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In S3 simplicity is table stakes

In S3 simplicity is table stakes


·March 14, 2025


> When we moved S3 to a strong consistency model, the customer reception was stronger than any of us expected.

This feels like one of those Apple-like stories about inventing and discovering an amazing, brand new feature that delighted customers but not mentioning the motivating factor of the competing products that already had it. A more honest sentence might have been "After years of customers complaining that the other major cloud storage providers had strong consistency models, customers were relieved when we finally joined the party."


I mainly use GCP but keep hearing how great AWS is in comparison.

Imagine my surprise when porting some GCS code to S3 last year and realizing there is no way to get consistency guarantees without external lock service.


S3 is up there as one of my favorite tech products ever. Over the years I've used it for all sorts of things but most recently I've been using it to roll my own DB backup system.

One of the things that shocks me about the system is the level of object durability. A few years ago I was taking an AWS certification course and learned that their durability number means that one can expect to loose data about once every 10,000 years. Since then anytime I talk about S3's durability I bring up that example and it always seems to convey the point for a layperson.

And it's "simplicity" is truly elegant. When I first started using S3 I thought of it as a dumb storage location but as I learned more I realized that it had some wild features that they all managed to hide properly so when you start it looks like a simple system but you can gradually get deeper and deeper until your S3 bucket is doing some pretty sophisticated stuff.

Last thing I'll say is, you know your API is good when "S3 compatable API" is a selling point of your competitors.


> Last thing I'll say is, you know your API is good when "S3 compatable API" is a selling point of your competitors.

Counter-point: You know that you're the dominant player. See: .psd, .pdf, .xslx. Not particularly good file types, yet widely supported by competitor products.


Most people use libraries to read and write the files, and judge them pretty much entirely by popularity.

A very popular file format pretty much defines the semantics and feature set for that category in everyone's mind, and if you build around those features, then you can probably expect good compatibility.

Nobody thinks about the actual on disk data layout, they think about standardization and semantics.

I rather like PDF, although it doesn't seem to be well suited for 500MB scans of old books and the like, they really seem to bog down on older mobile devices.


Photoshop, PDF and Excel are all products that were truly much better than their competitors at the time of their introduction.

Every file format accumulates cruft over thirty years, especially when you have hundreds of millions of users and you have to expand the product for use cases the original developers never imagined. But that doesn’t mean the success wasn’t justified.


PDF is not a product. I get what you are day but I can’t say that I’ve ever liked Adobe Acrobat


It’s designed for that level of durability, but it’s only as good as a single change or correlated set of hardware failures that can quickly change the theoretical durability model. Or even corrupting data is possible too.


You're totally correct, but these products also need to be specifically designed against these failure cases (i.e. it's more than just MTTR + MTTF == durability). You (of course) can't just run deployments without validating that the durability property is satisfied throughout the change.


Yep! There’s a lot of checksum verification, carefully orchestrated deployments, hardware diversity, erasure code selection, the list goes on and on. I help run a multi-exabyte storage system - I’ve seen a few things.


I've used it for server backups too, just a simple webserver. Built a script that takes the webserver files, config files and makes a database dump, packages it all into a .tar.gz file on monday mornings, and uploads it to S3 using a "write only into this bucket" access key. In S3 I had it set up so it sends me an email whenever a new file was added, and that anything older than 3 weeks is put into cold storage.

Of course, I lost that script when the server crashed, the one thing I didn't back up properly.


I did a GCP training a while back, and the anecdote from one of the trainers was that the Cloud Storage team (GCP’s S3-compatible product) hadn’t lost a single byte of data since GCS had existed as a product. Crazy at that scale.


Eh, they have lost a bit


> their durability number means that one can expect to loose data about once every 10,000 years

What does that mean? If I have 1 million objects, I loose 100 per year?


What it means is in any given year, you have a 1 in 10,000 chance that a data loss event occurs. It doesn’t stack like that.

If you had light bulbs that lasted 1,000 hrs on average, and you had 10k light bulbs, and turned them all on at once, then they would all last 1,000 hours on average. Some would die earlier and some later, but the top line number does not tell you anything about the distribution, only the average (mean). That’s what MTTF is; the mean time for a given part to where it has a greater likelihood to have failed by then vs not. It doesn’t tell you if the distribution of light bulbs burning out is 10 hrs or 500 hrs wide. it’s the latter, you’ll start seeing bulbs out within 750 hrs, but if the former it’d be 995 hrs before anything burned out.


