Asteroid Impact on Earth 2032 with Probability 1% and 8Mt Energy
·January 29, 2025ddahlen
Great post, thank you!
Where does the uncertainty (1%) come from? For example, is it more from our ability to precisely determine the orbit based on limited observations, or is it because orbits for objects like this just aren't predictable years out, or something else?
It's a bit of both, observing has uncertainty in a lot of places, if you are on the ground you get atmospheric effects, imprecision of timing, imprecision of optics, etc etc. You are also observing an object where you dont know how far away it is. That distance has to be solved by basically doing a sort of triangulation, which requires either the observer or the object to move enough. So if you observe over a short time (hours for example), you can see it is moving, but it is hard to tell distance.
Once you have an estimated orbit, if it has any interactions with planets (IE: flyby of Earth), small differences in positions during the close encounter make LARGE differences decades later. Add to this the effects of photons from the sun pushing on the smaller asteroids or dust, or out-gassing /dust from comets cause these objects to slightly drift from just the basic gravitational forces. Generally inner solar system asteroids (inside mars) are very chaotic over hundreds of years, though typically predictable less than a century.
Note that I am not an expert on impact calculations, I just know a bit about and and can do back of the envelope ones. There are a number of ways to get to the ~1%, the orbit fits have uncertainties on them and those can be propagated forward in time. However there are all sorts of complexities with doing that, and often the easiest method is to sample the uncertainty region a few hundred thousand times (Monte-carlo), and propagate those and see what hits.
Very cool. How are samples drawn from the uncertainty region? MCMC or does it simplify down? I'm guessing that this would drive the final percentage values that you guys determine, since the orbital dynamics would be deterministic.
Parent mentioned Monte Carlo simulations, which allow you to simulate across a range possible scenario parameters and see what % result in some outcome (like a collision with Earth or the moon).
I'm sure there's a reason, but it seems like an unusual use of Monte Carlo - it's all deterministic and there is no opposing player making choices. Must have something to do with uncertainties in projected orbits or imperfect simulations maybe?
My guess is that small objects like this suffer greatly from the 3-body problem, and multiple trajectories are generated from various starting points inside our measured error bars for the current states of these objects. Small inaccuracies compound over the years.
> My guess is that small objects like this suffer greatly from the 3-body problem
What bodies? My impression is that the only objects around Earth with enough gravity to significantly impact trajectories are the Earth and Moon. Will the other small objects have any significant gravitational impact on this body?
I also understand that in cislunar space, the Earth-Moon dynamic does create a three-body problem and trajectories are fundamentally unpredictable, with some exceptions. I wonder how that affects objects such as this one if they pass through the Moon's gravitational well.
There's going to be some degree of measurement error, which will likely be greater for objects which have not been observed many times. Multiple observations should allow both better estimation of the object attributes (average out the noise), and allow some judgement of the quality of predictions given what you think you know about it.
Mesurement uncertainty when propagated over long periods of time leads to very large uncertainties, imperfect gravity models, space weather
Thank you. Why I read HN!
Do you know people worrying about supervulcano erruptions?
What are the implications of a moon impact? Would it affect life on Earth?
If in 2032 an impact did occur, how much time before that impact would be able to ascertain over 50% probability of impact? hypothetically.
That is, does the certainty increase steadily or non-linearly over time? Does near certainty of an impact occur from measurements taken just minutes before the impact, or hours, days, years?
We would see it years before, and we would know with certainty years before.
If the object really looked like it might impact I'm sure someone would get time on a powerful telescope to lock in the orbit.
How far in advance would we know exactly _where_ on the Earth it will hit? If, say, New York is going to be destroyed, it makes a big difference if we know that a year in advance vs. a day.
> how much time before that impact would be able to ascertain over 50% probability of impact? hypothetically.
I understand it's hypothetical, but even a 10% chance of hitting a city, for example, would be a crisis.
I wonder if we have a chance to catch it still on radar this pass. I know Arecibo used to do that and is now sadly gone, but Goldstone also has capability. Anyone know more?
FAST [0] in China maybe?
> JPL Horizons
A slight tangent.. but my favorite thing about Horizons is that they still maintain a telnet interface to their system. Once you learn to use it it's quite a bit of fun to play around with it.
That warms my heart on a winter night.
