Gradual Disempowerment: How Even Incremental AI Progress Poses Existential Risks
·February 1, 2025yapyap
My best guess is that at some point a “neutral“ AI will be put in charge of everything and everybody must obey for the good of society. As in one day you only have 22 energy points to spend on electricity or another day you can only eat crickets and whatnot. But it will only appear neutral - in essence somebody will control the AI and hence control the people. And people will agree to its decisions because the AI “knows best.”
Think you just re-invented Logan’s Run. Good film!
You've just described "law" in the current sense.
It's supposed to be applied equally to all citizens but we see cases everyday where it's not. The wealthy, the enforcers, and their allies are frequently spared from "the law"
The Science
people already do this with algorithms. IMO AI is just a continuation of that.
AI is genuinely just a rebranding of "algorithms". Like I get it, it's faster and it works by feeding data instead of feeding code... but code is data, data is code etcetc...
Jim Keller said it best, about every 10 orders of magnitude in available computation the paradigm of computing shifts to a higher level of mathematical building blocks. In the beginning we had pure logic. Then came addition and subtraction, then came vectors, then came matrices, and now we're at tensors, he believes the next building block is graphs.
This is citing from memory while I'm sleep-deprived, but I think the general idea holds. Approximately every 10x increase in computation, there's a paradigm shift in what is possible.
But it's just algorithms. Always has been, and still is.
Only if animals run algorithms too. AI models stochastic and dynamic. Algorithms are usually understood to be heuristics, fixed.
While this is a well written paper, I'm not sure it's really contextualizing realistic risks that may arise from AI.
It feels like a lot of "Existential AI Risk" types are divorced from the physical aspects of maintaining software - eg. your model needs hardware to compute, you need cell towers and fiber optic cables to transmit.
It feels like they always anthropomorphize AI as some sort of "God".
The "AI Powered States" aspect is definetly pure sci-fi. Technocratic states have been attempted, and econometrics literally the exact same mathematical models used in AI/ML (Shapely values are an Econometrics tool, Optimization Theory itself got it's start thanks to GosPlan and other attempts and modeling and forecasting economic activity, etc).
As we've seen with the Zizian cult, very smart people can fall into a fallacy trap of treating AI as some omnipotent being that needs to either be destroyed or catered to.
A lot hangs on what “realistic” means. The world is probabilistic, but people’s use of language often butchers the nuance. One quick way to compare events is to multiply its probability times impact.
India and China almost went to war with each other in 2020.
The decision of whether or not to shell Chinese troops and start a war between two nuclear states came down to one brigadier [0]
Conventional War between two nuclear states is a MAJOR risk, and has already happened before in 1999 (even if Clinton's State Department didn't want to call it that).
These kinds of flashpoints are way more likely to cause suffering in the near future than some sort of AGI/ASI.
[0] -
> It feels like they always anthropomorphize AI as some sort of "God".
It's not like that. It is that. They're playing Pascal's Wager against an imaginary future god.
The most maddening part is that the obvious problem with that has been well identified by those circles, dubbed "Pascal's Mugging", but they're still rambling on about "extinction risk" whilst disregarding the very material ongoing issues AI causes.
They're all clowns whose opinions are to be immediately discarded.
Yep. And it's annoying. So many cycles are being wasted essentially thinking about bad science fiction.
The same effort could be expended on plenty of other problems that are unsolved.
How many people have you talked to face to face about various existential risk scenarios? Have you gotten into probabilities and the logic involved? That’s what I’ve done and this is the level of rigor that is table stakes for calculating the cost-benefit over different possible outcomes.
> How many people have you talked to face to face about various existential risk scenarios
A decent amount.
I started off as a NatSec adjacent staffer and have helped build Cybersecurity and Defense Tech companies, so a lot of my peers and friends are working directly on US-China, US-Russia, Israel-Iran, Saudi-Iran, Saudi-Turkey, India-Pakistan, and India-China relations.
These are all relations that could explode into cataclysmic wars (and have already sparked or exacerbated plenty of wars like the Syrian Civil War, Yemen Civil War, Libyan Civil War, Ethiopian Civil War, Russia-Ukraine War, Myanmar Civil War, Afghan War, etc). We are already going through a global trend of re-armament, with every country expanding their conventional, nuclear, and non-conventional warfighting capabilities. Just about every nuclear state has the nuclear triad or is in the process of implementing a nuclear triad. And China's nuclear rearmament race has forced India to rearm which has forced Pakistan to rearm, and is causing a bunch of regional arms races.
I think the world is more likely to end due to bog standard conflicts escalating into an actual war. Not some sort of AGI/ASI going skynet
>> I think the world is more likely to end due to bog standard conflicts escalating into an actual war. Not some sort of AGI/ASI going skynet
WOPPER, not skynet. You saw War Games right?
AI powered state would be a significant improvement in many places with endemic corruption. An AI has no incentive to steal.
