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Boring tech is mature, not old

Boring tech is mature, not old


·February 11, 2025


IMHO boring tech is great because it lets you focus on the actual tech of your product. I run a SaaS app and I'd like to think we do alot of cutting edge things in various places, as it relates to the actual product. For things that are "behind the scenes" like databases, backend fraemworks, etc, etc, I prefer to keep all that stuff as boring and as stable as possible. For me working solo on a project, my time is very limited. So I would much rather work on interesting new features for my product than having to touch crap that my customers don't care about. Because at the end of the day my customers don't know and don't care that I use Node vs Deno or Bun, or that I use NPM instead of pnpm, or that I'm not on the latest version of node or Postgres. They don't know all that but they do know how well my app works or what features it has.


Exactly - This is known to graybeards and mostly ignored by the youths.

We've seen the wheel re-invented many times and would prefer to work on something other than the wheel again. Stuff like solving user problems and making money.

Meanwhile you have the coworker who uses some new but soon to be deprecated language/framework on every project, leaving a field of unsupportable debris in their wake..


My favorite genre of this is the guys proposing Greenfield rewrites of a multi-decade old app, using some tech less than 1 year old.

Turns out brand new stuff doesn't always survive, and even if it does you don't know its tradeoffs & pain points yet.

Everything is perfect & bug-free when it has no product use.

Seen it many times, and seen the wreckage later.


Remembers me of : "All new source code! As if source code rusted."


Being charitable, in order for one of those new technologies to become mature and boring it requires guys like that to actually use it for things. So while it might be misguided we thank them for their sacrifice of getting caught on every sharp edge so they might be dulled (or at least documented) later.


> Greenfield rewrites of a multi-decade old app

It depends on what you mean by "multi-decade old app".

Excel is a multi-decade old app. Windows is a multi-decade old app.

They're both still being actively developed with a lot of new and cool features added though, and that keeps it fresh.

The multi-decade old app that hasn't been touched in 20 years? It need a rewrite. And yesterday.

I suspect though, that is not what you meant.


Your phrasing implies that the Greenfield rewrite is always a mistake.

Depending on the project, it might actually be the only sane option if you're still required to make significant changes to the application and features have be be continuously added - and the project has already become so full of technical debt that even minor changes such as mapping an additional attribute can take days.

As an easily explained example for such: I remember an angular fronted I had to maintain a while ago.

The full scope of the application was to display a dynamic form via multiple inputs and interdependent on the selected choices of the available form (so if question 1 had answer a, question 2+3 had to be answered etc).

While I wouldn't call such a behavior completely trivial, on a difficulty line it was definitely towards the easy end - but the actual code was so poorly written that any tiny change always led to regressions.

It was quite silly that we weren't allowed to invest the ~2 weeks to recreate it

Another example that comes to mind is a backend rewrite of a multi million PHP API to a Java backend. They just put the new Java backend in front of the old API and proxied through while they implemented the new routes. While it took over 2 years in total, it went relatively well.

But yeah, lots of Greenfield rewrites end in disaster. I give you that!


> This is (…) mostly ignored by the youths.

> We’ve seen (…) and would prefer (…) making money.

You think “the youths” don’t care about making money? That’s got to be in the top two reasons why people get into coding for at least the last decade. It’s also one of the top two reasons everything is shit, too many people only care about a quick buck.


Totally agree, but how often is the young coworker using the hip new language in their position because they were told learning it was the key to getting a job in a competitive market and it is what they have to fall back on?

Somewhat similarly, I feel like the boring/mature infra often gets ripped up in favor of something hip and new by a CIO who wants a career checkmark that they "modernized" everything. Then they move on to the next company and forget the consequences of breaking what was stable.


I have a lot of respect for anyone doing this, as someone who also had to work for a living.

Same as I have for people resisting it because they want stability.

It is the management’s job to handle this decision and any potential problem caused by it, period.


Modernization can mean replacing 50 year old technology with "20 year old" technology. I stuck in the quotes because something that is perceived to be that old is probably under active development, and modern while remaining boring.


