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Idiomatic Errors in Clojure

Idiomatic Errors in Clojure


·December 12, 2024


My take away:

Idiomatic Clojure error handling can be idiomatic Java error handling, idiomatic Erlang/Elixir error handling, or idiomatic Haskell error handling.

If everything is idiomatic, is anything idiomatic?

(This article also makes me strangely appreciative of Go's idiomatic error handling. Use multiple return values, so the error value is clearly visible in function signature and must at least be explicitly ignored by the caller. Avoids the action at a distance of exceptions, and the invisibility of errors in the dynamic approaches recommended in the article.)


Throwing ex-info is conspicuously missing from your list of examples.

>If everything is idiomatic, is anything idiomatic?

Welcome to lisp! We like it here.


> so the error value is clearly visible in function signature and must at least be explicitly ignored by the caller

Not exactly. There's nothing requiring you to handle errors. But Go doesn't let you have unused values in general.

So in a transaction commit function, if you forget that it returns an error, Go will just let you ignore it. This is a big issue with treating errors as values.


Java's exceptions are also visible in the signature, and harder to ignore.

I actually like Go's solution better, because it's verbose, because the fact that I pay the cost of "if err != nil" every effin time, I'm more likely to consider what happens.

Because if the flow is not linear with those, I'm more likely to break out a function and give it a name.


Go error handling is nice, but not super mandatory.

I’ve seen functions only returning an error being called without the error being assigned to anything and never checked. The compiler does not care, only go ci lint would block that.

I’ve also seen a function returning a value and and error, and the error being mapped to _ on the caller side. Compiler and linter are fine with that (and sometimes it’s mandatory with some weird libraries).

Lastly, a nitpick: should functions return (value, error, or (error, value)? The former is a convention, but the latter happens sometimes in some libraries.


>should functions return (value, error), or (error, value)?

a benefit of using maps with error keys :D semantic rather than positional destructuring. also avoids that needlessly obfuscatory Left and Right terminology for Either monads


> I’ve also seen a function returning a value and and error, and the error being mapped to _ on the caller side. Compiler and linter are fine with that (and sometimes it’s mandatory with some weird libraries).

Yes, that's the way to explicitly ignore the error. Ignoring the result, instead of attributing to the blank identifier _ , is bad form (unless you're doing something like defer a Close).


The "error maps" approach from the article doesn't have Go's compiler enforcement, but shares many attributes including the "being explicit about how to handle an error" aspect you mention.


Also note an implementation of Common Lisp condition system in Clojure that allows you to have CL-style condition handling:


A bit off topic, it took me a while to figure out that the article is about “handling errors in clojure in an idiomatic way” and not “error prone clojure code that gets written so often it can be considered idiomatic”. Especially since some of these can be controversial, e.g. error maps.


I considered "Idiomatic error handling in Clojure" and decided to err on the side of concision.

Tbh the latter interpretation was not one that occurred to me. Curious what you would put in such an article.


having no experience in Closure, I was thinking exactly the latter


> if something is expected then return either nil or some {:ok false :message "..."} value (and {:ok true :value ...} for success)

Maps used in this way are uncomfortable. You end up with a function (foo x y z) and in practice you don't know how may values it is about to return. Technically one, but that one might be a map with who-knows-what in it.

There is a general API problem here of how to handle operations which really require multiple communication channels to report back with. I'm not sure if there is a good way to handle it, but complex objects as return value isn't very satisfying. Although in practice I find it works great in exceptions because the map is secretly just a string that is about to be logged somewhere and discarded.


> but that one might be a map with who-knows-what in it.

I think thatthe beauty of maps, you can take the parts you need and discard the rest (I am suddenly reminded of my old shifu).


In a dynamically typed language, you can't even be sure you have the parts you need.


If you'd say "you can't even be sure you have the parts you have", it kind of makes sense, but the way we (Clojure devs) commonly use the REPL-in-editor kind of makes that moot.

But as it stands, I'm not sure I understand what you mean?


Just because it’s dynamically typed, doesn’t mean there aren’t types. Additionally, usage of runtime type enforcement such as malli schemas and core.spec are commonplace.


You check the keys.


I.. know which parts I need, thats a very abstract thought pattern, what do you mean ?


Not idiomatic, but it looks like [core.match][1] could be used to "if error" unpack the map:

   (let [result (do-thing x y z)]
    (match [result]
      [{:ok false :message msg}]
       {:ok false :message (format "do-thing failed: %s" msg)}
      [{:ok true, :value value}]
       (continue-computation-with value)))



What is the advantage there that justifies bringing in another dependency? You've already got a let for binding parts of result and could use cond from clojure.core instead of match. It'd be effectively identical.


The point of `match` is you can combine the destructuring with the conditional. It's also why Rich Hickey dislikes it.


i don’t think core.match has worked out in practice for many prod projects for subtle reasons, there’s a je ne sais quoi about it that seems not quite right


Do you have a list of those reasons? I find it curious that I really enjoy `match` in both Scala and Python. While it can be argued that Scala is a completely different beast than Clojure, Python is much closer (in the sense that both are dynamic typed languages).


Not really, you just have to check your return values, and it is trivial to write a macro to make this more convenient (if-success, success->, etc).

Checking return values for errs is a common idiom even in languages without this affordance.


A must-read for Clojurians.I especially appreciated that he took the time to comment on the correct use of assert, which is too often overlooked and makes debugging harder than it needs to be.


