Xcode constantly phones home
·March 1, 2025Boldened15
> Also not the worst thing for Apple to measure average build times or whether developers are discovering some new feature they added, that can be actually helpful for improving the product.
That have always been the point of telemetry. The issue is when it’s hidden and /or the collected data is misused.
Or even used at all. Feels like a lot of telemetry is getting collected simply because it can. "What if there is value we could unlock?!" Never mind that all decisions will be made on a manager's gut instinct.
I have worked at plenty of places where analytics data is used to drive decision making.
And surely we can all agree that a data driven approach is better than gut instinct.
a) There is no correlation between a walled garden and telemetry. I use plenty of open source software that asks for analytics and crash reports. In fact I take it as a positive sign as it means they are committed to making a better product.
b) In this case the provisioning profiles are essential to the build process so it makes sense for Apple to check for updates as you are building.
> Also not the worst thing for Apple to measure average build times
There's no evidence that Apple is measuring average build times. As the screenshot in the article shows, gather provisioning inputs is actually one of the earliest build phases. Moreover, build time is not a useful measure, because it depends crucially on the number of source files, the programming languages, clean vs. incremental builds, run script build phases, and various other factors that vary almost infinitely from project to project.
The article does not even claim that the connections are telemetry. Gather provisioning inputs is without a doubt exactly what it says it is. Nonetheless, it's not necessary for Xcode to gather provisioning inputs on every build, especially not for non-archive builds, and a side effect of doing it on every build is that Apple receives personally identifiable data about developers and their everyday activities, regardless of whether that was Apple's intention.
There appears to be a common assumption that every privacy violation has to be intentional, some kind of conspiracy, but that's not true. A lot of privacy violations are just thoughtlessness, laziness, or incompetence. That doesn't excuse them, however.
Why does it have to slow down builds. If it's pure telemetry, it can be done in background right?
I sincerely don't understand how devs that use macOS put up with this crap. I remember getting a Macbook M1 from the company I used to work for and the battery life was amazing, but as soon as I needed to install Xcode I just gave up. It's unbelievably bad, fuck that.
At the risk of nitpicking, Xcode isn’t explicitly necessary unless you’re looking to target iDevices specifically. A minimal llvm/clang toolchain can be installed with a terminal command or Homebrew.
And “unbelievably bad” is how I feel when trying to get various projects built from source on any platform all too often. If I’m lucky the maintainer has made a point of getting up and running a matter of running a couple commands but all too often there’s a mountain of assumptions about the user’s environment that cause the build to fail, sending me down rabbitholes. At least with SwiftPM Xcode projects, building is usually as simple as opening the project and hitting ⌘R and doesn’t involve a side trek to Mordor.
It's not even necessary for iDevices. I have successfully built, signed, and deployed simple apps without Xcode at all, using Bazel. I think CMake has support as well.
We put up with that because it could be better but it's not too bad.
The IDE itself is pretty good and personally I prefer it over Android Studio.
People who complain about Xcode have never had to use android studio ;)
iOS dev here doing KMM. Android Studio (and IntelliJ) was a breath of fresh air after working so long with Xcode. I get anxiety when I have to go back to Xcode but that was partially because of the app I had to work with for a previous company.
Android studio became great after I upgraded from 16 to 48 gigabytes of ram. Thanks for that, Gradle!
I've just reinstalled a PC with windows and coming from macOS and about 10 years of XCode, I certainly prefer the mac camp over the absolute smouldering hot garbage of a wasteland that the windows ecosystem is.
Just the BIOS settings nightmare I had to get through for it install Windows properly was beyond belief. I guess OEM installs have won. But building your own hardware like "back in the days", oh the sweet sweet old days, what a nightmare.
My BIOS even has AI in it (WTF).
Even Microsoft holds its own debloating list [1]! How bad is that?
I tried to clean windows right after install and that took much longer than setting a brand new mac. And the macOS doesn't cost $150, for ad-riddled cortana/AI nightmare feeding my clicks to random houses and shipping with minecraft and king.com games!
At some point, "both camps" have to agree to disagree but there are lot of rose tinted glasses everywhere.
[1] https://github.com/microsoft/windows-dev-box-setup-scripts/b...
