporarily. As a result you had a fully pixel-perfect cursor in text mode.
That's clever!
So, yeah, yes he was.
> Implemented non-euclidean topology optimization for multi-dimensional data representation
Based on Google Scholar the best match is this article by researchers from Imperial College, London:
Tensor Networks for Multi-Modal Non-Euclidean Data:
Looks like a very legit game changing and ground breaking work.
Amazing! Finally, the design of Rust is being used not only for interviews but also for bureaucratic reports, which is what it was designed for. Now, the bureaucracy within the team has improved and the bosses will be very pleased. A very useful tool.
I had an experience where a team of Rust juniors did whatever they wanted in a separate chat and the CTO, PM and I (Lead) had no idea what was going on. This tool would have helped. Now, I’ll focus on the code review to see how Rust's safety helped solve this issue. I think this will be a topic for a great new article about the power of Rust.
This is cool! I once made a project very much like this:
Check it out if you like this kind of thing.
Isn’t it just smarter to clear your actual build folder and then rebuild it with a script? Bonus points if you limit resources to it so it takes ages? That way if they ever actually look closely, they’ll see it’s the REAL work you’re supposed to be doing that’s building, and you’ll never get in trouble
If I was a boss and saw someone being busy building Rust all day I would offer a faster computer.
If you were a boss and you were staring at my screen all day, I’d find another job ;).
In all seriousness though, we’re assuming in this case that you’re taking a break, and a stakeholder happens to walk past - hopefully not a constant occurrence.
Win-win I guess :D
In my twenties I played nethack (with the ascii tileset) in a terminal window while working. It only took my boss a couple weeks to catch on.
He was not happy.
The work is mysterious and important
Just installed this. Very amusing. I think on a glance it looks more realistic than those so-called "hacker terminal/screen/whatever"
I'm so glad it's written in Rust! You know, for performance and safety and discussions at the coffee machine.
This is a cool project! Reminds me of `hollywood`[1], but specifically geared towards programming. It'll be a useful tool in my arsenal of "things to run to impress non-terminal-users".
HackerTyper is a worthy addition to that arsenal:
Someone please make one that makes your computer looks like it's locked up for ransomeware, and see your stakeholder's face. Priceless.
It already exists as a scam on the web. A web page that pretends to be your locked desktop, and goes into fullscreen automatically. On top of it you have a scary warning telling you to call a phone number to fix that.
Old people fall for it easily, and don't know that you can hit F12 or something to go into window mode and close it. I had to "fix" that virus a few times recently.
A friend of mine who was in charge of finance said to his boss “the bank keeps sending me emails to confirm transactions and change my passwords and even after I click the links and re-enter my password they keep on asking, it’s very annoying.”.
I remember working for a small agency in London with a bit of a top-heavy management structure. Many times would my shoulder be subtly gazed over to "check on progress". I ended up using IRSSI to chat with friends, wgets to read my fav blogs, and my twitter stream pouring into what looked like an excel spreadsheet UI . I always got my work done in the first couple hours of the day. I will always resent those managers, and the time spent wasted sitting in office chairs whiling away hours to meet some pointless proxy of worth: time and physical presence.
A worse experience I had previously was a manager who could remote-log-in to my machine at random times to spot-monitor my work. I'd see a little icon pop up in the menubar which would tell me he was there, so I'd make haste to busy myself with the appearance of grokking hard code. May he find a never-peace in purgatory.