Sell yourself, sell your work
·March 25, 2025simonw
I get it, but I have reservations.
A random example on Youtube "I will tidy up your garden for free". They do that based on the income they get from writing/videoing about it, mainly from big tech algos. If everyone did it, that monetary value is lost from the explaining of it.
It's taking advantage of a curve for self-advantage which you're aware of which is fine, but doesn't really provide value in productivity in the broadest sense. What if everyone blogged about their work? As in literally everyone.
"What if everyone blogged about their work? As in literally everyone."
That would be great. This isn't a zero sum game - what's important is that each individual has an opportunity to document their work, look back on it in the future and occasionally show it to interested people.
Does the web really work that way though?
Maybe it does for your historical reference example, like a CV. If we presumed that those pages with that content would get any traction at all.
Generally the way it's working is people continually pump out content, big tech algos surface it to other people and within a few days those pages don't receive any visitors at all.
If you have a great channel where people see that link, great. But most information discovery is via the big tech algos.
I like your diligency, thats pretty impressive track record. Although I need to point out a little readability issue: For me (likely ADHD) your blog is very hard to visually parse. It looks like single wall of unstructured text. It's hard to see where one post ends and where another one begins. The strongly emphasized links inside the content itself does not help. You have a lot of whitespace on left and right, but almost none in vertical direction and there is little use of font sizes. In the end every element seems the same importance. I see that you don't want to overdo with styling, which is fine, but a little more styling here and there could go a long way to help people get around.
I'm not the type to write a blog. I just don't want to invest that much.
What I do though is documenting for myself, everything.
It has helped me greatly in the last few years
Do you have examples of how it helped?
I'm regularly kicking myself for not doing that, so I see the value, but some concrete examples might help my motivation.
If you're regularly kicking yourself, don't you have your own examples to draw from? Only half-joking.
> if I do a project, the price of doing that project is that I have to write about it.
Definitely something I need to do. I've been meaning to do a "what I did in 2024" blog post but since I didn't keep track, trying to figure it out has postponed the post for 3 months already...
I'd suggest a smaller scope, as writing for a whole year can be a bit of a daunting task.
Agreed. I find for myself, for a blog post that is about something else I've done, the ideal length is about 5 paragraphs and it should take no more than an hour to write. Longer than that and it just doesn't get done, or it should be considered a project unto itself and should be managed as such with dedicated time set aside for it. Writing about everything I did in year would be a lot longer than 5 paragraphs, which means I need to break the concept down (perhaps into months, or write something per-project instead).
I second this. Small chunks is easier than one massive thing all at once.
I also have the habit of keeping a `~/` file, which I can access at the drop of a hat with a shell shortcut (I use fish, so I have the function `nn` which calls `$EDITOR ~/`). If you use multiple computers, which I do, you can use a common git repo with a branch for each computer as a backup. I generally end up writing a few notes every day, which means if I want to publish something in the future I have good source material to use.
Apologies if this post was a bit self centered, I hope my sharing my methods might be useful :)
Hi Simon, how do you decide when to blog on your personal website vs something like substack? Do you post identical articles on both? Do you prefer one or the other?
My Substack newsletter is literally a copy and paste from my blog - I built a custom tool for it:
Everything substantial I write goes on my blog.
The one challenge I'm having at the moment is where to put short "thoughts" that aren't accompanied by a link. I used to use Twitter for those, but now I'm cross-posting to Bluesky and Mastodon and Twitter - but cross-posting a "thought" doesn't feel great.
Things like this:
I may have to invent a fourth content type for my blog (which is currently just entries, bookmarks or quotes) for this kind of very-short-form post with no link. Molly White started doing that recently so I may borrow her design:
... with the help of Gemini 2.5 I added that new content type to my blog. I've called them "notes":
Do you have any idea whether Substack drives traffic to, or sucks traffic from, your blog?
I would love to do this as well, but I'm put off by the time it would take away from pushing the project itself forward. How much time does it generally take for you to make a blogpost for a project?
