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OpenAI says it has evidence DeepSeek used its model to train competitor


I think there's two different things going on here:

"DeepSeek trained on our outputs and that's not fair because those outputs are ours, and you shouldn't take other peoples' data!" This is obviously extremely silly, because that's exactly how OpenAI got all of its training data in the first place - by scraping other peoples' data off the internet.

"DeepSeek trained on our outputs, and so their claims of replicating o1-level performance from scratch are not really true" This is at least plausibly a valid claim. The DeepSeek R1 paper shows that distillation is really powerful (e.g. they show Llama models get a huge boost by finetuning on R1 outputs), and if it were the case that DeepSeek were using a bunch of o1 outputs to train their model, that would legitimately cast doubt on the narrative of training efficiency. But that's a separate question from whether it's somehow unethical to use OpenAI's data the same way OpenAI uses everyone else's data.


Ironically Deepseek is doing what OpenAI originally pledged to do. Making the model open and free is a gift to humanity.

Look at the whole AI revolution that Meta and others have bootstrapped by opening their models. Meanwhile OpenAI/Microsoft, Antropic, Google and the rest are just trying to look after number 1 while trying to regulatory capture an AI for me but not for thee outcome of full control.


Is there anything still "open" about OpenAI these days?


I hear Sam is pretty open in his relationship.


You don't understand, "open" stands for "open your wallet."


Or another question, do they still publish any research that’s relevant for the field nowadays?


I don't think it makes sense to look at some previous PR statements of Altman et al re this when there a tens of billions floating around and egos get inflated to moon sizes. Farts in the wind have more weight, but this goes for all corporate PR.

Thieves yelling 'stop those thieves' scenario to me, they just were first and would not like losing that position. But its all about money and consequently power, business as usual.


There seems to a rare moderation error by dang with respect to this thread.

The comments were moved here by dang from an flagged article with an editorialized /clickbait title. That flagged post has 1300 points at the time of writing.


It should be incumbent on the moderator to at least consider that the motivation for the points and comments may have been because many thought the "hypocrisy" of OpenAI's position was a more important issue than OpenAI's actual claim of DeepSeek violating its ToS. Moving the comments to an article that buries the potential hypocrisy issue that may have driven the original points and comments is not ideal.


This article is from FT, which has a content license deal with OpenAI. To move the comments to an article from a company that has a conflict of interest due to its commercial relations with the YC company in question is problematic here especially since dang often states they try to more hands-off on moderation when the article is about a YC company.


There is a link by dang to this thread from the original thread, but there should also be a link by dang to the original thread from here as well. Why is this not the case?


Ideally, dang should have asked for a more substantial submission that prioritized the hypocrisy point to better match the spirit of the original post instead of moving the comments to this article.


Yes, but we were duped at the time, so it’s right and good that we maintain light on and anger at the ongoing manipulation, in the hope of next time recognizing it as it happens, not after they’ve used us, screwed us, and walked away with a vast fortune.


But it makes sense to expose their blatantly lies whenever possible to diminish the credibility they are trying to build while accusing others of the same they did


Why would it cast any doubt? If you can use o1 output to build a better R1. Then use R1 output to build a better X1... then a better X2.. XN, that just shows a method to create better systems for a fraction of the cost from where we stand. If it was that obvious OpenAI should have themselves done. But the disruptors did it. It hindsight it might sound obvious, but that is true for all innovations. It is all good stuff.


I think it would cast doubt on the narrative "you could have trained o1 with much less compute, and r1 is proof of that", if it turned out that in order to train r1 in the first place, you had to have access to bunch of outputs from o1. In other words, you had to do the really expensive o1 training in the first place.

(with the caveat that all we have right now are accusations that DeepSeek made use of OpenAI data - it might just as well turn out that DeepSeek really did work independently, and you really could have gotten o1-like performance with much less compute)


From the R1 paper

In this study, we demonstrate that reasoning capabilities can be significantly improved through large-scale reinforcement learning (RL), even without using supervised fine-tuning (SFT) as a cold start. Furthermore, performance can be further enhanced with the inclusion of a small amount of cold-start data

Is this cold start data what OpenAI is claiming their output ? If so what's the big deal ?


> you had to do the really expensive o1 training in the first place

It is no better for OpenAI in this scenario either, any competitor can easily copy their expensive training without spending the same, i.e. there is a second mover advantage and no economic incentive to be the first one.

To put it another way, the $500 Billion Stargate investment will be worth just $5Billion once the models become available for consumption, because it only will take that much to replicate the same outcomes with new techniques even if the cold start needed o1 output for RL.


o1 wouldn't exist without the combined compute of every mind that led to the training data they used in the first place. How many h100 equivalents are the rolling continuum of all of human history?


At the pace that DeepSeek is developing we should expect them to surpass OpenAI in not that long.

The big question really is, are we doing it wrong, could we have created o1 for a fraction of the price. Will o4 cost less to train than o1 did?

The second question is naturally. If we create a smarter LLM, can we use it to create another LLM that is even smarter?

It would have been fantastic if DeepSeek could have come out with an o3 competitor before o3 even became publicly available. That way we would have known for sure that we’re doing it wrong. Cause then either we could have used o1 to train a better AI or we could have just trained in a smarter and cheaper way.


My question is if deepseek r1 is just a distilled o1, i wonder if you can build a fine tuned r1 through distillation without having to fine tune o1.


Exactly. They piggybacked of lots of compute and used less. There still is a total sum of a massive amount of compute


If OpenAi had to account for the cost of producing all the copyrighted material they trained their LLM on, their system would be worth negative trillions of dollars.

Let's just assume that the cost of training can be externalized to other people for free.


> I think it would cast doubt on the narrative "you could have trained o1 with much less compute, and r1 is proof of that"

Whether or not you could have, you can now.


I think the prevailing narrative ATM is that DeepSeek's own innovation was done in isolation and they surpassed OpenAI. Even though in the paper they give a lot of credit to Llama for their techniques. The idea that they used o1's outputs for their distillation further shows that models like o1 are necessary.

