Stimulation Clicker
·January 6, 2025btown
for people that don't want to click a lot,
paste in "setInterval(() => document.querySelector('.main-btn').click(), 20)" into the browser console, clicks 50x per second for you :)
If you shrink the window down as small as possible the DVD logos collide super fast and earn a ton of stimulation.
In Safari, show the Web Inspector and then shrink the window so that the inspector takes up all of the space.
ah ! clever
Speed-ran the game using this (well, I injected jquery first to select the element using $() because I'm an absolute Baboon) in about 45 seconds, spam clicking all the upgrades, and clicks stopped going up after hitting "342,044,125,797,992,850,000,000,000,000 stimulation" with 10k clicks per second.
What a ride. Love the implied commentary on our over-stimulated lives!
Fun fact: browsers' devtools consoles have de-facto standardized convenience aliases for querying the DOM, similar to jQuery [0][1][2][3][4]. This means you could do something as simple as:
setInterval(()=>$('.main-btn')?.click(), 0)
setInterval(()=>$$('.upgrade')?.forEach(_=>, 1000)
to create the simplest dependency-free cheat speed runner. (And, as mentioned earlier, shrinking -- or logically also zooming in -- the page results in more DVD bounces.)[0] [1] [2] [3] [4]
> I injected jquery first to select the element using $()
In Chrome and Firefox, $ and $$ are available in the console as replacements for document.querySelector and document.querySelectorAll, respectively.
This doesn't work in scripts though; only in the console. In a script you can use this:
const $ = document.querySelector.bind(document);
I wonder what the limiting factor is here; I'm currently at
332,446,225,163,762,970,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stimulation
131,903,042,042,866,960,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stimulation per second
And there doesn't seem to be an end in sight.
I envy your rig - mine glitched a lot to get it in <3min. Might not be doing myself a service by actually answering the Duolingo questions via LLM...
Or for people who want to make money as a trader.
const lastPriceElement = document.querySelector('.last-price'); const buyButton = document.querySelector('.stock-btn.stock-buy'); const sellButton = document.querySelector('.stock-btn.stock-sell');
const buyPrice = 280; const sellPrice = 320;
function checkPriceAndTrade() {
if (lastPriceElement && buyButton && sellButton) {
// Get the price text and convert to number
const priceText = lastPriceElement.firstChild.textContent.trim();
const price = Number(priceText.replace(/[$,]/g, ''));
// Execute trade based on price
if (price < buyPrice) {
console.log(`Price ${price} is below $` + buyPrice ` - Executing buy`);;
} else if (price > sellPrice) {
console.log(`Price ${price} is above $` + sellPrice ` - Executing sell`);;
} else {
console.log(`Price ${price} is between thresholds - No action taken`);
}// Run the check every 20 milliseconds setInterval(checkPriceAndTrade, 20);
The real answer to the web 2.0 appified social media hell hole is automation :D
thanks, u saved me few clicks ^^
Reminds me a bit of The Onion's "A Very Fatal Murder" podcast.
I noticed the podcast at one point mentions, so definitely custom made!
The podcast makes a couple of winking references to other bits of the game, including a mention of "that time that poor boy was pushed into that hydraulic press".
Thanks for the direct link- this makes understimulated listening much easier & it was easy to miss within the cacophony of everything else.
It's weird, it seems like it's the only custom made thing on the game, why only that one?
Loads of other stuff is custom made... All those emails for example.
Maybe someone made the podcast for some other reason and never released it?
Reaction streamer seems custom made as well
Absolutely. Reminded me of all the effort GTA spent on radio, to much fanfare.
The entire production value is fantastic. Glad to see Neal expanding. This is only a half step away from something less jokey, and more marketable.
If that's the path he chooses, of course. But judging by his smiling face in the center of it all wearing a poor fitting crown, I think he's just in it for the lulz. And I may respect that even more.
Less jokey?
