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Welcome to Ladybird, a truly independent web browser


Well this project is now more important than ever since Firefox basically sold its soul [1].

Never say "Never"... Next is Thunderbird.

Let's go Andreas!



> Well this project is now more important than ever since Firefox basically sold its soul [1].

I'm still not convinced that Firefox is The Actual Devil for potentially appearing to perform .000001% of the bad behavior that is fully-baked into popular Chromium browsers.

But for the sake of argument, lets say that .0000001% > 99.99999%. What is the browser I can install+configure right now, that will perform what Firefox does every day. For ex:

    natively support containers, 
    provide fully uncrippled element control, 
    provide reader mode when *I* want it, 
    locally save and sync windows,
    provide granular redirection control,
    and the other functions that are mostly unique to Firefox ecosystem



Zen browser which is a relatively modern fork of Firefox.

It's relatively new, but I liked using it more than other of the forks.


The website looks good, but as I scroll down in mobile Safari the page starts glitching until it fully crashes and Safari says an error repeatedly occurred. It doesn’t inspire much confidence when the web page for a web browser is broken.


Seconded for Zen.


Containers is key. NoScript is wonderful. I cannot live w/o containers, but I'd really like to also have NoScript.




I will give LibreWolf a legit look-over. My browser conversations always start with "I need containers" - which rules out everything non-Firefox.

Besides running Ffx, I'm also running Waterfox and Floorp - which just about exhausts my options for modern Ffx forks + Windows + Extensions.


Why and how?


Getting to know about this through here, and tbh I believe the writing has been on the wall for Mozilla for quite a while. This honestly does not surprise me as much as I thought it would.

That being said, I am sad to see this fear of mine come true. Mozilla products were rock solid, and available on virtually every platform imaginable. I do not want to live in a Chromium and WebKit only world.


I think forks, such as Librewolf or Waterfox, will live for a while even if (and that’s a big if IMO) Mozilla comes down. Consider donating to them (and to Ladybird).


Vouching for librewolf. Not only does it not bother me with things like pocket and "Firefox sync", it also does not track me, and the browsing experience is genuinely superior.

I didn't realize how much webgl and other cruft slowed things down until I started using librewolf.

The one improvement I'm hoping for is that the project would be checked into the official Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora package repos as those are less risky than the repo controlled by the developers.




Mozilla has been pink washing itself for a decade.

This has paid off incredibly well for them since anyone pointing out that it's primary purpose was to enrich the CEO while letting her band of merry women support their pet causes was called everything from a fascist to an incel.

Till today the most blatantly farcical situation was that Mozilla funded women who code boot-camps while firing all the women who code inside Mozilla.

I guess people are finally waking up when Mozilla pulled an Ubuntu and decided that everything you do through their software is something they own actually.

They also flag and harass anyone who points out the grift.


And here I was thinking opensource was immune to enshittification...


I guess the quality here is resilience more so than immunity. I guess you can say opensource is much more resilient to enshittification.

I think Mozilla has been a good example of that but the perception has been that resilience has been crumbling for years. Without an independent business model they have been in a really terrible position from the get-go.


It is, but people/corporations aren’t.


You obviously never used wordpress, lol




I don't have any special insight on these events but I've seen that commit linked a lot.

From a pure optics point of view, it looks extremely bad but reading some of the comments, it sounds like that repo is basically a mirror of some upstream project where terms and conditions/faqs etc are stored as pseudo-structured data and that they're migrating parts of that repo to some other project?

I feel like a lot of context is missing publicly but if I squint, that seems to be what this comment is trying to express:

Don't get me wrong, I love bagging on Mozilla as much as the next person but as extremely bad as it looks, I'm not convinced that it's literally what it looks like?


I also lack any inside info, but that seems like the kind of thing they’d clear up pretty easily if it were that innocuous. And if you were going to slip something unpopular into a foss project policy, wouldn’t you want the public updates to be vague enough to not technically be lying about anything while also being plausibly innocuous?


> if you were going to slip something unpopular into a foss project policy, wouldn’t you want the public updates to be vague enough to not technically be lying about anything while also being plausibly innocuous?

If a company was being competently "evil"[1] then it probably would look like this!

Personally, I don't know that I consider Mozilla competent enough to reach that bar though given a lot of their previous blunders seemed like, well, blunders and not finely crafted acts of trickery.