All of this should have been clear anyway from the start, but that's the Internet for you.


>shows that models like o1 are necessary.

But HOW they are necessary is the change. They went from building blocks to stepping stones. From a business standpoint that's very damaging to OAI and other players.


The idea that they used o1's outputs for their distillation further shows that models like o1 are necessary.

Hmm, I think the narrative of the rise of LLMs is that once the output of humans has been distilled by the model, the human isn't necessary.

As far as I know, DeepSeek adds only a little to the transformers model while o1/o3 added a special "reasoning component" - if DeepSeek is as good as o1/o3, even taking data from it, then it seems the reasoning component isn't needed.


> the prevailing narrative ATM is that DeepSeek's own innovation was done in isolation and they surpassed OpenAI

I did not think this, nor did I think this was what others assumed. The narrative, I thought, was that there is little point in paying OpenAI for LLM usage when a much cheaper, similar / better version can be made and used for a fraction of the cost (whether it's on the back of existing LLM research doesn't factor in)


Are we it rediscovering the evolutionary benefit of progeny (from an information theoretic lens)?

And is this related to the lottery ticket hypothesis?


Bad things happen in tech when you don't do the disrupting yourself.


Thanks for the insightful comment.

I have a question (disclaimer: reinforcement learning noob here):

Is there a risk of broken telephone with this?

Kinda like repeatedly compressing an already compressed image eventually leads to a fuzzy blur.

If that is the case then I’m curious how this is monitored and / or mitigated.


OpenAI couldn't do it, when the high cost of training and access to GPUs is their competitive advance against startups, they can't admit that it does not exist.


They did do that themselves it's called o3.


Is there any evidence R1 is better than O1?

It seems like if they in fact distilled then what we have found is that you can create a worse copy of the model for ~5m dollars in compute by training on its outputs.


> This is obviously extremely silly, because that's exactly how OpenAI got all of its training data

IANAL, but It is worth noting here that DeepSeek has explicitly consented to a license that doesn't allow them to do this. That is a condition of using the Chat GPT and the OpenAI API.

Even if the courts affirm that there's a fair use defence for AI training, DeepSeek may still be in the wrong here, not because of copyright infringement, but because of a breach of contract.

I don't think OpenAI would have much of a problem if you train your model on data scraped from the internet, some of which incidentally ends up being generated by Chat GPT.

Compare this to training AI models on Kindle Books randomly scraped off the internet, versus making a Kindle account, agreeing to the Kindle ToS, buying some books, breaking Amazon's DRM and then training your AI on that. What DeepSeek did is more analogous to the latter than the former.


> DeepSeek has explicitly consented to a license that doesn't allow them to do this.

You actually don’t know this. Even if it were true that they used OpenAI outputs (and I’m very doubtful) it’s not necessary to sign an agreement with OpenAI to get API outputs. You simply acquire them from an intermediary, so that you have no contractual relationship with OpenAI to begin with.


>IANAL, but It is worth noting here that DeepSeek has explicitly consented to a license that doesn't allow them to do this. That is a condition of using the Chat GPT and the OpenAI API.

I have some news for you


training is either fair use, or it isn't

OpenAI can't have it both ways


Right, but it was never about doing the right thing for humanity, it was about doing the right thing for their profits.

Like I’ve said time and time again, nobody in this space gives a fuck about anyone that isn’t directly contributing money to their bottom line at that particular instant. The fundamental idea is selfish, damages the fundamental machinery that makes the internet useful by penalizing people that actually make things, and will never, ever do anything for the greater good if it even stands a chance of reducing their standing in this ridiculously overhyped market. Giving people free access to what is for all intents and purposes a black box is not “open” anything, is no more free (as in speech) than Slack is, and all of this is obviously them selling a product at a huge loss to put competing media out of business and grab market share.


The issue here is breach of contract, not copyright.


They can sure try though, and I would be damned surprise if this wasn’t related to Sam’s event with trump last week.


"Free for me, not for thee!" - Sam Altman /s

But in all reality I'm happy to see this day. The fact that OpenAI ripped off everyone and everything they could and, to this day pretend like they didn't, is fantastic.

Sam Altman is a con and it's not surprising that given all the positive press DeepSeek got that it was a full court assault on them within 48 hours.


TOS are not contracts.


People here will argue that. But the Chinese DNGAF.


Citation? My understanding was that they are provided that someone has to affirmatively accept them in order to use your site. So Terms of Service stuck at the bottom in the footer likely would not count as a contract because there's no consent, but Terms of Service included in a check box on a login form likely would count.

But IANAL, so if you have a citation that says otherwise I'd be happy to see it!


Legally, I understand your point, but morally, I find it repellent that a breach of contract (especially terms-of-service) could be considered more important than a breach of law. Especially since simply existing in modern society requires us to "agree" to dozens of such "contracts" daily.

I hope voters and governments put a long-overdue stop to this cancer of contract-maximalism that has given us such benefits as mandatory arbitration, anti-benchmarking, general circumvention of consumer rights, or, in this case, blatantly anti-competitive terms, by effectively banning reverse-engineering (i.e. examining how something works, i.e. mandating that we live in ignorance).

Because if they don't, laws will slowly become irrelevant, and our lives governed by one-sided contracts.


> DeepSeek has explicitly consented to a license that doesn't allow them to do this.

By existing in USA, OpenAI consented to comply with copyright law, and how did that go?




Did OpenAI abide by my service’s terms of service when it ingested my data?


Did OpenAI have to sign up for your service to gain access?


It's not hard to get someone else to submit queries and post the results, without agreeing to the license.


On another subject, if it belongs to OpenAI because it uses OpenAI, then doesn't that mean that everything produced using OpenAI belongs to OpenAI? Isn't that a reason not to use OpenAI? It's very similar to saying that you used Google and searched; now this product belongs to Google. They couldn't figure out how to respond; they went crazy.


The US ruled that AI produced things are by themself not copyrightable.

So no, it doesn't belong to OpenAI.

