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Show HN: TinyJs React like framework in 35 lines of code

Show HN: TinyJs React like framework in 35 lines of code


·January 26, 2025

Hi HN, I got to work yesterday and today and came up with a very simple way to create and manage state in TinyJS.

I end up creating a simple App to illustrate how to use the new createState function and custom components in a React like manner. Here's the code for it -

Here's the PR for the createState function -


A comment on code organisation.

  export default function Input(state) {

      const inp = input({  // ①
          type: 'number', value: state.count, onchange

      function update() {  // ②
          inp.value = state.count

      function onchange() {  // ③
          state.count = parseInt(this.value)

      state.addUpdate('count', update)  // ④

      return inp
(Labelling comments mine.)

This ordering isn’t great: ① refers to ③, and ④ refers to ②. It’d be better to reorder them, at least to swap ② and ③, and remove the blank line separating ② and ④:

  export default function Input(state) {
      const inp = input({  // ①
          type: 'number', value: state.count, onchange

      function onchange() {  // ③
          state.count = parseInt(this.value)

      function update() {  // ②
          inp.value = state.count
      state.addUpdate('count', update)  // ④

      return inp
But you really can do much better:

  export default function Input(state) {
      const inp = input({
          type: 'number',
          value: state.count,
          onchange() {
              state.count = parseInt(this.value)

      state.addUpdate('count', function() {
          inp.value = state.count

      return inp
At least at this scale, that’s much easier to follow.

Inlining can improve other places too (though at larger scales it becomes more debatable):

  export default function Button(state) {
      return button({
          onclick() {
              state.count += 1
          style: {
              color: 'black',
              border: 'solid 1px black'
      }, '+ 1')


> (though at larger scales it becomes more debatable)

My thought exactly. In a small component as the Button I agree with inline everything (almost did it myself cause I knew people would read this code) but I have decided to keep it as is for readability. In a more complex component as the Canvas I think you'd agree with me that the long winded version is easier to grasp what's going on.






This is cool. Keep up the good work and enjoy tinkering!


So, if you are building this off 'window', you are basically just adding syntax sugar to one big global variable. That is absolutely a simple solution to storing state. In one place. But that is not comparable to the functionality of React, so I'm not sure I agree that it is a "react-like framework".


I'm guilty of using React as framework to try to copy from. After working with it for the past 5 years I end up wanting something like it but with less bloat to use in my personal projects. So, what I tried to do: have functional components with JSX like syntax and a managed state that is in sync with the UI. Giving those 3 features and the syntax, I used the term React like.


While I see a fair bit of elegance in your experiment, IMHO I also think that for it to be React-like and start mentioning code size one should at least handle structural changes (ie adding/removing items like in a todo-app).

I made a minimal Vue-inspired templating thingy a while back and a fair bit of the codesize (part due to impl and part due to architecture to make it solid) is spent to handle cases of structural changes (adding/removing items, updating event listeners,etc).


Check out "preact" if you haven't already [0]

[0] -


I never understood the fascination with JSX. Stuffing HTML into JS? You can stuff JS into HTML natively LOL.

Why not use HTML templates and Web Components, or something? I would have thought React would become like jQuery, after Web Components were implemented natively in browsers, just like jQuery's functionality was. But it's still very popular.


>Why not use HTML templates and Web Components, or something? I would have thought React would become like jQuery, after Web Components were implemented natively in browsers, just like jQuery's functionality was. But it's still very popular.

Us frontend devs are so lost in the framework sauce that there is a 5 year lag between what web api's can do and when it hits our slack channels.


I don't think it's that hard to understand the appeal of JSX. If you want your interface to be modeled functionally (state as input, view as output), it makes way more sense for your view to be the result of a function in contrast with having app logic "stuffed" into a mutable view template.

I'm also not sure why you are offering Web Components as an alternative because it's exactly what you are criticizing, stuffing HTML into JS. It's basically just a more limited and less ergonomic version of React class components, that comes with it's own host of unique headaches.


> I never understood the fascination with JSX.

HTML templating (without JSX) gives you markup as strings, which means you don't get type checks, auto-complete, syntax highlighting etc.


Web components are still a little tricky to work with. For example, passing down a complex state to child components is easy in React, but in native web components not so straightforward. Stencil.js is a nice choice for that, but it is just as complicated as React to learn.


they're just so much easier to think in




Maybe I'm missing something, but there isn't any global state attached to window? They attach a constructor for state to the window, but that isn't the state itself - it just returns a smart state object.


    const appState = {...state}
With that line I end up creating a appState inside the createState function which uses the state dictionary just as a template.

Would it be better if I attached the things I need to the state object that I receive?

    function createState(state) {
        state._update = () => ...
        return new Proxy(state, ...)

legit question.