> that seems like the kind of thing they’d clear up pretty easily if it were that innocuous

I suppose in this scenario, if it were innocuous and this is just some automated mirroring thing that someone triggered without realising the optics of, I wouldn't then automatically assume that same organisation would have a level of coordination to recognise or put out a blanket statement about the issue?

I mean, you'd think surely some amount of Firefox/Mozilla folks are very online and this would be raised internally but if this is downstream of some process owned by mostly legal and non-internet/chat using folks, it might make sense that they a) take some time to be notified, b) take some time to realise a lot of the internet is saying "What the fuck" and c) take a while to figure out what to do about it (ie; issue a press release to not make it worse? someone higher up acks and is like reverse whatever this mess is?)

My only real basis for all this is I've occasionally run into some compliance/legal types in tech and they can have extremely bad mental models of the company and product they work for so I can feasibly believe this all being accidental but in saying that, I dunno who works for Mozilla and this is very much a stereotype I'm applying.

Anyway, as above, I'm not saying this isn't malicious, just that personally I think the door is still open that this could all be a complete mess that has no real intent behind it


What's crazy is that Firefox on Debian has been nagging me for weeks that I won't be able to use it after March 14th?

I have never seen those nag screens in Firefox, near the bookmarks toolbar. I think that is working around Debian's policies, IIUC. I have never had software on Debian nag me to update

It seems like this is under the guise of some DRM updates, and the like.

So I'm supposed to update, and then they apply a new Terms and Conditions that I didn't agree to?

And sell my personal data, I guess because there's a big market in AI now.

Also Firefox seems increasingly buggy -- I have had to switch to Chromium for 2 particular sites, so I guess I need to find a new browser ...


This reminds me of the Twitter thing where they asked for your phone number for security purposes, and then used it for advertising.

I think Firefox is forcing updates ostensibly for one reason, but the real reason is because they found a market for data, and want to apply a new T&C


> Also Firefox seems increasingly buggy -- I have had to switch to Chromium for 2 particular sites, so I guess I need to find a new browser ...

Is it Firefox that's buggy or those websites that only test on Chrome?


In my experience it is usually something related to cookies that work on Chrome and not in Firefox, and in those cases I find hard to blame Firefox.

Yet, sometimes you need to use those websites fore a reason. Firefox should perhaps make it easier so users don't need to fall back to a different browser.


>Firefox seems increasingly buggy

Yes, seems. I think web developers are increasingly neglecting testing on it.


You know what the really sad part about this is? If we switch to an alternative browser, fingerprinting makes us even more easily tracked. It's lose-lose nowadays. We need political changes to make selling off our private data no longer profitable.


For those of us that missed the memo — what is happening with Firefox at a macro level, aside from that commit message you linked?


I honestly think that Wikipedia should buy Mozilla to fund Firefox


I don't think most people realize how huge Mozilla is. Their annual revenue has been flirting breaking a billion dollars for some time now and was ~$500 mil as of 2023 - primarily due to 'partnering' with Google, which was always a bellwether to anybody who cared to see it. Wikimedia has never broken $200 million per year. In other words, it's Mozilla that could buy Wikipedia, not the other way around.


But how much goes into firefox development? Maybe 2% of revenue like with Linux Fiundation and Linux kernel?

Mozilla is ads company, it does activism, outreach, it organizes Marxist conferences, management gets paid millions... Firefox development is just tiny fraction of what Mozilla does.

And frankly Wikipedia has the same overhead problem as Mozilla.


The Wikimedia Foundation has developed many of the same corruption issues that Mozilla has. It would just be kicking the can down the road, and not very far at that.


They should directly buy Firefox and let Mozilla perish


They have enough cash in the bank to fund development, so...


Wow what the fuck Mozilla. I’ve been complaining about the phoning home on startup and shut down for a long time but this is just disgusting.


Ladybird is a BSD-2[0] project from Andreas Kling, the same person behind SerenityOS.

awesomekling does monthly progress recaps, January's[1] shows LB as the fourth most standards compliant browser, just behind Safari. For example, GMail, Google Calendar, and Figma all fully load now, though usability is not at 100% yet.

The updates also have video versions[2], which include demos of Ladybird's rendering.

Last year, Ladybird became an official non-profit[3] and received a $1mm donation from Chris Wanstrath (a Github founder). There's an optional Donorbox link in the upper-righthand corner of[4].







