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Mistakes engineers make in large established codebases


I agree that consistency is important — but what about when the existing codebase is already inconsistent? Even worse, what if the existing codebase is both inconsistent and the "right way to do things" is undocumented? That's much closer to what I've experienced when joining companies with lots of existing code.

In this scenario, I've found that the only productive way forward is to do the best job you can, in your own isolated code, and share loudly and frequently why you're doing things your new different way. Write your code to be re-used and shared. Write docs for it. Explain why it's the correct approach. Ask for feedback from the wider engineering org (although don't block on it if they're not directly involved with your work.) You'll quickly find out if other engineers agree that your approach is better. If it's actually better, others will start following your lead. If it's not, you'll be able to adjust.

Of course, when working in the existing code, try to be as locally consistent as possible with the surrounding code, even if it's terrible. I like to think of this as "getting in and out" as quickly as possible.

If you encounter particularly sticky/unhelpful/reticent team members, it can help to remind them that (a) the existing code is worse than what you're writing, (b) there is no documented pattern that you're breaking, (c) your work is an experiment and you will later revise it. Often asking them to simply document the convention that you are supposedly breaking is enough to get them to go away, since they won't bother to spend the effort.


Hopefully, you have a monorepo or something with similar effects, and a lack of fiefdoms. In that case, if the current way is undocumented and/or inconsistent, you make it better before or while adding in your new approach. If there are 4 ways to do the same thing and you really want to do it a different way, then replace one of those ways with your new one in the process of adding it. For extra credit, get to the point where you understand why you can't replace the other 3. (Or if you can, do it! Preferably in followups, to avoid bundling too much risk at once.)

A lot of inconsistency is the result of unwillingness to fix other people's stuff. If your way is better, trust people to see it when applied to their own code. They probably have similar grievances, but it has never been a priority to fix. If you're willing to spend the time and energy, there's a good chance they'll be willing to accept the results even if it does cause some churn and require new learning.

(Source: I have worked on Firefox for a decade now, which fits the criteria in the article, and sweeping changes that affect the entire codebase are relatively common. People here are more likely to encourage such thinking than to shoot it down because it is new or different than the status quo. You just can't be an ass about it and ignore legitimate objections. It is still a giant legacy codebase with ancient warts, but I mostly see technical or logistical obstacles to cleaning things up, not political ones.)


Thats not how software engineering works in a business setting though? Not a single company I have been in has the time to first fix the existing codebase before adding a new feature. The new feature is verbally guaranteed to the customers by project managers and then its on the dev to deliver within the deadline or you'll have much greater issues than a inconsistent codebase. I'd love to work in a fantasy company that allows for fixing legacy code, but that can take months to years with multi million line codebases.


> I'd love to work in a fantasy company that allows for fixing legacy code

You're not supposed to ask. It's like a structural engineer asking if it's okay to spend time doing a geological survey; it's not optional. Or a CFO asking if it's okay to pay down high interest debt. If you're the 'engineer', you decide the extent it's necessary


And then at some point the codebase becomes so unusable that new features take too long and out of frustration management decides to hire 500 extra programmers to fix the situation, which makes the situation even more slow.

As I understand, there is a balance between refactoring and adding new features. It’s up to the engineers to find a way to do both. Isn’t it also fair if engineers push sometimes back on management? Shouldn’t a civil engineer speak up if he/she thinks the bridge is going to collapse with the current design?


They don't think they have the time, but that's because they view task completions as purely additive.

Imagine you're working on this or that feature, and find a stumbling block in the legacy codebase (e.g., a poorly thought out error handling strategy causing your small feature to have ripple effects you have to handle everywhere). IME, it's literally cheaper to fix the stumbling block and then implement the feature, especially when you factor in debugging down the line once some aspect of the kludgy alternative rears its ugly head. You're touching ten thousand lines of code anyway; you might as well choose do it as a one-off cost instead of every time you have to modify that part of the system.

That's triply true if you get to delete a bunch of code in the process. The whole "problem" is that there exists code with undesirable properties, and if you can remove that problem then velocity will improve substantially. Just do it Ship of Theseus style, fixing the thing that would make your life easier before you build each feature. Time-accounting-wise, the business will just see you shipping features at the target rate, and your coworkers (and ideally a technical manager) will see the long-term value of your contributions.


New features are the right time to refactor. If you can't make the code not complete shit you don't have time to add the feature. Never refactor code to make it prettier or whatever, refactor it when it becomes not-fit-for-purpose for what you need to do. There's obviously exceptions (both ways) but those are exceptions not rules.

At least, that's what I teach our devs.


I don't disagree with what you've written at all, but let me just say:

> Hopefully, you have a monorepo or something with similar effects, and a lack of fiefdoms

ah to be so lucky...


It's a bit of a non-issue in this context. If you don't have a mono-repo, you should maintain reasonable consistency within each repository (and hope they're consistent between each other, but that's probably less important here).


Great points, I'd just add:

> A lot of inconsistency is the result of unwillingness to fix other people's stuff

Agree, so we find it best to practice "no code ownership" or better yet "shared code ownership." So we try to think of it all as "our stuff" rather than "other people's stuff." Maybe you just joined the project, and are working around code that hasn't been touched in 5 years, but we're all responsible for improving the code and making it better as we go.

That requires a high trust environment; I don't know if it could work for Firefox where you may have some very part-time contributors. But having documented standards, plus clang-format and clang-tidy to automate some of the simpler things, also goes a long way.


> That requires a high trust environment; I don't know if it could work for Firefox where you may have some very part-time contributors.

Ironically, that's why it works for Firefox. Contributors follow a power law. There are a lot of one-shot contributors. They'll be doing mostly spot fixes or improvements, and their code speaks for itself. Very little trust is needed. We aren't going to be accepting binary test blobs from them. There are relatively few external contributors who make frequent contributions, and they've built up trust over time -- not by reporting to the right manager or being a friend of the CTO, but through their contributions and discussions. Code reviews implicitly factor in the level of trust in the contributor. All in all, the open nature of Firefox causes it to be fundamentally built on trust, to a larger extent than seems possible in most proprietary software companies. (There, people are less likely to be malicious, but for large scale refactoring it's about trusting someone's technical direction. Having a culture where trust derives from contribution not position means it's reasonable to assume that trusted people have earned that trust for reasons relevant to the code you're looking at.)