> if it misses the Earth in 2032, it could hit the moon.
Oh, that's not so ba--- Wait, isn't that what happens in Seveneves?
I think that was supposed to be some kind of small black hole passing through the solar system or something more exotic. Maybe I'm misremembering. Great book though and still haunts me sometimes when staring up at the night sky:)
I had also interpreted it as a small solo black hole. Which it itself a scary concept.
SE leaves the question of exactly what impacted the Moon unspecified, referring to it as the "agent". Both narratively and in-story, the question of what the ramifications of the event are is far more significant than its origin. It's not possible to change the past, nor does an understanding (narratively or in-story) have any appreciable impact on what transpires as a consequence.
As others have noted, an 8 MT impactor on the Moon would be a quite minor event. It would likely be visible to terrestrial observers (if on the near-side) and leave a visible crater. Might generate ejecta which itself could enter the Earth's atmosphere over time, though likely with little effect on the ground.
An 8 MT impact on the Moon is what the Moon calls "Tuesday." It has dealt with far, far worse.
The impact probably wouldn't even be visible with the naked eye unless it hits a part of the Moon not then illuminated by the Sun -- in which case one might see a brief flash of light.
Because I was curious and had no idea about the relative size of meteors that hit the moon, the one that hit the moon in 2013 and was captured by Spanish astronomers was traveling at 65k KPH and weighed about 400kg. That had an impact energy of 15 tons of TNT (
Safe to say, an 8 megaton impact from one that weighs 220,000,000kg would be a bit more substantial! Apparently that would be roughly the size of the Meteor Crater in Arizona (
This is not an increase over baseline risk (as its Palermo scale[0] indicates, being a negative number, -0.56).
I think there's going to be a crisis of media going forwards, because with the very awesome new telescope[1] that's going online this year, the number of these detections is going to drastically go up. The number of objects isn't going up—they've always been there, we just didn't know—but I think the media coverage is not going to absorb that nuance very well.
[0] ("A rating of 0 means the hazard is equivalent to the background hazard (defined as the average risk posed by objects of the same size or larger over the years until the date of the potential impact)")
[1] ("With its capacity to detect faint objects, [Vera] Rubin is expected to increase the number of known asteroids and comets by a factor of 10 to 100")
HOWEVER this is an excellent time to review in particular the S2 to S8 spherule beds found in South Africa (AKA "the big one(s)" or "we are less than dust in the eyes of the gods").
The universe is a big place with some big rocks in it. There are also some !!fun!! simulations of things like the Vredefort impact on YouTube.
See also: (debris over 10% to 30% of the Earth's surface from an impact ~788,000 years ago). Smaller, for sure, but very recent and large enough for "nuclear winter" type scenarios.
(I worked tangentially on software for analyzing data that will come from the Vera Rubin telescope, and) yeah, while it was designed for spotting weird supernovae and such, the first half of its operation is expected to be dominated by the discovery of near earth objects.
So you're calling it a "crisis" that people will be better informed of the risk they've always faced? Seems to me we should use that media coverage to build political support for a real asteroid defense system.
If the media does not contextualize risks correctly, as it never does, it's absolutely a crisis—a crisis of a poorly-informed, panicked society lashing out and doing irrational things.
It's not a costless error if a warped illusion of risk drives countries to, i.e., deploy nuclear-tipped space weapons for asteroid defense, which then precipitate a genuine crisis. It's not obvious that having more defenses is obviously safer than having less; some thoughtful people have argued the opposite:
>"In our view, development of this asteroid-deflection technology would be premature. Given twentieth-century history and present global politics, it is hard to imagine guarantees against eventual misuse of an asteroid deflection system commensurate with the dangers such a system poses. Those who argue that it would be prudent to prevent catastrophic impacts with annual probabilities of 10^-5 would surely recognize the prudence of preventing more probable catastrophes of comparable magnitude from misuse of potentially apocalyptic technology." ("Dangers of Asteroid Deflection" (1994), Carl Sagan & Steven Ostro)
In this case, the context is "we face the same risk all the time, from asteroids we don't see." I'm not convinced that's reassuring.