This great packaging has a critical social media tone for me. Absolutely amazing fun and addictive showing almost dark patterns. For a deep dive: "Ethics of the attention economy: The problem of social media addiction", [1]
I say this as someone who's tried all the state-of-the-art voice generation systems: so far, nobody has trained an AI to "chew the scenery" nearly as effectively and effusively as these voice actors having the time of their lives playing southern belles and bean company owners who are blisteringly envious that a dead mermaid is stealing their spotlight by dying from a megalodon attack.
Haha, the problem is: we still haven't gotten AI to generate voices! "State of the art" just uses regular TTS engines and then adds extra inflection as "special sauce" or stretches it out, etc. At least, that is how it works for these AI generators that need to do it "at scale." When you can spend more on classic speech models, you can go well beyond that (see Siri, Google, Alexa, etc).
I finished the game without cheating. I felt like a frog being slowly boiled (and it really does feel like you're boiling at the end). It's quite the journey...
I love how everything here isn't even farfetched. It's just standard YouTube and TikTok content. The red notification bubbles were also a nice touch, I felt myself really drawn to those, and if I think back, I guess that's the earliest example I can recall of where these patterns all started: Facebook's little red notification bubble
As far as clickers go, finishing this game without cheating is very easy. Only takes like 20-30 min. But nonetheless, it was enjoyable. Really regretted clicking the subway surfer wormhole button. Luckily that was right at the end.
Is shrinking the window down to make the DVD logos hit the edge more often considered cheating?
I think this is considered smart thinking (from my point of view).
How much does it require to finish? I mean how many stimulation points?
I gave up when I bought auto hydraulic press.
Crypto investing is where the points really start to fly, mass clicking buy below $10k selling above $20k. Game finished pretty quick after that.
Edit: Just beat it in 19 minutes. Feel like you can't finish it much quicker than that without cheating.
You need 2,000,000 stimulation points for the last item which wins the game. It sounds like a lot, but by that point you’ll be generating an insane amount of points per second and passive consumption is worth more than clicking. It does get overwhelming, at one point I had to mute the sound for a minute or two before resuming.
If you want to know what the last item is, rot13 the next paragraph ( is an easy way to do it):
Gur ynfg vgrz vf “tbvat gb gur bprna”. Gur tnzr jneaf lbh gurer vf ab tbvat onpx nsgre gung. Vg fjvgpurf gb n pnyzvat ivqrb bs jnirf ba gur ornpu, jvgu perqvgf.
The last, and most expensive item requires 2M stimulation, but I think you need to buy most of the preceding items to get to it.
you can see the credits by paying 2m points so depending on your definition of winning ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yeah, that game should come with a seizure warning. I've never had a seizure but my brain started to feel pretty uncomfortable during my second completionist playthrough.
I had to restart because I unwittingly clicked the mukbang guy too early: can't handle him unless he is drowned out by everything else. By contrast I enjoyed the wormhole button. Kind of the whole point of the experience, liked it way better than certain noises :)
Jonathan Blow had a great (imho) rant about those type of notifications that someone clipped from one of his live streams. (Warning: strong language.)
I saw that the Shadow of the Colossus remake has little achievement notifications when you kill colossi and that really burns my biscuit. You're watching this slow-motion scene of a colossus dying, sad music plays, you wonder if you're doing the right thing, and the PlayStation is like "yayyy!~ You're such a good gamer!~"
Jonathan Blow has good points sometimes, but he comes off as very "old man rants at cloud" most of the time. He's been stewing in his own sauce for far too long.
Yeah. I mean I agree with the rant but the guy seems so unhappy. I hope he finds a way to spend less time using computers.
if people ask me how my weekend was, i can unironically send them this site; this is my weekend condensed in 30 minutes
MSN Messenger had addicting bubbles way before
> I felt like a frog being slowly boiled
This game is an excellent simulation of what ADHD feels like, especially if you're putting off multiple critical tasks.
I wanted to gouge my eyes out hahaha. The ending cutscene made up for it all.