There are people who, out of the blue, submit large changes with good code. We usually won't accept them. We [the pool of other contributors, paid or not] aren't someone's personal code maintenance team. Code is a liability.

> But having documented standards, plus clang-format and clang-tidy to automate some of the simpler things, also goes a long way.

100% agree. It's totally worth it even if you disagree with the specific formatting decisions made.


I agree, but this presupposes a large comprehensive test suite giving you enough confidence to do such sweeping changes. I don't doubt Firefox has it, but most (even large, established projects) will not. A common case I've seen is that newer parts are relatively well covered, but older, less often touched parts don't have good coverage, which makes it risky to do such sweeping changes.


> In that case, if the current way is undocumented and/or inconsistent, you make it better before or while adding in your new approach.

Sometimes, but oftentimes that would involve touching code that you don't need to touch in order to get the current ticket done, which in turn involves more QA effort.


> Hopefully, you have a monorepo or something with similar effects, and a lack of fiefdoms. In that case, if the current way is undocumented and/or inconsistent, you make it better before or while adding in your new approach.

Unfortunately, this is how you often get even more inconsistent codebases that include multiple tenures' worth of different developers attempting to make it better and not finishing before they move on from the organization.


> If it's actually better, others will start following your lead.

Not really my experience in teams that create inconsistent, undocumented codebases... but you might get 1 or 2 converts.


It depends on the day but generally I believe that most engineers want to write good code, want to improve their own skills, and like learning and critiquing with other engineers. Sometimes a small catalyst is all it takes to dramatically improve things. Most of the times I've thought that individual contributors were the problem, the real issue was what the company's leaders were punishing/rewarding/demanding.


Exactly this. I (relatively recently) joined a team with a handful of developers all sort of doing things their own way. No docs, no shared practices, just individuals doing their own thing. After reviewing the code, submitted PRs with fixes, putting together docs for best practices, the entire team shifted their stance and started working closer together in terms of dev practices, coding styles, etc.

Not to say I got everyone to march to my drum -- the "best practices" was a shared effort. As you said, sometimes it just takes someone to call things out. We can do things better. Look at how things improve if you approach X problem in Y manner, or share Z code this way. Maybe the team was overwhelmed before and another voice is enough to tip the scales. If you don't try, you'll never know.


> I believe that most engineers want to write good code

But the opinion what makes code good differ a lot between software developers. This exactly leads to many of the inconsistencies in the code.


doing some recent contract work I discovered someone putting this into a PR (comments my own)


let susJsonString = '...' // we get this parseable json string from somwhere but of course it might not be parseable. so testing seems warranted...

try { // lets bust out a while loop!

while(typeof susJsonString === 'string') { susJsonString = JSON.parse(susJsonString) }

} catch { susJsonString = {} }

// also this was a typescript codebase but all the more reason to have a variable switch types! this dev undoubtedly puts typescript at the top of their resume


I suppose this works?! I haven't thought it through carefully, it's just deciding to put your shoes on backward, and open doors while standing on your head. But I decided to just keep out of it, not get involved in the politics. I guess this is what getting old is like seriously you just see younger people doing stuff that makes your jaw drop from the stupidity (or maybe its just me) but you can't say anything because reasons. Copilot, ai assisted coding only further muddies the waters imo.


Sure, but that does not imply they will follow whatever you found out to be the best for the piece of code you are working on right now.


>Not really my experience in teams that create inconsistent, undocumented codebases... but you might get 1 or 2 converts.

This has also been my experience. Usually there is a "Top" sticky/unhelpful/reticent person. They are not really a director or exec but they often act like it and seem immune from any repercussions from the actual higher ups. This person tends to attract "followers" that know they will keep their jobs if they follow the sticky person for job security. There usually are a few up and coming people that want better that will kinda go along with you for their own skill building benefit but its all very shaky and you can't count on them supporting you if resistance happens.

I've literally had the "I was here before you and will be after" speech from one of the "sticky's" before.

All these HN how to do better write ups seem to universally ignore the issues of power and politics dynamics and give "in a vacuum" advice. Recognizing a rock and a hard place and saving your sanity by not caring is a perfectly rational decision.


There are however some people who think they are sticky but aren’t really. Some but not all of them use Impostor Syndrome to keep their followers in line. You can recruit most easily from people they’ve left twisting in the wind when their suggestions and ideas turned out to not work, but only if you always deal with the poor consequences of your own decisions. People will follow ideas they don’t quite understand if they know they won’t be working alone at 7 pm on a Thursday fixing it.

These sort of people will vote for you publicly. However some lot them will still take the path of least resistance when you aren’t looking.

It was sort of a nasty surprise when I figured out one day that there are people in this industry that will agree with high minded sentiments in public but not lift a finger to get there. I ended up in a group that had two or three of them. And one day due to a requirements process fuckup we had a couple weeks with nothing to do. They just did the Hands Are Tied thing I’d been seeing for over a year (yes we should do X but we have to do Y for reasons) and I saw red. Luckily I was on a conference call instead of sitting in front of them at that moment. But I’m sure they heard the anger lines over the phone.

If the boss doesn’t give you an assignment, you work on tech debt they haven’t previously insisted that you work on. Simple as that. At most places if my boss disappeared, I could keep busy for at least three months without any direction. And keep several other people busy as well. If you don’t know what to work on then I don’t know what’s wrong with you.


Well HN was created as a forum for discussing start up best practices, which is all about disrupting big companies weighed down by internal politics.


I tried my best to offer a pragmatic recommendation for dealing with those sorts of people. I'd love to know what you would recommend instead?


This exactly. I worked at a place one time with a terrible code base. They based it on open source and slapped on additions with no style or documentation.

My first day, I couldn't even stand the code base up on my local dev environment, because there were so many hard-coded paths throughout the application, it broke (they were unwilling to fix this or have me fix it).

I tried to accept their way of coding and be part of the team, but it got too much for me. They were staunch SVN supporters. This isn't much of a problem, but we had constant branching problems that Git would have resolved.