Much appreciated. You might appreciate this follow-up on assertions:


They all feel kinda monadic'ish to me (and the term monad is used several times in TFA) and I kinda dig them when coupled with "enhanced" threading macros that shall short-circuit on an error but...

How'd that all work with Clojure spec? I use spec and spec on functions (defn-spec) all the time in Clojure. It's my way to keep things sane in a dynamic language (and I know quite some swear by spec too).

I'd now need to spec, say, all my maps so that they're basically a "Maybe" or "Either" with the right side being my actual specc'ed map and the left side being specc'ed as an error dealing thinggy?

Would that be cromulent? Did anyone try mixing such idiomatic error handling in Clojure mixed with specs and does it work fine?


People's use of spec varies widely. My take is that error maps are for internal work. Contracts are for what passes over some sort of system boundary, so it seems feasible to just...not spec the monadic aspect?

Personally I haven't worked on a project where the two overlapped, so perhaps someone with direct experience can chime in on how they navigated it.


For failure maps, I’ve found it useful to have a :tried key, which is the parameter that in some sense “caused” the err, or a map of params if there are multiple.

I also usually have an error :type key.

I’ve also found it useful to distinguish between expected errs and those that should end execution more quickly. Clojure allows hierarchical keys with “derive” so I inherit these from a top level error key and set them as the :type. (Why not use exceptions - because I’ve already got exit flow and error reporting built around the maps.)


:tried is new to me, thanks for the tip! In the context where I've used this the most the entire map was the payload/parameter so it didn't make sense there, but I see where that could be useful.

I like having a :type key - for me usually :error/kind


- regarding the bulk of these patterns, which are all just different encodings of error values:

- the primary value prop of error values is they are concurrent, i.e. you can map over a collection with an effectful fn and end up with a collection of maybe errors (where error is encoded as nil, map, Either, whatever)

- exceptions cannot do this

- furthermore, clojure’s default collection operators (mapcat etc) are lazy, which means exceptions can teleport out of their natural call stack, which can be very confusing

- error values defend this

- the problem is that now you have a function coloring problem: most functions throw, but some functions return some error encoding

- this additional structure is difficult to balance, you’re now playing type tetris without a type system. Clojure works best when you can write short, simple code and fall into the pit of success. Type tetris is pretty much not allowed, it doesn’t scale, you’ll regret it

- you’ll also find yourself with a red function deep in your logic that is called by a blue function, at which point you’ll find your self doing the log-and-discard anti pattern

- therefore, i agree with the first bullet: it’s a hosted language, host exceptions are idiomatic, don’t over complicate it

- i do think error values can work great locally, for example (group-by (comp some ex-message) (map #(try-ok (f! %))), here i am using ex-message as a predicate. the point is you need to gather and rethrow asap to rejoin the language-native error semantics so your functions are no longer colored

- i am not an authority on this, just my experience having explored this a bit, wrote a big system once using a monadic error value encoding in clojure (using the funcool either type) and was very unhappy. The minute you see >>= in a clojure codebase, it’s over. (mlet is ok locally)

- one thing building Electric Clojure taught me, is that the language/runtime can encode exception semantics “however” and still expose them to the user as try/catch. Which means we can deliver the value prop of error values under the syntax of try/catch.

- That means, interestingly, Electric v2’s exceptions are concurrent - which means an electric for loop can throw many exceptions at the same time, and if some of them resolve those branches can resume while the others stay parked.

- For Electric v3 we have not decided if we will implement try/catch yet, because Electric userland code is essentially “pure” (given that IO is managed by the runtime and resource effects are managed by an effect system). Userland doesn’t throw, platform interop (database txns) is what throws, and we’ve found only very minor use cases for needing to catch that from Electric programs, again due to their purity. Having network failure not be your problem is really great for code complexity and abstraction!


I was watching a Youtube vid of yours on Electric no later than yesterday (mindboggling stuff)! When v3 is out of private beta, shall it be free / open-source?


From [0]: “We’ve historically used venture capital to fund Electric’s development costs—4 team years, do the math!—but the seed market has tightened, and we realized that it’s in everyone’s interest to maintain a strong and ongoing investment in Electric that is decoupled from VC. That’s why with v3 we’re changing the licensing model to a source available business license:

1. Free “community” license for non-commercial use (e.g. FOSS toolmaker, enthusiast, researcher). You’ll need to login to activate, i.e. it will “phone home” and we will receive light usage analytics, e.g. to count active Electric users and projects. We will of course comply with privacy regulations such as GDPR. We will also use your email to send project updates and community surveys, which you want to participate in, right?

2. Commercial use costs $480/month/developer (33% startup discount). No login or analytics (obviously unacceptable for security and privacy), instead you’ll validate a license key (like Datomic). We also offer support and project implementations and are flexible with fee structure (i.e. services vs licenses). For free trials at work, use the community version with your work email. Talk to us, we will arm you to make the case to management.

Special deal for bootstrappers: FREE until you reach $200k revenue or $500k funding. Just use the community license, and come tell us what you’re doing.”



> It’s common to see (catch Throwable) sprinkled liberally across a Clojure codebase.

Just like (catch Exception), this also breaks the semantics of InterruptedException, which (to maintain its semantics) either has to be rethrown, or the catching code has to set the the current thread’s interrupt flag (Thread::interrupt).


Great post this has cleared up a lot of things for me.


I appreciate the kind words and am glad it helped :)