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Briar: Peer to Peer Encrypted Messaging


> If the Internet’s down, Briar can sync via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or memory cards

I'd like to see more "peer to peer" projects take things this seriously.


What's the use case? I'm assuming one is trying to send a message to someone far away so it seems like the alternatives wouldn't necessarily help.


Other phones with Briar installed can carry your (encrypted) messages, as in a game of whisper. This works best if enough people between you and the recipient had Briar installed ... but most people don't.

But I see how this feature could be very helpful if a state shuts down internet connectivity or during war or a natural catastrophe. The nifty thing is that the app can be shared from one device to another, so you are not dependent on having the app in advance of an emergency.

Ideally, everyone should have this installed as an insurance :)




It is very much in the bingo cards that internet gets shut off in America as an extension of strong-arm policies.


You mean the substrate of our entire economic engine? I think that's a bit dramatic.


I recently took a flight with family- on a budget airline that did not have Wifi, so we could not hop on WiFi and message each other using Signal. I wondered what other options there would be in the air- and remembered Bluetooth Communication apps- and had everyone install Briar- it came in haandy!

I like the built in Bridge option as well, (when the app communicates over the internet) to help avoid revealing the traffic is Tor traffic.

I have been impressed by the range of Briar- with a clear line of site, easily hundreds and hundreds of feet- i tested it to well over 500 outside- and on the plane , my family was scattered, but that was no issue at all. (More recently though i've detected my own Bluetooth MotoTag trackers from my luggage in Cargo holds while on planes, so Bluetooth indeed works well on planes.)

-I have heard of but have never used BridgeFy, which I know was a well known famous Bluetooth app that competed with Briar in the past. To my understanding it isn't quite as secure or open source.

There is a informative post here where a developer noted Briar's capabilities at that time- it seems due to some changes on the OS/phone Hardware end, and whatnot- and due to the phones only passing messages to contact nearby - Briar is not a true mesh networking app. It is a shame- i feel a true Bluetooth mesh networking app would be unstoppable in availability -though it might be a bit of a battery drain.

It is a shame Briar isn't on iOS also -

I also wish Signal would eventually consider communicating over any medium accessible- they would probably run into similar issue Briar has.

What will it take to get a Peer-to-Peer capable Bluetooth/Wifi/Celluar network using/(more possibly in the future)- proper optional mesh networking, Tor capable, VPN friendly, wholly end to end encrypted ,perfect forward secrecy including, fully open source App providing messaging (with the 'accounts' that Briar uses?), for Android and ios?(And Let's throw in PC Mac and Linux, so laptops could have a extremely user friendly user accessible way of doing this as well.)

Better yet, add Calling capability- i don't know how rough doing video calls would be over some methods like modern day Bluetooth- but even a rough capability would be used a little and be worth adding to the collection of things one could do(Briar is only Messaging at the time of this post- which is something notable for sure,as very few apps let you transmit solely thru Bluetooth<I have not heavily looked into the shared Wifi communication abilities of Briar at this point in time> - but more could be added in some form...I observe apps do exist that allow for Bluetooth calling or act like "Bluetooth" Walkie Talkies)


Unfortunately, iOS simply does not allow apps like Briar to run reliably in the background[1]. Unless Apple changes its thinking about iOS, Briar or other similar apps would never work reliably.



How was your actual UX with Briar? I tried to get family to use Briar during a flight and it was pretty poor. Messages wouldn't show up and we were worried about disconnecting from personal Bluetooth headphones while keeping using Briar. It worked okay and at one point my partner and I chatted about landing plans when the person next to us was asleep. But we found that just passing the phone around with typing worked just as well. It worked okay for the other family but again, was a pain.


Briar is really interesting from the PoV of its forum and blog features, that try to use the messaging platform as infrastructure to build private services.

There's a lot of discussion about alternatives here so I'm going to drop one more:

It has wider range of clients and some unique features, like the ability to run multiple, password protected identities trivially, to appear online selectively.


I once built a version of this that strictly allowed you to add contacts via QR code only.

The idea was simple: you can only exchange keys in person, therefore no central server involvement at all.


I guess the current thread and this other ongoing one are duals:

Cwtch – Privacy Preserving Messaging - - March 2025 (21 comments)


Not immediately apparent to me: does Briar use a double-ratchet these days?


Does this still require signup to their server before using p2p app ? Meaning it cant be shared offline and used ?