As I got assigned work, I noticed I would have to fix more bugs and bad coding, before I could even start the new addition/feature. It was riddled with completely obvious security vulnerabilities that were never fixed. Keep in mind that this was the new product of the entire company with paying customers and real data.

The team lead was also very insecure. I couldn't even nicely mention or suggest fixes in code that he had written. The interesting thing is that he didn't even really have a professional coding background. He went straight from tech support to this job.

I lasted about a year. I got let go due to 'money issues'. Shortly before this, they wanted me to merge my code into my branch with the Jr. developer's code right before my vacation (literally the day before).

I merged it and pushed it up to the repo (as instructed) and the team lead sent me nasty emails throughout my vacation about how various parts of my code 'didn't work'. Not only were these parts the Jrs code, it wasn't ready for production.

The other thing to know about the team lead is that he was extremely passive aggressive and would never give me important project details unless I asked (I'm not talking details, just high-level, what needs to be completed).

We had a call where he told me I 'wasn't a senior developer'. I wanted to tell him to fuck off, but I needed the job. The company went out of business 2 months later.

I found out their entire business model relied only on Facebook Ads, and they got banned for violating their rules.


ahh, there's a lot of scenarios here.

in my scenario, those people were gone.


> In this scenario, I've found that the only productive way forward is to do the best job you can, in your own isolated code, and share loudly and frequently why you're doing things your new different way.

Now you have N+1 ways.

It can work if you manage to get a majority of a team to support your efforts, create good interfaces into the legacy code paths, and most importantly: write meaningful and useful integration tests against that interface.

Michael Feathers wrote a wonderful book about this called, Working Effectively with Legacy Code.

I think what the author is trying to say with consistency is to avoid adding even more paths, layers, and indirection in an already untested and difficult code base.

Work strategically, methodically, and communicate well as you say and it can be a real source of progress with an existing system.


I’ll check out that book, thanks for the reference.


I rarely see large 10m+ LOC codebases with any sort of strong consistency. There are always flavors of implementations and patterns all over the place. Hell, it's common to see some functionality implemented multiple times in different places


And it's fine, right? Honestly I think people need to realize that part of being a good engineer is being able to deal with inconsistency. Maybe submodule A and submodule B do network requests slightly differently but if both ways are reasonable, working, and making the company money, it's probably not worth delaying product improvements in order to make things "more consistent."

On the other hand if no one in your company cares about consistency, at some point everything becomes so awful you basically won't be able to retain engineers or hire new ones, so this is a place where careful judgement is needed.


>and it's fine, right?

The hard part of being an engineer is realizing that sometimes even when something is horribly wrong people may not actually want it fixed. I've seen systems where actual monetary loss was happening but no one wanted it brought to light because "who gets blamed"


Yeah 100%. Honestly style / technique / language consistency are implementation details, it helps with engineer fungibility and ramp up, but it also works against engineers applying local judgement. This is something to briefly consider when starting new services/features, but definitely not something to optimize for in an existing system.

On the other hand, data and logic consistency can be really important, but you still have to pick your battles because it's all tradeoffs. I've done a lot of work in pricing over the decades, and it tends to be an area where the logic is complex and you need consistency across surfaces owned by many teams, but at the same time it will interact with local features that you don't want to turn pricing libraries/services into god objects as you start bottlenecking all kinds of tangentially related projects. It's a very tricky balance to get right. My general rule of thumb is to anchor on user impact as the first order consideration, developer experience is important as a second order, but many engineers will over-index on things they are deeply familiar with and not be objective in their evaluation of the impact / cost to other teams who pay an interaction cost but are not experts in the domain.


And to be practical, that's fine. In a big codebase it's more important to encourage consistent, well-defined, small interfaces, and a clean separation of concerns, than to try to get consistency in the lower-level implementation details. Other non-code concerns like coordinating releases and migration of shared services are also way more important than getting everyone to use the same string library.

(Of course, if you carry that principle to the extreme you end up with a lot of black-box networked microservices.)


> but what about when the existing codebase is already inconsistent?

Then you get people together to agree what consistent looks like.

I find the easiest way to do this is to borrow someone else's publicly documented coding conventions e.g. Company ABC.

Then anyone disagreeing isn't disagreeing with you, they're disagreeing with Company ABC, and they (and you) just have to suck it up.

From there on in, you add linting tools, PR checks etc for any new code that comes in.


If there's resistance to picking a style guide, autoformatting might be a viable start and will probably do quite a bit for shallow consistency at the price of large PR:s once per file. Once one has worked with a forced style for a while it starts to feel weird to see breaches of it, and I think that might help softening people to adapting a style guide regarding more subtle things like error handling or attitude to standardised protocols like HTTP.


Sometimes people are too afraid of attempting to make it consistent.

I've done several migrations of thing with dozens of unique bespoke usage patterns back to a nice consistent approach.

It sometimes takes a couple straight days of just raw focused code munging, and doesn't always end up being viable, but it's worth a shot for how much better a state it can leave things in.


Highly agree. I've done quite a few large refactors of unnecessarily complex systems that resulted in significant improvement - from lots of bugs to nearly no bugs, incomprehensible code to simple straight forward code, no tests to great test coverage.

I did have one bad experience where I ended up spending way too much time on a project like that, I think I made some mistakes with that one and got in a bit too deep. Luckily my team was very supportive and I was able to finish it and it's a lot better now than it was.


Consistency in huge legacy codebase is like virginity in a brothel: desired but non-existent.


  > your work is an experiment and you will later revise it
I advise against this if you have not been allocated the time or budget to revise the code. For one thing, you're lying. For another thing, were you hired to be a part of the contributing team or hired to be part of a research team doing experiments in the contributing team's codebase and possibly deploying your experiment on their production systems?

I would immediately push back on any new guy who says this, no matter how confident he seems that his way is the right way.



We are making brand new things here and not being in an assembly line coming up with the very same thing dozens to million times. We are paid to make new products never existed, having novelty elements in it desired to be a bigger extent than not!

Those pretending knowing exactly what they are doing are lying!

