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What is vibe coding? How creators are building software with no coding knowledge


Some commenters are likening this to no-code/low-code. However, there is an important difference: When you prompt an LLM to generate some code, then for any further modification, the generated code becomes part of the software’s specification instead of the original prompt. In other words, as soon as you have some history of “coding” the software, you can’t experiment with modifying previous prompts to see how it changes the software. (You can in theory and replay the whole history, but then subsequent existing prompts won’t make sense anymore in the context of the changes made to preceding prompts.)

This is unlike no-code/low-code, where the “coder” still has full control and visibility over the specification and can tinker with it. With LLM-generated code, an increasing part of the “specification” is constituted by the code that has been generated so far, into which the “coder” has no insight. The “coder” can only try to run it to see how it behaves, but cannot reason about it like a no-code/low-code coder can about their specification.


It may not be auditable in the same was a block-based workflow, but there's nothing stopping you from saying "hey, this code doesn't do what I want, please improve it" to the LLM.

The whole point about the article is that reasoning about the code isn't always required any more, reasoning about the output is enough.


My point is that it is not the same, in a similar sense in which testing (as a software engineering discipline) is not a substitute for proving the correctness of code. Another way in which it is different is that the “coder” cannot test hypotheses of the kind “when I prompt x, then y will happen” other than as a one-off, because that conversion is lossy, whereas in no-code/low-code “when I specify x, then y will happen” is deterministic. In other words, with no-code/low-code, the “coder” can with time learn to predict precisely and reliably what their change will do, which is not really the case with LLM-based coding, where you have to go by the “vibe”.


My point is that proving the correctness of code is not always relevant. When it is, don't use AI coding assistance, and hire smart people to do the work.

When it's not, fuck it, go ahead and produce that flight sim without researching quaternions. MOST code does not need to be provably correct, or we'd all use Ada.


A quick scan of various reddit forums reveals how "vibe coders" experience exponential levels of difficulty past the simple landing page. Things like setting up basic auth for example is non-trivial (outside of PasS) and there are many other aspects that require at least some understanding of what is going on.

My only concern of this type of programming is when it starts involving end users, specifically around privacy and security. It is not that AI written software is less or more secure. It is just about the whole live-cycle of software development and maintenance. Vibe-coders might not visit this forum for example and might not be aware of a security exploit that must be fixed asap... or even be aware that they need to perform basic level of software support to avoid costly intervention in the future. It is not going to happen - not today.

I am thinking that this type of coding is only going to increase the demand for professional services. The closest analogy I can provide is that almost anyone can perform basic level of DYI and many do - but when it comes to more serious work you rely on contractors to get the job done.


> Vibe-coders might not visit this forum for example and might not be aware of a security exploit that must be fixed asap.

This is true of "regular" coders too, i've worked with/for extremely experienced programmers who, while knowing the security risks, implemented (or even worse, asked me to implement) flakey authentication systems, exposed databases, etc. I don't think this is an AI issue, it's a "care about your users" issue.

> is only going to increase the demand for professional services

Then shouldn't we be happy that more people are embracing vibe coding?


> Then shouldn't we be happy that more people are embracing vibe coding?

I don’t know about you, but I’m not looking forward to reverse engineering and maintaining someone else’s vibe coded mess.

It’s like when someone makes a quick and dirty proof of concept to impress management and then hands it off to another team to make it usable in production. They did 20% of the work but took 80% of the credit. Now you have to to the remaining 80% of the work to make it into what it needs to be, but management is only going to be disappointed because you’re moving so slowly relative to the proof of concept creator.


There's a big difference between someone knowing about security and taking a calculated risk, and someone who understands neither the risks nor the semantics of code handed to them. There are also legal issues. Even in the most optimistic cases, I think we're 50 years away from this making sense for most software.


Accenture, IBM and other big companies have employed vibe coders for years.

Java is a language designed to make it possible. Java style classes make it possible for someone to design the overall structure and pass it to someone who just vomits something inside it.

