Trying out Zed after more than a decade of Vim/Neovim
·January 24, 2025eviks
> Yes, this is awful and something the default should've changed
> years ago instead of continuing this massive collective time waste.
This doesn't seem feasible, because that would go against the culture and long-term practice of doing things. That's why approach of "starting from scratch and doing it right without the baggage" like Helix's works so much better.
I think I'm actively trying to not do anything dynamic/complicated. :)
If Zed breaks things too much in the future (to the point that its JSON config doesn't let me do something I need to get my work done) I'll probably go back to using Neovim. We'll see how it plays out over time. For now I'm enjoying having less configuration knobs.
> Lua is great, but one JSON file is even better
Yeah that single line makes me doubt the whole post, how can a format without comments be an upgrade to any configuration file is beyond me. My customized configs were full of ‘this was broken on this day by something else, link to obscure thread’ before I accepted the way of default.
> my workflow consists of switching back and forth between a terminal window and an editor window.
Same! I run neovim in tmux together with stuff I hack on. I switch beteen tmux windows with shift-arrows and it works so well. I run this full screen in Ghostty. No distractions.
I try Zed and VSCode and I always come back to this setup. It works so well for me personally.
> I try Zed and VSCode and I always come back to this setup.
I have Ctrl+` set to switch focus between the editor and the terminal panes in VSCode, so I can toggle between them pretty easily as this is also my workflow
If anyone's wondering, here's what I have in my keybindings.json
"key": "ctrl+`",
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.focus"
"key": "ctrl+`",
"command": "workbench.action.focusActiveEditorGroup",
"when": "terminalFocus"
ctr+` is the default behavior on VS Code I use it all the time and I didn’t set it up and I’m sure as hell neither did my co workers.
It’s a nice short cut if you have a keyboard with backtick to the left of 1 in the numeral row. If you’re from a country where keyboards have a different key there, I would recommend setting up a short cut manually.
It only opens the terminal by default. The key binding is to use the same shortcut to focus back to the editor.
I can’t tell if Ctrl-` is portable. Anyone know if it’s representable on terminals?
Another (neo)vim+tmuxer chiming in. One major missing feature (compared to vscode) is opening file links from the terminal back in vim. It was such a major pain to me, so I ended up writing a tmux plugin to solve it. I thought you might find it useful -
I've always just closed vim to use the terminal, and started it up again to go back to editing. I find it difficult to operate any other way.
I know people who use ^Z to suspend vim and then foreground it again.
> I've always just closed vim to use the terminal
You don't mind losing all your editor state? If you don't like working with multiple terminal windows, why not open a term within vim with `:term`?
What editor state are you losing when you leave vim?
I run a pretty light vanilla vimrc (60 lines maybe) and with two lines you can enable vim undofiles and returning the cursor to the last location upom reopening a file. For me, quitting vim is functionally equivalent to ^Z?
I’ve definitely done the ^Z thing. The catch is to remember you did it if you get distracted in the terminal. Nothing like finding some vim job in the background and you can’t remember what it was.
For me it only works because I never reuse a single terminal for unrelated things. Additionally, I have my virtual desktops grid set up so that different types of tasks are always in certain places, so if the switcher shows a terminal somewhere, I know roughly what it's for even without going to look at it. So I can't "lose" a terminal.
So it's fine for X11 terminals, but not for /dev/tty2
Don't forget you can just :!some-shell-command though - not just in vim but in lots of programs even.
Yeah the tmux / vim combo is so hard for me to beat with other editors still. I used Zed exclusively last month thinking the LLM integrations would be a compelling enough reason to finally switch. Like the post author, I'm a little fatigued with config / plugin churn since I switch languages frequently and it always takes some customizing to make vim work well when I do that.
As the author describes though, I found myself copy-pasting a lot between LLM chat and editing buffers. In tmux, I have a really simple function that copies select panes (using tmux capture-pane) into my prompt, or I can give it full files for context. Most of the time though, I can do something like `llm -t 0 -t 1 'what is this libSSL error indicating? here's my code', where -t 0 gives it my vim pane and -t 1 gives it the terminal I'm running things in. I've been surprised that this somewhat rudimentary approach has felt far more effective than the more sophisticated editors I've been trying.
Is this just me? Does it seem to others that the LLM-enabled editors coming out these days still require a lot of copy-pasting of context that can be easily provided with just a dump of tmux output?
Everything-is-just-text might be crude but dang does it make quick and dirty LLM integrations a snap!
