Be Aware of the Makefile Effect
·January 11, 2025mianos
I have an alternate theory: about 10% of developers can actually start something from scratch because they truly understand how things work (not that they always do it, but they could if needed). Another 40% can get the daily job done by copying and pasting code from local sources, Stack Overflow, GitHub, or an LLM—while kinda knowing what’s going on. That leaves 50% who don’t really know much beyond a few LeetCode puzzles and have no real grasp of what they’re copying and pasting.
Given that distribution, I’d guess that well over 50% of Makefiles are just random chunks of copied and pasted code that kinda work. If they’re lifted from something that already works, job done—next ticket.
I’m not blaming the tools themselves. Makefiles are well-known and not too verbose for smaller projects. They can be a bad choice for a 10,000-file monster—though I’ve seen some cleanly written Makefiles even for huge projects. Personally, it wouldn’t be my first choice. That said, I like Makefiles and have been using them on and off for at least 30 years.
> That leaves 50% who don’t really know much beyond a few LeetCode puzzles and have no real grasp of what they’re copying and pasting.
Who likely wouldn't have a job if it weren't for LLMs.
pretty sure we've made this complaint about a subset of developers since way before chatgpt and the like.
I have made conscious effort in the past to never copy/paste the initial fleshing-out of a Makefile or a PHP class, or HTML boilerplate, or whatever. Like, for years I stuck to that. Then I stopped making that effort because there is no upside. Or rather, there is no downside to copy+paste+modify. It's faster and you save your brain power for things that actually matter.
Is not this a very generic phenomenon? I would argue it applies broadly. For example budgeting, you usually start from last year's budget and tweak that, rather than start from scratch. Or when you write an application letter, or a ServiceNow ticket, or whatever. Now I regret that I have brought in ServiceNow in the discussion, it kills the good mood....
We use Cargo Cult to refer to this phenomenon:
I think Makefile is maybe the wrong analogy - the problem with most people and makefiles is they write so few of them, the general idea of what make does is at hand, but the muscle memory of how to do it from scratch is not.
But, point taken - I've seen so much code copy-pasta'd from the web, there will be like a bunch of dead stuff in it that's actually not used. A good practice here is to keep deleting stuff until you break it, then put whatever that was back... And delete as much as possible - certainly everything you're not using at the moment.
This is exactly the problem I face with many tools, Makefiles, KVM setups, docker configurations, CI/CD pipelines. My solution so far has been to create a separate repository with all my notes, shell script example programs etc, for these tool, libraries or frameworks. Every time I have to use these tools, I refer to my notes to refresh my memory, and if I learn something new in the process, I update the notes. I can even point an LLM at it now and ask it questions.
The repository is personal, and contains info on tools that are publicly available.
I keep organisation specific knowledge in a similar but separate repo, which I discard when my tenure with a client or employer ends.
What if your client comes back?
On a more practical note, what structure, formats and tools do you use that enable you to feed it to an LLM?
Okey but to me, copying - pasting working code (even with sone extra unused bits) really looks no more different than inheriting a library - provided base class, and then extending it to one's needs.
That's literally the basis of all software. There is no need to invent "a Makefile effect/syndrome"
Yes that's an indication that a code sharing mechanism is needed but not implemented. Copying pasting solves that. You don't expect people to rewrite http client for every project which interacts with APIs, so you?
This is “Copy-Pasta Driven Development” [0] and it’s not even related to makefiles. It’s related to the entire industry copying code from here to there without even knowing what they are copying.
TBH I think copilot has made this even worse, as we are blindly accepting chucks of code into our code bases.
At my work I've noticed another contributing factor: tools/systems that devs need to interact with at some point, but otherwise provide little perceived value to learn day-to-day.
Example is build system and CI configuration. We absolutely need these but devs don't think they should be expected to deal with them day to day. CI is perceived as a system that should be "set and forget", like yeah we need it but really I have to learn all this just to build the app? Devs expect it to "just work" and if there are complexities then another team (AKA my role) deals with that. As a result, any time devs interact with the system, there's a high motivation to copy from the last working setup and move on with their day to the "real" work.
The best solution I see is meet the devs halfway. Provide them with tooling that is appropriate simple/complex for the task, provide documentation, minimise belief in "magic". Tools like Make kinda fail here because they are too complex and black-box-like.
For me the big problems with CI setups tend to be:
- They're often slow
- They're often proprietary
- They're often dealing with secrets which limits who can work on them
- You generally can't run them locally
So the feedback cycle for working on them is incredibly long. And working on them is therefore a massive pain.
> You generally can't run them locally
I recognize that this is such a disincentive for me taking the initiative to fiddle with and learn about anything like this
The office coffee machine is not „set and forget”, but you wouldn’t expect the entire responsibility for it’s maintenance to be evenly distributed between all people that use it. Similarly, CI needs ownership and having it fall on the last developer that attempted to use it is not an efficient way of working.
If I had a nickel for every time I have seen a Makefile straight up copied from other projects and modified to "work" while leaving completely unrelated unnecessary build steps and targets in place.
It's a major pet peeve of mine.
How do you know what is and isn't related if nothing is documented?
Trial and error?
Well have fun with that :p
Exactly. Bonus points if the person who started the project moved on and you have to be the one to build and maintain it.
I see this effect in Java Maven pom.xml files. It's hard to get a straightforward answer on why each build step is needed, what each attribute means, what parts are optional or mandatory, etc. There seems to be a culture of copying these XML files and tweaking a few things without truly understanding what the whole file means. I briefly looked at Ant and Gradle, and their ecosystems don't look any better. The build configuration files seem to have too much unexplainable magic in them.
Java would really benefit from a fresh take on the build story. Maven is definitely a tool that suffers from this phenomenon.
Imo, the only solution is to avoid boilerplate generators and the parent poms projects like spring boot use for things like pom files: you can look at the boilerplate to get ideas for what might be necessary, but, if you’re starting a project, write the pom yourself. It’s a pain the first couple times, but it gets easier to know what you need.
Honestly for Java I really like Bazel. You should give it a shot. I have a project with a self contained jvm and jars from maven central. Its more explicit than the other options but way less magical IMO.
Same with programming: You just copy some old code and modify it, if you have something lying around.
Same with frameworks (Angular, Spring Boot, ...). The tools even come with templates to generate new boilerplate for people who don't have existing ones somewhere.
Copy+tweak happens IRL all the time. There's no reason everyone who bakes should have to reinvent biscuits from scratch. There's no reason chip manufacturers should have to reinvent N-type P-type sandwiches from scratch. The existence of adaptations of previous success does not suggest that baking, or physics, or Make, is overly complicated.