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A minimax chess engine in regular expressions


This is from the same gentleman who (among other things) demonstrated that printf() is Turing complete and wrote a first person shooter in 13kB of Javascript.


> demonstrated that printf() is Turing complete and wrote a first person shooter in ...

Not gonna lie, I thought that sentence would end with the FPS being done in printf.


This guy wrote tic-tac-toe in a single call to printf for IOCCC 2020 competition:


That is quite literally a work of art.


It’s very fun and impressive but it’s absolutely not a single call.


The development writeup for the Doom is interesting, with many details.

There was one month time to complete the competition. But it seems you were allowed to reuse any existing other code.

Looks like this was quite fun to work on.

(I feel a bit sad that I would never be able to get one month of free time to work on this now, due to family and job...)


Wow that’s a fascinating read, thanks for linking it!!


> a first person shooter in 13kB of Javascript

I was somewhat disappointed to realize they used WebGL for rendering the graphics.


There was an earlier version of the underlying 3d engine that used only Canvas. WebGL use is justified like this:

> Once I actually got that working doing all of the math by hand in JavaScript I decided that using WebGL would probably be worth it, and actually probably wasn't cheating all that much. WebGL exposes access to the GPU-enabled rendering engine through JavaScript. While it does abstract away some of the rendering, it's less than I thought---it just supports the ability to do the necessary math efficiently---so I decided this wouldn't be cheating. And fortunately, it didn't take long to reproduce the initial renderer, but this time supporting much better (and more efficient) graphics.



That makes sense: As far as I understand, OpenGL 2.0 and beyond don’t really provide much fixed-function/predefined logic anymore, e.g. I believe you need to provide your own vertex and pixel shaders.

You could argue that rasterization itself is being taken care by the implementation, though.


Why is this disappointing?




I'm not sure how this quote applies to harmless pursuits like making and solving absurd puzzles. It's not like regex chess is going to be a weapon of mass destruction.


It's a line from the movie Jurassic Park. Pretty sure they're just joking.


This point was where this changed from crazy/fun to absolutely extraordinary, where calculations of multiple possible positions all occurred in parallel, running a regex over an increasing series of state & variable sets, aka threads:

> And now for my absolute favorite part of the language we've developed. By the magic of regular expressions (and the fact that they perform substitution globally over the entire string), we can run multiple threads simultaneously!


> What do you want out of a conclusion to a blog post like this? I don't really have much to conclude. I guess I'll just say that I think more people should do entirely pointless things like this. It's a lot of fun, no one cares how long it takes you to finish, no one cares if it works or not, and incidentally, it teaches you more than you wanted to know about dozens of areas of computer science outside your field.

What a wonderful ethos.


This makes me wonder whether I could achieve such a thing if I removed all my preoccupations of other stuff.

For me what I take out of it is the power to sit down, focus your mind on something then who knows the lengths of what is possible. That, and the author is clearly very talented/skilled and creative.


Apparently it takes more than skill but also persistence and concentration. Not many schools of thought explain this well .




No, it takes (1) knowing what you learn in a compilers class (or upper level math classes) and (2) putting it to work. He didn't write 80,000 regular expressions, he wrote a compiler that wrote those expressions. Commercial-quality compilers are hard to write but simple compilers are straightforward if you know the fundamentals.

It's like the problem of solving the Rubik's cube. If you look at it in terms of geometry and spatial intuition it's intractable. If you treat it as an abstract algebra problem and break it down into "solve the top of the cube, solve the middle row of the cube, solve the bottom of the cube" and then develop a set of operators that will let you permute certain parts of the cube it takes a moderate amount of skill, persistence and concentration.

CS students do exercises such as writing moderately complex programs for a Turing machine and it's an exercise like what he did.


Funny my project last month was a chess engine. For a long time I'd wondered if I could make a decent MCTS chess engine but someone close to me has been getting serious about chess (usually wins against the random person, usually loses at the chess club, is fighting hard to get up the bracket) so writing a program that was a match for him seemed like a fun and meaningful project and I decided to try the conventional route of alpha-beta search.