I use tmux and neovim along with the copilot plugin[0]. I prefer it over the VSCode copilot integration, to me it feels less obtrusive and out of the way, which is what I want. You're also not dealing with API costs since it uses the regular Copilot subscription.
codecompanion.nvim has some pretty nice ways to get context into the llm chat without copying and pasting.
have you tried cursor?
i had the same workflow but now i use zed w/ tmux (tmux inside the zed terminal)
Zed is the only GUI editor I've used as my daily driver after 15+ years of development (hardcore vim fan). Vim Mode is wonderful, the terminal pane works well, UI is butter-smooth, LSP integration beats VS Code's IMHO, and the LLM-powered autocomplete works well (haven't tried chat/generation). Nice themes, too.
The lack of debugger support will put some off, but I bet they'll get to it someday. It's already progressed so much in the four or five months I've used it (esp. Vim Mode).
Just last week some hero claimed to be adding helix keybindings to zed (
Golly I hope they succeed.
What I find strange about an open source product funded by VC money is that all of the people are helping make it a better editor and yet when they eventually exit none of the money will go to them.
Compare that to vim where it's truly an open source product.
I think you are not very accurate about “open source product” vs something like “community led project”.
People being able to adapt their software to their own needs by making changes to the code is exactly what open source is about. This is good.
What is a problem though, is to have the code merged in the main repository requires you to gift them the rights to your code (not just license it). They are also not very clear about this in the summary of their CLA: “You're giving Zed permission to use and share your contributions (like original works or modifications).” which could be misunderstood to just be a usual open source licensing agreement, but seems to be complete handover of copyright:
This is not good, and something people should be more aware of when contributing.
No, I don't mean it from like a licensing or legal perspective at all. I'm thinking more of vibes and ethos.
There is something strange where you are sort of making your product better through open source contributions and yet all of the capital gains from your company's eventual sale will only go to you.
There is something really weird and nasty about that.
> requires you to gift them the rights to your code (not just license it).
The legally binding section only talks about giving them an infinite free license to it. It does not say you hand over your copyright, so the summary seems correct.
I still don't think you should sign it. The editor code seems to be variously under GPL, AGPL and Apache 2.0, all of which would be fine without one.
If I want a thing badly enough to make it happen for myself and others such that I make a code change, that's orthogonal to whatever others are paying each other for around that code. So long as I don't later lose access to that code, why care? I'm all for avoiding contributing to ventures that are harmful in some way, but I don't think somebody making money as a side effect is harmful.
The alternative would be to presume that I have some kind of ownership over it by having contributed to it--and I'm a bit allergic to the idea that code can be owned.
> Compare that to vim where it's truly an open source product.
Where there wouldn't be any money in the first place? I don't see popular vim plugin authors getting paid.
Maybe I'm not understanding your point.
I've recently switched from SublimeText to Zed and I like it so far, mainly because it's noticeably faster at all UI touch points (typing, searching, pane switching). I mainly use it to work on a Rails codebase. I set up a bunch of snippets to have the same keyboard shortcuts offered by Sublime to insert ERB instructions. I managed to get rubocop to perform in-editor validations, same for eslint however "format on save" with eslint continues to fail (it either writes an empty file or it ignores my eslint config and falls back to its internal settings). I haven't used its code completion features since my use of AI to assist with coding happens outside of an IDE (yes, I will try to change that).
> Lua is great, but one JSON file is even better
I will never understand how you go back from a very customized editor setup to the one with "reasonable defaults with little to no things to configure".
Great talk on this topic by TJ: Personal Development Environment:
Back in the '90s I would customize my development environment to within an inch of its life, but after going from one machine to the next, one toolchain to the next, one operating system to the next, year after year, culminating in one ridiculous six-month period when I had to pave my dev machine and reinstall everything from scratch every two weeks (yes, this was stupid; yes, I knew it was stupid at the time; no, I had no way out of it, not if I wanted to keep my job) - I learned that adapting myself to the defaults was a lot less work than adapting the settings to me.
Or, to put it another way: every step you take away from the mainstream has a cost, so you had better know how much you are willing to pay and budget your quirks accordingly.
Or you just had to structure your knowledge bases and settings properly. I can restore dev-part of my pc anytime by installing git and making a few clones. Going to another machine is literally a matter of pasting gitlab credentials and init scripts into a terminal. I can even replay things if they have to repeat in a project because I save all the steps I take into a project/job-wise obtf.txt. Working in a non-automated non-repeatable way is so self-inflicted. It’s akin to not having a car because it has a cost.