They have teams where maybe 1 in 3 consultants have programming knowledge and the rest just vibe something into the Java API that is given to them. Back and forth until it passes and then to the customers. LLMs make this just faster and maybe even better.

The code will be bloated, slow, and hard to maintain.


> Accenture, IBM and other big companies have employed vibe coders for years.

Having worked in a few codebases/projects by these companies (and some other "big name" consultancy companies in this same "space"), I cannot imagine copypasta from Claude/Copilot would be anything other than a massive improvement.

What companies have paid these firms to do is nothing short of appalling, and I'm not even referring to the notorious Hertz lawsuit, just the average run of the mill junk.


Wow, what a ridiculous load of tripe.

Java classes are no more enabling of shit code than any other language. Idiots can and do “vomit” code into pre-canned structures built for them in any language.


I see many gatekeepers in the comments. I've made hundreds of small apps and scrips for me with with vibe coding, i dont want them maintainable, I dont want them safety critical, I dont want to launch a rocket with them.

I just want a free script or addon that will do its job instead of paying someone on upwork to do it for me. simple as.

Additionally it's only up from here. The agents will be able to do maintainable code and safety critical code at some point in the future. It's not all gonna happen overnight.


I don’t see anyone “gatekeeping” but I do see warnings. I don’t know what you’re good at, to give a good example. But if you have a hobby or job, imagine the new guy coming in, knowing absolutely nothing and doing shit they technically can do, but shouldn’t be done. That’s what this is. Just like a new cashier can technically just not give correct change, everyone knows this will end badly; eventually, even though everything looks fine from the outside.

That’s what AI code tends to do. It looks fine to the outsiders, it might even function correctly MOST of the time. Programmers are trained, mostly through experience but also classically, to think through every exceptional case and figure out how to handle it (or return an error so a human can handle it).

That isn’t to say this is ALWAYS the case with AI code, but rather it TENDS to be the case. YMMV, which is where these warnings are coming from.


> It looks fine to the outsiders, it might even function correctly MOST of the time.

Most code (even written by good programmers) rarely functions correctly most of the time. Most code is broken. This is not the problem with AI. Unless I am using the tools wrong, LLMs can generate fully functioning scripts (and some of them are good) but they break after the 50k token context and start doing insane things that not even juniors will do (like randomly removing code).

If you want to see a shit-show, go to Bolt Discord channel. Some users are able to get a very simple and rough kinda single script app running. Everything else breaks once they start making simple amendments. This is not fixed by Claude 3.7 or O1 Pro or whatever. This is a fundamental issue in all of the LLM and a local maxima of the current tech.

Not that the current tech is not amazing. It is and there is a lot of value to be extracted from it. But everyone and his investor think they are about to reach nirvana and want to replace everything with "AI" where "AI" is a 100k context LLM.


I feel comfortable calling a lot of the comments gatekeeping "adjacent".

When a post is a "warning" about user's credit cards etc. and it was in none of the "vibe coding" examples, that feels like someone deflecting (but with a gate keeping mindset).

As others have said here, I too have knocked out little apps and sites vibin'. At first (1) it was to see if what everyone was saying about LLMs was true. Then (2) I wanted to see if LLMs could help in languages I was not familiar with. Then, even for languages I knew well enough, I (3) wanted to see an LLM's code to get the modern method of modularization for the language (JavaScript is one that has gone through phases). Finally I came to trust the machine and (4) have vibed code just for my own small projects.


Because people who admit they don't understand coding should not be coding with important data. And it's very easy for you app to suddenly have important data. Do you have auth? You have PII.

Gatekeeping is restricting access to the trade with arbitrary precedence, like "real coders use emacs." It's not expecting safety. If someone wants to build a bridge out of cotton the city won't let them. That isn't what most people consider gatekeeping.


What you said applies to programmers who are actually good.