> tried to clean windows right after install and that took much longer than setting a brand new mac
Because you can't debloat a Mac since bloat is part of a protected system partition, so time saved?
find me what you'd want to remove from the protected system partition, and then don't look at Windows, which has one too ;)
Dupe: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43168589 (Couple of days ago -58 comments)
This “gather provisioning inputs” step completely prevented me from building a project of mine yesterday. I let it sit there for over 20min with no movement. No amount of rebuild attempts worked, nor did restarting Xcode. Only a full reboot of my machine fixed it. I didn't see any network issues at the time this was occurring.
The issue here isn’t the telemetry itself but the fact that it’s making builds slower.
I think Xcode is pretty inefficient and Apple makes assumptions about computer and internet speed that mask these issues for them. I once tried opening a project on a network volume and it was unusable because for some reason Xcode is constantly using the disk, which you probably would never notice on a project stored locally on an SSD.
Previous discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43168589
> Or perhaps Apple believes that developers are subhuman…
From my three years of experience as a developer of iOS applications, this is the root cause.
How the mighty have fallen
Coincidentally, looking for a trustworthy open source Web browser solution (I'm on a rampage this weekend, after Mozilla misalignment last straw), I just had to allude to what seemed like Apple's attitudes towards developers ranging from indifference to hostility, throughout the iOS developer experience:
(I'm sure there are some great people working on parts of Apple, and doing great work. But would they say that the holistic experience, as well as various business moves by Apple, are currently third-party developer-friendly? With the platform power Apple wields, and often heavy-handedly, I think that needs to be acknowledged.)
When you have millions of apps on the App Store it's easy to take developers for granted.
Now do Visual Studio. Give Visual Studio Code a spin, too, if you have time.
Everything collects analytics these days. However, VS Code let's you opt out of telemetry and I doubt it slows down builds like Xcode is doing.
It's my understanding that it's not possible to opt out of all VS Code telemetry. There are some kinds exposed in the settings page that can be disable.
> I doubt it slows down builds
But we don't really know, do we? Speculation isn't helpful.
Just run VSCodium[0]. Unfortunately there's no Xcode equivalent, of course.
I wouldn't call VSCodium an equivalent[0].
Please note that some Visual Studio Code extensions have licenses that restrict their use to the official Visual Studio Code builds and therefore do not work with VSCodium.
In some cases, ... [workarounds] won't help because the extension is hard-coded to only work with the official Visual Studio Code product.
Notably absent are all of the remote debugging extensions and Copilot. This would be a deal-breaker for many.[0] https://github.com/VSCodium/vscodium/blob/master/docs/index....
You can compile from public source code, you can use any extension not using MS proprietary code (notably, other LLMs) AND you can use VSCode without telemetry. Credit where credit is due.. it's miles better than whatever Apple is doing.
I do use Copilot with VSCodium, I just installed the extension with a file
Now do almost any modern video game, particularly those with Denuvo, if you have time.
Or almost any modern software period. Everyone is in love with data gather and analytics.
As long as it is only done with the user's consent, and the analytics can be turned off by the user, I don't see a problem. But if it's forced and/or done without consent, then it's a problem no matter if you're Apple, Microsoft, Steam, Epic, or any other company.
You mean the ones you launch from Steam?
Steam does its own thing but many games also collect their own analytics as you play.
Now consider how much phoning home Steam is doing…
> Basically everything is phoning home this days. Also vscode,
Helix is not.
Neither is neovim :)
Nothing a plugin or two couldn't fix.
I wanted to mention it as well but was not 100% sure since I have not used it.
Apple and its iOS ecosystem has problems, that cannot be denied, but it catches more flak than it should given that the primary competition (Google/Android) is in many ways just as bad or worse.
Xcode gets ragged on all the time for example but Android Studio in most respects sits somewhere between not anything to write home about and bad. Just off the top of my head, dependency management and code stripping are massive pains in the rear (with both being substantially better in Xcode/Swift) and yet there’s never posts harping about those issues.
> Android Studio in most respects sits somewhere between not anything to write home about and bad.
If only Xcode was nearly that good.
Xcode is fine in my experience. At the very least it leaves me banging my head against the wall considerably less frequently than Android Studio does. It’s mainly just a matter of figuring out the antipatterns that make Xcode “angry”, where the bad parts of Android Studio are unavoidable.
Headline buries the lede imo, should be "Xcode slows down builds by constantly phoning home". Given the walled garden nature of Apple and the app review process it's not really surprising that Xcode would be full of forced telemetry
Also not the worst thing for Apple to measure average build times or whether developers are discovering some new feature they added, that can be actually helpful for improving the product.