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Iterated Log Coding

Iterated Log Coding


·February 26, 2025


It's a neat encoding but the writeup is needlessly confusing. The introduction would really benefit from a graph or two. Or even just a textual sequence showing how the value evolves as you iterate on it.

Similarly, while the end result is quite elegant the consequences of the choices made to get there aren't really explained. It's quite a bit of extra effort to reason out what would have happened if things had been done differently.


> Any value representable in n bits is representable in n+1 bits

> [1 1 1 1 1 1 1] 2.004e+19728

Does that mean that the 8 bits version has numbers larger than this? Doesn't seem very useful for 10^100 is already infinity for all practical purposes.


Who said anything about practical purposes?


How feasible is it to do arithmetic directly in this representation?


That's exactly the crux. Addition and subtraction in log space is not exactly straight-forward.


Given an integer n, what is the number of bits required to represent every integer in the range -n..n ?


Exact integers doesn't seem to be its strong suite. Can it even represent 3 exactly?

Running code from the linked notebook (, I can see that a 32 bit representation of the number 3 decodes to the following float: 2.999999983422908

(This is from running `decode(encode(3, 32))`)


Yeah I think any numbers away from 0 or infinity aren’t its strong suit.


> Given an integer n, what is the number of bits required to represent every integer in the range -n..n ?

(log n) + 1


That's true for normal binary encoding of integers, but I think we should understand the question in context of the post: What's the number of bits required in iterated log coding?


Empirically, it seems to grow more like 2*log2(n)+1. A handwavy argument can be made that the first bit serves to distinguish the positive values from the negative ones, but after that on average every second bit only adds more precision to values that are already distinguishable or out of range, but doesn't help with values whose representation has the same prefix. I don't know how to make that airtight, though...


This feels like you can use e (or I guess any number) for the logarithm base rather than 2. I wonder if that’d make it a bit more uniform in some sense.


Nice and elegant! Surprising it was not discovered earlier (unless it was and we're unaware of it).


Cute! I wonder if it would be amenable for use as a variable-width encoding for, say, DCT coefficients in a JPEG-like codec..?


Feels a bit like binary encoding with + and - instead of 0 and 1