Wow, that was amazing. This is honestly a better piece of contemporary art (in terms of making you think about modern life and what is happening to our environment, the impact on ourselves, our kids, etc.) than most of what you might see at a fancy art gallery or a contemporary art museum in NYC.
For the live-action, logical conclusion of this concept, watch HYPER-REALITY
> 8 years ago
Sci-Fi Author: In my book I invented the Torment Nexus as a cautionary tale
Tech Company: At long last, we have created the Torment Nexus from classic sci-fi novel Don't Create The Torment Nexus
(via )
You'll never see games at fancy art galleries or contemporary art museums in NYC because games are too accessible
Rather, I think they are not accessible enough. A picture on a wall, a movie or music can be experienced by hundreds or thousands of people all at once. Games in an art gallery have a much lower natural limit to the number of people who can interact with them simultaneously (at least in the same physical space). Sure, you can watch others do it, but that's not really the same thing (it's more like watching performance art than playing a game).
I have in fact been to art galleries which had interactive game-like exhibits. I basically never got to interact with them because, lo and behold, there was a long queue.
Except perhaps the most well known contemporary art museum in the world:
The Museum of the Moving Image has had video games in its collection since the 1980s.
Hauser & Wirth have had essays on video games in their magazine:
The Smithsonian has a traveling exhibition specifically about Art in Video Games:
Maybe actually go to an art gallery/museum sometime instead of assuming you know what one is
It's "The Art of Video Games"
I've seen and played games at the Cooper Hewitt Museum in NYC. Maybe I got lucky but it's one of like three museum visits I've ever done as a tourist in the city.
Don't most art museums have free days for city residents, etc.?
Almost every game requires an expensive hardware purchase and often a separate $60-$70 for the game itself
Neal has continually outdone himself with every single release. Everything he makes is a labor of love and is so special and deserving of attention. From the factual stuff like "The Size of Space" and "Deep Sea", to the more amusing "Absurd Trolly Problems", "The Password Game", and so on. It's all so good and feels like a gift to the internet.
Stimulation Clicker's social commentary has to the best thus far. I know click games are a thing, but to combine that mechanic with a parody of the state of the modern attention economy is just pure art.
Neal, if you're reading HN, you rock. Please know how appreciative we are.
I haven’t even had a chance to look at the game from that perspective yet. I don’t know why, but this game has me so excited!
> This is honestly a better piece of contemporary art (in terms of making you think about modern life and what is happening to our environment, the impact on ourselves, our kids, etc.)
Zooming out, I think games in general is in a much better position to do this, as a medium, compared to the alternatives TV, movies and music.
I guess mainly because it's interactive, but it also feels like it can be broader than the other mediums, like on one hand you have Idle/Clicker games like these, and on the other the huge blockbuster AAA games.
I accidentally got addicted to crypto trading and made 34 million stimulation before I realized there was a "win game" button.
I guess this game is more representative than we'd like to think.
"I accidentally got addicted" is such a wonderful phrase.
What is the win game button? I also got up to a pretty high stimulation and never saw any such button.
It's the icon of water waves.
Hahaha I thought my mobile browser finally crashed after I clicked that
I managed to cheat this by buying a bunch of DVDs and making my window as small as possible, meaning they hit the edges much more often and gained me infinity stimulation.
Fantastic encapsulation and commentary on the modern web and attentionspace.
There's certainly better ways to do this, but here's one way to automate 1000 clicks from the console:
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
Automating this art piece probably also says ... something.cainxinth
> Fantastic encapsulation and commentary on the modern web and attentionspace.
This is why I quit Hearthstone even though I never spent a dime on it. I realized I had been habituated into playing it every day. I started feeling like a lab rat trained to push a button for a reward.
Cookie Clicker taught me this about Destiny and Destiny 2 as well.
I got a lot of enjoyment out of those games - and they were partly the backdrop to socialising online with IRL friends who didn't live close to me - but at some point the absurdity of them became too obvious and we stopped.
"moved on" - to Call of Duty.
That's one of the things that makes Stimulation Clicker so good, by being exposed to the most extreme version, it helps you identify other engineered attention grabbers in everyday life.