Of course we are speculating here about the size of novelty content to a differing extent, which is never 0% and never 100%, but something inbetween. But those pushing back on those at least trying to revise the work - putting emphasis on it -, deserve no-one coming to them to be pushed back (at least for the inability of allocating resources for this essential activity of development. Development!).

(tried to mimic the atmosphere of the message, sorry if failed)


> The other reason is that you cannot split up a large established codebase without first understanding it. I have seen large codebases successfully split up, but I have never seen that done by a team that wasn’t already fluent at shipping features inside the large codebase. You simply cannot redesign any non-trivial project (i.e. a project that makes real money) from first-principles.

This resonates. At one former company, there was a clear divide between the people working on the "legacy monolith" in PHP and the "scalable microservices" in Scala/Go. One new Scala team was tasked with extracting permissions management from the monolith into a separate service. Was estimated to take 6-9 months. 18 months later, project was canned without delivering anything. The team was starting from scratch and had no experience working with the current monolith permissions model and could not get it successfully integrated. Every time an integration was attempted they found a new edge case that was totally incompatible with the nice, "clean" model they had created with the new service.


Am I naive for thinking that nothing like that should take as long as 6-9 months in the happy case and that it's absurd for it to not succeed at all?


You know so little about the team, the organisation, the codebase, other concurrent obligations (e.g. prod support), and the way the project is run. The only way I can imagine one having confidence in a statement like "nothing should take that long" is naïveté.


Then maybe 18 months wasn't too long and they should have been given more time. But seriously?


It really depends. Honestly 6-9 months would have been an optimistic estimate even if it were 2-4 devs intimately familiar with the existing codebase. Permissions is a very cross-cutting concern, as you might imagine, and touched a huge amount of the monolith code. A big problem was that permissions checks weren't done in a consistent layer, instead scattered all over the place, and the team responsible for the rewrite, being new to the code, was starting from scratch and finding these landmines as they went. Scoping was also unclear and kept changing as the project went along, at first to pull in more scope that was peripherally related, then to push stuff out of scope as the project went off track. And during all these changes you have to keep the existing auth system working with zero downtime.

The devs were good developers, too! Two people on the team went off to Google after, so it's not like this was due to total incompetence or anything; more just overambition and lack of familiarity with working on legacy code.


Maybe. There's a lot of dragons hidden inside enterprise code. Only if you know all of them can you really succeed the first time around.


At a large enterprise, 6-9 months is blazingly fast.

Everything takes longer than you think and this sounds like it involves at least 2 teams (the php team and the scalar team). Every team you include increases time line factorially in the best case.

It takes a lot of time to have meetings with a dozen managers to argue over priority and whatever. Especially since their schedules are full of other arguments already


> the php team and the scalar(*scala) team

LOL why is this two teams!?


authorization and access control is an awfully difficult problem, as soon as you derive from user defined ACLs on all persisted objects and user/groups based granting data. Each access can have an arbitrary rule that must be evaluated with all dependant data, that will end up being anything in the persisted data. How to you make this long rule list maintainable, without redundancy, ensuring that changing re-used rules won't introduce regressions on all call sites ?


> Am I naive for thinking that nothing like that should take as long as 6-9 months in the happy case and that it's absurd for it to not succeed at all?

Bluntly, yes. And so is every other reply to you that says "no this isn't naive", or "there's no reason this project shouldn't have finished". All that means is that you've not seen a truly "enterprise" codebase that may be bringing in tons of business value, but whose internals are a true human centipede of bad practices and organic tendrils of doing things the wrong way.


> whose internals are a true human centipede of bad practices and organic tendrils of doing things the wrong way

Currently there. On one hand: lot of old code which looks horrible (the "just put comments there in case we need it later" pattern is everywhere). Hidden scripts and ETL tasks on forgotten servers, "API" (or more often files sent to some FTP) used by one or two clients but it's been working for more than a decade so no changing that. On the other: it feels like doing archeology, learning why things are how they are (politics, priority changes over the years). And when you finally ship something helping the business with an easier to use UI you know the effort was not for nothing.


If you find me any resources to build access control on arbitrary (I mean it, arbitrary) rules the right way, I would be very very (very) glad.


Authz can make the most otherwise trivial features into a depressing journey in the valley of edge cases.


No, you’re not naive. If it’s done by one-two people that know what they’re doing, it should be done much faster.

If it’s a big new team that doesn’t know what they’re doing, working separately from existing codebase, with lots of meetings… I see no reason why it would finish at all.


I worked at a company that had a Rails monolith that underwent similar scenario. A new director of engineering brought in a half dozen or of his friends from his previous employer to write Scala. They formed up a clique and decide Things Were Going to Change. Some 18 months and 3 projects later, nothing they worked on was in production. Meanwhile the developer that was quietly doing ongoing maintenance on the monolith had gradually broken out some key performance-critical elements into Scala and migrated away from the Ruby code for those features. Not only had it gone into production, it made maintenance far easier.


> Meanwhile the developer that was quietly doing ongoing maintenance on the monolith had gradually broken out some key performance-critical elements into Scala and migrated away from the Ruby code for those features.

Yep and that's what I've seen be successful: someone who really knows the existing code inside and out, warts and all, needs to be a key leader for the part being broken out into a separate system. The hard part isn't building the new system in these projects, it's the integration into the existing system, which always requires a ton of refactoring work.


> needs to be a key leader for the part being broken out into a separate system

Indeed, the developer was one of the best programmers I've known and absolutely the key person on the system. The New Guys Clique were the sort of developers, you might know some, who come in, look at the existing systems, decide it's all wrong and terrible, and set out to Do It Right.


Even if you’re generally suspicious of so called best practice/ design patterns / Martin Fowlerisms.. this is a time for the strangler approach. (Parent and siblings are already talking about the same idea without naming it.)

Rewrites from scratch never work with sufficiently large systems, and anyone that’s been involved with these things should be savvy enough to recognize this. The only question is around the exact definition of sufficiently large for a given context.


A similar, more concrete approach is parallel implementations, as written about by John Carmack[0]. I suppose the main difference is that parallel implementation has you very explicitly and intentionally leave the "old stuff" around until you're ready to flip the switch. I've used this approach in large-scale refactorings very successfully.

