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PostmarketOS in 2025-02: MSM89x7 Audio, Modern Xiaomis in Community, New Name


For what it's worth, I'm not convinced by the change of name.

No matter if I write "postmarket", "PostMarket" or "posTmArkeTOs", the first result I get in my search engine is postmarketOS. In terms of how hard it is to pronounce, it feels like as soon as the context is there, one can say "pmOS". Kubernetes doesn't seem particularly easy to pronounce, but it doesn't seem like it's preventing it from being successful.

As a comparison, try to Google for /e/, or eos... I think it's getting better but a couple of years ago I was just not reading the /e/ changelogs because I just couldn't find the website. This, IMHO, is a bad name; and I have been a pretty satisfied user of /e/ for years, it's not like I don't like the project. But to be very honest, if CalyxOS had supported my phone I would have switched just because of the frustration with the name.

Also with every change of name comes confusion. For a very long time some people will keep calling it "postmarketOS", some will think it's a brand new project or a fork. Third-party documentation/blog posts will not get updated, ever. It takes time and energy to change a project name. And for what? Because it's "a bit too long" and "not so easy to pronounce"? I don't think it's worth it. It would be different if the project was called muskRocksOS.


I don't like renaming things as much as the next guy, but they're targeting an international audience. Ask a Chinese/Japanese/Arabic/whatever speaker if it's easy to pronounce (it is for me, but that's because I speak relatively passable English; judging from past experience, my friends would certainly find this name unpronounceable).


Yeah, they could promote pmos (or maybe something like postos) to more prominently feature as a primary keyword, but in today's age of minimalism where it feels like every project is a single syllable word clashing with 100 others like it, I love a name that actually just says what it is on the tin.


> Third-party documentation/blog posts will not get updated, ever.

OTOH that could also be an advantage. For at least a year or so after they change the name, all info you can find about how to do something with it when you search with the new name is likely to be current. Instead of 7 year old guides that are completely out of date and don’t work with current versions.


/e/ has changed to Murena, no?


No, the company selling smartphones with /e/OS is called Murena.


I recently switched to them as a step to help de-Google. Will not go back to standard Android and push for /e/OS at the moment. I don't mind the extra weight and size between the Fairphone 4 and Pixle 5a.

Waiting on a purchase from Furi Lab to see if I can move even further away.

Issue with most phone hardware with Linux is that they are all past products that don't have G5 support. Looks like all the push for Linux phones is coming from the EU and stale and stagnate in the USA, hardware wise.


I think my next phone will be a linux phone, and since I already run Alpine on my desktop there could be advantages to running it (or a distro based on it) on my phone. It would be an interesting project at least.


Does anyone know if postmarketOS has a stable (or stable-ish?) port for a modern-ish tablet that supports monitor output and has a good keyboard via pogo-pins? It would be a great device on-the-go to replace my Chromebook Duet 3 (that I really like, but wanted something more powerful).


Not sure which device suits your criteria the best, but feel free to take a look at the supported Laptops/Tablets:

I heard the Xiomi Mi Pad 5 Pro had good support (, but we also support a lot of Chromebooks like your Duet 3 ( :p


Any name will be better than Phosh. Most google results would return phishing attacks when searching for 'phosh linux'


These searches contradict your statement:

they all return expected results.

also Phosh is a portmanteu of "Phone" and "Shell".


Phosh is a specific graphical environment that runs on top of PMOS; I don't see anything to suggest that renaming it is planned.


I supposed "modern Xiaomi" would be something like Mi 10 or newer


It's in the article:

  > Two devices moved from the testing category into community:
  > Xiaomi POCO X3 NFC
  > Xiaomi Mi 9T/Redmi K20


I propose Foogle as a new name.