> This is why I quit Hearthstone even though I never spent a dime on it.
Good news, you now have time to pick up The Bazaar instead! (joke aside, it's quite fun, a lot more chill, and not nearly as exploitative as Hearthstone)
> I realized I had been habituated into playing it every day
So like a hobby?
Did you have fun playing it?
It’s when you feel guilt or fomo for not playing every day that it becomes a problem. Many games like this.
A hobby is something you’re supposed to do for fun, not out of habit.
Hahaha yeah! Me too! Good thing I escaped that!
Now back to my coding job, I really have to focus and push enough of these buttons or I’ll get fired and won’t get my pay
Least we're getting paid for those buttons
praptak back to my hourly check of HN frontpage. Gotta be diligent and keep up with the industry news.
a fun way is to resize the window to be super tiny and the DVD Bounce really gets going into the millions
Good one. Sounds like a geiger counter.
woah! great job
Automate that bitcoin!
setInterval(() => { let max = 100; while(max-->0) { let price = +document.querySelector(".last-price").textContent.trim().slice(1).replace(",","").split("\n")[0]; if (price > 20000) { document.querySelector(".stock-sell").click(); } else if (price < 10000) { document.querySelector(".stock-buy").click(); } else { break; } } })
Running it async will prevent the main screen from lagging:
(async () => {
const delay = (ms) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
await delay(5); // 5 ms sleep
Or use requestAnimationFrame to run infinitely at ~60fps
window.requestAnimationFrame(function clickButton() {
This doesn't seem to logarithmically scale when you get the click percent increase upgrade, while the other code does.
If you're already using setTimeout, why not just use it directly?
function clickLoop() {
setTimeout(clickLoop, 50)
What's all this overengineering and waste creating timeouts?
Why not just use setInterval?
let interval = setInterval(() => document.querySelector('.main-btn').click(), 50)
Then clearInterval(interval)
to stopjampekka
That's an infinite loop.
Infinite version:
let button = document.getElementsByClassName('main-btn');
let clicker = setInterval(() => button[0].click(), 1);
To stop, use this:
Just go into developer mode and just break on a line like so:
r.sps && r.purchased && this.addStimulation(r.sps \* n,
and run this.addStimulation(10000000000,
and resume.declan_roberts
Automating it is the most fun part of these silly games. Here's a bash script to do it on mac (brew install clickclick first)
while true; do
cliclick c:.
I did the same exact thing and then wanted to post it into the groupchat then see this.
1000 iterations too!
Why are we like this XD
This is a fun clicker game whose point seems cynical and self-defeating on multiple levels.
Despite the HN comments complaining about it being overwhelming and a dark reflection of how awful and distracting the internet is, clearly enough people enjoyed it to get to the front page. The stimulation torture wasn't really torture, but another level to the game.
All the content creators whose inclusion at first seems like an indictment of the kinds of internet videos that lead to addiction or overstimulation also all get a pleasant shout-out which seems silly. Are these supposed to represent what's awful about the internet?
EDIT: To hammer the dissonance home, at the end of the game we are met with a calming ocean scene that I'm guessing the average player appreciated for about thirty seconds before clicking away.
To me, this whole exercise doesn't reflect how distorted humanity has become because of technology, but of how humans refuse to look themselves in the mirror.
We want to be the kind of people who buck the mold and escape systems of control, so that we can properly enjoy things like waves of the ocean, but at any point during this game we could just open a new tab and watch the ocean on a YouTube livestream. Instead we spend an hour clicking and advancing this manic stream of chaos.
What's more human, then: calmly watching the waves crash against the beach, or clicking buttons trying to win and discover what's at the end of a silly game?
> Despite the HN comments complaining about it being overwhelming and a dark reflection of how awful and distracting the internet is, clearly enough people enjoyed it to get to the front page.
Is this like a massive HN wooosh -- how can this be the top-voted comment?
From Neil Postman's 1985 "Amusing Ourselves to Death":
> “With television, we vault ourselves into a continuous, incoherent present.”
