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Subpixel Snake [video]

Subpixel Snake [video]


·January 24, 2025


As an obsessive arcade retro-gamer who custom built a high-end emulation cabinet with a 27-inch quad-sync analog RGB CRT - I approve of this video! As soon as he described running into the green pixels problem, I knew he was going to learn something interesting. Sub-pixel structure, phosphor chromaticity, etc are such a fun rabbit hole to dive down. And it's still highly relevant in today's OLED, QLED, etc displays.

Also, a tip for when you play classic arcade or console retro games from the 80s and 90s: they will look much better (and be more authentic) if you play on a CRT - or, if playing via emulation, just turn on a CRT emulation pixel shader (CRT Royale is good). These pixels are art which the original devs and artists intentionally hand-crafted to use the way CRTs blend colors and scanlines anti-alias naturally. You deserve to see them as they were intended to be seen. Just look at what you've been missing:


I’m a fan of authentic retro hardware. That sounds like an awesome cabinet, I would love to spend hours and pockets full of quarters playing on it.

This post caused me to go down a rabbit hole about CRT simulation.

Looks like it is a thing.


> That sounds like an awesome cabinet

Why, yes! Yes it is. :-)

If it sounds good, you should consider one of your own. My goal was not the retro nostalgia of my recreating my parent's shitty 1970s living room TV but instead creating a cabinet that would allow me to explore these games each in their authentically correct resolution and frame rate and at the maximum quality and fidelity possible. That's why I chose an analog RGB monitor and the last, fastest GPU ever made with a native analog RGB signal path (R9 380X). I run a special version of the MAME emulator called GroovyMAME made just enable technically correct native display via analog signals on a CRT.,52.0.html

I created this cabinet over ten years ago, before emulation pixel shaders were a thing. If you don't want to go to the effort, expense and time of acquiring and calibrating a high-end CRT, good pixel shaders can now get you >98% of the way there much easier and cheaper.


I'm pretty sure those are similar, but different, images.

Having grown up with CRTs, very few games look "better" on them; mostly games that used interlacing to create flashing effects. (Edit: Forgot that light guns need CRTs due to timing.)

Otherwise, CRTs are like vinyl: Some people will invent all kinds of reasons why they are better, but in practice, they aren't.


The argument isn’t “CRTs are better”. You’re right — they’re not. The argument is that pixel art from that era was designed around the specific limitations of CRTs, and takes advantage of the specific way that CRTs would mess with the pixels.

This is similar to what happened with electric guitars — you can make cheap amps with barely any distortion these days, but that sucks horribly for playing music composed around the presence of distortion. E.g. amp distortion tends to add a bunch of harmonic content that makes major/minor triads sound pretty bad, which is why power chords are popular. On the other hand, power chords sound pretty terrible without distortion, because they need that extra harmonic content to sound good!


I agree with you about vinyl but I think you're misunderstanding my point about CRTs. I'm not claiming CRTs are inherently "better" either technically or aesthetically. In general, they're not. I'm not like some audiophiles who argue vinyl, tube amplification and "magic copper" cables are better - denying both signal theory (Nyquist et al) and objective data (double blind A/B/X tests). Modern digital formats and devices are almost always better overall. The cases where they aren't are rare, very specific and, even then, 'better-ness' is only in certain ways and not others.

My background is in video engineering and the point I'm making here is very specific. It only applies to hand-crafted retro game pixel art created in the CRT era. And my point isn't even about CRTs! It's about how the RS-170A composite video standard that CRTs used encodes color. The "A" in RS-170A added color to the existing black and white television standard while remaining compatible with old B&W TVs. It was sort of a clever analog-era compression hack. I'll skip the technical details and history here (but both are fascinating) and simplify the takeaway. Broadly speaking, in digital representations of composite video color encoding, the correct color of a pixel can only be known relative to the current phase of the pixel clock and the pixels adjacent to it. Sometimes it's a fairly subtle difference but other times it can change a pixel from blue to red.

To be clear, this wasn't "better" in any way (other than allowing optional color). The "hack" of encoding chroma information at half the frequency of luma and only in relation to a sub-carrier frequency came with trade-offs like chroma fringing on high frequency edges, ringing and other spurious artifacts. However, it was the only video we had and video game creators of the 80s & 90s used the tech they had to create the best images they could. For example, we would put a pixel of a certain color next to a pixel of another color to intentionally change the color of the second pixel (and NOT just due to blurring the two together, it literally decoded to a different third color). I did this myself in the 1980s, intentionally positioning a white pixel next to a black pixel on an even numbered column so they would show as a single red pixel on the screen. Using this encoding technique, I could display 9 different colors from a computer that only had two bits per pixel. That's why just displaying a naive RGB output of the game isn't properly decoding a signal that was hand-encoded to have more and different data than what's in the naive RGB.