One of the benefits is that you get to compare the new vs old implementation quickly and easily, and it lets you raise questions about the old implementation; every time I've done this I've found real, production-impacting bugs because the old system was exhibiting behaviors that didn't match the new system, and it turned out they weren't intentional!



Also an issue is that the director attempted a full rewrite as a separate project.

You can do successful rewrites but your rewrite has to be usable in production within like a month.

If you don’t know how to achieve that, don’t even try.

The quiet developer was able to get their own rewrite done because they understood that.

Looks like the director of engineering showed some classic inexperience. You can tell when someone has done something before and when it’s their first time.


> a full rewrite as a separate project.

And it was never constrained to rewriting the existing system. The rewrite plan was motivated by the entirely reasonable desire to make further improvements possible, an additional mistake was the attempt to add major improvements as part of the rewrite. The new guys made their disdain for the existing system obvious, to the extent that their intent for the rewrite ballooned into a ground-up rebuild of everything.

Things You Should Never Do, Part I:


> You can do successful rewrites but your rewrite has to be usable in production within like a month.

I strongly disagree with this, and it reminds me of one of the worse Agile memes: "With every commit, the product must be production-ready.". [0]

The rewrite has to be generally not behind schedule. Whatever that schedule is is up to the folks doing the work and the managers who approve doing the work.

[0] I've worked for an Agile shop for a long time, so please don't tell me that I'm "Doing Agile Wrong" or that I misunderstand Agile. "No True Scotsman" conversations about Agile are pretty boring and pointless, given Agile's nebulous definition.


literally what I wanted to do as an opinionated junior




This is the way. You absolutely can turn shit codebases into something nicer and faster, and this is best done by people who know the system, and maybe even more important, knows the operational context the system exists in.

I once came into an old codebase like this as a junior, thinking I can start again. And I was gently but firmly told by my boss that it wouldn't work, this software is crucial to operations that support all our revenue, and while it can be improved it has to keep working. And we improved the hell out of it.


In my experience with very large codebases, a common problem is devs trying to improve random things.

This is well intentioned. But in a large old codebase finding things to improve is trivial - there are thousands of them. Finding and judging which things to improve that will actually have a real positive impact is the real skill.

The terminal case of this is developers who in the midst of another task try improve one little bit but pulling on that thread leads to them attempting bigger and bigger fixes that are never completed.

Knowing what to fix and when to stop is invaluable.


> common problem is devs trying to improve random things.

Been there, been guilty of that at the tail end of my working life. In my case, looking back, I think it was a sign of burnout and frustration at not being able to persuade people to make the larger changes that I felt were necessary.


Which can lead to trying to rewrite Netscape Navigator from scratch and killing the company:


Do you think boyscouting, "leave it better than you found it" is misguided as well?


I always took it as "leave it better than you found it" across the files that I've been working on (with some freedom as long I'm on schedule). My focus is to address the ticket I'm working on. Larger improvements and refactorings get ticketed separately (and yes, we do allocate time for them). In other words, I don't think it's misguided.


I do not believe in "boyscouting". I think if you want to leave it better, make a ticket and do it later. Tacking it on to your already planned work is outside the scope of your original intent. This will impact your team's ability to understand and review your changes. Your codebase is unlikely to be optimized for your whimsy. Worse though is when a reviewer suggests boyscouting.

I've seen too many needless errors after someone happened to "fix a tiny little thing" and then fail to deliver their original task and further distract others trying to resolve the mistake. I believe clear intention and communication are paramount. If I want to make something better, I prefer to file a ticket and do it with intention.


> Single-digit million lines of code (~5M, let’s say)

> Somewhere between 100 and 1000 engineers working on the same codebase

> The first working version of the codebase is at least ten years old

That's 5,000 to 50,000 lines of code per engineer. Not understaffed. A worse problem is when you have that much code, but fewer people. Too few people for there to be someone who understands each part, and the original authors are long gone. Doing anything requires reverse engineering something. Learning the code base is time-consuming. It may be a year before someone new is productive.

Such a job may be a bad career move. You can spend a decade learning a one-off system, gaining skills useless in any other environment. Then it's hard to change jobs. Your resume has none of the current buzzwords. This helps the employer to keep salaries down.


> A worse problem is when you have that much code, but fewer people. Too few people for there to be someone who understands each part, and the original authors are long gone.


I spent most of my career at a small mom and pop shop where we had single-digit MLOC spanning 20-25 years but only 15-20 engineers working at any given time. This wasn't a problem, though, because turn-over was extremely low (the range in engineer count was mostly due to internships), so many of the original code owners were still around, and we spent some effort to spread out code ownership such that virtually all parts were well understood by at least 2 people at any given moment.

If anything, I rather shudder at the thought of working somewhere that only has ~5M lines of code split up amongst 100 (and especially 1000) engineers over a span of 10 years. I can't imagine producing only 5-50 KLOC over that time, even despite often engaging in behind-the-scenes competition with colleagues over who could produce pull requests with the least (and especially negative) net LOC.

> Your resume has none of the current buzzwords.

That's one of my bigger pet peeves about software development, actually.

While you probably didn't mean it this way, over the years, I encountered a number of people who'd consistently attempt to insert fad technologies for the sake of doing so, rather than because they actually provided any kind of concrete benefit. Quite the contrary: they often complicated code without any benefit whatsoever. My more experienced colleagues snidely referred to it as resume-driven development.

I can't hate people doing this too much, though, because our industry incentivizes job hopping.


Being able to navigate and reverse engineer undocumented legacy code in a non-modern stack is a skill set in and of itself. Most people don't enjoy it in the slightest, so being one of the few devs who does means that I have been able to take on the gnarly legacy problems nobody else will touch. It might not build buzzwords on my resume, which does limit using this particular aspect of dev work to get an initial call back on jobs. But it absolutely exposes me to a variety of ways of doing things and expands my skills in new directions, and that expanded perspective does help in interviews.

You lost me on how this helps employers keep salaries down. My value is greater by being able to do such things, not less. If I can work on modern stacks, legacy stacks, enterprise platforms, and am willing to learn whatever weird old tech you have, that does not decrease my salary.


This. So much this.

> Being able to navigate and reverse engineer undocumented legacy code in a non-modern stack is a skill set in and of itself.