That was not an option for me at the time, but I'm glad it works for you.
How is the work of copying an editor config/plugin folder with a script every two weeks for six months worse than using the bad suboptimal defaults every day?
> every step you take away from the mainstream has a cost
Customizing neovim is mainstream
If it can open text files and has a cursor im good. Irl i dont grow attached to environments either. Its just to expensive when they vanish. Its just people now :)
Not sure why but I feel almost physical pain when I see nano opened on a fresh setup. I just can’t handle it, it’s surreal.
>I will never understand how you go back from a very customized editor setup
because when the very customized setup inevitably breaks the amount of headache you have is roughly proportionate to the amount of customization, whereas software with strong defaults tends to deal with that for you.
This is particularly the case with neovim which, in almost deliberate defiance of any systems thinking, just tends to consist of a few dozen moving parts loosely tied together and you have to sort of pray that updating some doesn't just break things. Paraphrasing Russ Ackhoff, if you take the best part of every car and put it together you don't get the best car, you get something that doesn't even drive, this is how I've felt more than once with very bespoke editor setups
Haha this is so true. I stopped upgrading neovim when something little broke and I couldn't work out how to fix it an hour or so. It was something stupid like the column bar not having the right colour anymore.
Just hope that nothing breaks in an OS upgrade.
Yeah, they changed the default colorscheme in neovim at some point in the last year or so. I have an extremely minimal config and don't even use syntax highlighting or tab completions but I could not get it to render the way it used to. I wasted at least 30 minutes on this for absolutely no good reason. So I git bisected, made my own build (which took maybe 10-15 minutes) and will likely never upgrade neovim again.
I see people mentioning neovim "breaking" and to this day I have no idea what everyone is talking about. I have a very customized neovim setup, update almost every day, and quite literally have never experienced a single thing breaking.
I agree. Cramming a dozen of low quality plugins without understanding how they operate and hoping updating won't break things is not a great way to go.
I understand "just make it work" mentality, but it might be useful to have deeper understanding of a tool you use several hours everyday.
> I will never understand how you go back from a very customized editor setup to the one with "reasonable defaults with little to no things to configure".
That's one of the reasons why I chose Vim over Emacs after switching back and forth for a while.
I do prefer the design of Emacs because I prefer having full control over my environment - I even coded more than a couple of tiny, application-specific editors - but sometimes I have better things to do than e.g. reading docs or searching for a plugin/extension mod that does what I need, or do it myself; sometimes I am a mere luser who want things to "just work" out-of-the-box.
I just did the same switch for the same reasons, except I was a newbie to Neovim. The Vim keybindings and way it "handles things" is amazing, but the Neovim-powered bridge to getting it to be a full IDE with bulletproof config and extension support was a PITA out of the box.
Generally I want things to "just work" and if there's extra fancy settings I'm happy to learn them later / slowly as a I go through it. Minor updates to plugins in Neovim would break things, a lot of the error output was next to useless, and I spent waaaaaay too much time debugging what was wrong.
I switched to Zed w/ Vim keybindings and it's a perfect balance.
Zed has the least uncanny valley of any vim emulation that I've tried.
Switching is not feasible for me until they get mini.surround[0] and Flash.nvim[1], particularly Flash's treesitter mode (see screenshot of [1] to get an idea).
They work particularly well together to select semantically meaningful chunks of code and add/remove/change surrounding parens/braces/curlies/etc.
Surround is amazing. I agree that all these vim modes are nice, but nothing beats the real thing.
I think I understand the use case for a smart surround plugin like this; I watched the demo video and saw and lot of picking-and-pulling text.
What I don’t understand is the development workflow that includes so much text manipulation. If you’re writing new code, there’s nothing to manipulate. If you’re refactoring existing code, wouldn’t you want the support typical AST-based refactoring tools provide? Where’s the sweet spot where shuffling strings around makes sense?
That’s not sarcasm. I’m genuinely asking.
For me (maintainer of Zed's vim mode) it comes down to a few things:
1. LSPs differ per-language, and so I'm never sure whether I'll get lucky today or not. It's more reliable for small changes to talk about them in terms of the text.
2. LSPs are also quite slow. For example in Zed I can do a quick local rename with `ga` to multi-cursor onto matching words and then `s new_name` to change it. (For larger or cross-file renames I still use the LSP).