> Andreas Kling, the same person behind SerenityOS

Important context - Andreas isn't involved with SerenityOS much anymore. He decided to prioritize Ladybird, which is arguably the more important project here.

Also, he used to contribute to WebKit. Even ended up working at Apple for a period of time. Quite definitely the right person in the right place.


I can highly recommend Andreas' YouTube updates if you're remotely interested in browser dev. Really fun.


I applaud the effort but seriously though I just wonder...

Chromimum (and therefore Chrome) is a monster of a project and has at this point probably over 10 million lines of code and has taken +20 years to develop with thousands of developers involved.

I can only conclude that:

   a) the modern WEB is so complicated that this is the minimum  required level of complexity to run and render modern WEB safely

   b) chromium is extravagantly over engineered and the actual amount of complexity and code needed to run and render modern WEB is actually much less

   c) Ladybird is actually not targeting the same features but some "suitable" subset of features.
If the answer is A) how does the small team working on Ladybird think they can actually pull this off? Are they all 10000x developers?

Or maybe the answer really is C thus making this a toy/hobby project?

One could of course then hope that the answer is b) but somehow I don't feel like it is.


Ladybird is lucky in that it has someone who knows how important marketing is, even for opensource projects. There are other opensource browser engine projects languishing because of lack of PR, patronage and / or volunteers. For e.g. NetSurf - website is outdated because of lack of volunteers but the project has active development - (already has partial support for CSS3, and Flex layout). It can develop into a great alternative if it had some more volunteers. Servo ( is another project but it has some decent PR because of its Rust codebase and the Rust PR team. There's the Goanna browser engine too ( ) but, like Mozilla Gecko, the project isn't truly modular to offer a stand-alone browser engine as Goanna also strives to be an XUL renderer.


Also, I really, REALLY wish the devs don't surrender to user's pressure for the plethora of features offered by the commercial products, done ASAP.

Please maintain the tinkering, passion and devs-first codebase it has now, and don't end up as a huge mess just because users want things like VDPAU asap.

I don't mind waiting a few more years. For the "just works" part of my life, I already have chromium+Firefox


Learning to market yourself and your projects is so important! I wish I had the skills.


I will add to the hundreds of comments.. Whatever happened to the thin waist of the wasp, in interfaces.. So, we design a system, for showing and interacting with data over networks. When we start with this, the outset is defining say a character set of 12-20-26 alphabet letters. Already with that, you could exchange information; at least the greeks could. We also managed to design the gopher protocol, the early world wide web protocol, telnet, and (god forbid) X-Windows. Early www already had some complications: Support for images, and form controls. A lot of these things were possible to do, even on a commodore 64.

But still, take a look at the monstrosities we have built since, presumably to serve the same purpose.. It now takes an effort apparently bigger than that required to land a controlled drone on the moon, to deliver a working/full WEB BROWSER..? An application supposedly intended to allow you to browse pages of mixed text and images, require approximately --two-- (nah, one?) full virtual OS environments to function, a turing-complete sub-language, and is more complicated to build than the OS's that host it..

I often wonder if all that was really necessary. It looks to me like we have made the 'interface' the most complex part of it all, leading to almost everybody just piggy-backing on the chrome investment (or what one chooses to call it.. It is an MS-like market control mechanism is what it is).


Because browsers don’t just browse these days, they do all the heavy lifting and not just for the nerds like us, but actually make it accessible to the normies. They do all the compliance work to all the standards too. There is no standards of sending something to space yet.

I do so much in my browser these days, things I had to have 15 applications for back in the ie days.


Well said, I feel the same. While I never used gopher I still remember e.g. the usenet vs. web forums. I mean being able to add images and stuff like that to discussions was helpful in many cases, I prefer the user experience of the usenet.


Curious - how well does this support the 'long-tail' features? What I mean by that are stuff that relatively few websites use, but requires a large amount of code to support? Things like WebCodecs, WebRTC, WebUSB etc.

Does this have a CanIUse equivalent?


Big discussion 8 months ago (1077 comments, 757 comments)

1 year ago (625 points, 284 comments)

2 years ago (1341 points, 473 comments)


I got to know this project through the one year old post. I was quite buggy and can’t even render back then. The improvement is huge.


Just installed Waterfox a couple hours ago. ( ) I'm getting fed up with all the latest Mozilla bullshit to the point I'm ready to switch browsers.