> “Spiritual devastation is more likely to come from an enemy with a smiling face.”
It's less about whether we "enjoy" the stimulation, more about what kind of people we become when we lose ourselves in this bizarre sea of superstimuli. We're like reinforcement agents creating adversarial examples for each other, drawing ourselves further out of any sort of meaningful life, into a fever dream where the most desirable job for the next generation is to be famous for being famous [1] rather than do anything for any kind of deeper purpose.
I like your description. I sometimes wonder if the final equilibrium state will be most people working on addictive products and the rest working on addiction treatment.
I'd say with the current state of things it's more like two singularities in which either:
- A landian-stephensian accelerationist timeline occurs where the majority of the urban population becomes some flavor of AGI-tuned VR junkie
- An extreme naturalistic counterculture movement occurs that causes majority of the civilized world to willingly roll themselves back 1 or 2 centuries technologically in order to feel something again
We are already there.
>> Despite the HN comments complaining about it being overwhelming and a dark reflection of how awful and distracting the internet is, clearly enough people enjoyed it to get to the front page.
> Is this like a massive HN wooosh -- how can this be the top-voted comment?
100% agree. I had to read that sentence and surrounding parts like 5 times to check if I was missing a satirical nod somewhere. It's like writing a review of Franz Kafka's books and saying "Despite what we may say about bureaucracy, clearly lots of people enjoy it because his books were best sellers!"
Lots of art is there to make you think, not to "enjoy" it.
I think it's kind of necessary to be exposed to ideas and views of people like Postman to even think of them when you play a game like this. The top comment is disappointing, but so it goes.
I enjoyed the game, for the attention to detail and making a mockery out of so many things in our daily lives that are in essence absurd, in such a brilliant yet simple way. The frowning Duolingo owl. The pillow delivery tracking made me chuckle. The only thing I missed was booking a an apartment on with a billion reminders to hurry up as the place might be gone any second, or doing an online check in. Although maybe it happened, I refreshed the game accidentally and never came back.
If HNer's were as enlightened as they think they are, this would have been flagged and buried.
It's not self-defeating, it's a commentary.
I've built up a reflex to leave any sort of overstimulatory atmosphere. I don't watch short form videos and leave any page that causes high levels of stimulation (Temu's spinner stops me from shopping there, for example).
I quit this game after about 10 minutes when it hit a comical level of stimulation and still upvoted this. I loved the commentary because the game seemed to follow the natural "evolution" of the web, straight to the point where every app has attached mini games and multiple in-game currencies. Listening to the man popping his beer can and pouring it at the same time as a live police scanner was truly dystopian but also feels like a daily occurrence in modern society.
I think it's great that you didn't really have a stomach for the absurd level of noise and flashing lights, but I just don't think it's a moral victory that people should necessarily strive for.
I do. Less people tolerate crap like this (not the submission, but patterns it emulates), the less we will see it implemented.
You lasted 10 minutes? I lasted about 30 seconds. Life is too short.
There’s some pretty funny commentary in there mixed into the absurd overstimulation
> at any point during this game we could just open a new tab and watch the ocean on a YouTube livestream.
That's a great observation.
I'm not sure how to phrase this exactly, but there's something going on for at least some people - definitely for me - that the thing we're seeking refuge in are given meaning by the things we're seeking refuge from. Like you said, at any point during the game - or before, or after - I could open a new tab and watch the ocean on YouTube, or even watch the same thing that was the ending of the game. Except, obviously, I wouldn't, because why would I? It would be totally random and arbitrary, a kind of plot non sequitur you'd complain about if it was a piece of fiction. This ocean scene only makes sense as an ending of this game, as a refuge, a contrast, a punchline. It's the stimulation game preceding it, that gives meaning to the ending.
I've noticed I often feel similarly about many hobbies, interests, tasks, - heck, even people - they rapidly stop being interesting once I don't have any stressing obligation I should be working on instead.
