Tailwind V4 Is Finally Out
·January 23, 2025pupppet
I appreciate there are people who find Tailwind useful and are productive with it, but it has this clean yet generic look that I now see everywhere, because Tailwind is now everywhere.
I feel like that's a good thing, because Tailwind's options are well-thought and work well.
I like to think of it in the same way as Inter being the new Helvetica when it comes to choosing a font for a website: lots of people do it, and it looks great, so why not?
I love tailwind, used in 3 projects in the past 4 years, it’s intuitive, well documented, simple. I don’t miss the days of emotion and styled components where I would have to think of a name for every styled div in the project, with tailwind a container is just a div and a few classes nothing else. Less bike shedding discussion, less brain cycles spent naming things, less time wasted in reviews.
> a few classes
You must be working with very good product owners then. The ones I've worked with love to specify the hell out of every possible detail. Like a web form is their personal HGTV renovation. I tried tailwind once and the classes ended up being an order of magnitude more than the markup. It got hard to read, quickly.
Looking forward to integrating this into my elixir projects!
Title is: Tailwind CSS v4.0
"Build times reduced", "no more @tailwind directives", "No more js configuration", "Designed for the modern web".
To me, this screams "CSS now can do everything we used to do ourselves, but let's keep pretending that we are still needed somehow"
If you going to hate on it, at least try understand what it is and why people use it.
"Basically just inline CSS, but less fiddly and much more optimizable than the style attribute" was always the selling point of Tailwind in the first place.
Then, yes. But nowadays CSS is a lot more powerful and has caught up. So why bother with Tailwind?
What did you need Tailwind for before that you couldn't do in normal CSS? Doesn't Tailwind map pretty much 1:1 to CSS?
Really!? Is that really what you got out of it?
I understand you're not a fan of Tailwind, so perhaps say what you dont like about Tailwind instead of creating a strawman and attacking it.
Also, shame on you for poo-pooing on someone else's open source project and people find useful.
"What I don't like about Tailwind" has less to do with Tailwind itself and more about the violation of separation of content and presentation that they push so hard.
> poo-pooing on someone else's open source project
This is not some young kid doing free software out of kindness. This is a company making millions of dollars in revenue in a closed source product (tailwind UI), which is built on a foundation (tailwindCSS) that is becoming less and less needed.
Often content and presentation are part of the same package. In these cases, separating them makes maintenance of sites harder.
Yeah, I tried (not so hard) to like and use tailwind, but I've been using bootstrap for so long, and for my very simple needs, bootstrap was a better choice. But I wouldn't go around saying, "tailwind is unnecessary for everyone."
I'm with you. Tailwind would be great if it could be SASS'd but Tailwind is a post processor and it would be silly to build a post-post processor just to make tailwind reusable. It simply isn't a good tool for large enterprise applications. Toys, home projects, sure. But then, why learn CSS twice for occasional use? Until they solve the post processor problem, I'll stick with bootstrap. But if they do, I would definitely switch. That would be the best of both worlds.
Heck yeah, cool to see Tailwind add support for transitions without Javascript.
As a burgeoning web developer, dealing with animation libraries seems like it's not worth the effort (or at least not for something as simple as a blog), so this is much appreciated.
Thanks Tailwind devs! It’s a testament to the success of the concept and the quality and consistency of execution over a seriously long time, that Tailwind became how LLMs write code for the web.
Congrats on the release.