This gets much easier with practice. One exercise that that worked for me was to force myself to share anything (projects, til, ideas, experiments, advice) daily for 111 days. Then scale down.
Compare and
The latter took 10 years to have a list of projects. With the former, there’s almost no friction, although I have spikes and slower periods.
Also, people appreciate people who share and talk about their work, and that can lower the bar for things like correct grammar/vocab/clear structure.
To improve my overall fluency I made a writing tool that separates editing from writing:
Another thing that can work well are weekly updates/summaries. But this gets harder if you struggle with building habits and prefer shorter feedback loops.
PS. I'm not at Simon's level here although he is one of my inspirations - my main untested feed posts take 1-2 hours minimum, the smaller notes/branches can be < 20 min.
PPS. I'm working on a short list of actionable tips / places to share work. Hit me up via email and I'll send it over when it's done.
Five paragraphs, about an hour or less. Don't overthink it. Below are some examples from my woodworking, but I think they illustrate the concept. The important thing to remember is the blog post is not the project: it is a very quick overview pointing readers to the project. Built up over time, these quick overviews add up to a longer representation of your body of work, which you can use to sell yourself.
These are fantastic, I've been contemplating getting into woodworking and I love these as examples of project writeups.
Beautiful pieces of furniture. Thank You!
It can be as little as 10 minutes for smaller projects, partly because I have so much practice writing them up now.
Here are two recent examples where I mostly just quoted my release notes and added a tiny bit of extra flavor:
Do you have any advice for someone like me, who has about 5 long form article ideas but would like to just get stuff out there? For example, I want to blog about matrix profiles because I just learned about them and they’re super cool. But it feels like much scaffolding needs to occur for an audience to see the light.
As an example of the type of length my blogposts have:
> But it feels like much scaffolding needs to occur for an audience to see the light.
tl;dr: Don't think about others. Just write, put it out there, with a couple of stickers pointing people. They'll see and come.
I'd not care about scaffolding, actually. I have three main outlets for what I do: Blog, Digital Garden, Mastodon, and arguably here.
Blog was meant to be technical, but instead it became a "life" blog. My digital garden is where my technical notes are, and where my project write-ups will be, and Mastodon and here is what I post links to these spaces.
My secret is, I don't write these for anybody. The format is for general consumption, but I'm not sad because nobody gives feedback about it or reaches me about these things. I generally do these for my enjoyment, and blog analytics show that there's some foot traffic in my blog. Digital garden keeps no analytics.
When you put it out there, can point people to what you do, people will start to come. Not in hoards, but in small groups, and that's enough IMHO. Otherwise you need to be your blog's servant to drive the numbers up.
I'm not playing that game.
Thanks for the reminder. I feel the same way about not playing the game. Moreso than wanting to drive the numbers up, which is not the goal, I like sharing things and want to at least be coherent so that someone can follow along. But considering your advice I think not sweating the details of scaffolding is a good adjustment.
"My secret is, I don't write these for anybody. [...] When you put it out there, can point people to what you do, people will start to come."
That's absolutely the way to do this. Believe it or not that's still the way I think about my online writing.
Hey Simon, love your work. I also appreciate the fact that you've been so approachable to ask questions of. (I've talked to you on one of the socials)
Just a random question for you. Of all of the projects you've created, which is your favorite?
It's - I'm still having so much fun with it, especially since any idea I want to experiment with can be justified as a Datasette plugin!
> For the world to benefit from your work, and therefore for you to benefit fully from your work, you have to make it known.
"Fully" seems to be doing a helluva lot of heavy lifting in this piece. Does anyone think that they mean anything other than "making money", as they quickly segue into talking about entrepreneurship and founding businesses?
I'm happy to concede that if you don't tell anyone about the stuff you do, no one will know. But I am not willing to concede that you only "fully" benefit from your work if you sell it. Nor am I willing to concede that work only has value if sold. I'm also not entirely certain the author is pushing those views. Still, something about this piece doesn't sit well with me.
Human endeavors have value beyond the monetary.
I have a web extension I made as a pet project that does something useful to me (in the spirit of selling my work, it's called Favioli ).