Actually seen a ton of this from mid-career people who should know better but don't (or don't care). New grads aren't leading Greenfield multi-year projects.


Yeah, Resume-Driven Development is unfortunately such a common methodology and companies indirectly push for this by punishing candidates who admit to doing maintenance work and bug fixing instead of rearchitecting everything every year.


Yes. The only wheel re-inventing I agree with is for learning purposes. I one would say rewrite SQLite, be my guest, it's a really good way to learn. But proposing it as a replacement is....bold. Might still be something to it, but that usually doesn't stem from a simple greenfield project.


A notable aspect being that grey beards have had our fill of bikeshedding and are no longer very interested in it.

We want to get the job done and get on with our lives.

Oh, and be able to meet the changes to the requirements we know will keep coming.


Three times now I've argued strenuously against using MongoDB and Elasticache as the primary data store in an app, as they will inevitably turn into relational databases.

They did.

For Mongo going to postgres went great, but for complicated reasons we're stuck with Elasticache forever on our main product.


The only reason to ever use a non-relational db is for scalability and performance reasons. Joins and transactions are hard to do correctly and efficiently in a distributed system. So “NoSQL” solutions can be a good fit if your data is too big to fit on a single host and you can get by without joins and transactions.

(This is a massive oversimplification, but still used rule of thumb.)


Hot new stuff is wish fulfillment by younger devs. They know it’ll take years to catch up with what the greybeards know about Linux or databases. If ever. If someone throws a curveball in then they reason everyone is on the same page. That nobody can be much more of an expert on 2 year old tech than they are.

What they don’t understand is that after 10 or 20 years of this drama you start to realize how much of this new shit is a repetition of the shit the “old shit” replaced, but with new jargon. Similar Shit, Different Day. Progress is not a ladder in IT, it’s a spiral. The scenery is never exactly the same but it swings through the old neighborhood all the fucking time.

Eat your vegetables kid.


> Because at the end of the day my customers don't know and don't care that I use Node vs Deno or Bun, or that I use NPM instead of pnpm, or that I'm not on the latest version of node or Postgres.

They don't know. And they shouldn't!

I don't have any idea what kind of tooling was used to create the drill I bought, just that it drills holes and is at the right price. Same for any other number of products and services.

The person who made the drill cares deeply, as they should. But consumers don't.

Why is software any different?


When I was younger and into electric guitar, I gushed over gear so much both at stores and on the internet that I forgot to actually practice playing my instruments.


Every hobby seems to have a contingent of people that are more into the gear than the activity itself


I've seen this happen across so many hobbies to so many folks.

Easier to geek out over the gear and/or spend the cash than to do the hard work and take the time to actually, you know, do the hobby.


I'm starting to think there should be a term like the "HN effect" where engineers start to limit test into absurdities like "show HN: I built a rust backend with an elixir front-end that's actually running doom in pdf hosted on a distributed server composed of a network of the microchips in a Saudi camel herd, get fucked nerds" it sort of lends itself to this notion that the tools matter as much as the outcome (because oh boy do we love building tools, product be damned). I mean, building tools is fun compared to sitting down in front of a client and trying to explain to someone who can't use a mouse why they can't use the top of the line 4 gb machine from the 80s isn't working.


> absurdities like "show HN: I built a rust backend with an elixir front-end that's actually running doom in pdf hosted on a distributed server composed of a network of the microchips in a Saudi camel herd, get fucked nerds"

You leaned too far into the joke and it undermined the point. There’re roughly three kinds of Show HN:

1. “I made this product to solve this need I perceived. I hope it does well and makes me money. Come check it out.”

2. “I had this insane idea which is funny just from the description and made it as an experiment. Let me share what was interesting about it. Oh, and here’s the code.”

3. “I made this AI NFT Data Harvesting scam and think everyone is too stupid to notice this isn’t a real product filled with fake reviews. Come click this link from this account with 80% flagged comments.”

What you described seems closer to 2 than anything else. There’s nothing wrong with those. They stimulate curiosity, which is HN’s goal.


I want to know that the software I use was crafted with free-range, grass-fed Rust.