An "AI-Driven State" is literally what econometrics is. All of the same math, models, and techniques used in AI/ML are the exact same used in Econometrics and Optimization Theory.
A pure technocratic driven state leveraging econometrics or optimization theory for the sake of it has failed multiple times. For example, the failure of the USSR's planned economy, the failure of the US's Vietnam War objectives due to a hyper-metrics driven workflow, etc.
On a separate note, I have always considered returning to grad school and making a small career of translating esoteric Econometrics models into ML models to make a brief publishing career. A Russian American friend of mine did something similar by essentially basing his CS research career on older Soviet optimization theory research that wasn't translated into English, so he could boost his publishing ability.
Technocratic states have not failed because of technocracy itself, but because their implementation was distorted by political, ideological, or cultural factors. Technocracy as a principle is not the issue-failure occurs when it is combined with rigid, non-adaptive systems that prioritize dogma over reality.
People are the problem here. As always. But of course AI itself need to be managed by people too so it can rose similar problem. Politics itself is the issue.
Econometrics are very far away from what current LLMs are capable of.
The people who control the AI, however, do.
AI is not some runaway Skynet type of a thing. It's controlled by people, who will use it for good and bad.
Not to mention that AI is and will be owned by people who are already concentrating power in their own hands. They're not going to, voluntarily, relinquish that power.
It is possible to decentralize the AI model, add verifiability, and let it acquire real world data on its own.
AI has some approximation of the incentives of whoever trained it. Unless it's handed to us from above, I don't see how that would work.
An AI has no hedonistic incentives such as the will to manipulate public procurement contracts to get kickbacks and buy itself a new SUV.
the corrupt statesman discovered that after the AI which was trained on him was put into place he got the same amount of money delivered into his Swiss bank accounts, as the AI was just taking bribes and depositing them as the training dictated.
Kevin Kelly was on a recent episode of the Farnham Street podcast and was surprised by how much he anthropomorphized AI. Maybe that's not a surprise to people that know more about him, but it was to me.
I think the user experience of seeing a model extruding realistic sounding text is what broke a lot of people.
Back in HS, I introduced a buddy of mine to ELIZA mode in emacs, and it completely broke her mind the same way LLMs did for a lot of people - like she actually conversed with ELIZA and used it to solve her anxiety during the college admissions process. Yet ELIZA used very simple heuristics to extrude human sounding text. And my friend wasn't some dummy or Luddite - she ended up going to an Ivy to study economics and medicine.
It goes to show that User Experience is all that really matters for technology.
Yeah it would only be worrisome if there were significant incentives to enlist more hardware, cell towers, and fiber optic cables to create and operate increasingly powerful AI and to improve its ability to act directly on the physical world
It's not even about that. That isn't even how a model is created.
And that's what I'm getting it. It's basically bad science fiction being used to create some form of a pseudo-religious experience.
At least your local Mandirs, mosques, churches, synagogues, gurdawara, and other formal religions do food drives and connect a subset of your local community.
What do AI Doomers do? Nothing.
I also wasn’t commenting on how a model is created…?
Do you disagree there are significant incentives to scale up the power, ubiquity, and direct physical impact of these systems?
Please answer with yes or no, and not some snarky “bad science fiction” straw man.
> What do AI Doomers do? Nothing.
You seem very keyed up about this, so it is a good thing you are wrong. AI doomers are far more likely people to be giving to GiveWell, or actually thinking about how they are helping society. Source: Am AI doomer. Donate to GiveWell.
They are trying to convince the world of the problem. What else can they do?
>anthropomorphize AI as some sort of "God"
Lets call this AI theomorph)
Another thing I don't like about this paper is how it wraps real, interesting questions in the larger framework of "existential risk" (which I don't... really think exists)
For example:
> "Instead of merely(!) aligning a single, powerful AI system, we need to align one or several complex systems that are at risk of collectively drifting away from human interests. This drift can occur even while each individual AI system successfully follows the local specification of its goals"
Well yes, making systems and incentives is a hard problem. But maybe we can specify a specific instance of this, instead of "what if one day it goes rogue!"
In our society, there are already many superhuman AI systems (in the form of companies) - and somehow, they successfully contribute to our wellbeing! In fact life is amazing (even for dumb people in society, who have equal rights). And the reason is, we have categorized the ways it goes rogue (monopoly, extortion, etc) and responded adequately.
So the "extinction by industrial dehumanization" reads a lot like "extinction by cotton mills" - i mean, look on the bright side!
Once PRISM becomes R/W, you will not even know if what you read/hear/see on the internet is actually what others have written/said/created. You will interact with the world as the government wants you to, tailored to each individual.
Each time we choose to allow an AI to "improve" what we write/create, each time we choose to allow AI to "summarize" what we read/consume, we choose to take another step along this road. Eventually, it will be a simple "optimization" to allow AI to do this on a protocol level, making all of our lives "easier" and more "efficient"
Of course, I am not sure if anyone will actually see this comment, or if this entire thread is an AI hallucination, keeping me managed and docile.