The Sagan paper concerns much larger asteroids, which are correspondingly more rare. For asteroids in the 8MT impact range, it doesn't make much military sense to launch deep space missions to divert them years in advance, rather than delivering nukes directly with ICBMs in minutes. Given any competent asteroid defense system, an asteroid diversion would be detected immediately and countered, and the perpetrators would face consequences.
In fact, since we already have rockets that can reach asteroids, I'd say the possibility of malicious diversion makes a defense system more important.
This. It’s a crucial step for our civilisation to be able to protect earth from any incoming dangers be it asteroids or Umuamua type objects. There must be a global effort with all countries to build such a system.
> There must be a global effort with all countries to build such a system.
That bit doesn't really seem necessary though?
Good luck with that... currently we are failing to muster a global effort for tackling climate change, which is a much more pressing issue than an asteroid which may or may not hit us. I know is satirical, but reality often outdoes satire, so I wouldn't be surprised if things would play out exactly like in that movie...
> I think there's going to be a crisis of media going forwards
I take that as meaning a crisis of traditional media. But most of our false-positive and false-negative crises are crises of social media. Look at climate change, vaccines, ethnic hatred, pizza gate, every crazy rumor ...
What is it with people like you's selective memory? People were dying in droves in places like India or China, scroll down about halfway to see the funeral pyres:
They were even just dumping bodies in their holy river because they couldn't afford proper funerals.
Congrats for living (I assume) in a modern world with good health and clean air where you were just "inconvenienced" by shut restaurants and having to wear a mask, but hey, MAGA is fixing that too, let them "doge" your life into poorer air quality and less health protections! Winning!
> People were dying in droves in places like India or China, scroll down about halfway to see the funeral pyres:
That isn't much of a point. People are always dying in droves in places like India or China; they have ~25% of the world's population between them. And the death rate ultimately doesn't change no matter how high your quality of life is - the number of people who die each year converges inexorably to roughly the number of people born.
The number of funeral pyres in any given year is going to be roughly similar to the year before. COVID wouldn't have doubled the number. Probably wouldn't even have bumped it up by more than 25% - significant, but ultimately 80% of the deaths were as the actuaries anticipated. So of the 20 funeral pyres I count in the photo, probably 16 of them would have been there anyway.
Let's not observe false vacuum.
Why crisis? People should simply not look up.
On the other hand, if people are told constantly to look up, eventually they stop looking.
Or maybe we just build a system that can reliably detect and deflect asteroids and resolve the concern.
> Why crisis? People should simply not look up.
I don't understand why this apt pun on that movie is being downvoted.
Would anyone of the downvoters of parent care to explain?
Puns are for Reddit, not HN.
A lot of people think off-topic puns and jokes are annoying, and HN has a much higher concentration of such people than most of the internet.
That's part of why discussion on HN tends to be much higher-signal than Facebook or Reddit.
Working link:
8.1 megatons of kinetic energy. According to the Torino rating, only risk of “localized destruction” (less than “regional devastation”):
Comparable in energy to a B-53 nuclear bomb, minus the radiation.
What I just learned from ChatGPT…
Asteroids mostly contain the same naturally radioactive elements we find in Earth's rocks - mainly potassium, uranium, and thorium in very small amounts. When they hit Earth, they don't typically create radiation hazards. Scientists have checked out famous impact sites like Meteor Crater in Arizona and found normal radiation levels. While impacts can briefly create some radioactive isotopes through the collision process, it's really the impact's explosive force that does the real damage, not radiation.
So a 14 km blast radius it seems.
Unless it lands in the ocean in which case tidal waves, and if on land, probably an earthquake/shockwave.
*megatons of TNT. 1 MT of TNT = 4.14*10^15 joules
So you wouldn't want to be under it, but a good-sized hill would be enough cover?
Yes, deep underground shelter planned for nuclear attack will be enough to survive, as damaging mechanisms, are mostly same - short but very powerful infrared flash and deadly shockwave (better to consider it as very fast pressure grow and then pressure drop).
Just staying behind hill, will be not enough cover from shockwave, so people will suffer from fast pressure changes.
But shockwave quickly weakened as square of distance, and hill will make it's path longer. So, something like 100m hill could be considered as moving border of deadly zone 100m closer to epicenter.
Link fixed now. Thanks!
imagine if you could channel that much kinetic energy into a propulsion system for interstellar travel
I don't want to come off too harsh here -- not a personal attack -- but I genuinely don't understand why folks are sharing the output from LLMs. It's usually too long, it's not written by a human (which is why I came to HN), and I could have trivially asked an LLM myself!
