Hacker News for Gamedev
·January 31, 2025hubraumhugo
> Isn't game development already discussed here?
I'd say not really. Not in the detail that this site aims for. At least on the front page.
That site aims for it, but the front page goes back a month or more. That's not a level of detail or activity that will compel people to go there regularly?
I get the desire to have quality users and posts, but the whole invite system feels like an unnecessary gate.
I am not a gamedev professional but I dabble as a hobbyist and am interested and would love to participate on that site but I don't know anyone on the site to get invited, and I'm certainly not going to beg publicly for an invite (which seems to be how their system works).
Neither am I. Doesn't mean HN works as a go to for game development information. Or for web development. Or for embedded development.
HN is more of a collection of high level interesting facts about everything techy.
Invite system tends to do wonder for the quality of discussion, tho.
Gamedev is discussed here but honestly not very often if you enjoy it more then the more popular HN topics.
The thing is HN doesn't even have a tag system so you can't "see gamedev posts only".
So far the most active community seems to be gamedev.net, but I feel it's in a long decline.
My first check on any "HN for X" is: does it look and feel almost the same. If not I get frustrated because apparently I’ve been promised something else.
I’m not sure why they not just copy an UI that’s working well already and that people know.
For me, "HN for X" sounds like a "Reddit channel with a sense of grandeur".
Starting one is easy, but maintaining both quality and popularity is hard - here, HN is a rare exception.
Also I thank that moderating a popular forum is dang hard.
I see what you did there, well played! :o)
Do you think your considering HN a clear exception to being “Reddit with a sense of grandeur” might have more to do with your vantage point than your ability to gauge the value of online communities?
> might have more to do with your vantage point
It has everything to do with the simple fact that HN was launched in '07, when Reddit wasn't that mainstream.
I mean that referring to "HN for X" is like (more than a decade ago) "Facebook for X".
I consider HN a clean exception to most (all?) online communities in which I have been participaing; in all other cases, the quality tanked, they became ghost towns, or they just changed from their original goal.
Sure, there are many wonderful forums and special interest groups, and it is good that new ones have been created. Just HN is not something you start at, it is something you become.
> For me, "HN for X" sounds like a "Reddit channel with a sense of grandeur".
it's a bit sad seeing such a derisive comment about self-hosting on HN
It’s not about self hosting, it’s about how community building is hard.
and yet, because social networks degrade in quality over time (popularity brings about the riff raff), it's essential to start net social networks to maintain quality discourse.
> I've seen many "HN for X" projects for various niches now, and they all suffer from the chicken/egg problem of getting a critical mass of participants.
With the rise of LLMs, the fake-it-till-you make it would much easier. Even just having an automated program to scan for relevant URLs on other aggregator sites and cross posting them as new content would give things a bump.
You're kind of describing an RSS reader, or del.icio.us...
Using federated forum solutions would at least partly solve the chiken/egg problem. Forum software like NodeBB and reddit/HN-type variants like Lemmy, opens the possibility of having a topic based communiy, while still being open for interactions from the entirety of the Fediverse.
This already works well for Mastodon and Pixelfed; I follow accounts on mastodon.art from my Pixelfed account.
The reach of folks at the art focused Mastodon instance is not limited to their community. The same is possible for reddit and forum like communities!
Look at it like this; every forum becomes a potential sub-forum in the global network.
It also gives you something hacker news mostly lacks (besides the occasional Ask HN) and that is discussing topics organically vs. just discussing what people elsewhere have said. I think this is also an important distinction older type of forum software have before the newer "link share" type.
I had an idea last week for a dutch version of HN, only to realize that dutch people already use HN
Pretty much the only country in the world where every single person speaks perfect English.
>Isn't game development already discussed here?
ofc sometimes game dev is discussed here, but imo I don't see it enough here that I wouldn't want a hackernews just for gamedev.
also very useful side project
I love the idea, unfortunate the way this site is presented is such a incredibly busy and noisy way, it makes it so uncomfortable to look at I couldn't use this.
I think hacker news aced it with the clean look, although sometimes I wish for a dark theme.
As a sibling commenter said, I think the background texture is the most distracting.
Other than that, I also think the tag density is higher than on Lobsters, where they seem to be using mostly one, or at most two, tags, whereas this website's front-page is using around three for each post.
Maybe the color scheme as well. And perhaps more negative space can be removed by making the column wider, like it is on HN.
As a gamer though I immediately noticed how easy it was to visually filter the content by tags and drill down into the details at will. It's an uncommon texture but it works for me.
> hacker news aced it with the clean look
It's the old school magic of nested <table>'s.
Tables are great provided you’re never going to do much styling with them … and maybe that’s what makes them great.
You can do this with divs/lists and bit of css as well.
It would certainly help being able hide tags easily, as a guest. They add way too much visual noise without adding much in terms of the ux.
The choice of colors is also rather unconventional and not exactly appealing.
Yup, I think the background texture needs to go away and the font color of the posts needs to change.
A few colour changes and it would look fine. I don't know if it's the same software as lobste.rs, but it looks almost identical apart from the colours.
When you've only got 3 comments on your whole front page, not sure invite-only is the best idea.
This is the main problem of the "Hacker News for [x]" type sites. Lobsters got lots of people interested, but it is itself mostly not interesting to read, because there is very little discussion. Sure, you keep out some noise, but you also keep out what makes hacker news great, and that is the comments from all sorts of people.
All these kind of sites serve is a curated link list, which can be nice, but they don't fell like a community if you see the same dozen people leave ~3 comments per article and can only participate yourself after groveling before the chosen.
While I do think a good community needs some type of gatekeeping, being invite only is not it.
In terms of "x for gamedev", what I would love to see is a fork of Brilliant that covers common topics from the basics up, using pseudocode only. I've always liked Cat-Like Coding's approach to tutorials, but I've never been able to "acquire" that knowledge (and an intuitive feel for it) in a permanent way like I have with Brilliant's method. I know that they have a CS module, but one specific to gamedev topics would be amazing.
The invite only is very offputting.
This is a bit off topic but I noticed that you've included a moderation log at the bottom. I don't think I've seen that before. I really like it!
1. Why aren't websites like this posted under Show HN? This is a promotional post, right?
2. How is this different/better than something like https://gamedev.stackexchange.com? More discussion-based vs Q&A?
great idea to add tags. Colourful account icons clutters page, i'd rather prefer the hacker news style without these icons
Nice! Great idea, I'll be sure to check it out
I'd love if there's more "hacker News like" sites. You could probably use the format for many things, a hacker news for writing?
Seconded on a HN-style site for writers. I would love that. Aside from tech, I am also an aspiring author and seeing what others are up to helps me develop my own voice.
HN for economics or geopolitics could be interesting.
The "moderation log" is pretty cool. Nice seeing the transparency. And also, the workload.
Going to lurk here as well. Not a game dev, but a fun industry to follow on the side.
I've seen many "HN for X" projects for various niches now, and they all suffer from the chicken/egg problem of getting a critical mass of participants.
Isn't game development already discussed here?
I actually built a side project that categorizes front page articles so I can filter for topics. Here's an example for recent gamedev content: https://www.kadoa.com/hacksnack/d57360e8-1eb1-4800-a711-f0d5...