Your drill was probably designed by an engineer under time and cost pressure, and then assembled in a factory by someone who absolutely did not care because they're thinking about going back to the sweatshop with slightly worse conditions but slightly higher pay.


But the nice thing about carefully designed products is that they can be built by people who don’t care.

Not sure if that’s possible when building software systems.


Honestly, it isn't different. Engineers are just nerds who are very prone to forgetting that the user cares about results, not tech.


If my drill breaks, it doesn't become a way to access my financial/health/personal data possibly leading to a giant identity theft induced headache.


No, but when your drill breaks there's still plenty of potential for it to physically injure you in different ways. As mooreds said, the end user doesn't care how you made the tool, they care that it won't go catastrophically wrong on them. How you accomplished that is not relevant.


> Why is software any different?

Because software is living, often online, has various types of your and others' personal data, and usually runs on devices that you use for other things as well. The attack surface is massive, and more often than not, accessible. (Your drill might have a way to override the safety switch by soldering stuff to it, but you need physical access for that, and the reward is minimal; if you get into Equifax' publicly accessible servers, you get lots of important and lucrative data).

You might not care that your bank's website uses some obsolete Java framework with security holes, but you will care if they use it to drain your bank account. You might not care that your recipe generator app uses an old version of Jenkins for releases and doesn't do code signing, but you will if someone hacks them and releases a fake version that installs a keylogger on your machine, or exploits a bug in their backend to ship you malware that scrapes your Pictures folder with your nudes and important documents.

And on and on and on. A piece of software not updated for years, or a phone with no security updates, or with horrible legacy like Jenkins, is a security risk you as a user have to take at least some interest in. Yeah, you won't pick your bank by their tech stack, but when you see an atrocious website with UX out of the 1950s, absurd password length restrictions, broken domains/certificates/etc., you can be pretty sure their tech stack is a disaster, and maybe, you can try to avoid them.


I call it "Stackoverflowability". For every question you might have about mature tech, there'll be a list of similar relevant questions on SO that you can consult. The length of the list (and thus the probability of you finding your answer) closely correlates with the maturity of the tech.


The more SO questions / total users, the less mature is your platform.


I feel you on this, I've been planning out my next side project, and I've picked a Django based project that handles a good amount of what I need, I know I could build it all from scratch, but why would I invest a monument of hours for almost no benefit. I'd rather spend more time focusing on the key things that makes my idea special and not reinventing the wheel code wise.


being out of date on dependencies isn't the same thing as using mature tech. I sure hope you're updating on a regular schedule, for the bug and security fixes at the very least


Updates generate more bugs and more security problems than they fix, so that's not really an argument. If you've made your system sensibly, it will be immune to any security problems.



First, I want to see numbers to back that up. New versions bring new bugs that aren't known yet, by anyone. Old versions have older, more widely known bugs. From a stability POV, sticking with the old may be good: you know how to work around the old issues. From a security POV, that's probably bad: every script kiddie has a Burp Suite plugin to exploit it.

Second, there ain't no such thing as an immune system. You can asymptotically approach zero, like you can approach the speed of light, but it would require infinite resources to reach either.


in my experience these new stacks, new frameworks, fancy new libraries, haven't added much in terms of user experience. I think React has but, with React comes a cacophony of ick.


Boring tech is great because it becomes muscle memory and doesn't get in the way of thinking about the really interesting problems.


pnpm is pretty boring at this point. Once I started using it with Turborepo my life got a lot easier compared to npm.


Just this week, npm rotated some keys for the first time in a decade [0] and broke all of the sites I had deployed on multiple providers using pnpm. I had three sites on digital ocean which I had to switch to npm from to fix it.

The entire is ecosystem is the definition of not-boring



I see your point here, but I want represent a counterpoint to this line of reasoning, from my personal experience. I've been in a lot of situations where someone simply wants their way--in this case they want the organization to choose their personal software preference--and so they call it the "boring" choice.

By calling it boring, they characterize their _preference_ as the majority accepted, mature, obvious decision and anything else is merely software engineers chasing shiny objects. The truth is almost always more nuanced. Both solutions have pros and cons. They trade-off different values that resonate more or less with different people.