And I find that it's a pretty rare skill to find.


LOC is 'not a good' metric to 'you should be able to understand a codebase'. In either scenario, too many people or too few people, or (my favorite) 'not enough' (whatever that means). Mythical Man-Month comes to mind. What I think you're trying to get at is you need skill to reverse engineer software. And even if you have that skill it takes time (how much?). We work in a multifaceted industry and companies need to build today. At any given project, the probabilities are small that there is a dev who has the skill. We all know 'they can do it/they can learn on the job/they'll figure it out'. And then OP's observation comes into fruition.


The "The cardinal mistake is inconsistency" is 100% true. We used to call the guiding philosophy of working in these codebases "When in Rome".


I have this bad codebase at work. Really bad. One of the things I’ve been working on for the past two years is making it consistent. I’m almost at the point where interfaces can be left alone and internals rewrites in a consistent style.

People often ask why I hardly ever have any prod issues (zero so far this year). This is part of the reason. Having consistent codebases that are written in a specific style and implement things in similar manner.

Some codebases make me feel like I’m reading a book in multiple languages …


> People often ask why I hardly ever have any prod issues (zero so far this year).

It also helps that we're still only in January!


Bahh thanks for the chuckle. The man is 7/7 as of today!


> zero so far this year

I saw what you did there.


Maybe that’s not even that bad if number of issues went down from multiple a day to none in a couple of days.


> Some codebases make me feel like I’m reading a book in multiple languages …

In most cases the codebase does consist of muliple languges.


Yep when I have to work on old code I find something in the existing code that's close to what I want to do, and copy/paste it. I do not try to abstract it into a common function, unless that's already been done and can be used verbatim.

You don't know the 10 years of reasons behind why the code is the way it is, and the safest thing is to stay as close as possible to how the existing code is written, both to avoid landmines, and so that future you (or someone else) has one less peculiar style they have to figure out.

All that said, the more usual case is that the code is already a huge mess of different styles, because the 100 different developers who have touched it before you didn't follow this advice.


Do you ever find yourself taking an existing function and adding another parameter to it? The benefit is that you don’t break existing code. The problem is that the function is now more complicated and likely now does more than one thing because the extra parameter is effectively a mode switch.


The only time I abstract something into a function even if it’s only used in one place, is if the generic case is as easier or easier than the code for the specific case.

But that’s a judgment call based on experience.


I don't like this philosophy as it often leads to stagnation in patterns and ways of working that seep into newer systems. "That's not how we do things here" becomes a common criticism, resulting in systems and services that share the same flaws and trade-offs, making progress difficult.

Engineers often adhere too rigidly to these principles rather than taking a pragmatic approach that balances existing practices with future improvements.



Therein lies the rub. Everyone has a different idea of what is an improvement in a codebase. Unless there's some performance or security concern, I'd much rather work in an "old" style codebase that's consistent than a continually partially updated codebase by multiple engineers with different opinions on what an "improvement" is.


> Everyone has a different idea of what is an improvement in a codebase

Yes, and consistency is the tie-breaker. So the status quo remains, and improvements aren't made.


I completely agree with this.


> I don't like this philosophy as it often leads to stagnation in patterns and ways of working that seep into newer systems.

The rule isn't "don't introduce change", it's "be consistent". Using the example from the post, if you want to use a different method of doing auth that simpler the "be consistent" rule means you must change the way auth is done everywhere.

Interestingly, if you do that the negatives he lists go away. For example, if the global auth mechanism handles bots specially, you will learn that if you are forced to change it everywhere.


And that's a fair criticism, however, if you change a pattern without changing it everywhere, you now have two patterns to maintain (the article mentions this). And if multiple people come up with multiple patterns, that maintenance debt multiplies.

Progress and improvement is fine, great even, but consistency is more important. If you change a pattern, change it everywhere.


Change it at once everywhere on an existing large codebase? That's going to be one huge PR no one will want to review properly, let alone approve.

Document the old pattern, document the new pattern, discuss, and come up with a piece by piece plan that is easy to ship and easy to revert if you do screw things up.

Unless the old pattern is insecure or burns your servers, that is.


What's bad is code exhibiting multiple fragmentary inconsistencies, and no plan or effort exists to bring older code up to match the new patterns. An example I was closely involved with: A java programmer who wrote a plethora of new code in a pure functional paradigm, scattering Vavr library uses all over it. The existing code was built on Dropwizard and any experienced Java programmer could rapidly get comfortable with it. The difference between the existing code and the new was jarring (sorry for the pun) to say the least, and I wonder if, later, the company ever managed to recruit anyone who understood both well enough to maintain the system.

ETA: upon reflection I'd consider that programmer a canonical example of the kinds of mistakes the author covers in the article.


"When is Rome" is good, might use that.

My old boss used to say: "Be a chameleon. I don't want to know that I didn't write this."


How do you tackle the case where the codebase is consistent in a bad way, like pervasive use of antipatterns that make code difficult to change or to reason about? If you want to improve that, you have to start somewhere. Of course, Chesterton’s Fence applies.


Or when people keep the old pattern because there's a "higher priority".

I've worked on a project with absolutely terrible duplication of deserialisers of models, each one slightly different even those most properties were named the same and should've been handled the same. But we can't touch anything because important things are happening in business and we can't risk anything. The ignored part was that this led to bugs and extreme confusion from new people. They were even too worried to accept a repo-wide whitespace normalisation.


In the past I have performed needed refactorings as part of new feature development, without asking permissions. Even though my boss at the time said “don’t make it pretty, just make it work.”

Of course, I knew that writing the code the “pretty”, more maintainable, easier to understand way wouldn’t take any longer to write, and might take less time as the refactoring requires less new code overall.

But I didn’t bother explaining all that. Just nodded then went and implemented it the best way as I was the experienced software engineer.


I've worked in codebases like this and disagree. Consistency isn't the most important, making your little corner of the codebase nicer than the rest of it is fine, actually, and dependencies are great - especially as they're the easiest way to delete code (the article is right about the importance of that). What's sometimes called the "lava layer anti-pattern" is actually a perfectly good way of working, that tends to result in better systems than trying to maintain consistency. As Wall says, the three cardinal virtues of a programmer are laziness, impatience, and hubris; if you don't believe you can make this system better then why would you even be working on it?