You might be able to sue for penalties for breach of contract of the TOS, but that doesn't give them the right to the model. And even if it doesn't give them any right to invalidate unbound copyright grants they have given to 3rd parties (here literally everyone). Nor does it prevent anyone from training their own new models based on it or prevent anyone from using it. Oh, and the one breaching the TOS might not even have been the company behind DeepSeek but some in-between 3rd party.

Naturally this is under a few assumptions:

- the US consistently applies it's own law, but they have a long history of not doing so

- the US doesn't abuse their power to force their economical opinions (ban DeepSeek) on other countries

- it actually was trained on OpenAI, but uh, OpenAI has IMHO shown over the years very clearly that they can't be trusted and they are fully in-transparent. How do we trust their claim? How do we trust them to not retrospectively have tweaked their model to make it look as if DeepSeek copied it?


>The US ruled that AI produced things are by themself not copyrightable.

The US ruled that the AI cannot be the author, that doesn't lead like so many clickbait articles suggest, that no AI products can be copyrighted.

1 Activist tried to get the US copyright office to acknowledge his LLM as the author, who would then provide him a license to the work.

There was no issue with himself being the original author and copyright holder of the AI works. But thats not what was being challenged.


to be clear, their terms of service are pretty clear that the USER owns the outputs.


The official stance in the US is currently that there is no copyright on AI output.


Welcome to technofascism, where everything belongs to tech billionaires and their pocket politicians.


The existence of R1-zero is evidence against any sort of theft of OpenAI's internal COT data. The model sometimes outputs illegible text that's useful only to R1. You can't do distillation without a shared vocabulary. The only way R1 could exist is if they trained it with RL.


I don’t think anyone is really suggesting they stole COT or that it is leaked, but rather that the final o1 outputs were used to train the base model and reasoning components more easily.


The RL is done on problems with verifiable answers. I’m not sure how o1 slop would be at all useful in that respect.


> "DeepSeek trained on our outputs"

I'm wondering how Deepseek could have made 100s of millions of training queries to OpenAI and not one person at OpenAI caught on.


Maybe they use AI to monitor traffic, but it is still learning :)


Mechanical turks ?


DeepSeek-R0 (based on DeepSeek-V3 base model) was only trained with RL, no SFT, so this isn't at all like the "distillation" (i.e SFT on synthetic data generated by R1) that they also demonstrated by fine tuning Qwen and LLaMa.

Now, DeepSeek may (or may not) have used some O1 generated data for the R0 RL training, but if so that's just a cost saving vs having to source some reasoning data some other way, and in no way reduces the legitimacy of what they accomplished (which is not something any of the AI CEOs are saying).


> This is obviously extremely silly, because that's exactly how OpenAI got all of its training data in the first place - by scraping other peoples' data off the internet.

OpenAI has also invested heavily in human annotation and RLHF. If all DeepSeek wanted was a proxy for scraped training data, they'd probably just scrape it themselves. Using existing RLHF'd models as replacement for expensive humans in the training loop is the real game changer for anyone trying to replicate these results.


"We spent a lot of labor processing everything we stole" is...not how that works.

That's like the mafia complaining that they worked so hard to steal those barrels of beer that someone made off with in the middle of the night and really that's not fair and won't someone do something about it?


Oh, I don't really care about IP theft and agree that it's funny that openai is complaining. But I don't think its true that deepseek is just doing this because they are too lazy to scrape the internet themselves - its all about the human labor that they would otherwise have to pay for.


> “It’s also extremely hard to rally a big talented research team to charge a new hill in the fog together,” he added. “This is the key to driving progress forward.”

Well I think DeepSeek releasing it open source and on an MIT license will rally the big talent. The open sourcing of a new technology has always driven progress in the past.

The last paragraph too is where OpenAi seems to be focusing their efforts..

> we engage in countermeasures to protect our IP, including a careful process for which frontier capabilities to include in released models ..

> ... we are working closely with the US government to best protect the most capable models from efforts by adversaries and competitors to take US technology.

So they'll go for getting DeepSeek banned like TikTok was now that a precedent has been set ?


Actually the "our IP" argument is ridiculous. What they are doing is stealing data from all over the web, without people's consent for that data to be used in training ML models. If anything, then "Open"AI should be sued and forced to publish their whole product. The people should demand knowing exactly what is going on with their data.

Also still an unresolved issue is how they will ever comply with a deletion request, should any model output personal data of someone. They are heavily in a gray area, with regards to what should be allowed. If anything, they should really shut up now.


They can still have IP while using copyrighted training materials - the actual model source code.

But DeepSeek didn't use that presumably (since it's secret). They definitely can't argue that using copyrighted material for training is fine, but using output from other commercial models isn't. That's too inconsistent.


If there's any litigation, a counterclaim would be interesting. But DeepSeek would need to partner with parties that have been damaged by OpenAI's scraping.


I'm getting popcorn ready for the trial where an apparatus of the Chinese Communist Party files a counterclaim in an American Court together with the common people - millions of John Does - as litigants against an organization that has aggressively and in many cases of oppressively scraped their websites (DDoS)


I'm willing to bet ''ban DeepSeek'' voices will start soon. Why compete, when you can just ban?


They've started already, I've seen posts on LinkedIn implying or outright stating that DeepSeek is a national security risk (IMHO, LinkedIn being the social media outlet most corporate-sycophantic). I went ahead and just picked this one at random from my feed.


At least this guy can differentiate between running your own model and using the web/mobile app where DeepSeek process your data. I've watched a TV show yesterday (I think it was France24) where the "experts" can't really tell the difference or are not aware of it. Shut down the TV and went to sleep.


Oh this post...calling out DeepSeek's T&C but not comparing it with OpenAI's is really disingenuous IMO.




NBC Nightly News, on Monday, had an expert -- at 8:05 in the video -- who claimed there might be national security risks to Deepseek.

I'm not going to take a side on whether there is or not.

But, it does sound reminiscent of the reasons used to ban Tik-tok.


Actually asking for banning DeepSeek would be the ultimate admit of defeat by ClosedAI.