(My HN comment history, too, is strongly and positively correlated with amount of stuff I should be doing instead in my life, but not necessarily want to.)
Doesn't seem self-defeating if it aroused that level of analysis, seems like good art! Art can bring up questions that author didn't intend so it's often best not to bring the authors viewpoint into the discussion, or at least not make authorial intent the authority.
I've heard someone say good art isn't about saying new things, but saying known truths in new ways and I found this very effective. Your question about who really stays to watch the ocean is interesting, and I don't think diminishes the game.
you're looking at it from a framework that there's a "right" way to interpret a given piece of art, or that a given piece of art has "a point" instead of "a set of ways in which people interpret it". You're describing one way of interpreting it and then leveling a charge against the piece when, in reality, that charge should be leveled at that interpretation.
I do believe there's an intended interpretation or "point", and that's what I'm commenting on. Do you disagree with this?
are you asking about this specific piece or about art in general? Either way yes I disagree.
I don't know the author of this work. I don't know what they intended, so I can't comment on their intentions. I don't know if there's an "intended interpretation" or not, I don't know what that intended interpretation is, I don't know if it lines up with the interpretation you described. If the author intended for a specific, singular interpretation, I would reject that; any interpretation is just one of many. Some interpretations make more sense than others, and how a piece is interpreted can easily change from person to person, or even over time for a single person. Whatever you get out of it: it's true that that's what you got out of it.
This is actually a 100+ year old divisive point in literary/media criticism - the older traditional view is authorial intent is the only thing that matters, the post-modern view is authorial intent shouldn't be considered at all and you should only look at the text in isolation. I think the sensible and most common view is that authorial intent should be taken into account, but should not be considered the final word - because you can't truly know what the author is intending, there may be subconscious things even the author isn't aware of (for example the complete sexlessness of HP Lovecraft is probably not intentional but probably telling), and how the author gets it wrong can be interesting and should be considered part of the piece as well (for example, when you mention how people won't watch the ocean, that's interesting, and should be considered part of the piece because the game leaves room for that kind of interpretation).
TLDR, there may be an intended point, but that's not the only thing a piece can be judged on. The best art leaves room for multiple interpretations, it has a life of it's own beyond the creator when it's experienced by people.
> Despite the HN comments complaining about it being overwhelming and a dark reflection of how awful and distracting the internet is, clearly enough people enjoyed it to get to the front page. The stimulation torture wasn't really torture, but another level to the game. All the content creators whose inclusion at first seems like an indictment of the kinds of internet videos that lead to addiction or overstimulation also all get a pleasant shout-out which seems silly. Are these supposed to represent what's awful about the internet?
There's a literary/artistic technique called "irony" where the depiction isn't meant to be taken at face-value and instead is actually being shown because the opposite is intended. The whole game is an ironic application of Stimulation techniques, and in order to show its negative impact, one must use them ironically.
I didn't find it enjoyable or soothing... I played it for about 30 seconds, got the point, chuckled because it was a mildly clever poke at the stupid engagement tactics used to addict people to otherwise boring and pointless actions - sort of a demo of how we're all dumber than lab mice, who at least get food for pressing a button - and then came back here to see that some people actually kept playing it to some sort of end. Which is crazy.
These trends wouldn't be trends if they didn't work. The game can be awful and distracting, yet still succeed at garnering engagement. Not just in spite of the stimulation but partially due to the stimulation. It's not self defeating or hypocritical, it's a bad thing, an indictment, and also engaging all at the same time.
It got me to think and engage, so already I think it succeeds at being a great piece of art.
But is "overstimulation" ... "bad", according to the overall message? Is this game, livestreamer Ludwig, and all the achievements part of the problem being highlighted? (Not to mention the mean-spirited Mindspace parody) If you get enough stimulation here, it just seems like you get to cash it in so that you can advance to a state of higher enlightenment
> But is "overstimulation" ... "bad", according to the overall message?