So, please be careful with the "it's boring and therefore obviously better" argument. Don't let it be a way to summarily dismiss someone else's preferences in favor of your own--without a deeper discussion of trade-offs. Otherwise it's no better than any other condescending attempt (ex. I'm in charge, so we are doing it this way. No one ever got fired choosing IBM/Microsoft/..) to win an argument without having to present real arguments.


Yep. A lot of people are doing this in this topic.

Anything that makes money is boring, anything that they like is boring, another poster saying that "boring tech stacks tend to be highly scalable".

By tomorrow we'll have people saying boring tech also brings world peace and cures world hunger.

The "boring" meme is just a conversation killer.


Demagogy is MUCH better than real arguments. Most people you work with will have trouble even understanding the latter. They don't have time, they're overloaded, their kids are waiting at home. Give them the warm feeling that they're doing the right thing. Make them feel smart, experienced, elite. That's how you get support, not by appealing to (ugh) reason.


E.g. Java is boring.

But I would suggest that Kotlin gets you all the "boring advantages" of Java, with feature adds.


I would only add "stable" to what "boring" tech is. Notably, though, not "stable" as in "doesn't crash." But more as in "doesn't change."

I think you typically see this with older, established, things. But there is nothing guaranteeing it. And, indeed, it is often the result of specific action on the stewards of a technology.

This can often be couched in terms of backwards compatibility. Which is a clear action one can pursue to get stability. However, it can also be seen in greatly limiting scope. As an example, we love talking about scale, but that doesn't mean you have to design and build for scale you will never see.


Not all boring tech doesn't change. Rails has been around for 20 years now and actually sees a great deal of change. There are many new and better ways to solve problems in the framework with each release.


I think it’s kind of moot to argue of over the definition, because in practice “boring” just means that someone likes something. Similar to other terms like, “best practices,” the term is now vapid. It might have at one time meant something, but is now just synonymous with “I like this.”

If you like something it’s a “best practice.” If you don’t, it’s an “anti-pattern.” If you are used to something and like it, it’s “boring.” If you are not used to something and expect you won’t like it, it’s a “shiny object.”

IME, these sorts of terms are not helpful when discussing tech. They gloss over all the details. IMO its better to recognize the various tradeoffs all languages and tools make and discuss those specifically, as these sorts of labels are almost always used an excuse to not do that.


Rails isn't boring by any definition, it's full of surprises, metaprogramming magic and DSLs and a culture that hates code comments. Plus a community that keeps changing best practices every other year.

Which doesn't mean it's bad or anything. But "boring" shouldn't be redefined to "something I like" or "something I make money with".


Fair that it is not absolute. But I wasn't trying to claim it as fully static.


Boring tech is really better described as extremely late adopter strategy.

Maybe it makes sense for your business maybe it doesn't. If you don't want to be on the forefront of technology, well don't. I don't think that launching every startup using the late adopter strategy is necessarily going to result in better business performance. Those that find a better way to do things will win.


The eternal discussion isn't about old vs new or boring vs exciting. Mature is mature regardless of age.

A system that breaks when updating dependencies, introduces unexpected behaviour through obscure defaults, forces you to navigate layers of abstraction isn't mature... (looking at you Spring and Java ecosystem), it's old and unstable.

Stability, predictability, and well-designed simplicity define maturity, not age alone.

Is Python mature and boring? With toolchain issues and headaches of all kinds... Newer languages like Go or Rust i.e solve all these toolchain issues and make it truly boring in the best way possible.


Go and Rust are only "boring" if you vendor all your 0.x.y -versioned dependencies (or even worse, dependencies where the "version" is just the latest git commit to trunk) and carefully vet every single update for breakage.


In my experience I had fewer problems with 0.x dependencies in Rust than with some mature 35.x dependencies in Java.


The nice thing about Go (compared to NPM) is that a lot of those libraries are just nicer APIs for the standard libraries and not some core tech you need. You can go for the 0.x version with the absolute assurance that you can fork it or vendor it with minimal cost in support time.


(Genuine question). I only occasionally write python, but I just use venv and install requirements file. What toolchain challenges are out there for python?