No need to ban DeepSeek, just ban Chinese companies from using US frontier models.


All you would do by banning it is killing US progress in AI. The rest of the world is still going to be able to use DS. You're just giving the rest of the world a leg up.

TikTok is a consumption tool, DS is a productive one. They aren't the same.


What’s so special about DeepSeek, though? I mean anyone else can replicate their methods and catch up. They don’t have a moat anyway.


The fact it is out and improving day by day. is on a roll with their advancements. If DeepSeek is banned hundreds more will popup and change the data ever so slightly to skirt the ban. Pandora's box exploded on this one.


I'd imagine a ban would be on their service, not the model itself.


Already happening within tech company policy. Mostly as a security concern. Local or controlled hosting of the model is okay in theory based on this concern, but it taints everything regarding deepseek in effect.


Competing is hard and expensive, whereas banning is for sure the faster way to make stock values go up and exec's total package as a result.


Banning worked for China all these decades.


> So they'll go for getting DeepSeek banned like TikTok was now that a precedent has been set ?

Can't really ban what can be downloaded for free and hosted by anyone. There are many providers hosting the ~700B parameter version that aren't CCP aligned.


I'm old enough to remember when the US government did something very similar. For years (decades?), we banned any implementation of public-key cryptography under the guise of the technology being akin to munitions.

People made shirts with printouts of the code to RSA under the heading "this shirt is a munition." Apparently such shirts are still for sale, even though they are not classified as munitions anymore.

[1] -


Were these implementations already easily open source accessible at the time, with tens of thousands of people already actively using them on their computers? No, right? Doesn't seem feasible this time around.


I am not that old, but I did a deep dive on this in the past because it was just so extremely fascinating, especially reading the archives of Cypherpunk. There is a very solid, if rather bendy, line connecting all that to "crypto culture" today.


> Can't really ban what can be downloaded for free and hosted by anyone.

Like music? They banned napster


Yet I can still download music. Check mate.


The fact that they are still called "Open"AI adds such a delicious irony to this whole thing. I could not imagine a company I had less sympathy for in this situation.


500 billion for a few US companies yet the Chinese will probably still be better for way less money. This might turn out to be a historical mistake of the new administration.


the biggest mistake was made 20 years by allowing China to join the WTO.

everything is already too late.


Explain to me how one ban's opensource? That concept is foreign to me.


> So they'll go for getting DeepSeek banned like TikTok

The UAE (where I live, happily, and by choice), which desperately wants to be the center of the world in AI and is spending vast time and treasure to make it happen (they've even got their own excellent, government-funded foundation model), would _love_ this. Any attempt to ban DeepSeek in the US would be the most gigantic self-own. Combine that with no income tax, a fantastic standard of living, and a willingness to very easily give out visas to smart people from anywhere in the world, and I have to imagine it is one of several countries desperate for the US to do something so utterly stupid.


or sold to US I could totally see this happening soon


Why would they want to sell ?


And what are they going to sell? The weights and the model architecture are already open source. I doubt the datasets of DeepSeek are better than OpenAI's


The cat is out of the bag. This is the landscape now, r1 was made in a post-o1 world. Now other models can distill r1 and so on.

I don’t buy the argument that distilling from o1 undermines deep seek’s claims around expense at all. Just as open AI used the tools ‘available to them’ to train their models (eg everyone else’ data), r1 is using today’s tools.

Does open AI really have a moral or ethical high ground here?


Agree 100%, this was also bound to happen eventually, OpenAI could have just remained more "open" from the beginning and embraced the inevitable commoditization of these models. What did delaying this buy them?


What did delaying this cost them, though? Hurt feelings of people here who thought OpenAI personally pledged openness to them?


> What did delaying this cost them, though?

It potentially cost the whole field in terms of innovation. For OpenAI specifically, they now need to scramble to come up with a differentiated business model that makes sense in the new landscape and can justify their valuation. OpenAI’s valuation is based on being the dominant AI company.

I think you misread my comment if you think my feelings are somehow hurt here.


Plus, it suggests OpenAI never had much of a moat.

Even if they win the legal case, it means weights can be inferred and improved upon simply by using the output that is also your core value add (e.g. the very output you need to sell to the world).

Their moat is about as strong as KFC's eleven herbs and spices. Maybe less...




Everyone is responding to the intellectual property issue, but isn't that the less interesting point?

If Deepseek trained off OpenAI, then it wasn't trained from scratch for "pennies on the dollar" and isn't the Sputnik-like technical breakthrough that we've been hearing so much about. That's the news here. Or rather, the potential news, since we don't know if it's true yet.


Even if all that about training is true, the bigger cost is inference and Deepseek is 100x cheaper. That destroys OpenAI/Anthropic's value proposition of having a unique secret sauce so users are quickly fleeing to cheaper alternatives.

Google Deepmind's recent Gemini 2.0 Flash Thinking is also priced at the new Deepseek level. It's pretty good (unlike previous Gemini models).




I mean, Deepseek is currently charging 100x less. That doesn't tell us much about how cheaper it is to run inference on.


More like OpenAI is currently charging more. Since R1 is open source / open weight we can actually run it on our own hardware and see what kinda compute it requires.

What is definitely true is that there are already other providers offering DeepSeek R1 (e.g. on OpenRouter[1]) for $7/m-in and $7/m-out. Meanwhile OpenAI is charging $15/m-in and $60/m-out. So already you're seeing at least 5x cheaper inference with R1 vs O1 with a bunch of confounding factors. But it is hard to say anything truly concrete about efficiency OpenAI does not disclose the actual compute required to run inference for O1.



> the bigger cost is inference

I didn't know that. Is this always the case?


Well in the first years of AI no, it wasn't because nobody was using it. But at some point if you want to make money you have to provide a service to users, ideally hundreds of millions of users.

So you can think of training as CI+TEST_ENV and inference as the cost of running your PROD deployments.

Generally in traditional IT infra PROD >> CI+TEST_ENV (10-100 to 1)

The ratio might be quite different for LLM, but still any SUCCESSFUL model will have inference > training at some point in time.