Isn't it just a marketing number? I didn't think durability was part of the S3 SLA, for example.


Amazon claims 99.999999999% durability.

If you have ten million objects, you should lose one every 10k years or so.


How does that compare to competitors and things like distributed file systems?


it's really not that impressive, but you have to use erasure coding (chop the data D in X parts, use these to generate Y extra pieces, and store all X+Y of them) iso replication (store D n times)


I’ve never worked with AWS, but have a certification from GCP and currently use Azure.

What do you see as special for S3? Isn’t it just another bucket?


> but as I learned more I realized that it had some wild features that they all managed to hide properly so when you start it looks like a simple system but you can gradually get deeper and deeper until your S3 bucket is doing some pretty sophisticated stuff.

Over the years working on countless projects I’ve come to realize that the more “easy” something looks to an end user, the more work it took to make it that way. It takes a lot of work to create and polish something to the state where you’d call it graceful, elegant and beautiful.

There are exceptions for sure, but often times hidden under every delightful interface is an iceberg of complexity. When something “just works” you know there was a hell of a lot of effort that went into making it so.


The durability is not so good when you have a lot of objects


Why not? I don't work with web-apps or otherwise use object stores very often, but naively I would expect that "my objects not disappearing" would be a good thing.


I think their point is that you'd need even higher durability. With millions of objects, even 5+ nines means that you lose objects relatively constantly.


> I’ve seen other examples where customers guess at new APIs they hope that S3 will launch, and have scripts that run in the background probing them for years! When we launch new features that introduce new REST verbs, we typically have a dashboard to report the call frequency of requests to it, and it’s often the case that the team is surprised that the dashboard starts posting traffic as soon as it’s up, even before the feature launches, and they discover that it’s exactly these customer probes, guessing at a new feature.

This surprises me; has anyone done something similar and benefitted from it? It's the sort of thing where I feel like you'd maybe get a result 1% of the time if that, and then only years later when everyone has moved on from the problem they were facing at the time...


Maybe this is a faster way of getting AWS feature requests heard.

I'm going to write a script that keeps trying to call ecs:MakeFargateCacheImages.


It could also be hackers, as when a new service launches is exactly when it will be most buggy. And the contents of S3 are a big payoff.


It's funny—S3 started as a "simple" storage service, and now it's handling entire table abstractions. Reminds me how SQL was declared dead every few years, yet here we are, building ever more complex data solutions on top of supposedly simple foundations.


I instinctively distrust any software or protocol that implies it is "simple" in its name: SNMP, SMTP, TFTP, SQS, etc. They're usually the cause of an equal or more amount of headaches than alternatives.

Maybe such solutions are a reaction to previous more "complex" solutions, and they do indeed start simple, but inevitably get swallowed by the complexity monster with age.


TFTP is probably the exception to that rule. All the other protocols started out easily enough and added more and more cruft. TFTP stayed the way it's always been - minimalist, terrifyingly awful at most things, handy for a few corner cases. If you know when to use it and when to use something like SCP, you're golden.

If TFTP had gone the way of SNMP, we'd have 'tftp <src> <dest> --proto tcp --tls --retries 8 --log-type json' or some horrendous mess like that.


> S3 launched as the first public AWS service.

Didn't SQS launch publicly earlier than S3?


SQS went into beta first, S3 went "GA" first.

AWS typically considers the "GA" milestone as the "public launch" date, which is silly because the criteria for what is good enough for GA has changed over the years.


little history: When we were getting ready to do an API at DigitalOcean I got asked "uhm... how should it feel?" I thought about that for about 11 seconds and said "if all our APIs feel as good as S3, it should be fine" - it's a good API.


The API, absolutely.

It's only sad that the SDKs are often on the heavy side, I remember that the npm package used to be multiple megabytes as it bundled large parts of the core AWS SDK. Nowadays, I believe it's still around half a megabyte.


The footprint of the JS SDK is much better as they split all of it into service-specific packages, but the SDK APIs are a bit confusing (everything is a class that has to be instantiated—even config).


I don't know if the npm is the same way, but the java sdk now has options by service. So you can include just s3 instead of all of aws


S3 is the simplest CRUD app you could create.