Also if the system was actually capable of maintaining consistency then it would never have got that large in the first place. No-one's actual business problem takes 5M lines of code to describe, those 5M lines are mostly copy-paste "patterns" and repeated attempts to reimplement the same thing.


> No-one's actual business problem takes 5M lines of code to describe, those 5M lines are mostly copy-paste "patterns" and repeated attempts to reimplement the same thing.

I'm pretty sure this is trivially untrue. Any OS is probably more than 5M lines (Linux - 27.8 lines according to a random Google Search). Facebook is probably more lines of code. Etc.


> Any OS is probably more than 5M lines (Linux - 27.8 lines according to a random Google Search).

Linux is notoriously fragmented/duplicative, and an OS isn't the solution to anyone's actual business problem. A well-factored solution to a specific problem would be much smaller, compare e.g. QNX.

> Facebook is probably more lines of code.

IIRC Facebook is the last non-monorepo holdout among the giants, they genuinely split up their codebase and have parts that operate independently.

Does Facebook have more than 5M lines of code now? I'm sure they do. Does that actually result in a better product than when it was less than 5M lines of code? Ehhhh. Certainly if we're talking about where the revenue is being generated, as the article wants to, then I suspect at least 80% of it is generated by the <5M that were written first.

So I mean yeah, on some level solving the business problem can take as many lines as you want it to, because it's always possible to add some special case enhancement for some edge case that takes more lines. But if you just keep growing the codebase until it's unprofitable then that's not actually particularly valuable code and it's not very nice to work on either.


I'm fairly sure Word, Excel, Google Sheets, Youtube, Photoshop, etc. all have fairly high counts.

As do many tens of thousands of applications that are the backbone of services we all rely on. The systems that run banks, that run power plants, the routers that make up the backbone of the internet, etc.

Again, I agree with some of the spirit of what you're saying... but there's also a tendency of many developers (like myself) to only think of shiny new products, or to only think about the surface-level details of most business problems. You write:

> So I mean yeah, on some level solving the business problem can take as many lines as you want it to, because it's always possible to add some special case enhancement for some edge case that takes more lines. But if you just keep growing the codebase until it's unprofitable then that's not actually particularly valuable code and it's not very nice to work on either.

I think this misunderstands how the companies that have stayed in business for so long have done so. Excel is the software we all use every day because it kept adding more and more features, stealing the best ideas from new products that tried to innovate. It's still doing so, though obviously to a lesser extent.


Pulling in lots of dependencies will eventually grind progress on features to a halt as you spend more and more time patching and deploying vulnerabilities. The probability of seeing new vulnerabilities I believe is pretty much linear in the number of dependencies you have.


As opposed to your in-house code which is vulnerability free?

The issue isn’t vulnerability's, it’s dependency hell where all your packages are constantly fighting each other for specific versions. Although some languages handle this better than others.


In house code could very well have many fewer vulnerabilities, as you only write exactly the functionality you need, vs pulling a large dependency and only using a small percentage of the API.


I work on a 5M+ line code base. It's not copy/paste or the same problems solved in different ways. It's a huge website with over 1K pages that does many, many things our various clients need.


>making your little corner of the codebase nicer than the rest of it is fine, actually

As TFA points out, you might find out that you've made your little corner worse, actually.


I don't think the examples add up. Like, yes, if the system has a way to do auth then you should use it. But if the system's way of doing auth has nasty surprises, rather than cargo-cult the workaround to those nasty surprises, you should fix them! (Especially if the article wants to argue that adding inconsistency is bad - then by the same token removing the inconsistency that someone added before you is good). And if the system has its own custom auth implementation that does the same thing as a standard library, you should probably pull it out completely and replace it with that standard library.


I have three maxims that basically power all my decisions as an engineer:

1. The three C’s: Clarity always, Consistency with determination, Concision when prudent. 2. Keep the pain in the right place. 3. Fight entropy!

So in the context of the main example in this article, I would say you can try to improve clarity by e.g. wrapping the existing auth code in something that looks nicer in the context of your new endpoint but try very hard to stay consistent for all the great reasons the article gives.


It's got a nice ring to it :)


Sometimes the right approach is to keep the consistency. Other times, that approach is either impossible or catastrophic.

IMO software development is so diverse and complex that universal truths are very very rare.

But to us programmers, anything that promises to simplify the neverending complexity is very tempting. We want to believe!

So we're often the equivalent of Mike Tyson reading a book by Tiger Woods as we look down a half-pipe for the first time. We've won before and read books by other winners, now we're surely ready for anything!

Which leads to relational data stored in couchDB, datalayers reimplemented as microservices, simple static sites hosted in kubernetes clusters, spending more time rewriting tests than new features, and so on.

IMO, most advice in software development should be presented as "here's a thing that might work sometimes".


I don't have a real critique because I don't have that many years in a codebase the size of OP (just 2). But I struggle with the advice to not try and make a clean section of the code base that doesn't depend on the rest of the application.

Isn't part of good engineering trying to reduce your dependencies, even on yourself? In a latter part of the post, OP says to be careful tweaking existing code, because it can have unforeseen consequences. Isn't this the problem that having deep vertical slices of functionality tries to solve? High cohesion in that related code is grouped together, and low coupling in that you can add new code to your feature or modify it without worrying about breaking everyone else's code.

Does this high cohesion and low coupling just not really work at the scale that OP is talking about?


It's one thing to reduce dependency and another to have reduced consistency. If you have 10 web routes and 1 behaves differently, it doesn't matter if the code is cross coupled or not, it matters if it behaves similarly. Does it return the same status codes on error? Does it always return JSON with error messages inside? Do you auth the same way? The implementation can be wholly separate but end users will notice because logic on their side now has to special-case your 11th endpoint because you returned HTTP 20x instead of 40x on error. Or when you realize that you want to refactor the code to DRY it (Don't Repeat Yourself), now you can't reduce all the duplication because you have bespoke parts.


I think the gist of it is humility: as a newcomer, you don't really know what's out there and why, and there are often good reasons for things to be how they are. Not always, but often enough for avoiding being too original to be favored. This doesn't imply relinquishing on "good engineering habits" either.