Consider that the world is full of programmers who are objectively shit (I live in India, and have personal experience). The only difference is that they’ll be copy pasting from ChatGPT instead of StackOverflow, and honestly I’d rather have ChatGPT.


So this is about the ego of professionals? As the other person explained, there are many use cases for disposable software, so it's a good thing that there's a new tech enabling non-programmer to create these on their own.


We should also consider experts doing things that they know they shouldn't.


> if you have a hobby or job, imagine the new guy coming in, knowing absolutely nothing and doing shit they technically can do, but shouldn’t be done

Isn't that the definition of gatekeeping? and even so, who cares? the new guy coming in creating/doing something in a way that "shouldn't be done" will eventually fail and notice the shortcomings of what they did. Then they will either drop their project or learn the way "it should be done" (like we all did, except now with AI).


I kinda feel like this attitude, like “free market capitalism”, allows more bad things to happen with the potential for some unseen/immeasurable force to “correct” the environment once the Bad Thing is recognized and rationally dealt with. But there are probably better ways to avoid Bad Things that require only a little additional forethought, planning, and deciding ahead of time what sorts of things we’d like to avoid (oh no, regulation!).


No gatekeeping. Anyone can write programs.

But to build something which could handle a customer’s credit card, password, or other PII and charge them for it, you better know what you’re doing.

It’s all fun and games until you’re the cause of someone’s identity or password getting stolen.

Anyone can use CAD software, but if you’re designing a public space, you better know something about safety.


To be fair, lots of "actual" programmers who don't know good from bad have been shipping insecure code to prod for decades.

AI is just another vector for this, not something entirely new.

When you have your amazing idea, instead of hiring an inexpensive low-skill developer (whose work you are also incapable of evaluating) to build and ship your idea in a low quality way, you're just paying AI to do it.

It's just putting they money into different (centralized) pockets.


No, people should not be knowingly half assing important things like PII just because "it's been done badly before." We make the good faith assumption that people who mess this up don't know better, not that they're willingly using a tool that will mess it up for them because they don't care.


There’s some gate keeping, but many of us are also worried about the inevitable future where we have to take over someone else’s “vibe coding” mess of code.

The vibe coding style translates to trying a lot of different prompts and small adjustments until it looks like it works. In the past these people copied from StackOverflow and poked at lines until it compiled and appeared to work, but that only gets you so far. Now those same people can bang away at an LLM assistant all day long and produce volumes of code that appear to kind of work.

I’m in another forum dedicated to programming careers. Every day there’s a new thread from someone asking how to deal with all of their junior employees spamming code review with obvious LLM generated code that they don’t even understand.

A lot of the defenses of vibe coding rely on the assumption that it’s in the hands of someone knowledgeable who only wants to save a little time for something inconsequential. That’s fine. What’s worrying is that vibe coding is being used as a replacement for understanding code for many juniors and lazy seniors across the industry as long as they think they can get away with it.


> ... many of us are also worried about the inevitable future where we have to take over someone else’s “vibe coding” mess of code.

Another potential alternative is that these things progress quickly and soon can code and review code at or above the level of most SWEs. I suspect that's driving a non-zero amount of anxiety in the comments.

I'm not an SWE, and frankly, they're above my level today. Saying "plz don't code if you can't understand it" applies to my code today without AI assistance. Are you suggesting I shouldn't release anything because others might need to read it? The way to prevent this within an organization is smart hiring practices, not restrictions on tool use.


> worried about the inevitable future where we have to take over someone else’s “vibe coding” mess of code.

worried? we're going to make a goddamned fortune


People who made the initial thing in the absolute cheapest way possible expect the maintenance work to be similarly cheap. If it turns out it just can't be done on that budget, it'll often just not get done rather than pay what it would cost.


Doubtful. Usually when one person makes the proof of concept they do 20% of the work and collect 80% of the credit.

The people tasked with cleaning up the mess and making it usable in production do the remaining 80% of the work, but management is always disappointed that it’s going so slow relative to how quickly the proof of concept was created.

