We've been wrong about math for 2300 years
·March 10, 2025vlovich123
Yeah, "You can't do <thing we've been doing successfully for a thousand years>" is a weird claim.
Secondly, I imagine Taoism would like to have a word on the subject of whether one can lead students towards something that cannot be defined.
Another way to put it: is math invented or discovered?
If you ask them, mathematicians may give opinion one way or the other, but they do not actually care very much, because this question has nothing to do with their work.
> If you ask them, mathematicians may give opinion one way or the other, but they do not actually care very much
Indeed, this is more of a meta scientific, or epistemogic, question (edit: though it seems the French "épistemologie" is not really translatable to "epistemology" in English, at least not in its original meaning)
> Another way to put it: is math invented or discovered?
I think this is the question encompassed by constructivist epistemology.
I love the mental picture from Greg Egan's Diaspora of the truth mines, literally hacking the math like chunks of coal:
"If ve ever wanted to be a miner in vis own right -- making and testing vis own conjectures at the coal face, like Gauss and Euler, Riemann and Levi-Civita, deRham and Cartan, Radiya and Blanca -- then Yatima knew there were no shortcuts, no alternatives to exploring the Mines firsthand. Ve couldn't hope to strike out in a fresh direction, a route no one had ever chosen before, without a new take on the old results. Only once ve'd constructed vis own map of the Mines -- idiosyncratically crumpled and stained, adorned and annotated like no one else's -- could ve begin to guess where the next rich vein of undiscovered truths lay buried."
> is math invented or discovered?
Yes and yes. Or to put it another way, why does it have to be an "or" question?
To me some things in math are discovered, like prime numbers, pi, Euler's number.
Other things are more like an invention, like the Runge-Kutta methods[1] or the Finite Element Method[2].
[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runge%E2%80%93Kutta_methods
Reminds me of the scientists arguing a long time ago whether the egg or the sperm is more important for creating new life. They wasted lots of time that could be dedicated to learning more.
I was fully expecting to be triggered by this article. I was pleasantly surprised to find I was not.
I think there is definitely something to it, if there is far more begging of the question that we can strictly define any field. Something that is largely not true. Our categories and topics in schools are affordances made to make it easier to teach and to learn.
To that end, what is it to write, but to have imaginary conversations with others about a topic. Communication through written material, then, is largely sharing of these imaginary communications with others. Some of the sharing is so that others can take part in the conversation. Some is so that they can critique the conversation itself, regardless of how imaginary it was.
Math easily fits there. The critiques go over not just if the idea was communicated, but expands to offer if it agrees with a lot of other rules we have added. And note that sometimes it doesn't, necessarily, while still being valuable!
Aristotle says we should only require of a discipline what the domain affords (when he is establishing principles not by induction).
Indeed, a perfectly serviceable philosophy of math would address what enables it to be taught and used consistently by different practitioners, so they all get the same results (or better, by some agreed metric thereof).
But I think the real question is what makes one mathematical approach better than another: economy? insight? accuracy? transparency? composability with other approaches? usability? cultural value? economic relevance?
Then, if you want to traverse 2,300 years, does the historical evolution of math evidence tension between the math we want and the math we got, and how (TF) to get what we want?
Realizing we're wrong about math is the essence of math: it's how we got 365 days instead of 360, irrational numbers distinct from ratios ...
If you look at Frege’s original logical notation, all logical operators (apart from negation) reduce to conditional (‘if–then’) statements. Perhaps mathematics mirrors the cause-and-effect structure of reality, similar to Hume’s idea of causation as empirical regularity. Numbers could then be understood as convenient fictional tools, while logical operators capture something genuinely real about how the world itself works. I'm no mathematician, but it's just a thought.
Such a vapid clickbait title.
If you feel strongly about this, and can come up with a better alternative, preferably from the article itself, email your suggestion to the mods at hn@ycombinator.com.
Guidance: <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40770024> <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9908533>
Banal snipes within threads are not productive: <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42489399>
The article's flagged now, but the standard approach of using the subtitle instead of the title would have yielded an improvement: "A radical conceptualist take on the foundations of mathematics".
IIRC the term mathematician was first mentioned as a faction of the Pythagorean sect (or church or whatever) (the other faction was the 'akusmaticians')
Highly recommend David Basis "Mathematica: A Secret World of Intuition and Curiosity" or "Mathematique, une aventure au coeur de nous-meme" in french.
For me, it has been a refreshing and profound way to reflect (and possibly better understand) on my own way to "think" (for instance when I build software architecture), and explore what might be happening in my head while doing so.
If you zoom out a bit, any human activity (like "doing math") can be characterized by "societal impact" and analyze whether any given activity (or underlying concepts) have utility. Take for example the concept of "nation" - why does this exist? Because as soon as anyone invents it, it will spread until resisted by another "nation". Why do we need money? Because a society with money is stronger than one without. In the same way, we can imagine a society with and without math. To a first order, the society with math is (far) stronger through its application to technology (and therefore industrialization, and therefore warfighting). Of course, pure math has had some profound impacts, far beyond what you'd expect (it discovers the tools that science later requires).
Math is yet another example of what we do with free-time when existence is not "nasty, brutish and short", which historically maintains and grows that free-time. Eventually math discovery may "peter out" and reach 0 contribution asymptotically, but even this behavior is acceptable: as the background of teaching students what is already known; as a peon to the concept of artistic patronage; as a dividend paid on math's incredible legacy; and to the always non-zero possibility that these new tools with eventually become useful.
Platonism vs nominalism is a bit of a meta rabbit hole, which most mathemeticians wisely ignore.
One of my hobby projects is to construct a new foundation of mathematics: mathematics is the art of predicting if a Turing machine will stop or not.
Just as long as you don't call your predictor on itself as input, you should be good to go!
And perhaps even good to halt:)
Mathematics is the study of words that have precise meanings.
Ironically enough, that's why we can't put it onto words. That's what the math's for!
I love wittgensteins take on the reality of math. He thought that there were true statements, false statements, nonsense, and tautologies.
True and false are easy enough. “The cat is on the mat” is true or false depending on where the cat is in the room. It’s verifiable. Nonsense is what he would call any value statement, such as “the flowers are beautiful”. By using the word nonsense he doesn’t disparage, it just isn’t a verifiable statement.
Tautologies are where math comes in. He thought that constructions of language were like symbolic pictures that had relation to states of the real world. Math however is statements about statements themselves. So “1+1=2” isn’t “true” in the same way that “the cat is on the mat” is true. But it is a tautology; a declaration that when you have two cats you can say there are “2” cats or you can say there are “1+1” cats. It’s the same thing.
He likened our knowledge of math to our knowledge of chess. Just like we humans invented the game of chess to pas time, we invented the game of math to better understand what statements make sense.
Since you mentioned "reality", I prefer the four value logic system where you have true, false, unknown, and unknowable.
> If mathematicians hadn’t skipped Marketing 101, they would have taken the problem more to heart: you can’t teach a subject you can’t define, just like you can’t market a product you can’t explain.
Well, we’ve been doing math for 2300 years so I think we can actually teach it well enough and use it to marvelous effects considering it got us to the moon, invented computers, probes leaving the solar system, & now AI (and numerous other things that would be impossible to list in a short post).