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Freelancing: How I found clients, part 1


As per the post roughly:

Step 1. Polish your resume

Step 2. Avoid the holidays

Step 3. Set up Calendly

Step 4. Be able to answer what it is that you do

It is truly "how" instead of "where" like I first expected. The author provided some good tips that most people omit because at first they might seem like common sense but what makes this actually good is the fact that most tips provided come with an actionable suggestion rather than an empty "do this and nevermind how". Also the gotcha about Calendly importing Facebook birthdays and booking the whole day was great.

Looking forward to part two.


I wish they would reveal the compensation numbers. Like its really easy to get a freelancing job if you charge $7.25/hr. But finding a freelancing opportunities that match the rates of dev shops ($200+ / hr) is much more challenging.


How I find clients:

Write a book.

Speak (at conferences) about what you want to consult on.

Augment above on social.


Curious to read the Marketing part, that’s the magic everyone wants to know




Somewhat related, from 11 "Getting Your First Consulting Client"