It's essentially just the 4 functions of C.R.U.D done to a file.

Most problems in tech are not that simple.

Note: not knocking the service. just pointing out not all things are so inherently basic (and valuable at the same time).


Now add versioning, replication, logging, encryption, ACLs, CDN integration, event triggering (Lambda). I could go on. These are just some other features I can name off the top of my head. And it all has to basically run with zero downtime, 24x7...


That's the public interface. The underlying architecture is where the power is.


Anyone can create a CRUD API. It takes a _lot_ of work to make a CRUD API that scales with high availability and a reasonable consistency model. The vast majority of engineers would take months or years to write demo.

If you don't believe me, you might want to reconsider how skilled the average developer _really_ is.


These comments are so uniquely "HN" cringe-worthy.


I used to have the same opinion until I built my own CDN. Scaling something like that is no joke, let alone ensuring you handle consistency and caching properly.

A basic implementation is simple, but at S3 scale, that's a whole different ball game.


Isn't that the most impressive part? That the abstraction makes it seem so simple


That’s when you really know you hid all the complexity well. When people call your globally replicated data store with granular permissions, sophisticated data retention policies, versioning, and manage to have, what, seven (ten?) nines or something, “simple”.

No problem. I’m sure ChatGPT could cook up a replacement in a weekend. Like Dropbox it’s just rsync with some scripts that glue it together. How hard could it possibly be?

I mean people serve entire websites right out of s3 buckets. Using it as a crude CDN of sorts.

It’s a modern marvel.


I could build a netflix in a weekend.


A file system is simple. Open, read, close. Most tech problems are not that simple. How hard could a filesystem be?


Locking, checks after unclean shutdown, sparse files, high performance, reliabilty.... are all things that make filesystems harder.




I have a feeling that economies of scale have a point of diminishing returns. At what point does it become more costly and complicated to store your data on S3 versus just maintaining a server with RAID disks somewhere?

S3 is an engineering marvel, but it's an insanely complicated backend architecture just to store some files.


That's going to depend a lot on what your needs are, particularly in terms of redundancy and durability. S3 takes care of a lot of that for you.

One server with a RAID array can survive, usually, 1 or maybe 2 drive failures. The remaining drives in the array will have to do more work when a failed drive is replaced and data is copied to the new array member. This sometimes leads to additional failures before replacement completes, because all the drives in the array are probably all the same model bought at the same time and thus have similar manufacturing quality and materials. This is part of why it's generally said that RAID != backup.

You can make a local backup to something like another server with its own storage, external drives, or tape storage. Capacity, recovery time, and cost varies a lot across the available options here. Now you're protected against the original server failing, but you're not protected against location-based impacts - power/network outages, weather damage/flooding, fire, etc.

You can make a remote backup. That can be in a location you own / control, or you can pay someone else to use their storage.

Each layer of redundancy adds cost and complexity.

AWS says they can guarantee 99.999999999% durability and 99.99% availability. You can absolutely design your own system that meets those thresholds, but that is far beyond what one server with a RAID array can do.


How many businesses or applications really need 99.999999999% durability and 99.99% availability? Is your whole stack organized to deliver the forementioned durability and availability?


I think that this is, to Andy's point, basically about simplicity. It's not that your business necessarily needs 11 9s of durability for continuity purposes, but it sure is nice that you never have to think about the durability of the storage layer (vs. even something like EBS where 5 9s of durability isn't quite enough to go from "improbable" to "impossible").


There are a lot of companies who their livelihood depends on their proprietary data, and loss of that data would be a company-ending-event. I'm not sure how the calculus works out exactly, but having additional backups and types of backups to reduce risk is probably one of the smaller business expenses one can pick up. Sending a couple TB of data to three+ cloud providers on top of your physical backups is in the tens of dollars per month.


Different people and organizations will have different needs, as indicated in the first sentence of my post. For some use cases one server is totally fine, but it's good to think through your use cases and understand how loss of availability or loss of data would impact you, and how much you're willing to pay to avoid that.

I'll note that data durability is a bit of a different concern than service availability. A service being down for some amount of time sucks, but it'll probably come back up at some point and life moves on. If data is lost completely, it's just gone. It's going to have to be re-created from other sources, generated fresh, or accepted as irreplaceable and lost forever.

Some use cases can tolerate losing some or all of the data. Many can't, so data durability tends to be a concern for non-trivial use cases.