That's not correct. First of all, training off of data generated by another AI is generally a bad idea because you'll end up with a strictly less accurate model (usually). But secondly, and more to your point, even if you were to use training data from another model, YOU STILL NEED TO DO ALL THE TRAINING.

Using data from another model won't save you any training time.


> training off of data generated by another AI is generally a bad idea

It's...not, and its repeatedly been proven in practice that this is an invalid generalization because it is missing necessary qualifications, and its funny that this myth keeps persisting.

It's probably a bad idea to use uncurated output from another AI to train a model if you are trying to make a better model rather than a distillation of the first model, and its definitely (and, ISTR, the actual research result from which the false generalization has developed) a bad idea to iteratively fine-tune a model on its own unfiltered output, but there has been lots of success using AI models to generate data which is curated and used to train other models, which can be much more efficient that trying to create new material without AI once you've gotten to the point where you've already hoovered up all the readily-accessible low hanging fruit of premade content relevant to your training goal.


It is, of course not going to produce a “child” model that more accurately predicts the underlying true distribution that the “parent” model was trying to. That is, it will not add anything new.

This is immediately obvious if you look at it through a statistical learning lens and not the mysticism crystal ball that many view NN’s through.


So 1 + 1 = 3?


I think you're missing the point being made here, IMHO: using an advanced model to build high quality training data (whatever that means for a given training paradigm) absolutely would increase the efficiency of the process. Remember that they're not fighting over sounding human, they're fighting over deliberative reasoning capabilities, something that's relatively rare in online discourse.

Re: "generally a bad idea", I'd just highlight "generally" ;) Clearly it worked in this case!


It's trivial to build synthetic reasoning datasets, likely even in natural languages. This is a well established technique that works (e.g. see Microsoft Phi, among others).

I said generally because there are things like adversarial training that use a ruleset to help generate correct datasets that work well. Outside of techniques like that it's not just a rule of thumb, it's always true that training on the output of another model will result in a worse model.


> training off of data generated by another AI is generally a bad idea

Ah. So if I understand this... once the internet becomes completely overrun with AI-generated articles of no particular substance or importance, we should not bulk-scrape that internet again to train the subsequent generation of models.

I look forward to that day.


That's already happened. Its well established now that the internet is tainted. After essentially ChatGPT's public release, a non-insignificant amount of internet content is not written by humans.


Yes, this is a real and serious concern that AI researchers have.


I think the point is that if R1 isn't possible without access to OpenAI (at low, subsidized costs) then this isn't really a breakthrough as much as a hack to clone an existing model.


The training techniques are a breakthrough no matter what data is used. It's not up for debate, it's an empirical question with a concrete answer. They can and did train orders of magnitude faster.


R1 is--as far as we know from good ol' ClosedAI--far more efficient. Even if it were a "clone", A) that would be a terribly impressive achievement on its own that Anthropic and Google would be mighty jealous of, and B) it's at the very least a distillation of O1's reasoning capabilities into a more svelte form.


Thats not right either.

It proofs we _can_ optimize our training data.

Just like humans have been genetically stable for a long time, the quality & structure of information available to a child today vs that of 2000 years ago makes them more skilled at certain tasks. Math being a good example.


> First of all, training off of data generated by another AI is generally a bad idea because you'll end up with a strictly less accurate model (usually).

That is not true at all.

We have known how to solve this for at least 2 years now.

All the latest state of the art models depend heavily on training on synthetic data.


The DS R1 Model is slightly better though. So how does your statement square with that?




I feel like which one you care about depends on whether you're an AI researcher or an investor.


That's only true if you assume that O1 synthetic data sets are much better than any other (comparably sized) opensource model.

It's not apparently obvious to me that that is the case.

Ie. do you need a SOTA model to produce a new SOTA model?


But it does mean moat is even less defensible for companies whose fortunes are tied to their foundation models having some performance edge, and a shift in the kinds of hardware used for inference (smaller, closer to the edge.)


That may be true. But an even more interesting point may be that you don’t have to train a huge model ever again? Or at least not to train a new slightly improved model because now we have open weights of an excellent large model and a way to train smaller ones.


If Deepseek trained off OpenAI, then it wasn't trained from scratch for "pennies on the dollar"

If OpenAI trained on the intellectual property of others, maybe it wasn't the creativity breakthrough people claim?


If you say ChatGPT was trained on "whatever data was available", and you say Deepseek was trained "whatever data was available", then they sound pretty equivalent.

All the rough consensus language output of humanity is now roughly on the Internet. The various LLMs have roughly distilled that and the results are naturally going to be tighter and tighter. It's not surprising that companies are going to get better and better at solving the same problem. The situation of DeepSeek isn't so much that promises future achievements but that it shows that OpenAI's string of announcements are incremental progress that aren't going to be reaching the AGI that Altman now often harps on.


I'm not an OpenAI apologist and don't like what they've done with other people's intellectual property but I think that's kind of a false equivalency. OpenAI's GPT 3.5/4 was a big leap forward in the technology in terms of functionality. DeepSeek-r1 isn't really a huge step forward in output, it's mostly comparable to existing models, one thing that is really cool about it is it being able to be trained from scratch quickly and cheaply. This is completely undercut if it was trained off of OpenAI's data. I don't care about adjudicating which one is a bigger thief, but it's notable if one of the biggest breakthroughs about DeepSeek-r1 is pretty much a lie. And it's still really cool that it's open source and can be run locally, it'll have that over OpenAI whether or not the training claims are a lie/misleading


How is it a “lie” for DeepSeek to train their data from ChatGPT but not if they train their data from all of Twitter and Reddit? Either way the training is 100x cheaper.


Not just the training cost, the inference cost is a fraction of o1.


There’s a question of scale here: was it trained on 1000 outputs or 5 million?


OpenAI's models were trained on ebooks from a private ebook torrent tracker leeched en-mass during a free leech event by people who hated private torrent trackers and wanted to destroy their "economy."

The books were all in epub format, converted, cleaned to plain text, and hosted on a public data hoarder site.