At one company it was widely known that the key to taking credit for technical work was to be the team presenting the GUI pieces to management. If you were working on something that couldn’t be shown to management with a “wow” factor, you were not valued. I see the same thing happening here, with vibe coders capturing the wow factor and the people who actually make it production stable being viewed as the slow and expendable ones.


> I dont want them safety critical

Then hopefully they run on a computer without network access, otherwise everything is safety critical.


> I just want a free script or addon that will do its job instead of paying someone on upwork to do it for me. simple as.

So, you pay the billionaires to rent their graphics cards so you can avoid paying a normal person? -_-


If it is much cheaper, and the outcome is acceptable, probably even better, then that is what people should do.


I'm not sure it's explicitly gatekeeping, more a lack of perspective.

The benefit and excitement is most felt by people with little to no experience writing code themselves. The fear seems to come from building.. what, code for critical infrastructure? That's just not what we're talking about here.


What is important that it works for you. I think it is good that more users can solve their own problems.


The article itself doesn't have comments. On HN, there's 2 posts that are against vibe coding which could be seen as gatekeeping. What are you referring to when you say "I see many gatekeepers in the comments."?


Hey, that could be considered many. 2 many.


some people see what they want to see


there are now 6 comments all critical of the notion of vibe coding, this thread being the only one started by someone who praises its benefits


“non-programmers can now build functional software by working with AI rather than writing code directly.”

I’m not sure about that, it may be true, but you can also build a ecom store without coding knowledge using wordpress and shopify but you still face a lot of limitations.


We're not talking about building an ecom store, though, are we?

We're talking about building useful tools. Small things, that work in a way that makes sense to the individual.

Something that could be churned out in a day or two by a competent dev, but is completely out of reach for Joe public.

That's where we're at.


> That's where we're at.

Tools to build web apps and web pages without coding knowledge have been around for over 2 decades. Microsoft Frontpage allowed uses to build a website using a WYSIWYG editor.


Frontpage and other page builders had a much much lower bar for capabilities though..

Even Wix and Squarespace are "building block" tools when you start to layer functionality on top of the designs.. What you can do is limited by what the developers of those tools put in them.

AI lets people build much more bespoke things, and build things that others haven't necessarily thought of (or haven't built tools to build)..

And that can definitely be a double-edged sword of course, because a non-developer might not know when they're wading into dangerous waters...


Non-programmers always could build functional software by hiring programmers, you know. And we all know how well that usually goes.


That's very true. But programmers are extremely expensive. I don't think these tools or vibe coding replace expensive programmers, but they do make it possible to noodle where once it would have taken a potentially very risky commitment for a small business / solopreneur.


We do? I thought we were clueless how long things will take.


One thing that AI made possible for me (amongst many other benefits) is to frequently build auxiliary development tooling that I would otherwise not bother with, with almost no required time investment.

Tools and visualizations for debugging that I might need only for a week, local dev automations, linters, etc.

As long as I can eye-ball correctness, it's a huge time-saver and help.


That's a really good idea. I have a few tool ideas for the team I work with but I never felt like I had enough time between tasks to implement them


This is a good snapshot of the landscape for those wondering who’s competing in this space - I bookmarked it for that reason. I’m left wondering who the intended audience is for this - devs with no xp or experienced devs looking to leverage new toolkits. Though the former is implied, it seems like the latter is the case.

This comment thread and this author are mostly experienced devs. Obviously, Automating the first 80% of development this way, you get less happy accidents and less rabbitholing on minutiae which make you a stronger programmer, and give joy. But dang, you get a lot of joy from finishing something too.

And also obvious is the cost of deploying and maintaining. All the SDLC things that come with releasing a product are out of scope here, but that’s likely temporary. It would be great to have assisted deploy build pipeline development I can trust in a product that has a complex blend of old, new, in-house and proprietary service development.

Coffee’s still kicking in. These are my thoughts.


They are programmers. Its not much different from coding using cookbooks or snippets, which plenty of people have done in the past and continue to do.