> One server with a RAID array can survive, usually, 1 or maybe 2 drive failures.

Standard RAID configurations can only handle 2 failures, but there are libraries and filesystems allowing arbitrarily high redundancy.


As long as it's all in one server, there's still a lot of situations that can immediately cut through all that redundancy.

As long as it's all in one physical location, there's still fire and weather as ways to immediately cut through all that redundancy.


One interesting thing about S3 is the vast scale of it. E.g. if you need to store 3 PB of data you might need 150 HDDs + redundancy, but if you store it on S3 it's chopped up and put on tens of thousands of HDDs, which helps with IOPS and throughput. Of course that's shared with others, which is why smart placement is key, so that hot objects are spread out.

Some details in /


There is a diminishing return of what percentage you save, sure. But amazon will always be at that edge. They already have amortized the equipment, labour, administration, electricity, storage, cooling, etc.

They also already have support for storage tiering, replication, encryption, ACLs, integration with other services (from web access to sending notifications of storage events to lambda, sqs, etc). Uou get all of this whether you're saving 1 eight bit file or trillions of gigabyte sized ones.

There are reasons why you may need to roll your own storage setup (regulatory, geographic, some other unique reason), but you'll never be more economical than S3, especially if the storage is mostly sitting idle.


There are a few stories from companies that moved away from S3, like Dropbox, and who shared their investments and expenses.

The long and short of it is that getting anywhere near the redundancy, reliability, performance etc of S3, you're spending A Lot of money.


Probably never. The complexity is borne by Amazon. Even before any of the development begins if you want a RAID setup with some sort of decent availability you've already multiplied your server costs by the number of replicas you'd need. It's a Sisyphean task that also has little value for most people.

Much like twitter it's conceptually simple but it's a hard problem to solve at any scale beyond a toy.


> At what point does it become more costly and complicated to store your data on S3 versus just maintaining a server with RAID disks somewhere?

It's more costly immediately. S3 storage prices are above what you would pay even for triply redundant media and you have to pay for data transfer at a very high rate to both send and receive data to the public internet.

It's far less complicated though. You just create a bucket and you're off to the races. Since the S3 API endpoints are all public there's not even a delay for spinning up the infrastructure.

Where S3 shines for me is two things. Automatic lifecycle management. Objects can be moved in between storage classes based on the age of the object and even automatically deleted after expiration. The second is S3 events which are also _durable_ and make S3 into an actual appliance instead of just a convenient key/value store.


It's great that they added iceberg support I guess, but it's a shame that they also removed S3 Select. S3 Select wasn't perfect. For instance the performance was no where near as good as using DuckDB to scan a parquet file, since duck is smart, and S3 Select does a full table scan.

But S3 Select is nearly way cheaper that the new iceberg support. So if your needs are only for reading one parquet snapshot, we no need to do updates, then this change is not welcome.

Great article though, and I was pleased to see this at the end:

> We’ve invested in a collaboration with DuckDB to accelerate Iceberg support in Duck,


I found out last year that you can actually run a full SPA using S3 and a CDN. It’s kind of a nuts platform


Since everything you need to run "a full SPA" is to serve some static files over an internet connection I'm not sure how that tells you anything interesting about the platform. It's basically the simplest thing a web server can do.


I use S3+Cloudfront for static sites and Cloudflare workers if it needed.

It's always crazy to me that people will run a could be static site on Netlify/Vercel/etc.


We've used Netlify at previous projects, we used it because it was easy. No AWS accounts or knowledge needed, just push to master, let the CI build (it was a Gatsby site) and it was live.


I think Netlify is great but to me it's overkill if you just have a static site.

I understand that Netlify is much simpler to get started with and setting up an AWS account is somewhat more complex. If you have several sites, it's worth spending the time to learn.


For those interested in S3 Tables which is referenced in this blog post, we literally just published this overview on what they are and cost considerations of them that people might find interesting:


I can't make head or tails of the beginning of this sentence:-

> Pricing for S3 Tables is all and all not bad.

Otherwise lovely article!


"all and all" is a typo for "all in all" which means "overall", or "taking everything into consideration"

So they are saying the pricing is not bad considering everything it does


Clicked on the article thinking it was about S3 Graphics, the company that made the graphics chip in my first PC. Now I see it's some amazon cloud storage thing.