It's free/open-source and will always be free. But the idea was inspired by my friend's code. When I made a blog post about how I made the extension, he reposted it on his relatively popular blog + Twitter.
Because of that, the extension has had around 1000 users since the very beginning, and I've gotten some prs and improvements here and there. And it feels good to have solved an issue for some people other than myself.
I think this is what the author means by "selling". I'm generally the type of person who doesn't self-advertise, because my mindset is that I don't want to bother people. So if my friend hadn't publicized it for me, the extension would probably have 5 users. So maybe 995 other people wouldn't have benefitted from my work. I think this article is not saying that you "have" to sell your work, but that if you're proud of it, don't feel ashamed to tell people that it exists.
I can see it from this perspective, thank you
I'll add that "sell yourself" has (Unfortunately) negative connotations in a Western context. (Possibly in other contexts as well, but I don't know.)
We teach children modesty. We correct people who brag. We emphasize the "everyone is equal " approach. Which are are correct things to do as children. Children's work is encouraged (regardless of quality) and is discarded.
But this mindset can work against adults. Primarily because the work is expected to be fruitful, not discarded. And for work to be fruitful it must not just be fine, it must be seen.
At my company we have a saying "if it's not documented, it's not done". (I write software libraries.) If I don't write docs, build examples, publicize new features, then no one will use them. That's a waste of my output, and a waste of the money the company spent for me to make it. This is not a "modesty" thing, it's a "that's my job" thing.
Now, can you write code on your own time, stick the result on the fridge, and admire it yourself? Of course yes. You don't have to publicize it. It's perfectly OK to have a hobby. Frankly it doesn't matter if it's good or bad. It'll serve its purpose and be forgotten.
"Selling" in this context may be the wrong word. "Documenting" or "Publishing" would have served a similar purpose without the stigma. But the author wants to stress test there's a "persuasion " aspect here as well.
My library might be better, faster, more secure, and so on, but there are other libraries our there competing for users. If I won't "persuade" others to try it, who will? If I'm not prepared to stand up and advocate for it, what that does that say about my perspective of the work? If I don't believe in it, why should they?
If you don't think your work is worth talking about, so be it. Just don't expect anyone else to talk about it either.
The author isn't saying that selling is necessary only to make money. At the end of the article he says "But the word "sell" doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means", which then leads to the aside:
"you can either do it in such a fashion that people can indeed build on what you've done, or you can do it in such a fashion that the next person has to essentially duplicate again what you've done"
> Human endeavors have value beyond the monetary.
Indeed, and for me the real value of “selling” my work has been the opportunity to do more of it, and more on my terms, than putting my head down and striving in silence.
There is a lot of truth in this article.
I work in a large FAANG company. For more than 10 years, I made the error of not publishing my personal work and ideas. I didn't like the rules about personal works, publishing opensource or social media communication... you are subject to gate-keeping by your employer if you are an employee. That's quite different from my previous experience in smaller companies in Europe. I found it very off putting: you had to give up ownership. I thought it was demeaning that even what I create in my own private time would be owned and attributed to someone else.
My choice of not publishing anything however was a very bad one. I didn't understand what power is: the continuity of the Self into the Other, where you find your-Self at ease. If you don't assert yourself, you give up not just your power but your very identity.
The truth is that power is dialectic. If you don't speak up, you have no power. Both in what you create, and in the relationship of and with power that you live, you are constantly redefining the boundaries of what you are and what you are not. If you remain silent, you loose.
I came to similar conclusion after pouring 95% of brain power for 8 years as an employee at a startup.
Make yourself visible in professional and social life.
That line about "the continuity of the Self into the Other" is going to stick with me
I took it from Byun-Chul Han's "What is Power?". It's quite a heavy philosophy book, but worth reading if you are into this stuff.
Writing that answer in this thread, made me think that I should publish too. So, I did:
> I thought it was demeaning that even what I create in my own private time would be owned and attributed to someone else.