For a large enough project, the dependency conflicts can get extremely frustrating, especially when it's time to update them. You may need to upgrade a dependency for security reasons cough cough requests cough cough, but some other dependency that calls it has pinned another version (range).


Dependency conflicts become an issue for large projects in any language. It's less of a problem when the language's runtime is feature-rich since libraries will be less likely to use a third-party HTTP client. You can choose libraries with fewer dependencies, but that only gets you so far. At some point, you can put the libraries in you monorepo, but upgrades come with a large cost.


Yeah that is a nightmare. But isn’t that a problem on all package systems except more dynamic runtimes like NPM which can load many copies of the same library?


Everywhere I've worked, I've had a few cases where we updated some dependencies on machine A (e.g. a developer's macbook), everything ran fine, we did the same updates on machine B (e.g. an Ubuntu EC2 instance) and everything broke. This is especially case with the numpy/scipy/pandas/etc. ecosystem. In one case this took days to fix, which is insane. I haven't had that experience with any other language.

It's worth noting that all of these involved anaconda, which was the recommended way to install numeric libraries at the time. Other package managers might be better.




Rust is the opposite of mature in practice. A language can be mature but if the style of devs that chose to write in it aren't, on average, then it doesn't matter.

Sometimes old versus new effects this. For example in Rust the language improves so fast I've literally had a 3 month old rustc be unable to compile a rust program (SDR FFT thing) because it used a new feature my 3 month old rustc didn't support. As I continued to encounter Rust projects this happened a few more times. Then I decided to stop trying to compile Rust projects.

Right now the dev culture is mostly bleeding-edge types who always use the latest version and target it. As Rust becomes more generally popular and the first-adopter bleeding-edge types make up proportionally less of the userbase I expect this will happen less. Bash still gets new features added all the time too; it's just that the type of developers who chose to write in Bash care about their code being able to work on most machines. Even ones years (gasp!) out of date.


Is there a good reason to not just use the rust version the project is made for?

I have some Java projects using the newest 21 version, and older ones using 8.


Yes, I don't curl|sh like recommended for my rustc or otherwise install random arbitrary compilers from outside of my OS repositories. I have an OS install with system libraries and programs and I want to use that.

I don't have to set up a custom install of a language for every single application for any other language (although python in machine learning domain is getting there). This is an abnormallity which complicates software mantainence and leads to problems. It should be avoided if possible. And setting up container for every application is also not a solution. It's a symptom. Like a fever is a symptom of infection, containers are symptom of development future shock.

To be clear, I'm talking about in the context of a human person and a desktop computer. Not employed work at a business.


I think it’s hard to tell with the signals we have on GitHub for example the difference between mature and dead as a project. Regardless of what a commit is for, it’s a sign that someone is watching and maintaining and any novel issue will likely be quickly addressed. I think this means new stuff always will have an advantage there.


If you’re just glancing, then sure… and maybe if it’s only glancing-level important then that’s fine.

In my experience there are almost always some issues (either legit or misguided support requests,) PRs for docs and features, updates to libraries for vulnerabilities or deprecated code. Worth looking at stuff that isn’t open also. Even if it’s a 10 year old project and the last commit is from 6 months ago fixing a seemingly minor bug, if there more than a few stars or forks, and there aren’t ignored issues and PRs sitting there, I’d consider it trustworthy.

And if it does look abandoned but was active at some point, it’s always a good idea to take a stroll through the forks.


I ran into this mature (AND dead?) project yesterday: benchmark.js

This one is actually archived last year so clearly unmaintained but so far seems to be working great. But no successor fork. I think in this case I will use it, especially because it's in test code and not product.


Yeah they're definitely out there. Looks like there aren't any active forks either. Bummer. I had another really good example of one that was super popular but I can't remember what it was.


The age of last commit on trunk is a useless metric in isolation. The fact that it is the most prominent number on the front page of a repository is a shame.


A metric I think is useful is responsiveness to issues. If there haven't been any recent commits and if I open the issue tracker and the maintainer hasn't even acknowledged issues that have been opened in the last 6 months, then I assume the project is no longer maintained.