3. I err as a human continually, for example in Rust a string is `"a"` and a char is `'a'`. It's easy for my javascript addled brain to use the wrong quotes. I don't know of any LSP operation that does "convert string literal into char literal" (or vice versa), but in vim, it's easy.
We are slowly pulling in support for various vim plugins; but the tail is long and I am not likely to build a vim-compatible Lua (or VimScript :D) API any time soon.
For example, most of vim-surround already works so you could get the most used parts of mini.surround to work with just a few keybindings `"s a":["vim::PushOperator", { "AddSurrounds": {} }]`, but rebuilding every plugin is a labor of love :D.
I think you’re just highlighting the different preferences people have between a text editor and an IDE. Obviously the line between the two is very blurry. I much prefer being able to efficiently edit text myself rather than relying on refactoring tools.
I use cursor and vim now. I have been on vim for 15+ years. Are there LLM extensions that make vim work like all these new AI editors? I would prefer to stay in 100% vim world, but the productivity benefits from LLMs with composer mode and context is so powerful.
Avante is much more active and polished at this point, but there's alternatives: (self-shill, docs overhaul needed)
which was inspired by the original:
Also brand new from ggerganov:
dingllm is very straightforward, you submit your entire selection/buffer and it streams out to the current position. mine is a bit more complex with configurations, context management and so on.
The thing I always tell people is just roll your own. The docs are there, the LLM is there, use them. At the end of the day it's just an http call against text from your buffer to put text in a buffer.
also RAG implementation, and the apply code feature of cursor..
Still early days, but something to watch.
If you want something like composer but want to stay fully FOSS/CLI oriented, check out
Copilot has a vim extension that works quite nicely, but doesn't do all the things that cursor does.
I’ve been pretty happy with aider. I have it running in a separate tmux window and can switch between it and nvim easily.
What is cursor in this context? A vim plugin?
If they’re talking about the Cursor I’m familiar with, it is “The AI Editor”. Basically it’s a fork of vscode with LLMs built in
codecompanion.nvim is pretty cool.
I tried and I really liked so I considered a switch but: - It's missing debugging capabilities. They have it in their pipeline, but, as it stands, not for production use if you do not want to develop with debug prints all the time. - The font rendering still needs some polishing. On a non retina display using a dark mode in mac the fonts are pretty blurry in comparison to vscode, and I had to use a medium weight for the editor font for improved readability.
I've been daily driving Zed on Windows (building from source) for maybe 2 months now and I'm pretty happy. It's a nice middle-ground between editing single files in NeoVim and bringing up a JetBrains IDE for an incredibly complex project.
I think the only thing that is really outstanding for Windows is SSH support.
Everything largely "just works" and my experience getting a plugin with syntax highlighting working and merged for a DSL I maintain was very smooth.
I think Zed is very close to being amazing, but it might be premature. Just recently I think they fixed a bug where undo broke somehow when you pasted something? I could never quite reproduce it, but I ran into it a couple times a week. You still can't specify indentation settings per-file, which I consider essential. For some reason the GPU acceleration is very fast on computers with good hardware, but very slow on bad hardware. I get that it's current year, but a text editor should run well on a T480 imho. Frequently Zed just starts up and shows some of the other windows. I.e. it just renders like another existing Firefox window and I can't do anything to fix it, but restart. Yesterday multiple Zed windows all just showed my login screen (when I was already logged in). And a very recent problem is that Zed will just not format certain files. I think they switched to formatting via the language server by default? It will just format some files like it's supposed to and other (seemingly randomly chosen) files will just result in an error that tells me it could not format the file.
I have been using Zed for a few months now and I think it's better than anything else, but not good (yet). I feel like it's still young enough that the number of problems is not just decreasing, but there seem to be new problems regularly.
> all the configuration that goes into it before I can use it to start writing code.
Yes, this is awful and something the default should've changed years ago instead of continuing this massive collective time waste. But presumably after 15 years you've configured almost everything you need? At least to the point of matching a static config file?
> Lua is great, but one JSON file is even better.
No way, it's a strict downgrade, you can have a simple lua table exactly matching json things, but then should you decide to do anything dynamic/complicated (which at one point even included formatting as Zed broke your config format on changes), you're stuck with json with no way out
> Installing plugins means updating them, which inevitably breaks things.
No it doesn't, just pin the version you the one that works for you and ignore the future? Or do you need that extra functionality from the updates? But then does Zed without a plugin even have this functionality?
But also Zed does plan to have plugins, so this won't be different?