If AI does all the coding you are customer not a programmer.

Or do you think a customer who describes his requirements to a programmer who writes the actual program is a programmer too?


Have you used what is being called AI here to program? It is a bit more involved than providing requirements once.


Have you ever been a customer to a programmer? It’s more than telling your requirements once.

Did you use AI to program something you couldn’t do yourself? Did you get the same satisfaction because you solved the challenges or did you feel some kind estranged from the result because or wasn’t really your achievement.


I recently made a quest 3 minesweeper game using ChatGPT to code 95% of everything. I felt more like a manager than a coder. A manager with unlimited patience. By the end though, I felt accomplished and understood Unity IDE at a rudimentary level. I learned a lot and had a great time.




The age of write-only programs is back, perl is relevant again


And APL! It saves so much tokens :D


Just tried making a LLM generate primes for fun in APL : gave me primes ← {⍵/⍨2=+⌿0=⍵∘.|⍵}⍳ :) I'll try submitting that to my colleagues


I wonder... Is the smile part of the program?


"There's a new kind of coding .. where you .. forget that the code even exists"

That's not coding at all - if is taken out

(the best user inter interface is that one that doesn't stop you and doesn't exist between you and that thing you interact with - it's about the thing, not about how).

It's magic (and magical thinking, wishes) - things have to happen, doesn't matter how (that how was the coding):

> The magic is always real, but once you understand magic it simply becomes knowledge. That makes it no less magical ( ).

BTW Why we calling it AI - not AK - Artificial Knowledge as it is indeed ? ( isn't the intelligence something you supposed to have ?)


When I started programming, I didn’t have an AI to help me.

I wrote a lot of spaghetti and I confused myself a lot. And it was a lot of fun.

I think the doomsayers ITT are wrong. I think you’ve forgotten what it was like to go from “how do you even make a program” to “I put something on the screen and it’s amazing that I did that”.

I think AI will help a lot of people get over the bump from not even comprehending how software works, to putting something on their screen and evolving their skills from there.

Who cares if they make some spaghetti along the way. That’s necessary for learning. AI or not.


> evolving their skills from there

What skills? If you are just asking a computer for what you want you're not developing any skills, apart from maybe how to describe your requirements better†.

If you take the code the LLM outputs and use that as a basis to be able to write your own code I would call that "learning to program" and I applaud it whether you learn from adapting LLM code or by reading K&R cover-to-cover before you even touch a keyboard. But that's not what this article describes—what this article describes is the very deliberate act of not learning anything.

†Technically just describing your requirements in a way the particular LLM you're using responds best to, which is not necessarily "better" in an objective sense.


> get over the bump

You call learning, making mistakes and fixing them, and improving "a bump"? That's the whole point.

> That’s necessary for learning

You haven't learned anything in the end. I read a lot of programming books in the past thinking I would be a computer god at the end, and I realized I learned nothing because "I did nothing" exactly like what we have with ChatGPT.


You're 1000% underestimating the experience of learning it yourself vs just getting info shot right into your brain.


Everyone knows that copy pasting code without understanding it is exactly how you don't learn. Every programming class you're in has an underperforming student that does exactly this. Than they barely graduate, get interviewed, and they're somehow worse than the bootcamp grads.

Cursor is that, but prompted by you instead of a stackoverflow question.


I have no formal software development experience beyond a $15 Udemy course.

If you think vibe coding is as easy as this article makes it sound, try deploying a simple website.


I would encourage you to try Replit!

Deployment is literally a button. Granted, to a replit subdomain. But following some documentation to add your own domain is not out of reach.


You can do this with github pages too, including your own subdomain. ChatGPT could walk you through the steps but there is no requirement for an LLM.

There's been big efforts to simplify this stuff for years. Lots of good tooling out there (which the right questions to an LLM will yield for you).

I think LLMs help with stuff like deploying a website, but they aren't a requirement. You still need to know what you are doing if you want to do something complex.