I still feel this way. Well, I don't think I'd use the word demeaning, but I think it's a despicable abuse of the employee/employer power dynamic for my employer to claim ownership on my whole creative output outside of the work I'm actually paid to do.
enter hackernews,
read a random post
find fucking poetry
leave, enlighted
Strongly disagree. You are allowed to create/do things that no one else know about. Share it if you want, keep it to yourself if you don't. Don't let other people dictate to you what you must do in order to be satisfied with yourself.
There is a certain type of tyranny to the mindset in this blog post. The constant pressure to perform for an imagine audience, the "self worth through the prism of others" trap etc. More chilling is the dismissing of others that do not "perform".
I presume the author doesn't fall for any of these and is happy. But for many it would be a dark pattern to follow.
I come from a long line of tinkerers that have sat in damp sheds playing with junk. Testing themselves, their tools and often others patience. There is an inherent beauty and calmness to this. This has value and shouldn't be dismissed.
The last part was beautifully put; it'll definitely stick with me awhile.
I agree, it’s your choice. But, if you want to help others, you also have permission to share your work.
You probably don’t think your work is valuable but someone is waiting for your unique perspective. It doesn’t need to be perfect; nothing is.
You can also write publicly but for your future self, which drops the barrier to entry.
Of course you’re allowed not to write or not to share. It’s not for everyone. But don’t let fear or self-doubt stand in your way either.
I think the unique perspective part is something I’m understanding. It’s easy to read or see other people’s work and think you don’t have anything to add
Sure, as long as you do it with intent. The thing is that a lot of people's intentions and ambitions often don't line up with the results. Because they forget to talk about their stuff.
People put a lot of effort in stuff they do in the hope that somebody will find it useful, will give them some praise, and maybe even some money. That stuff doesn't tend to happen if you don't talk about your stuff. Build it and they'll come usually doesn't work.
The article isn’t disallowing you…
It definitely heavily implies that creators are - or should be - trying to benefit the wider world.
Also teaching people has a broad potential impact that will never fully be appreciated.
> Doing technically brilliant work may be enough for your personal gratification, but you should never think it's enough.
First, "should" is a form of judgement. What the author believes is "enough" is defined by their belief system, not anyone else's.
> If you lock yourself in a room and do the most marvellous[sic] work but don't tell anyone, then no one will know, no one will benefit, and the work will be lost.
A reasonable discussion could be had for all but the last two assertions:
... no one will benefit, and the work will be lost.
Again, this is a presumption made without merit.First, work related to a person's profession contributes to experience and possibly ability. Second, work is only lost if it and lessons learned doing it no longer exist.
I think the author's message is more about missed opportunities than casting judgment
For me the title
> Sell yourself, sell your work
is off-putting. It makes it sound like my work should become a product to be bought and sold to the highest bidder. But not everything can become a product and not everyone wants to be creating products all day, every day. Especially since once something becomes a product, the focus is on profit and no longer the actual idea - profit begins to drive development of that idea.
But then I read the article and realised that the title has nothing to do with the message:
> "Selling" to a scientist is an awkward thing to do. It's very ugly; you shouldn't have to do it. The world is supposed to be waiting, and when you do something great, they should rush out and welcome it. But the fact is everyone is busy with their own work. You must present it so well that they will set aside what they are doing, look at what you've done, read it, and come back and say, "Yes, that was good."
The author, IMHO, is talking of promotion and not selling. Which is fair enough.
Without promotion, your ideas won't reach a broader audience. But that may be fine for some people and sometimes for me. I choose not to promote my half-baked ideas - fine. That's a different feeling than to think that I can't sell my ideas or that I've wasted my time because I won't be making a profit.
Of course, "selling yourself" and "promoting yourself" is the same thing in some places on this planet, for me though, there is a fine line between the two.
On a side note, whatever happened to hobbies? Whatever happens to exploring and experimenting with ideas? If everything I do has to eventually turn a profit then I need reconsider how often I go to the toilet - is that a profitable activity?
My writing rules are:
* Explain, don’t “sell”. If something is significant and you explain it well, the significance will be obvious without artificial emphasis.
