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Programming SDF Animations of Rick and Morty


This is awesome. Shader devs are next level; it’s a type of tight, repetitive iteration which is super different from the webby, protocoly, applicationy development that many of us are used to. There’s something really satisfying about changing a float, pressing shift-enter, and then immediately seeing a result.

Well done!


Wow, 8 months to achieve this animation reflects a sheer amount of perseverance.


This was a very well structured into to GLSL.

Can anyone comment on what it would be like in Vulkan or WebGPU/WebGL?


Pretty much the same. Both Vulkan and WebGL can use GLSL directly (well, GLSL -> SPIR-V for Vulkan). WebGPU technically can't if you run it in a browser, but native WebGPU implementations can take GLSL, you can transpile, and finally you could just write WGSL as it's basically the same as GLSL, just with more Rust-inspired syntax rather than C-inspired.