I would love to see a metric of the number (or proportion) of issues closed even though users are trying to get assistance. No idea how to make that machine-calculable though.

Even better, a metric for refused PRs (maybe including PR size somehow), tracking where users cared enough to try to contribute and the owner just refused to accept the changes. Easily gamed though.


I wish we could just let software "die" aka be stable without constant updates. For software that doesn't have a significant attack surface (security) it'd be amazing. But because of the bitrot of constantly changing underlying APIs and platforms, oftentimes if you find some Python script that hasn't been updated for a few years it'll already be broken in some horrible ways due to dependencies changing and no longer being compatible with current versions of certain libraries.

Think of how much time is wasted because so much software that's been written but not maintained and can't be used because of how libraries have "evolved" since then.


I don't have anything of note publicly out there, if I did and it was still a going concern despite having had no updates for quite some time (so “fished and stable” rather than “dead and not to be relied upon unless you want to maintain it yourself”), I'd chuck a commit in every now and then (annually? every six months?) if only to update the to say that as of <current date> I didn't consider the project any less supported than it was at the point of the previous update.


in open source, there are no 'dead projects'. maybe just abandoned

but if you find a mature/dead project there's a chance it's just old and stable.

what I'm getting at is in an unmantained project any stranger should be able to figure out how to adrees any novel issues. it's the point of open source; I don't undrestand why this is failing. maybe beacuse understanding an anonymous code base is hard work?


In the limit, there are also many ways to debug and patch issues in closed-source projects (someting I've done once or twice myself), unless they're run through an obfuscator or something. But there's always a dividing line where "reimplementing the functionality you need yourself" is far easier than "trudging through an old codebase that's tough to even get building".


Yeah, sometimes people on HN make this assumption in the other direction, insisting that such-and-such a project is surely very mature (with a very quiet userbase) and not dead, on account of it not having any recent updates. But sometimes projects are truly just dead and buried. E.g., the million old frameworks and libraries that haven't been touched since 2005 and haven't had a functioning website since 2015. Bonus points if the only downloads were hosted on a SourceForge clone that also no longer exists outside the Internet Archive.

It's sometimes possible for a project to have 0 bugs to fix and 0 in-scope improvements (for performance, compatibility, etc.) left to make, but only if its scope is extremely limited. Even Knuth still gets bug reports for his age-old TeX.


I found it useful to read through the open and closed issues and estimate what caused the described problems. Look at the usecases that do not work, are they common or exotic? Does the program fail safely or does it fall back to unwanted behavior? Does a certain configuration cause the program to run amok and wipe your disk?

If you get many "wtf" moments while doing this, the project is not mature.


Boring is great as long as you aren't looking for a job. There is a significant risk that you are slowly removing yourself from the job market if you stick to boring tech. Your next employer often doesn't give a sh.t that you provided great business value. Most of them want shiny new. When I read the ads of my current employer I don't think I would get hired.


Good employers definitely care about business value, and IME great candidates are excellent at highlighting business value in their resumes relative to the tech they used. E.g. "Maintained and improved various UI forms, migrating to react-hook-form" vs "Experimented and optimized booking form, increasing conversion by 7%"). Bit of a trite example but along those lines. I agree tech still matters though.


Can you give examples of what you consider to be “boring” versus “shiny new” tech? IME job postings are dominated by mature, mainstream tech like Python, Java, JS/TS, and so on.


I've used Copilot to give you an example of an average front-end web development recruitment message. From personal experience, this is how it they are in 2025. At the end of the day, the work itself will consist of applying small visual customisations to an existing CMS.