* Explain, don’t “persuade”. Don’t assume agreement before or after. Make your reasoning clear. Don’t assert credibility or pressure for acceptance.
* Clarity and brevity compound each other. If you are clear, you don’t have to spell out every detail, or review important points.
If you find yourself trying to explain what you have explained, you have not been clear or concise and are now spiraling. Rethink. Rewrite.
* Finally, state your main point/purpose up front. For everything, every section, every paragraph. Gets attention. Filters readers by relevance. Assists clarity & brevity.
Avoid mixing multiple or deeper points, that are better communicated separately.
Find an unmissable visual way to indicate where the first point/purpose was accomplished, and additional material has a related but new purpose.
> Explain, don’t “sell”
> Explain, don’t “persuade”
Know your audience. A library on github targeted towards developers does both selling and persuading via a good explanataion.
My standard advice:
For any young programmers: live within your means, invest the difference, become independent, and work on what you enjoy. It’s the best (work related) gift you can give yourself. Skip the self promotion politics unless you enjoy it.
I'm sorry, but this advice can sometimes sound like "sell one of your kidneys so you can eat". What if your means are not sufficient to avoid hunger? Investing negative difference? What if on top of that you're trying to do the work you enjoy and your means - incomes - stop completely? Do you see the problem with advice?
Naturally not everyone is lucky enough to have the income to do this.
The first part though is key - living within your means. It assumes you have means, and that it's possible to live within them.
The advice is good - whether you use it or not is up to you, and of no consequence to the advice giver. Whether you are in a position to take the advice or not is up to you.
For those who can though I can agree with it. Forgoing a new car now might mean retiring a year earlier. Financial freedom (aka retirement) means doing work on your terms, not beholden to your employer. It doesn't mean "not working".
Of course the best way to a better job, more pay, and a sooner retirement is indeed to "sell yourself" making both yourself and your work more valuable.
Do this advice is a corollary to the article, not a repudiation of it.
I think you might modify the advice to be something like:
If you're a programmer, and you're paid well, don't assume that will last forever. Don't spend all your money (and beyond) on cars and rent. Invest as much as you can with the goal of being financially independent.
Programmers tend to be paid well?
I get what you (intended to) mean, but living within your means doesn’t leave anything to invest - you just don’t have a growing mountain of debt.
Respectfully disagree. If you're maxing out your spend so at the end of the month there is no surplus you aren't living within your means. For a lot of folks this is an ugly necessity, but programmers generally aren't in this group.
“Passion is bullshit”.
I don’t hate work. But at the end of the day, it’s a means to exchange labor for money.
Out of the million of things I enjoy, helping the bottom line of a for profit company isn’t one of them. It’s a necessity.
And I actually like the company I work for. It’s one of the best companies I’ve ever worked for (10 in almost 30 years).
The self promotion politics is the only way you get ahead in large companies with a structured promotion process where you have to show “scope” and “impact”.
I actually enjoy when my work isn't just fun and good, but also contributing to a bigger picture. It's bot just that it gives meaning. It's also that the added design constraints are intriguing, and help me determine when I can stop polishing.
It's not about self promotion, but building with a clear goal set fir me I have found to be much more rewarding than when I have to think of my own goal. The worst is when a fake goal is set, it's the thing about university I liked the least. If I can't interrogate or question the 'why' for the goal, because it is just 'to test me' then it isn't a real goal, just an artificial constraint.
I like writing, but I always have a hard time getting started. In that regards ChatGPT has been a real game changer. I can just lay down some ideas, ask it to write an article, hate it, then write it myself.
> For the world to benefit from your work, and therefore for you to benefit fully from your work, you have to make it known.
I don't agree with this assumption. One does not necessarily follow the other. Outside of work, I write programs that I need and that further my own personal curiosity and education. I don't have to release any of it to the world, in order for me to fully benefit from it. I plan to take all of the source code on my computer to my grave and that's totally OK.