Why invent wheel when we already have Reticulum network which provides integrity and confidentiality on OSI Layer 2 ? So for every packet. It is not better to build "apps" on top of a secure network? That way even if "app" does accidental bad thing, your private content is not exposed to anyone who listens to your network traffic. By default not by "just use another VPN with exit nodes full of network inspection tools, dns redirection services etc" ?


> Why reinvent the wheel when we already have Reticulum network

Assuming README is among the first files created in a project, here's the date of the first commit for each:

  markqvist/Reticulum: Apr 4, 2018
  briar/briar: Nov 9, 2015


Kind of funny that you think running python on your smartphone is easier than the "reinvented" app. (Also, briar is older and had several audits)


Reticulum seems to be by far the most interesting project in this space.

I would invite anybody to explore it for a few hours at least, it is fascinating.

Now the only thing that scare me about it is that it is really a "one man" project [0]. I am not sure why, I do not know if anybody else look or understand what he is doing, but hell it doesn't make me feel confident to rely on it.

- [0]


you mean how everyone built on top of ipv4 and can't abandon it now, even after 3 decades of it's replacement being available and more secure? Or how everyone uses TLS now, not because it's the best way but because like 'Reticulum' it became the best bloated compromise?

General purpose systems aren't always ideal, they're just ideal to gain mass adaption. For applications who target smaller sets of users and prioritize security guarantees, being able to fix bugs at any 'layer' and not depend on external entities is crucial. How I'd wish they'd even use their own Layer 2/3 stack if it were practical.


I built my own p2p software back in 2014 ( and briar came out in 2015. Reticulum started in 2018.

Timing is the reason.


I just read through the documentation for Reticulum but I'm not sure what the point of it is. It looks like a Tor like network written in Python? As far as I can tell the entire thing runs virtually over TCP.

The manual says something about physical networks (is this intended to replace ethernet?) but it also mentions a current throughput of 40mbps so surely that's not what you're supposed to use it for.


Reticulum supports multiple interfaces to transport data, TCP is just one of them. Other are ethernet, packet radio TNCs (think ham radio), LoRa, stdio/pipes, I2p, etc. More details on some of the supported interfaces




As someone familiar with networking and Reticulum, I felt confused by reading this thread. I felt the need to explain Reticulum in the networking stack. So here goes.

You can think of Reticulum as a mix of the internet layer and a message-semantics oriented transport layer. Reticulum is focused on trustless, encrypted data transfer with message-oriented semantics suitable for devices with small MTUs.

In current IP-based stacks these are separated at great compromise. First of all, the internet layer is unencrypted. Any actor listening to internet layer traffic can intercept and track or modify IP packets (and indeed this is used for things like NAT.) Secondly, link layers are disparate and fragmentation is used to make sure that IP packets can run atop the link layer. Most modern networking stacks are (UDP|TCP)/(IPv4|IPv6)/(Ethernet|802.11). Ethernet and 802.11 ("WiFi") frames are large enough to comfortably deliver IP packets with minimal fragmentation.

Applications on the internet often send/receive messages but do this at a level above TCP. TCP fragments data atop IP but has stream-oriented semantics. UDP can be used for message-oriented semantics if used very carefully, but UDP packets are delivered with best-effort and UDP packets are often delivered out-of-order or dropped due to congestion and other reasons. There have been several attempts to add message-oriented semantics onto the net. SCTP is in heavy telecom use but seems to be mostly dead in the consumer space. (I recently ran iperf on a recent Linux kernel build and was able to get 8 Gbps on loopback TCP but only 600 Mbits on loopback SCTP. Unsure if I needed to do something different than what iperf does.)

TLS can be layered atop TCP to add security, but that security is only available at the TLS layer and involves trusting Certificate Authorities. QUIC goes atop UDP but also uses the same CA style trust model of TLS. Both QUIC and TLS+TCP are stream-oriented. QUIC has unreliable datagrams which allow message-oriented semantics but this is unreliable. Moreover, all of these protocols rely on delegated authority. Your ISP will give you an IP address that it will route packets for and often this address lives as long as your ISP connection does and will reset when your connection does. If there's NAT involved on IPv4 then you don't even get end-to-end connectivity with your address. Your ISP also has a block of IPs and there's a huge governance structure involved in deciding which entities have which IPs and announcement protocols which announce IP routing tables. Reticulum doesn't rely on delegated authority or governance as much.