So I recommend using a CRT shader not because it emulates a glass tube with phosphors but because it includes the decoding logic to correctly display the original encoded content. Personally, I never use the shaders that add noise, blurring, cross-talk or other degradation. That would be as dumb as adding the pops and click of a dirty vinyl LP to a pristine signal. That would make it less accurate. My goal as an engineer is to be more accurate. It's fine if adding spurious crap tickles somebody's nostalgia bone from when they were a kid - but I'd never do that. I want to to see the original pixels and colors the artists saw and intended their audiences to see. That requires properly decoding the signal. And the example I posted demonstrates just how different an image can appear when properly decoded.


>It was sort of a clever analog-era compression hack.

Also known as technical debt around these parts. The repercussions of that clever hack are still being dealt with to this day. I've spent a good deal of my career specializing in proper handling of video sources that are painful to deal with all because of this clever hack.

color burst, front porch, 1.001, ugh!!!!


> You deserve to see them as they were intended to be seen.

I've never bought that argument, and I grew up playing games on CRT's.

The reality is that different CRT's had wildly different characteristics in terms of sharpness, color, and other artifacts -- and it also varied tremendously depending on the type of video output/input. Were you hooked up to a TV? A cheap monitor? An expensive monitor?

About the only thing you can say for sure is that CRT's were blurrier. And the comparison image you provide is completely misleading because the brightnesses are totally different, which suggests that the LCD/LED version isn't using correct gamma. If you used a random CRT her skin tone also had a good chance of turning greenish or whatever because that's just what CRT's did -- the color artifacts could be atrocious.

I definitely appreciate wanting to blur the image in an emulator to remove the jaggies, and the retro CRT effects are a cool novelty. But I just don't buy the argument that it's "how the games were intended to be seen", because there was just way too much variation and the screen quality was so low. It's like only listening to music from the 90's on cheap speakers over the roar of the road because it's how the music was "intended to be heard". No it wasn't. It's just the best you had at the time.


> I just don't buy the argument that it's "how the games were intended to be seen"

I do, though.

At its most extreme, compare how this CGA imagery looks like on an NTSC television, with the crisp, clean signals that generated it. The demo makers here absolutely intend you to see this via NTSC, it will look like complete trash if you don't.


This article gives you more examples:

And it links to this video with yet more examples:

There's no mistaking it. The artists on those 80s/90s games worked with the expectation of how it looked on display hardware of the time. The actual pixels, in complete precision on a vastly higher resolution display, look like shit. Or they look "retro".


Your first link is using weird color hacks that maybe could have worked on some specific hardware, but nothing like that was used on any average popular video game of the time as far as I know.

So that's not an example of how regular video game artists were working, it's an example of how some (current-day?) demoscene people are trying to push specific vintage hardware to its limits.

And like I said -- you can apply a blur filter (or basic interpolation) to get rid of jaggies, that's totally understandable. The pixels weren't meant to be sharp square blocks, just blobs of color. But a lot of these pages are showing how CRT's supposedly looked so much better are doing a lot of cherry-picking -- the reality was that they looked like blurry color-distorted wavy jittery messes just as often. There just wasn't any kind of consistency between dramatically different displays. Artists couldn't plan for some highly specific amount of horizontal smear to look "just right" because there was gigantic variance.


I don't buy it either. Showing something that came out 30 years after the time in question is not supportive of the argument. People wrote games and developed games and made game art on CRTs. They just developed on what they had. No one was sitting down and factoring in blur, scanlines, phosphor persistence, or etc.


GP here. I don't want to repeat the lengthy technical explanation I already posted in another response downthread, so please refer to that:

> The reality is that different CRT's had wildly different characteristics in terms of sharpness, color, and other artifacts -- and it also varied tremendously depending on the type of video output/input.

As a video engineer old enough to have started my career in the analog era, I fully agree composite video displayed on consumer TVs could vary wildly. I already explained the technical point about decoding the signal information properly in my other post but you're making a different point about variability, so I'll add that just because TVs could be mis-adjusted (or even broken) doesn't mean there's not a technically correct way to display the encoded image data. This is why we used color bars to calibrate TVs.

> I definitely appreciate wanting to blur the image in an emulator to remove the jaggies

But that's not my point, blur was an undesirable artifact of the composite video standard. 80s and 90s 2D pixel art was hand-crafted knowing that the blur would blend some colors together, minimize interlace artifacts and soften hard edges. However, I only use shaders that model a small amount of blur and I run my CRT in analog RGB instead of composite, which can be quite sharp. My goal is not nostalgia for the analog past or to degrade a game's output as much as my parent's shitty 1970s living room TV did. I had to engineer analog video in that past - and I hated it's shortcomings every day. When I play 80s and 90s video games, whether via shaders or on my analog RGB CRT, it probably looks quite a bit sharper and clearer than the original artists ever saw it - but that's not due to some subjective up-res or up-scaling - it's due to accurately decoding and displaying the original content to the technical standard it was created to comply with (even if many consumer TVs didn't live up to that standard).