I think some of the most meaningful projects I've done were never sold or promoted widely
There are many definitions of "sell" that aren't a dichotomy between building toy projects that never leave your private repo, and running a SaaS startup you're trying to grow via LinkedIn and HN.
I've found a lot of fulfillment in building tech products/services for friends and family, and making meeting their needs the complete scope of the project, with no intention to release it publicly. I present it as though it's a widely released product, including marketing materials, retail box, printed instruction manual, etc. I enjoy it thoroughly as a creative exercise, and it gives me the opportunity to integrate and combine lots of skills I'm not able to use at work.
I don't make any money doing this, but it scratches the itch I have to build things people will use, and I do enjoy showcasing and promoting my latest projects - and an audience of my (less technical) friends and family is a polite and encouraging one. Definitely less stressful than releasing things to the wider internet. This has brought improvements to my real job, where I'm finding myself more comfortable presenting and promoting my achievements.
Home cooked meals software is a nice phrasing for this kinda thing. I admire your packaging and documentation touches, going that far is cool and creative
I supposed it’s ironic given the topic but this sounds so cool that I’d love to see a writeup or some pictures.
I’m always reminded of the essay: Isiah’s job by Albert Jay Nock.
Publicizing your work, will certainly let it be known to the masses, but aiming for the masses means that the half life of your work is in years. Work that stands the test of time, does not need publicizing. People of a high caliber will find it and proceed to further honor you for your work, your focus should be only on excellence which truly matters in standing the test of time.
> People of a high caliber will find it and proceed to further honor you for your work
That's a fantasy which is just not true.
Plus, am I the only one who is disgusted by the idea of Shell/Exxon/... using OSS in their operations?
Sharing technically-excellent software with parasites seems to be a net negative for the world, because many people are just takers who will ruin the world to make themselves a few more dollars.
OTOH, I love for regular people to have free quality SW to use for their lives.
How to strike the balance?
Make it GPL then.
The article wasn't saying to aim for the masses. It was saying, do at least some documentation, and make it pleasant to read for your peers. That way, they can find your work, understand it, and build uppon it.
> People of a high caliber will find it and proceed to further honor you for your work
This is a romantic notion, made even more appealing by the fact that it has actually happened a handful of times throughout history, and they loom large in our collective memory.
But the cold, hard, distasteful reality is that most useful work does not rise to the level of brilliance, and even that which does might never find appreciation among people of any calibre, even after death. Disdaining self-promotion is a conceit available to a select talented few.
Survivorship bias at its finest. For as many people have been lived before ourselves there’s only a handful that get remembered on any scale.
That is called "doing a Van Gogh", right?
Van Goughs work is only popular now because after his death his sister in law. [1]. She spent her life promoting and selling his work. And it took decades to do. Without her, his work would average simply disappeared.
Van Gough of course didn't sell his work. He lived in poverty (by choice I guess) and got whatever satisfaction he needed simply by painting them. (Now There's a rabbit hole to go down, given the nature of his death, which I'll avoid.)
So if you're hoping your work will be discovered by "the world " while you live in obscurity, then I'm not sure Van Gogh is an example you should emulate.
This type of inaccessibility often has the opposite result. Your work will be seen as elitist, esoteric or cultish.
I come to HN to read interesting news, but every other day there is another article about necessity of writing blogs and again, and again I am feeling bad about me not writing...
Why HN? Why?!
I have a personal rule which has worked really well for me: if I do a project, the price of doing that project is that I have to write about it.
Back when Twitter threads didn't suck (they could be viewed by people without Twitter accounts) I'd use those - tweet a description of my project with a link, then follow it with a few photos and screenshots.
These days I use my blog, with my "projects" tag:
I blog all sorts of other stuff, but if I was ever to trim back the one thing I'd keep doing is projects. If you make a thing, write about that thing. I wrote more about that here:
Projects with a GitHub repository make this even easier: describe the project in the README and drop in a few screenshots - that's all you need.
(Screenshots are important though, they're the ultimate defense against bitrot.)
I have many projects from earlier in my career that I never documented or captured in screenshot form and I deeply regret it.