Vine: A programming language based on Interaction Nets
·February 22, 2025sw1sh
I like Inverse types! While it's not novel idea, this seems like a very concise implementation of it. Inverse types are also known as negative types ( or holes. This concept is what needed to make a concrete category for computation compact (highly recommend: and make the connection to how our physical universe actually works on a quantum level, with antiparticles performing backward computation. I'm pretty sure this model of computation of filling holes with inference would allow us to understand advantages of quantum computation much better.
Do you have any thoughts on HVM's SupGen for program synthesis? I would love to understand how interaction nets makes the notion of inverse types and filling holes more natural and efficient.
"This function calculates the minimum of a list of numbers, and subtracts every number in the list by that minimum. This function currently iterates over the list twice; once to calculate the minimum, and once to do the subtraction. At a first glance, it looks like there is no way to merge these two loops, because you need to calculate the minimum of all the numbers before you can subtract from any of them. As it turns out, this is possible, using the inverse operator."
I was long curious about interaction nets. Can someone confirm if Vine will automagically derive an algorithm for doing this with a single pass or it will do one pass in "forward mode", but once the minimum is resolved, follow it up with a second implicit "book keeping and variable re-resolution pass" that will be equivalent to an actual full second pass you'd get in an imperative language?
It is all very much reminiscent of programming in tensorflow 0.x.
I was thinking it must be possible to do something semantically similar in Prolog:
find_min_and_subtract([H], [R], Min) :-
Min = H,
R is H - Min.
find_min_and_subtract([H|T], [R|Rs], Min) :-
find_min_and_subtract(T, Rs, TailMin),
(H < TailMin -> Min = H ; Min = TailMin),
R is H - Min,!.
Which [9,4,12,2] -> [7, 2, 10, 0].But this doesn't work for all cases anyway (just the ones where the last value is also the minimum). I feel it can be fully expressed in one pass with miniKanren instead but no time to figure that out now; it can defer the arithmetic by setting up constraints.
Always liked the idea of 'using variables in the past' (or creating them in the future) and the first amazement moment was with Prolog (there were quite a lot of wow! moments in Prolog for the young me who only knew basic, pascal & c, like when you have some 'write multiply in prolog', when you deliver f(x,y)=x*y, you can not only do f(2,3) and get 6, but also f(2,y)=6 and get y=3), but, so it made me think of it.
> it will do one pass in "forward mode", but once the minimum is resolved, follow it up with a second implicit "book keeping and variable re-resolution pass" that will be equivalent to an actual full second pass you'd get in an imperative language
Yes, this is correct. Though it's worth noting that this is not some transformation being done by the compiler, but an emergent property of the interaction net.
That's a very cute feature! Thinking about it in terms of thunks makes it pretty understandable to me.
(We changed the URL from to the linked page that starts off with a bit more background)
I first heard about interaction nets from HVM [1]. It sounds very interesting but I can't say I get it.
> Think inets as like sort of lambda calculus runtime: > lambdas -> inets -> reduced inets -> lambdas
a bit like Tree Calculus but with nets.
Related article I’m enjoying for more context on interaction nets:
Author here, happy to answer any questions.
Constructive criticism, but I checked out the docs hoping for an up-front explanation of interaction nets and how they can improve a PL, what kinds of problems they are uniquely good for, etc. Finding none, I read the interaction nets wiki page, but still wasn't sure why "a PL based on Interaction Nets" is something I'd want. Of course, if the answer is "why not" in an esolang sense that's great, but I sensed there was something more and wanted to know what it was. In short, why did you make this language.
EDIT: btw, I knew I recognized your handle and it was from this amazing code golf answer:
Yeah, that would be good to add to the docs.
Interaction nets are an alternate model of computation (along the lines of the lambda calculus or Turing machines). It has several interesting properties, one of the most notable being that it is fundamentally parallel.
I think there are many potential applications for interaction nets in parallel & distributed computing, among other fields; and such applications will need a language – hence Vine.
(re your edit – that's fun lol; Totally Cubular is one of my favorite projects)
Do interaction nets have any interesting properties that make them useful for distributed computing? Think IoT, edge computing, embedded, that kind of thing?
And synchronization primitives?
I wanted to also say I loved reading the documentation. Your idea of places, spaces and values feels like a waaay more intuitive naming scheme for than what's common in CS.
The time-travel example also felt oddly intuitive to me. I don't really care that it uses black magic underneath, it's quite elegant!
Isn't any pure language easy to parallelize? What advantage do interaction nets offer over a parallelizing compiler for a purely functional language?
This is something I never got through my annual rechecking of the interaction nets wiki page, cause isn't the lambda calculus also fundamentally parallel? Are nets even more?
Have you thought about how autodiff can be baked into the lang? Given that it is already seemingly all representing computation with graphs of operations, building AD into it seems like a natural extension that could open up some pretty useful applications/bring in some scientific computing interest.
I’m also curious to think about how the “time travel” might interact (if at all) with (1) basic algebra and (2) building off that, systems of equations and (3) building off of that something like implicit/crank-nicholson finite difference schemes.
Without having thought about it much, it feels intuitively like there might be an elegant way of expressing such algorithms using this notion of information traveling backwards, but perhaps not.
As an aside, although I’m not really a fan, the representation of time travel in Tenet seems like a natural analogy to include in your docs for fun if desired. More relevant, talking about things like backprop in standard ML packages might be one way of providing a shared reference point for contextualizing information flowing backward through a computational graph.
Finally, echoing what others have said about not burying the lede in the docs, as well as wanting to see more motivation/examples/discussion of interaction nets.
About the inverse feature: it is not clear to me how code using it evaluates and how much faster it is. But I find it confusing when reading the sub_min[1] function and reminds me how much I value readability. I'm not convinced that feature should be exposed just because interaction nets allow you to flow time backwards. Better free parallelism is already a great improvement!
This is really, really cool!
I don’t pretend to understand all the theory for nets stuff, but the premise seems super cool and I love languages that have experimental and unusual ideas!
Also liked the dedicated section about the compiler design: the description of the different passes is cool.
Please provide an example on the first page.
What are the differences with HVM?
There are many. One major difference is that HVM/Bend focus entirely on functional programming, whereas Vine supports both imperative and functional patterns, in a cohesive manner.
Why Vine and Ivy instead of Bend and HVM?
It starts off looking like a slightly modified Rust until about half way through where it gets real weird. It’s burying the lede… why not open with what interaction nets are and why you’re building them into a programming language?
Made my head hurt a bit, it’s odd that it doesn’t really attempt to contextualise if the weirdness is for its own sake or some greater practical purpose.
Always fun to find a novel way to think about programming though.