Have you got some support for this claim?

There's a lot of wild claims about, so while this is plausible it would be great if there were some evidence backing it.


NYT claims that OpenAI trained on their material. They argue for copyright violation, although I think another argument might be breach of TOS in scraping the material from their website or archive.

The complaint filing has some references to some of the other training material used by OpenAI, but I didn't dig deeply in to what all of it was:


What's that got to do with this books claim?


There is a lot of discussion here about IP theft. Honest question, from deepseek's point of view as a company under a different set of laws than US/Western -- was there IP theft?

A company like OpenAI can put whatever licensing they want in place. But that only matters if they can enforce it. The question is, can they enforce it against deepseek? Did deepseek do something illegal under the laws of their originating country?

I've had some limited exposure to media related licensing when releasing content in China and what is allowed is very different than what is permitted in the US.

The interesting part which points to innovation moving outside of the US is US companies are beholden to strict IP laws while many places in the world don't have such restrictions and will be able to utilize more data more easily.


What law would be broken here? Seems that copyright wouldn't apply unless they somehow snatched the OpenAI models verbatim.


The most interesting part is that China has been ahead of the US in AI for many years, just not in LLMs.

You need to visit mainland China and see how AI applications are everywhere, from transport to goods shipping.

I'm not surprised at all. I hope this in the end makes the US kill its strict IP laws, which is the problem.

If the US doesn't, China will always have a huge edge on it, no matter how much NVidia hardware the US has.

And you know what, Huawei is already making inference hardware... it won't take them long to finally copy the TSMC tech and flip the situation upside down.

When China can make the equivalent of H100s, it will be hilarious because they will sell for $10 in Aliexpress :-)


The superiority of TikTok's recommendation algorithm outcomes over youtube should have been a clue.

BTW, who in China is doing the best AI on goods shipping since you mention it?


You don’t even need to visit china, just read the latest research papers and look at the authors. China has more researchers in AI than the West and that’s a proven way to build an advantage.


It is also funny in a different way. Many people don't realise that they live in some sort of bubble. Many people in "The West" think that they are still the center of the world in everything, while this might not be so correct anymore.

In the U.S. there is 350 million people and EU has 520 million people (excluding Russia and Turkey).

China alone has 1.4 billion people.

Since there is a language barrier and China isolates themselves pretty well from the internet, we forget that there is a huge society with high focus on science. And most of our tech products are coming from there.


Maybe not $10 unless they are loss-leading to dominance. Well they actually could very well do exactly that... Hm, yea, good points. I would expect at least an order or two of magnitude higher to prevent an inferno.

Lets be fair though. Replicating TSMC isn't something that could happen quickly. Then again, who knows how far along they already are...


All the top level comments are basking in the irony of it, which is fair enough. But I think this changes the Deepseek narrative a bit. If they just benefited from repurposing OpenAI data, that's different than having achieved an engineering breakthrough, which may suggest OpenAI's results were hard earned after all.


I understand they just used the API to talk to the OpenAI models. That... seems pretty innocent? Probably they even paid for it? OpenAI is selling API access, someone decided to buy it. Good for OpenAI!

I understand ToS violations can lead to a ban. OpenAI is free to ban DeepSeek from using their APIs.


Sure, but I'm not interested in innocence. They can be as innocent or guilty as they want. But it means they didn't, via engineering wherewithal, reproduce the OpenAI capabilities from scratch. And originally that was supposed to be one of the stunning and impressive (if true) implications of the whole Deepseek news cycle.


Nothing is ever done "from scratch". To create a sandwich, you first have to create the universe.

Yes, there is the question how much ChatGPT data DeepSeek has ingested. Certainly not zero! But if DeepSeek has achieved iterative self-improvement, that'd be huge too!


It is not as if they are not open about how they did it. People are actually working on reproducing their results as they describe in the papers. Somebody has already reproduced the r1-zero rl training process on a smaller model (linked in some comment here).

Even if o1 specifically was used (which is in itself doubtful), it does not mean that this was the main reason that r1 succeeded/it could not have happened without it. The o1 outputs hides the CoT part, which is the most important here. Also we are in 2025, scratch does not exist anymore. Creating better technology building upon previous (widely available) technology has never been a controversial issue.


> reproduce the OpenAI capabilities from scratch

who cares. even if the claim is true, does that make the open source model less attractive?

in fact, it implies that there is no moat in this game. openai can no longer maintain its stupid valuation, as other companies can just scrape its output and build better models at much lower costs.

everything points to the exact same end result - DeepSeek democratized AI, OpenAI's old business model is dead.


That's how I understand it too.

If your own API can leak your secret sauce without any malicious penetration, well, that's on you.


Additionally, I was under the impression that all those Chinese models were being trained using data from OpenAI and Anthropic. Were there not some reports that Qwen models referred to themselves as Claude?


> OpenAI's results were hard earned after all

DDOSing web sites and grabbing content without anyone's consent is not hard earned at all. They did spent billions on their thing, but nothing was earned as they could never do that legally.


I understand the temptation to go there, but I think it misses the point. I have no qualms at all with the idea that the sum total of intelligence distributed across the internet was siphoned away from creators and piped through an engine that now cynically seeks to replace them. Believe me, I will grab my pitchfork and march side by side with you.

But let's keep the eye on the ball for a second. None of that changes the fact that what was built was a capability to reflect that knowledge in dynamic and deep ways in conversation, as well as image and audio recognition.

And did Deepseek also build that? From scratch? Because they might not have.


Look at it this way. Even OpenAI uses their own models' output to train subsequent models. They do pay for a lot of manual annotations but also use a lot of machine generated data because it is cheaper and good enough, especially from the bigger models.

So say DS had simply published a paper outlining the RL technique they used, and one of Meta, Google or even OpenAI themselves had used it to train a new model, don't you think they'd have shouted off the rooftops about a new breakthrough? The fact that the provenance of the data is from a rival's model does not negate the value of the research IMHO.


More like hard bought and hard stolen.