I've been ongoingly baffled by the phenomenon as well. Like it's a new technology and all, but it seems incredibly obvious to me that copy and pasting output like that is adding nothing to the conversation (and the hallucination factor makes it, well, worse then useless IMO).
Yeah it is bad and a lot of damage if it hits somewhere populous but my understanding is we've tested nukes that powerful
Largest was the Tsar Bomba at > 50 megatons!
Two terms I never heard in the table for the asteroid:
Parlermo Scale
Torino Scale
8Mt would be on par with a major nuke, right? Or will it become more energetic? or did I get it wrong?
For reference the Tunguska event, which was projected to be a 5MT explosion on the low end, flattened about 2000 square kilometers when it airburst. If this hits the ocean it would no doubt cause some large tsunamis.
Only very locally, the Japan tsunami was an order of magnitude more energy and aiui earthquake tsunamis happen particularly with certain kinds of seafloor displacement. It's not just about the amount of energy but how that energy is applied, impact energies dissipate quickly with distance.
This one could be like Tunguska, an air bust maybe around 10km high. Would that cause a large tsunami?
It depends, on where exactly will hit. Similar to nuclear explosions, if one happen over sea or ocean near coast, it will cause extremely large wave, which will be similar to tsunami. If it will hit land, will be small earthquake.
This is why nearly all nuclear explosions was over land or far from coast. Few experiments near some coast or island, created tsunami-like wave on those coast (island), which considerable widen polluted territory (ocean is usually considered as self-cleaning).
2032 Mayan prophecy + 2024 YR4 = prime fuel for internet-born doomsday cults.
"The final katun in the sequence that must happen before the new cycle of the katuns begins again is 13 Ahau. This starts in 2032 and ends in 2052. It is the time from 2032 to 2052, that great earth changes may take place.
The translation from the codices about 13 Ahau that starts in 2032 is ‘Famine, plagues of locusts, and loss of rulers. The judgment of God’ Mr. Scofield goes on to elaborate on this katun.
‘This is a time of total collapse where everything is lost. It is the time of the judgment of God. There will be epidemics and plagues and then famine. Governments will be lost to foreigners and wise men and prophets will be lost.‘
It is my perception that the great crisis that many fear in 2012 may well start after 2032. An interesting note to this time period is that it did bring great revolution and change during the time period from 1776 to 1796."
Hilarious. That article was written in 2021. We call that moving the goalposts.
Mayans did not follow the Gregorian Calendar so our yearly dates don't match they already had their apocalypse in 1500s
" This is a time of total collapse where everything is lost. It is the time of the judgment of God. There will be epidemics and plagues and then famine. Governments will be lost to foreigners and wise men and prophets will be lost.‘"
Less exceptionalist American: the Maya predicted the Declaration of Independence
Is there a "sweet spot" for asteroids where they don't impact the earth, but come within like 20 meters of it?
Like is it possible for an asteroid to give a city a "buzz cut" and then continue on into outer space?
I don't think a 20m buzz cut and back to space is possible. To get back to space you need at least low earth orbit velocity which is about 16,000 mph and stuff going that speed low in the atmosphere gets very hot and would probably melt and break up. Maybe if it was a big one some would break off and some make it back.
> but come within like 20 meters of it?
like is doing some heavy lifting here. We have had asteroids pass by at a distance closer than the moon. That's pretty damn close in my book relative to the size of the cosmos. At that scale, that's pretty much a ringer in horse shoes.
The buzzcut is a very strange question though. If the thing enters the atmosphere and does not burn up, it is hitting the ground.
You are slightly mistaken. There have been hit-and-run asteroids that entered the upper atmosphere and skipped through. The Grand Teton Meteor / The Great Daylight Fireball of 1972 came within 35 miles of the surface. A huge iron meteor might survive a low pass but this would be a very rare event.
In 1972, someone happened to have a camera when this passed by and captured an absolutely gorgeous shot with the Tetons in the backdrop.
Anything that comes closer than the ISS (give or take) is going to interact with the atmosphere which is going to change the dynamics considerably. Generally something with the right orbit to pass 20m above the earth's surface is going to burn up in the atmosphere or hit the surface. The drag is going to kill its orbit fairly quickly.