If we are speculating on existential risks, then consider Satya Nadella's take on the future of software:
It's quite creepy that in his view all tools, features, access and capabilities will be accessible to an AI agent which can just do the task. This sounds fine in a narrow scope, but if it's deployed at the scale of Windows, then it suddenly becomes a lot more scary. Don't just think of the home users, but businesses and institutions will be running these systems.
The core problem is that we can't be sure what a new generation of AI models will be capable of after a few years of iteration. They might find it trivial to control our machines which can provide them unprecedented access to follow an agenda. Malware exists today to do this, but they can be spotted, isolated and analyzed. When the OS by design is welcoming these attacks there's nothing we can do probably.
But please tell me I've consumed too many sci-fi.
Bureaucratic systems have been able to fail like this for a long time:
Now we have the tools to make it happen more often.
This just underscores the feeling that most of the problems people have with AI are actually problems with rampant capitalism. Negative externalities, regulatory capture, the tragedy of the commons -- AI merely intensifies them.
I've heard it said that corporations are in many ways the forerunners of the singularity, able to act with superhuman effectiveness and marshall resources on a world-altering scale in pursuit of goals that don't necessarily align with societal welfare. This paper paints a disturbing picture of what it might look like if those paperclip (profit) maximizing systems become fully untethered from human concerns.
I was always a little skeptical of the SkyNet model of AI risk, thinking the danger was more in giving an AI owner class unchecked power and no need to care about the wants or needs of a disempowered labor class (see Swanwick's "Radiant Doors" for an unsettling portrayal of this). But this scenario, where capitalism takes on a mind of its own and becomes autonomous and even predatory, feels even bleaker. It reminds me of Nick Land's dark visions of the posthuman technological future (which he's weirdly eager to see, for some reason).
Obviously scary AI future means we should probably give full regulatory capture to a handful of wealthy individual corporations. You know. For our own safety.
The following is some unstructured thoughts:
I know you are being facetious, but it is not obvious (to me at least) what the best approach is in this scenario where future AI capabilities and use is unclear. I don't know what the correct analogy for future AIs is because they don't exists yet. If AI have some offensive advantage then nuclear weapons might be the right analogy. The world would not be safer if everyone has their own nuclear weapon. If the harmless & helpful personal assistant analogy is correct, then we should democratize. But Biden's mandate that AI training runs of a certain size should be reported to the government (not in any way hindered) was (to me) just obviously good. Such a report would take at most the effort of one person-day (per Dario Amodei) and gives the government some overview of progress.
I find this argument a bit weak:
for example, regarding human marginalization in states, it's just rehashing basic tropes about government (tldr, technology exacerbates the creation of surveillance states)
- "If the creation and interpretation of laws becomes far more complex, it may become much harder for humans to even interact with legislation and the legal system directly"
Well duh. That's why as soon as we notice these things, we pass laws against it. AI isn't posing the "existential risk", the way we set up our systems are. There are lots of dictators, coups, surveillance states today. And yet, there are more places in which society functions decently well.
So overall, I'm more of the opinion that people will adapt and make things better for themselves. All this anthropomorphization of "the state" and "AI" obscures the basic premise, which is we created all this stuff, and we can (and have) modified the system to suit human flourishing
or ... our minds and bodies will quite rapidly adapt!
Adapting to it normally involves a lot of death and misery.
AI - red in tooth and claw.
we as humans evolve, yes.
1. we evolve quickly in the grand scheme of the universe but slow when talking about human lives.
2. what would rapidly adapting to AI mean? if it’s become reliant on it for the most basic tasks in the way that people nowadays have become so reliant on calculators they barely even bother with doing math in their head, sure. If you mean adapting alongside AI where we in some way would also become way smarter as humans? Nonsense.
AI can be a great tool, nothing more though.
Which is being forced onto me by people who I truly believe want me dead or at least don’t care how many bodies they throw at building their cyberpunk dystopia.
This sounds like projection. Most people don’t think like that; the people who are (rightly or wrongly) advancing AI mostly don’t think of you at all, and almost universally believe they are helping humanity.
They could be wrong (I’m ambivalent), but assuming bad intent is almost always wrong.
>the people who are (rightly or wrongly) advancing AI mostly don’t think of you at all
Just like lawnmowers don't think of hedgehogs.
I implore everyone to watch the movie ‘Money Monster’, not only because it’s a great movie but also because I think it has a minor plot point that basically predicts how AI will be used.
(small spoiler)
In Money Monster it turns out the hedge fund manager who is blaming their state of the art AI bot for malfunctioning and rapidly selling off certain stock, tanking it because of that, did so out of a machine code error. He can’t explain what the error was or how or why it happened cause ‘he didn’t program their trading bot, some guy in Asia did.’ But as it turns out he did do it in some way.
I feel like using AI as a way to abstract blame even more when something goes wrong will be a big thing, even when secretly it was not the AI (ML) or who trained the thing’s fault.