> If they just benefited from repurposing OpenAI data, that's different than having achieved an engineering breakthrough

One way or another, they were able to create something that has WAY cheaper inference costs than o1 at the same level of intelligence. I was paying Anthropic $15/1M tokens to make myself 10x faster at writing software, which was coming out to $10/day. O1 is $60/1M tokens, which for my level of usage would mean that it costs as much as a whole junior software engineer. DeepSeek is able to do it for $2.50/1M tokens.

Either OpenAI was taking a profit margin that would make the US Healthcare industry weep, or DeepSeek made an engineering breakthrough that increases inference efficiency by orders of magnitude.


These aren't mutually exclusive.

It's been known for a while that competitors used OpenAI to improve their models, that's why they changed the TOS to forbid it.

That doesn't mean the deep seek technical achievements are less valid.


>That doesn't mean the deep seek technical achievements are less valid.

Well, that's literally exactly what it would mean. If DeepSeek relied on OpenAI’s API, their main achievement is in efficiency and cost reduction as opposed to fundamental AI breakthroughs.


Agreed. They accomplished a lot with distillation and optimization - but there's little reason to believe you don't also need foundational models to keep advancing. Otherwise won't they run into issues training on more synthetic data?

In a way this is something most companies have been doing with their smaller models, DeepSeek just supposedly* did it better.


I really don't see a correlation here to be honest.

Eventually all future AIs will be produced with synthetic input, the amount of (quality) data we humans can produce is quite limited.

The fact that the input of one AI has been used in the training of another one seems irrelevant.


The issue isn’t just that AI trained on AI is inevitable it's whose AI is being used as the base layer. Right now, OpenAI’s models are at the top of that hierarchy. If Deepseek depended on them, it means OpenAI is still the upstream bottleneck, not easily replaced.

The deeper question is whether Deepseek has achieved real autonomy or if it’s just a derivative work. If the latter, then OpenAI still holds the keys to future advances. If Deepseek truly found a way to be independent while achieving similar performance, then OpenAI has a problem.

The details of how they trained matter more than the inevitability of synthetic data down the line.


> whether Deepseek has achieved real autonomy or if it’s just a derivative work

This question is malformed, imo. Every lab is doing derivative work. OpenAI didn’t invent transformers, Google did. Google didn’t invent neural networks or back propagation.

If you mean whether OAI could have prevented DS from succeeding by cutting off their API access, probably not. Maybe they used OAI for supervised fine tuning in certain domains, like creative writing, which are difficult to formally verify (although they claim to have used one of their own models). Or perhaps during human preference tuning at the end. But either way, there are many roads to Rome, and OAI wasn’t the only game in town.


> then OpenAI still holds the keys to future advances

Point is, those future advances are worthless. Eventually anybody will be able to feed each other's data for the training.

There's no moat here. LLMs are commodities.


IMO the important “narrative” is the one looking forward, not backwards. OpenAI’s valuation depends on LLMs being prohibitively difficult to train and run. Deepseek challenges that.

Also, if you read their papers it’s quite clear there are several important engineering achievements which enabled this. For example multi head latent attention.


Yeah what happens when we remove all financial incentive to fund groundbreaking science?

It’s the same problem with pharmaceuticals and generics. It’s great when the price of drugs is low, but without perverse financial incentives no company is going to burn billions of dollars in a risky search for new medicines.


In this case, these cures (llms) are medicines in search for a disease to cure. I got Ai shoved everywhere, where I just want it to aid in my coding. Literally, that's it. They're also good at summarizing emails and similar things, but I know nobody who does that. I wouldn't trust an Ai reading and possibly hallucinate emails


Then we just have to fund research by giving grants to universities and research teams. Oh wait a sec: That's already what pretty much every government in the world is doing anyway!


Of course. How else would Americans justify their superiority (and therefore valuations) if a load of foreigners for Christ's sake could just out innovate them?

They had to be cheating.


Please don't take HN threads into nationalistic flamewar. It's not what this site is for, and destroys what it is for.

p.s. yes, that goes both ways - that is, if people are slamming a different country from an opposite direction, we say the same thing (provided we see the post in the first place)


I see where you’re coming from but that comment didn’t strike me as particularly inflammatory.


This reminds me of the railroads, where once railroads were invented, there was a huge investment boom of eveyrone trying to make money of the railroads, but the competition brought the costs down where the railroads weren’t the people who generally made the money and got the benefit, but the consumers and regular businesses did and competition caused many to fail.

AI is probably similar where the Moore’s law and advancement will eventually allow people to run open models locally and bring down the cost of operation. Competiition will make it hard for all but one or two players to survive and Nvidia, OpenAI, Deepseek, etc most investments in AI by these large companies will fail to generate substantial wealth but maybe earn some sort of return or maybe not.


The railroads drama ended when JP Morgan (the person, not yet the entity) brought all the railroad bosses together, said "you all answer to me because I represent your investors / shareholders", and forced a wave of consolidation and syndicates because competition was bad for business.

Then all the farmers in the midwest went broke not because they couldn't get their goods to market, but because JP Morgan's consolidated syndicates ate all their margin hauling their goods to market.

Consolidation and monopoly over your competition is always the end goal.


> Consolidation and monopoly over your competition is always the end goal.

Surely that's only possible when you have a large barrier to entry?

What's going to be that barrier in this case - cos it turns out not to be neither training costs/hardware or secret expertise.


Government regulation.

'Can't have your data going to China'

'Can't allow companies that do censorship aligned with foreign nations'

'This company violated our laws and used an American company's tech for their training unfairly'

And the government choosing winners.

'The government in announcing 500 billion going to these chosen winners, anyone else take the hint, give up, you won't get government contracts but will get pressure'.

Good thing nobody is making these sorts of arguments today.


You figure that out and the VC's will be shovelling money into your face.

I suspect the "it ain't training costs/hardware" bit is a bit exagerated since it ignores all the prior work that DeepSeek was built on top of.

But, if all else fails, there's always the tried-and-true approaches: regulatory capture, industry entrenchment, use your VC bucks to be the last one who can wait out the costs the incumbents do face before they fold, etc.