Then the other side of the problem is MTUs. Ethernet and 802.11 frames are large enough that IP and TCP can sit atop them well with minimal fragmentation. Fragmentation adds header overhead. However when you get to links like LoRa or TNCs, your MTUs are much smaller. Running IP on these links may be doable but TCP will probably be flooding the link with mostly fragmentation overheat. Reticulum is designed to work better with low MTUs allowing you to bring in links that are associated usually with much higher latency or lower bandwidth such as LoRa or TNC.

For our wold as-it-is, the current state of TCP/IP works fine. ISPs are built out with this model, the governance remains robust, and we rely on utilities to build out the high-MTU links that our comms infrastructure rely on. But if you find yourself dealing with situations with low-MTU, smaller links or low-trust situations, then Reticulum could be of interest. Ad hoc networks are great deployments for Reticulum, for example. There's a lot of innovation going on in this space. See Yggdrassil for a solution with stable-addressing based on key-derived IPv6 addresses and P2P routing which works well when you don't have low-MTU links.


Anyone tried seriously?

- desktop and mobile clients, cross-platform (with an AppImage that installs on old systems)

- end to end encryption

- onion routing, based on the Oxen Service Nodes [0], which also propels Lokinet that allows to anonymously browse the web

- no phone number or email required

- group chats, voice messages, voice and video calls (webRTC), attachments, emojis


No forward secrecy in 2025.

Lokinet is tiny compared to Tor's 9229 nodes

The last time I checked, a lot of the nodes are just run in Hetzner's data centers meaning there's not too many actors. I can't even find that list anymore so if anyone has one, I'd like to update my knowledge.


Yes, Session seems nice. For hard-core privacy people, use Ricochet Refresh, other than that, Briar and Session are great.


this seems interesting and I (very briefly) installed to check it out but never actually used.

I just noticed there is no IOS version? bit strange no?

also no update on their blog since 2023?

would be interested to read whats going on recently, is there another place to look?



Is there an iOS alternative?


People looking for insanely secure messaging to run on a proprietary backdored devices.


I’m not sure where you’re pulling “backdoored” from, but if Apple markets their devices as private then it seems reasonable that end users expect a private device.


> if Apple markets their devices as private then it seems reasonable

Not really.


I noted that as well.

Honestly given the target audience and the limited dev resources I (as an iOS user) do think focusing on Android is probably the right choice here.


iOS doesn't allow apps to stay active in the background to listen for messages like Android can. And since Briar very much does not rely on the vendor push services that is a showstopper.


Indeed, this is very much a limitation for all apps on iOS that don't want to rely on centralised services, such as a push notification server other than Apple's.

See also:


"Can I use the same account with several devices?"[1]



Briar runs a Tor Onion Service on your device. I'm unsure how well Tor supports having multiple devices acting as the server. One option could be to have a main program that's always on, to which your messages are received, and other clients can then use the Onion Service to fetch a copy of the conversation. It would add another link in the chain and increase latency so I'm not surprised if that's not being done.


SimpleX has the same limitation. I hate how all those apps with modern networking or modern crypto can't get those important usability things right.


Identity is tied to the physical Bluetooth MAC if I recall correctly.


The BT MAC is shared with peers so they can find you (as well as a list of your IP addresses) but I don't think identity is tied to it. Identity seems entirely tied to a public certificate. But I could be wrong.


can't that be spoofed/overwritten?



Confronting Briar with Disasters - - Jan 2024 (2 comments)

Briar Mailbox released to improve connectivity - - June 2023 (11 comments)

Indian government bans 14 messenger apps including Element, Briar and Threema - - May 2023 (78 comments)

Briar: Peer-to-Peer Encrypted Messaging - - Nov 2022 (141 comments)

Briar Project – Secure messaging, everywhere - - Oct 2022 (7 comments)

Briar has been removed from Google Play - - Feb 2022 (85 comments)

Briar Desktop for Linux - - Jan 2022 (84 comments)

Briar 1.4 – Offline sharing, message transfer via SD cards and USB sticks - - Nov 2021 (110 comments)

Briar Project - - Aug 2020 (185 comments)

Briar and Bramble: A Vision for Decentralized Infrastructure - - Sept 2018 (11 comments)

Briar Project - - Aug 2018 (10 comments)

Darknet Messenger Briar Releases Beta, Passes Security Audit - - July 2017 (85 comments)

Is Briar really the next step of the crypto messenger evolution? - - May 2016 (1 comment)