To have enough energy to come that close without doing so means it has enough energy that superheating the atmosphere or generating nuclear events through impacts with air molecules starts to become a problem (or both: first one then the other). This is the "baseball at the speed of light" type problem from XKCD.
If you come in at exactly the right angle (because you'll skip off the upper atmosphere if you come in too flat) and if you're fast enough, it's entirely possible to enter the atmosphere but fail to complete the aerobreaking maneuver, resulting in an exit from the atmosphere at above escape velocity.
The stress of this maneuver is considerable, especially if you get as low as 20m above ground, so the object would need considerable shear strength and yield strength. Also high density and high thermal capacity. But not unrealistic, I think a tungsten ball (or better yet, a solid tungsten lifting body with aerodynamic steering authority) should make it through.
You can even exit the atmosphere but not have escape velocity, effectively using the aerobreaking maneuver to assist in the gravity capture of your object. But you'd better circularize the orbit shortly after, otherwise your next pass through the atmosphere is going to be terminal.
Relativistic baseball effects aren't very relevant yet, I'm talking about objects hitting the upper atmosphere with around 20-50 km/s. Enough to leave again, not enough to start a fusion reaction.
I am not that good in physics so someone should probably correct me but if an object comes at such a speed that it escapes earth gravity, it'll probably eject us from our solar path into the unknown.
The mass of such an object is likely be miniscule compared to the mass of the earth. So even a very close approach isn't likely to make much difference to the earth's orbit.
E.g. an asteroid 100m across with the same density as the earth is going to have ~0.0000000000001 the mass of the earth.
Mass is relative to speed. If the object has a very high speed, it can reach the mass of the earth or even higher. That's why my understanding is that if it can escape the gravity of the earth, it means its own gravitational field is as or more powerful.
realistically any scenario is possible if the asteroid is going fast enough
...and dense enough and with enough shear strength and yield strength. Air blast disintegration is making a lot of scenarios impossible.
If it is determined years ahead that it will hit, will there be a months to years ahead period where we will know the exact target/landing spot, eg so we can have evacuations of the impacted area and surrounding areas?
at those scales, the off by a degree type errors make a huge difference. if you're off by a small margin so that a direct impact to NYC is off to the east, then you still have tsunami issues coming to NYC. so that might not be a direct hit, it's still within blast radius.
with the earth's surface being 70% water, that means a greater chance of a water impact. so there's hope there, except that damn tsunamis again. maybe we can convince the asteroids to hit the spacecraft cemetery
The errors should be a function of time until impact. I'd like to know what that error variance vs time plot looks like.
This article (despite the click-bait headline) has some interesting background on asteroid risk in general and 2024 YR4 in particular:
That risk corridor covers the many of the highest populated areas of Africa... and ends in India.
I work on the Near Earth Object Surveyor space telescope (NEO Surveyor) writing simulation code which predicts which objects we will see. This one has drummed up a bit of interest due to its (relatively) high chance of impact. I actually spent quite a bit of time yesterday digging through archive images trying trying to see if it was spotted on some previous times it came by the Earth (no luck unfortunately). Since we saw it so briefly, our knowledge of its orbit is not that great, and running the clock back to 2016 for example ended up with a large chunk of sky where it could have been, and it is quite small. We will almost certainly see it again with NEO Surveyor years before its 2032 close encounter. I have not run a simulation for it, but I would not be surprised if LSST (a large ground telescope survey which is currently coming online) to catch it around the same time NEO Surveyor does.
Our knowledge of the diameter of this object is a bit fuzzy, because of surface reflectivity, small shiny things can appear as bright as dark large things. This is one of the motivations of making the NEO Surveyor an IR telescope, since IR we see black body emission off of the objects, which is mostly size dependent, and only weakly albedo dependent.
There is an even tinier chance that if it misses the Earth in 2032, it could hit the moon. I haven't run the numbers precisely for that one, but it impacted a few times in some monte-carlo simulations.
If anyone is interested in orbit dynamics, I have open sourced some of the engine we are using for observation predictions:
It is relatively high precision, though JPL Horizons has more accurate gravitational models and is far better suited for impact studies. My code is primarily for predicting when objects will be seen in telescopes.