If you tried to write a chess engine from zero you'd probably struggle, but the lifetime value you get out of education (CS or otherwise) is looking things up the literature, learning from other people's experiences, and putting it to work. So this has been my guide

I started out with Python with the goal of making something tiny and stylish and started out with a move generator from

and once I got the signs right in alpha-beta negamax (when I had them wrong it discovered it beat my tester several times before he regrouped, traded a knight for a good pawn structure, and got his first win.

The next goal is to take it to the chess club which means it has to respect time control. I switched to Java because its faster and because it is easy to have a comms thread interrupt a think thread. The first try wasn't faster because my move ordering was terrible. I was much faster implementing it though because I could cut and paste the test cases I had in Python and if I knew anything at this point it was the signs in negamax. is not only good for time control but gets better move ordering and I'm in the middle of implementing that. It would take me years to find out that Iterative Deepening works a lot better than you might expect, the Killer Heuristic, etc. Reading is my superpower.


There's a bug somewhere it seems like, as it ends the following game with "Illegal move, you lose", even though it's not an illegal move:

1. e2e4, e7e5 2. d2d4, e5d4 3. d1d4, a7a5 4. g1f3, b7b5 5. b1c3, a5a4 6. c3b5, a4a3 7. b5a3, a8a3 8. b2a3 --> Illegal Move You Lose. Game over.

FEN of game above: 1nbqkbnr/2pp1ppp/8/8/3QP3/P4N2/P1P2PPP/R1B1KB1R b KQk - 0 8


a2a3 on the first move or on the second move after e2e4 outputs that you have played an illegal move.

But this is a bug as these are legal moves.


Simply using a2a4 as the first move does that too.


ah interesting, a2a3 does the same. May be a bug with moves on the a file by white


I fear not the man who plays chess with 84,688 regular expressions, but I fear the man who plays chess with one regular expression.


If there was a general heuristic to make sequentially-applied regexes linear (combine any 2 into 1), it could be applied to this

help, I'm being nerd-sniped

right away I see backreferences as a potential problem

it would be a VERY long regex, but you're basically encoding a chess engine, so...


"help, I'm being nerd-sniped"

Just breathe

Close your eyes

Picture an algebraic representation of the higher order function that represents your real life utility and minimizes the use of resources including your cognitive energy.

Focus on optimizing that function.



I fear people in general because I have social anxiety


When I see this sort of thing I just I want to take my hat off and stand in solemn appreciation for the true heroes among men.


The bug with a-file moves has been fixed:


Previously: Chess written in sed

Of course, the sed version does make use of control flow commands in sed and only probes 1ply (I think) so this version is significantly different in that regard.


This is not only a chess engine, it's a computer and an assembly language, built in only using Regexp


This is fantastic, but of course strictly speaking the use of back references means these aren't true regular language expressions but the "enhanced" kind that give security headaches for all the big tech firms.



And just in time when the novelty of playing chess in Postscript ( has worn off :)


I normally don’t lose so quickly opening with a2a4 !


oh, cool

I encountered similar bug in the a-column via e2e4-d2d4-d1d4-g1f3-f1b5-d4e5-e5c5-e1g1-b2a3


Google en passant


Holy hell!



That shouldn't be really surprising, as all divisibility rules are necessarily regular because anything more complex wouldn't be human-executable "rules".


Humans are able to check whether a string of parens, like ()(()()), is matched but finite state machines can't.

In any case, if you know how the regex is constructed, it's not surprising. But I found it fun to actually do the construction, instead of just being theoretically aware of the possibility.


Is this balanced or not: ((((((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))? Humans can check only so many parentheses before losing track of them, so it is still an FSM in my opinion.

Also, those regexes are directly translated from the equivalent and much smaller FSM. Regexes are necessarily complex only because they have Kleene stars and nothing else; it's like representing every Boolean circuits with NAND, which is of course possible and a little fun fact but the process itself isn't exactly fun to me.