Ladybird is starting to look good too, from an end user daily driver perspective, technically it has been impressive for a long time.

One other thing I'm really hopeful is to embed Ladybird engine in a "first class" way. Think of if as an Electron alternative but in a sane way.


Waterfox looks worth a try, but I opted for LibreWolf because it's verified on Flathub and Waterfox is not. It looks like the Flathub version of Waterfox was packaged the same BrowserWorks Ltd that makes Waterfox, but they didn't take the extra steps to get verified so we can't be sure. Hopefully they can remedy that. Browsers are too important to install from untrusted sources.


For what it's worth, it's the opposite situation on Windows: The Waterfox installer is signed (even with an Extended Validation certificate), the LibreWolf installer isn't.

Another thing that surprised me is that there is a Waterfox Android build in the Play Store. Reviews of that are however mixed.


Similar on macOS, the LibreWolf team (somewhat understandably) refuses to pay for Apple's developer account to notarize their builds, so every update I have to remove the quarantine extended attribute (Homebrew can do this as part of updating now) or the OS helpfully tells me my browser is damaged and needs to be deleted.


> One other thing I'm really hopeful is to embed Ladybird engine in a "first class" way. Think of if as an Electron alternative but in a sane way.

I have the same hope. If it were performant enough I would find reasons to use it for gamedev, even with quirks.


The practical trade-off is that it is very, very difficult to secure a modern browser. Major vendors employ large teams of full-time security engineers and still ship vulnerable code with regularity. Companies such as Brave don't, but they get the benefit of getting many of the Chromium security features for free. Ladybird won't.

The thing that works in your favor is that Ladybird is very niche at this point, so unless some well-resourced adversary hates you specifically, it's unlikely that you'd be targeted.


Well, it's hard to say because every browser engine is old. There are layers upon layers of code in every engine. And the old stuff wasn't really designed with security in mind.


Obviously there are many types of security vulnerabilities, but one thing that should start paying off for Ladybird eventually is the move to a memory and race safe language (Swift). Of course, that will be a gradual process (they haven't really started yet and they will be using the Swift C++ interop so there will be C++ parts of the browser for years to come).

They do also benefit from using off-the-shelf libraries like Skia, OpenSSL, image libraries etc. that the other browsers are using too. Previously they were rolling their own for everything but changed after the split from SerenityOS.


Major vendors also employ teams of engineers to steal your data, identify and locate you, so it cuts both ways, depending on your threat model.


I’m very excited but how will this survive without some sort of monetization?

In the old thread I see the non-profit was seeded with $1M. That’s 5 good US developers for 1 year. What next?


Andreas Kling is pouring his attention into this. He's a grit elemental. I believe he will accomplish this no matter how many people tell him it's a doomed effort, impossible, whatever. What happens in the longer term depends on if enough people value what he and his team does.

Looking at what FF has recently decided about selling out its users, I think demand will catalyze.


I love that term “grit elemental”! Hopefully Chris will continue to support the project. Fun rabbit hole learning about all this.


It says on the website they aim to always maintain 18 months of runway.. so basically scaling up and down as needed.

They get sponsors through enthusiasm, which is the way it should be for a project like this.

After reading their website, I know that I am going to request my company to donate, so there’s at least one more contribution.


Why does it need to be accomplished without monetization?

I'd gladly pay for a good browser, that respects my privacy. Quite frankly we all need to start opening our pockets for this; the idea that big companies will benevolently supply stuff like this to us for free without trying to spy on us is naive.


I think it's more that without monetization, how will the project continue to exist?


I think the term monetisation is being used in a broad, VC/corporate investment/selling services etc sense. Donations or paying for the browser also takes care of money.




This is the SerenityOS browser split off into its own project. I have respect for Andreas and hope this browser continues to mature.


This is the first time I'm looking at SerenityOS and I really appreciate the Win98 vibe. Also this opening line from their FAQ:

  Will SerenityOS support $THING?
  Maybe. Maybe not. There is no plan.


Good - we already have an overload of scrum/agile driven planning sucking the life out of the joy of programming in our corporate lives.

Let him enjoy making a great browser.


I think the browser is a bit more organized (OP is referring to the OS), but I do hope they maintain the tinkering vibe, too.


Just compiled, seems to be able to render websites ok, youtube loads, but pretty slow. Might be out of the scope of the project (atleast at current funding levels) however it would be cool if it had it's own search engine.