So I'm not an expert in this but even with DeepSeek supposedly reducing training costs isn't the estimate still in the millions (and that's presumably not counting a lot of costs)? And that wouldn't be counting a bunch of other barriers for actually building the business since training a model is only one part, the barrier to entry still seems very high.

Also barriers to entry aren't the only way to get a consolidated market anyway.


> Surely that's only possible when you have a large barrier to entry?

As you grow bigger, you create barriers to entry where none existed before, whether intentionally or unintentionally.


The large syndicate will create the barriers. Either via laws, or if that fails violence.


This moment was also historically significant because it demonstrated how financial power (Morgan) could control industrial power (the railroads). A pattern that some say became increasingly important in American capitalism.


This is why we saw the market correction, because the AI hegemony has been cracked.


Which is the exact goal of the current wave of Tech oligarchy also.




I just read _The Great River_ by Boyce Upholt, a history of the Mississippi river and human management thereof. It was funny how the railroads were used as a bogeyman to justify continued building of locks, dams, and other control structures on the Mississippi and its tributaries, long after shipping commodities down river had been supplanted by the railroads.


I think a better analogy than railroads (which own the land that the track sits on and often valuable land around the station) is airlines, which don’t own land. I recall a relevant Warren Buffett letter that warned about investing hundreds of millions of dollars into capital with no moat:

> Similarly, business growth, per se, tells us little about value. It's true that growth often has a positive impact on value, sometimes one of spectacular proportions. But such an effect is far from certain. For example, investors have regularly poured money into the domestic airline business to finance profitless (or worse) growth. For these investors, it would have been far better if Orville had failed to get off the ground at Kitty Hawk: The more the industry has grown, the worse the disaster for owners.


For the curious, it was vertical integration in the railroad-oil/-coal industry which is where the money was made.

The problem for AI is the hardware is commodified and offers no natural monopoly, so there isn't really anything obvious to vertically integrate-towards-monopoly.


Aren’t we approaching a scenario where the software is commodified (or at least “good enough” software) and the hardware isn’t (NVIDIA GPUs have defined advantages)


I think the lesson of DeepSeek is 'no' -- that by software innovation (ie., dropping below CUDA to programming the GPU directly, working at 8bit, etc.) you can trivialise the hardware requirement.

However I think the reality is that there's only so much coal to be mined, as far as LLM training goes. When we're at "very dimishing returns" SoC/Apple/TSMC-CPU innovations will deliver cheap inference. We only really need a M4 Ultra with 1TB RAM to hollow-out the hardware-inference-supplier market.

Very easy to imagine a future where Apple releases a "Apple Intelligence Mac Studio" with the specs for many businesses to run arbitrary models.


Compute is literally being sold as a commodity today, software is not.


I think that's a very possible outcome. A lot of people investing in AI are thinking there's a google moment coming where one monopoly will reign supreme. Google has strong network effects around user data AND economies of scale. Right now, AI is 1-player with much weaker network effects. The user data moat goes away once the model trains itself effectively and the economies of scale advantage goes away with smart small models that can be efficiently hosted by mortals/hobbyists. The DeepSeek result points to both of those happening in the near future. Interesting times.


> where the Moore’s law and advancement will eventually allow people to run open models locally

Probably won't be Moore's law (which is kind of slowing down) so much as architectural improvements (both on the compute side and the model side - you could say that R1 represents an architectural improvement of efficiency on the model side).


I saw a thought-provoking post that similarly compared LLM makers to the airlines:


Main difference is that railroads are actually useful


OpenAI is going after a company that open sourced their model, by distilling from their non-open AI?

OpenAI talks a lot about the principles of being Open, while still keeping their models closed and not fostering the open source community or sharing their research. Now when a company distills their models using perfectly allowed methods on the public internet, OpenAI wants to shut them down too?

High time OpenAI changes their name to ClosedAI


The name OpenAI gets more ridiculous by the day

Would not be surprised if they do a rebrand eventually


I'm not being sarcastic, but we may soon have to torrent DeepSeek's model. OpenAI has a lot of clout in the US and could get DeepSeek banned in western countries for copyright.


> US and could get DeepSeek banned in western countries for copyright

If US is going to proceed with trade war on EU, as it was planning anyway, then DeepSeek will be banned only in US. Seems like term "western countries" is slowly eroding.


Great point. Plus, the revival of serious talk of the Monroe Doctrine (!!!) in the U.S. government lends a possibly completely-new meaning to "western countries" -- i.e. the Americas...


Except the US has only contempt for anything south of Texas. Perhaps "western countries" will be reduced to US and Canada.

Many countries in Latin America have better relations and more robust trade partnerships with China.

As for the EU, I think it will be great for it to shed its reliance on the US, and act more independently from it.


Only if they do it by force.

Trump has already managed to completely destroy the US reputation within basically the entire continent¹. And he seems intent on creating a commercial war against all the countries here too.

1 - Do not capture and torture random people on the street if you want to maintain some goodwill. Even if you have reasons to capture them.


Unfathomable to me that they'd make themselves look so foolish by trying to ban a piece of software.


It wouldn't be foolish. The US has an active cult of personality, and whatever the leader says, half the country believes it unquestioningly. If OpenAI is said to be protecting America and DeepSeek is doing terrible, terrible things to the children (many smart people are saying it), there'll be an overnight pivot to half the country screaming for it to be banned and harassing anyone who says otherwise.

Who cares if some people think you look foolish when you have a locked down 500 billion dollar investment guarantee?


I think most likely all sorts of data and models need to have a decentralized LLM data archive via torrents etc.

It’s not limited to the models themselves but also OpenAI will probably work towards shutting down access to training data sets also.

imho it’s probably an emergency all hand on deck problem.


that would be suicide - that company only exists because they stole content for every single person, website and media company on the planet.


Do you remember when Microsoft was caught scrapping data from Google:

They don't care, T&C and copyright is void unless it affects them, others can go kick rocks. Not surprising they and OpenAI will do a legal battle over this.