In the 90s I worked at a TV station and after hours we'd bring in consoles just to play them on the $3,000 Sony BVM broadcast reference monitor. And they looked great! That's what I'm after. Accurately reflecting the original artist's intent in the maximum possible quality - without slipping over the line into editorializing colors or pixels that were never in the original data in the first place. I want to play the game as it would have looked back in the day on the best video output available, through the best cable available and on the best screen money could buy. And via emulation and shaders, now everyone can have that experience!


The linked Subpixel Zoo article taught me that Pentile is still actually incredibly popular.

My first Pentile screen was on my Motorola Droid 4 phone, and it was awful. Small text was often impossible to read depending on the color of the text and its background. The massive gaps between colors made solid red, green, or blue areas of the screen look like a checkerboard. It basically had a screen-door effect before VR became mainstream and made "screen-door effect" a household term.

So it hit me as a surprise to know that Pentile is still popular and used today. I guess it's just gotten better? Smaller gaps between the subpixels? Maybe higher resolutions and pixel densities hide the weaknesses shown in my Droid 4?


Early PenTile displays often had a different arrangement:

You can see that it's Blue, Green, Red, Green on the horizontal/vertical axis so each red sub pixel is separated by two green and one blue sub pixels.

Modern PenTile displays usually use a triangular layout:

I'm not an expert at text rendering, but it seems like you'd be able to get an RGB sub pixel combination a lot closer together with this triangular layout than the linear one.

But also, the Droid 4 was simply lower resolution. Apple moved to 330 pixels per inch in 2010 and the Droid 4 was 275 PPI in 2012. So the Droid 4 was poor resolution even for its time and the PenTile layout would make it even worse by removing a third of the sub pixels.

Today, the Galaxy S25 has 416 PPI and the iPhone 16 460 PPI so it is dramatically more pixels.

Pixel density would have the largest impact, but I think that the triangular layout that modern displays use probably also helps. You talk about the screen door effect and I feel like the triangular layout wouldn't have as much of that issue (but I'm not an expert on sub pixel rendering).


>> Maybe higher resolutions and pixel densities hide the weaknesses shown in my Droid 4?

That's exactly it. Droid 4 resolution was low enough that the subpixel arrangement was clearly visible. Newer displays are dense enough that subpixels aren't visible at all.


The snake moves weird because the subpixels aren't square.

I would increase the snake's horizontal speed (per subpixel) relative to vertical, so speed in either direction is the same from the user's perspective in the actual viewport.


qbasic nibbles did the same using the ansi box drawing characters

there was a text character with half the vertical "cell" in use

this, along with clever use of foreground/background colours allowed double the vertical resolution (in text mode!)


Who's old enough to remember the joys of tweaking ClearType on Windows XP?

It was a great workaround for rendering smoother text on low dpi LCD displays.


You can still do that on Windows 10! It's just not that much fun anymore.


If you're as dumb as me and try to actually play this, note that the "Snake speed" value is inverted.


the speed is ms per frame


ms/frame isn't a speed... it's a delay? maybe a rate?


> it's a delay? maybe a rate?

I think period?


Yeah frames per second probably would have made more sense. That being said, I think it's fine to colloquially refer to time/distance as speed, e.g. my walking speed is 15 minutes per mile, but it should probably be specified that that's the unit in use. But also this isn't a carefully designed game, it's a small tech demo, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Very interesting! Learned a lot about color space and how it applies to subpixels, glad I watched this!

Gameplay wise, I think it should be a bigger game board and there should be accounting for the speed of the snake through each subpixel (when traveling left to right, going from R to G is less horizontal movement than going from B to R, and traveling vertically, each step is massive compared to the horizontal movement.) This should be pretty easy to do by ratio’ing and changing the speed of each animation step based on where in the spectrum it is. That would make it feel a lot more polished I think.


This great video goes into a bit more detail about pixels. It also shows that there is an interesting difference with the color green not only in monitors, but also in camera sensors that detect the color:

I can recommend it, and all the other videos of Cem Yuksel. He is really great at presenting!


For the zooming out to make the css pixel = real pixel, i wonder if you could just use units like 0.25px instead. Or maybe divide by window.devicePixelRatio in js to make it dynamic.


Thank you for this video. Love the style, introduction to color space and the practial use.


The color space portion was interesting. Learned something new!