"Dive headfirst into the realms of React.js, Vue.js, and Angular for mind-blowing interfaces. Unleash the raw power of Svelte and Next.js for lightning-fast performance. Style with Tailwind CSS and code with TypeScript for ultra-modern, maintainable projects. Integrate GraphQL and WebAssembly for next-level data handling and execution. Build Progressive Web Apps (PWA) and leverage Server-Side Rendering (SSR) for out-of-this-world user experiences. Embrace the Jamstack architecture and Micro Frontends for infinitely scalable, modular applications. Focus on Component-Driven Development and Headless CMS for ultimate flexibility. Create Single Page Applications (SPA) with Responsive Design and CSS-in-JS for seamless adaptability. Master State Management with Redux, MobX, or Zustand. Supercharge your workflow with Automated Testing (Jest, Cypress) and CI/CD Pipelines. Prioritize Web Performance Optimization, Accessibility (a11y), and User Experience (UX) for top-tier applications. Implement Design Systems, Code Splitting, and Lazy Loading for hyper-efficient, user-friendly experiences. Join the vanguard of front-end development and shatter the boundaries of what’s possible!"




YMMV greatly.

Python is a very old tech (v1 in 1991), but you won't have a hard time finding a job because the popularity of the language has been kept up first with the web, then with data analysis and now with AI.

Also, the more something has been out there, the more legacy there is to maintain. There is no shortage of PHP or Java jobs. Sure they are not sexy, but you'll have work.


I think that people would be fine with working on boring tech if companies paid them more to make up for it. If they don't, then why should they be surprised that potential employees don't want to work on something that they find boring?


Nobody ever got a promotion, or hired, by using boring tech.

I have a feeling that I don't get many replies to job applications because the vast majority of work I've done is "boring", and the majority of open source code I've written is shell scripts. It all works fantastic, and has zero bugs and maintenance cost, but it's not sexy. Intellectual elitism has also defined my role ("DevOps Engineer" is literally just a "Sysadmin in the cloud", but we can't say that because we're supposed to be embarrassed to administrate systems); I'm fairly confident if my resume was more "Go and Rust" than "Python and Shell", I'd get hired in a heartbeat.


Boring tech gets the job done, it lets us focus on the problem we are trying to solve, instead of yak shaving.


I guess it depends. Like, you really need to know Gradle to be effective in a non-trivial Java setup. But Gradle is a beast (over 1000 pages of doc), and it could slow you down.

On the other hand the Go tool chain is superb, but you need to reinvent a few things (until recently Go didn’t have generics) and the libraries out there are just a fraction of what Java offers.


Using Gradle is already the first mistake, had it not been for Google and their partnership with Gradle folks for Android after dropping Eclipse, and it would have fizzled alongside Grails by now.

Boring build tools on Java land would be Ant/Ivy, Maven.


Yeah, and if Google hadn't used Go themselves, it would've also fizzled out.

Any halfway non-horrible tech just needs enough funding and usage from some company to become mainstream.


Couldn't agree more. If the most interesting part of your project is your technology stack, you're probably not working on something interesting.

It's like those hobbyists who invest all of their time and money into buying high-end expensive kit, but lack ability.


Typical example, buying an SLR to use it always on auto-focus. :)


Most professional photographers use autofocus all the time.

Photography is less about the technology and more about the art.


I fully agree with this, but the problem with this idea is that if we only ever choose to adopt the most boring mature technology, it doesn't give any room for better to ever exist. Be selective and judicious, but also open-minded and willing to re-evaluate. Sometimes the exciting things are exciting for very valid reasons. I'm okay with hype cycles, even if they are annoying to me as someone who constantly has to justify why I'm not adopting them, as long as they lead to maturation of innovative ideas.


> Sometimes the exciting things are exciting for very valid reasons

Very true! I would also add: Sometimes boring things are boring for reasons that actually make them poor solutions.

For example, some systems require tedious, mind-numbing configuration. This is boring, but also a good reason to NOT use something. If it takes hours and hours of manual tuning, by someone with special training, then the solution is incomplete and at least needs some better defaults and/or documentation. It might be a poor option.

Another example is a system that does not lend itself to automation. Requiring manual interaction is certainly boring, but also does not scale well. It is a valid reason to disqualify a solution.

Boring can often be a smell--an intuition that a solution is not fully solving the problem.


If the benefits of the newer tech outweigh its risks you use it. The challenge is weighing the evidence. Newer technologies will tout their advantages, but the disadvantages are not advertised as loudly, and are often uncovered after making the investment. "Boring" or "exciting" is the wrong framing.