Dozens of DVD signs jumping around, hydraulic press slowly pressing macaroons, infinite subway surfers, lofi girl, some guy eating burger, achievements popping left and right, hands molding some crap. All of that fit on a mobile screen with sounds of lofi, rain, thunder and constant clocking of dvd sounds. And I didn’t even reach bottom of the pit.
> But is "overstimulation" ... "bad", according to the overall message?
Smartest HN commenter.
It feels like this quote from "Ready Player One" (2018 film)
"Once we can roll back some of Halliday's ad restrictions, we estimate we can sell up to 80% of an individual's visual field before inducing seizures"
> 2018 Film
It was also a great book!
Well, you're half right -- it was a book.
You're downvoted, but I agree. I found it basically a hodgepodge of 80s references over a basic story with one-dimensional characters (the heroes are Very Good and the bad guy is Very Bad). I would have assumed that it's aimed at young children, if the references weren't forty years before their time.
Ow, My Balls
Reminds me of a story I heard as a kid.
Short version, guy can't sleep. Someone tells him get a dog. Dog barks, still can't sleep. Well you'll also need a blah... repeat until the man has a small farm of loud animals going. Then finally "get rid of them" and suddenly it's all so quiet again.
It's pretty fascinating how much more calm everything seems when you finish/stop this game
There is a different version where a person takes drug A to solve problem X. But that has a side effect so they take drug B to solve that problem. And so on and so on and so on. Eventually, they decide to stop taking all the medicines and are finally "cured".
I felt an immediate, physical relief when I hit the credits screen.
"A Squash and a Squeeze" by Julia Donaldson must be a take on that says it's a take on an old Jewish Polish folk tale
sharkweek keeping weird internet alive, one micro game at a time.
Other favorites:
* Absurd Trolley Problem:
* Password game:
Lovely ending, and I appreciate how short this one is. For me it really does induce some mixed feelings for what we did to the web while at the same time I really enjoyed the nostalgia.
Another game I sunk way too much time into to get to the end is Idle Loops which ends up being kind of like programming once you get deeper into it: (There are three versions, all open source on GitHub – this one is the third in the chain of forks, with the most updates)
Best way I've found to stimulate quickly, resize your window to be as small as possible, and have lots of bouncing DVDs.
I figured like thirty seconds into using the site that resizing it smaller would give me more DVD bounces per second. But then during resizing i kinda cheated myself some points accidentally, and discovered that trick where they're just bouncing on every tick.
Normally I'm a sucker for clicker games, but cheating the progress (even accidentally) always kills the point of it.
I cheated and opened up multiple windows of this game in a tiled window manager so I can get more stimulated, but it wasn't enough so I opened up youtube (minecraft parkour videos), netflix (comfort shows) and live streamed it to twitch providing live commentary.
This is the way, two minutes and already at a million.
You can get a massive amount of money with the stock market plugin once you get the cryptocurrency and leverage upgrades.
After you get to the cryptocurrency it's basically game over, you can earn over a million during a few market cycles, and the speed you can do it it raises (almost) exponentially. Stocks are similar, but much slower.
Why do you think that stock and crypto plugins will be very profitable? There are no tools to combine finance data in easy way?
Something is broken with HN because I'm also seeing this comment thread in the post about the Yahoo Pipes replacement:
However, when I reply it says Stimulation Clicker at the top so no idea what's going on. @dang?
During my 20 minutes I noticed stocks and crypto seem to always fluctuate within a given range. So if you buy in the low end of the range you're guaranteed to see an opportunity to sell at the higher end of the range.
Crypto is just stocks with a wider range and more volatility.
Also, zoom in the window!
Level 42 was my limit
The real hidden gem here is the hilarious 40 minute mermaid-themed true crime podcast parody that you'll only hear a portion of if you progress quickly. As far as I can tell, it's fully custom-made for this game? Can't find any references to the characters online. sounds/true-crime.mp3 - it's hosted on Cloudflare, but even so I don't want to cost OP significant bandwidth, so join the two strings above for the direct link.
"Aww, he was all cat 'n tonic when he first saw her." An absolute classic. I would do anything to know more about how this came to exist.