Now, once you have a deeper understanding of the codebase, you'll know when and why to break away from existing patterns, but in the beginning phase, it's a good habit to start by learning carefully how things are designed and why.


Consistency makes code predictable and reduces mental overhead. It doesn't mean you have to write it poorly like the rest of the codebase, but it does mean using the same general practices as the rest of the codebase. Think of it like using knockoff legos vs the real thing. They both work interchangeably which makes it easy to use them together, but you'd prefer to use the nicer lego pieces as much as possible in your builds because the material is higher quality, tighter tolerances, just overall works better even if it's the same shape as the knockoff pieces.


These are two different concepts though; reducing dependencies is good, but you can have minimal dependencies AND have the code look / feel / behave like the rest of the codebase. Always remember, it's not your code. Assume someone else will need to read / maintain it. Thousands might. You might have made the perfect section of code, then get an offer you can't refuse or get hit by a bus.


Nope, you've got it.

Code-consistency is a property just like any other property, e.g. correctness, efficiency, testability, modifiability, verifiability, platform-agnosticism. Does it beat any of the examples I happened to list? Not a chance.

> worrying about breaking everyone else's code

You already said it, but just to expand: if you already have feature A, you might succeed in plumbing feature B through feature A's guts. And so on with feature C and D. But now you can't change any of them in isolation. When you try to fix up the plumbing, you'll now break 4 features at once.


> Single-digit million lines of code (~5M, let’s say)

> Somewhere between 100 and 1000 engineers working on the same codebase

> The first working version of the codebase is at least ten years old

> The cardinal mistake is inconsistency

Funny enough, the author notes the problem on why consistency is impossible in such a project and the proceeds to call it the cardinal mistake.

You cannot be consistent in a project of that size and scope. Full stop. Half those engineers will statistically be below average and constantly dragging the codebase towards their skill level each time they make a change. Technology changes a lot in ten years, people like to use new language features and frameworks.

And the final nail in the coffin: the limits of human cognition. To be consistent you must keep the standards in working memory. Do you think this is possible when the entire project is over a million LOC? Don't be silly.

There's a reason why big projects will always be big balls of mud. Embrace it.


> people like to use new language features and frameworks.

Have of the point of this article is that people need to suck it up and not use new frameworks sometimes...

There are times for coding in a way you, personally, find pleasing; and there are times when:

> So you should know how to work in the “legacy mess” because that’s what your company actually does. Good engineering or not, it’s your job.

A quote from the 'big ball of mud':

> Sometimes it’s just easier to throw a system away, and start over.

It is easier, but it's also a) not your decision and b) enormously disruptive and expensive.

How do you tell if you're in the 'naive and enthusiastic but misguided' camp, or in the 'understand the costs and benefits and it's worth a rewrite' camp?

Maybe the takeaway from the OP's post really should be this one:

> If you work at a big tech company and don’t think this is true, maybe you’re right, but I’ll only take that opinion seriously if you’re deeply familiar with the large established codebase you think isn’t providing value.

^ because this is the heart of it.

If you don't understand, or haven't bothered to understand, or haven't spent the time understanding what is already there, then you are not qualified to make large scale decisions about changing it.


I've successfully pulled off most of such a majority re-write but a key driver - but not the only was that the legacy language the existing system was implemented in had lost virtually all traction in the local and global market. Mostly only expensive contractors coming out of pension availabile and on top of that the custom libraries required us to recruit the 10 percent of that segment. Any new hires straight up refused to pick it up as they accurately deemed it career suicide.


I never really understood putting consistency on a pedestal. It's certainly nice when everything operates exactly the same way - but consistency for consistency's sake is awful to work in too. If a team realizes that logging library B is better than library A, and but NEVER switches from A to B because of consistency concerns, then in two years they'll still all be using inferior tools and writing worse code. Similarly, if a team DOES decide to switch from A to B, they probably shouldn't spend months rewriting all previous code to use the new tool. It's ok for multiple established patterns to live in the same codebase, so long as everyone has an understanding of what the "correct" pattern should be for all new code.


The consistency that they're referring to specifically is to do with consistency in the way that certain features or functionality is implemented.

To make your example match, it would be more so that there are two teams A and B, Team A already created a framework and integration for logging across the entire application. Team B comes along and doesn't realize that this framework exists, and also invents their own framework and integration for logging.

This is the type of consistency that the author points to, because Team B could have looked at other code already referencing and depending on the logging framework from Team A and they would have avoided the need to create their own.


It's about minimizing cognitive load.


"Consistency for consistency's sake" is usually a misinterpretation of "Consistency because there are reasons for the way things are already done and you don't understand those reasons well enough to diverge". If you understand the current system completely, then you can understand when to diverge from the system (though this is usually better expressed as "when to improve the system" rather than doing something completely new). If you don't understand the current system, then you can't possibly ensure that you haven't missed something in your shiny new way of doing things.


Wrong, wrong. Opposite of everything he said. All his examples are backwards. The article is basically inversing the Single Responsibility Principle.

First of all, consistency does not matter at all, ever. THat's his main thesis so it's already wrong. Furthermore, all his examples are backwards. If you didn't know the existence of "bot" users, you probably don't want your new auth mechanism to support them. Otherwise, the "nasty surprise" is the inverse of what he said: not that you find you don't support bot users, but you find out that you do.

Build stuff that does exactly what you want it to do, nothing more. This means doing the opposite of what he said. Do not re-use legacy code with overloaded meanings.


> First of all, consistency does not matter at all, ever. THat's his main thesis so it's already wrong.

Can you say more about this? Because I strongly disagree with your assertion.


> Build stuff that does exactly what you want it to do, nothing more

This is also confusing to me. In a multi-million line codebase, it's extremely difficult to find an actual place where you have zero side effects with ANYTHING you write.


Wrong. If code is written consistently everywhere, that allows any dev to dive in anywhere to get work done. Which is what you often have to do in large code bases to make cross functional updates.

Code bases where devs pick a different framework or library for every little thing are a nightmare to maintain. Agreed on standards is what gets your team out of the weeds to work on a higher and more productive level.