Has the decline of knowledge work begun?
·March 25, 2025Bukhmanizer
I’m surprised not many people talk about this, but a big reason corporations are able to do layoffs is just that they’re doing less. At my work we used to have thousands of ideas of small improvements to make things better for our users. Now we have one: AI. It’s not that we’re using AI to make all these small improvements, or even planning on it. We’re just… not doing them. And I don’t think my experience is very unique.
I think people need to get used to the idea that the West is just going backwards in capability. Go watch CGI in a movie theatre and it's worse than 20 years ago, go home to play video games and the new releases are all remasters of 20 year old games because no-one knows how to do anything any more. And these are industries which should be seeing the most progress, things are even worse in hard-tech at Boeing or whatever.
Whenever people see old systems still in production (say things that are over 30 years old) the assumption is that management refused to fund the replacement. But if you look at replacement projects so many of them are such dismal failures that's management's reluctance to engage in fixing stuff is understandable.
From the outside, decline always looks like a choice, because the exact form the decline takes was chosen. The issue is that all the choices are bad.
My personal theory is that this is the result of an incompetent management class where no self corrections are happening.
In my work experience I've realized everybody fears honesty in their organization be it big or small.
Customers can't admit the project is failing, so it churns on. Workers/developers want to keep their job and either burn out or adapt and avoid talking about obvious deficits. Management is preoccupied with softening words and avoiding decisions because they lack knowledge of the problem or process.
Additionally there has been a growing pipeline of people that switch directly from university where they've been told to only manage other people and not care about the subject to positions of power where they are helpless and can't admit it.
Even in university, working for the administration I've watched people self congratulation on doing design thinking seminars every other week and working on preserving their job instead of doing useful things while the money for teaching assistants or technical personnel is not there.
I've seen that so often that I think it's almost universal. The result is mediocre broken stuff where everyone pretends everything is fine. Everyone wants to manage, nobody wants to do the work or god forbid improve processes and solve real problems.
I've got some serious ADHD symptoms and as a sysadmin when you fail to deliver it's pretty obvious and I messed up big time more than once and it was always sweet talked, excused, bullshitted away from higher ups.
Something is really off and everyone is telling similar stories about broken processes.
Feels like a collective passivity that captures everything and nobody is willing to admit that something doesn't work. And a huge missallocation of resources.
Not sure how it used to be but I'm pessimistic how this will end.
> My personal theory is that this is the result of an incompetent management class where no self corrections are happening.
This is really a cultural problem that has infected management along with everyone else.
It used to be that you were expected to be able to fix your own car or washing machine, and moreover that one you couldn't fix would be rejected by the customers. It was expected to come with documentation and be made of modular parts you could actually obtain for less than three quarters of the price of the entire machine.
Now everything is a black box you're expected to never open and if it breaks and the manufacturer doesn't deign to fix it you go to the store and buy another one.
The problem with this is that it poisons the well. Paying money to make the problem go away instead of learning how to fix it yourself means that, at scale, you lose the ability to fix it yourself. The knowledge and infrastructure to choose differently decays, so that you have to pay someone else to fix the problem, even if that's not what you would have chosen.
The result is a helplessness that stems from a lack of agency. Once the ability to do something yourself has atrophied, you can no longer even tell whether the person you're having do it for you is doing it well. Which, of course, causes them to not. And in turn to defend the opacity so they can continue to not.
Which brings us back to management. The C suite doesn't actually know how the company works. If something bad happens, they may not even find out about it, or if they do it's through a layer of middle management that has put whatever spin on it necessary to make sure the blame falls on the designated scapegoat. Actually fixing the cause of the problem is intractable because the cause is never identified.
But to fix that you'd need an economy with smaller companies, like a machine with modular parts and documented interfaces, instead of an opaque monolith that can't be cured because it can't be penetrated by understanding.
I think a way to sum this up is simply metric optimizing. As organizations and companies grow larger the need to evaluate people at scale becomes necessary. And so metrics are used, and people then naturally start to optimize around those metrics. But it seems to invariably turns out that any sort of metric you create will not effectively measure progress towards a goal you want to achieve, when that metric ends up being optimized for.
The traditional term for this is cobra effect. [1] When the Brits were occupying India they wanted to reduce the cobra population, so they simply created a bounty on cobra heads. Sounds reasonable, but you need to have foresight to think about what comes next. This now created a major incentive for entrepreneurial Indians to start mass breeding cobras to then turn in their heads. After this was discovered, the bounty program was canceled, and the now surging cobra farm industry mostly just let their cobras go wild.
I think the fundamental problem is that things just don't work so well at scale, after a point. This is made even worse by the fact that things work really well at scale before they start to break down. So we need a large economy that remains relatively decentralized. But that's not so easy, because the easiest way to make more money is to just start assimilating other companies/competitors with your excess revenue. Anti-trust is the knee jerk answer but even there, are we even going to pretend there's a single person alive who e.g. Google (or any other mega corp) doesn't have the resources to 'sway'?
This crisis, which it is, is caused by the unrecognized necessity for effective communications within science and technology and business, which is not taught. Not really, only a lite "presentation skill" is taught.
Fact of the matter: communications is everything for humans, including dealing with one's own self. Communications are how our internal self conversation mired in bias encourages or discourages behavior, communications are how peers lead, mislead, inform, misinform, and omit key information - including that critical problem information that people are too often afraid to relate.
An effective communicator can talk to anyone, regardless of stature, and convey understanding. If the information is damningly negative, the effective communicator is thanked for their insight and not punished nor ignored.
Effective communications is everything in our complex society, and this critical skill is simply ignored.
While I suspect the root cause is managerial dysfunction ultimately the disease spreads everywhere. I've stopped honing my technical skills because I don't expect to ever work in an organisation sufficiently well-managed for it to matter. So then you end up with the loss of genuine technical expertise from generation to generation as well.
Sounds like hypernormalisation has now hit the West
I would caveat with its not affordable to be passionate anymore. The top engineers (mech, chem, civil, etc) I know work in finance or consulting instead of doing things they care about.
Closer to tech, I feel we have had a big influx on non-tech joining the tech workforce and the quality has suffered as a result of a lack of fundamentals and passion
The cause of an incompetent management class is a subservient worker class. Now a subservient worker class is either that they are incompetent or they don’t have access to capital, meaning that they can’t strike out on their own and leave management to suffer the consequences of their incompetence.
This started when companies decided that labor is fungible.
The moment you admit failure as an employee, you are out of the company. And no for most people it is not easy to find a job that will not disrupt their lives (aka move cities, change financial planning, even health insurance).
So employees do what they have to do. They will lie till the last moment and pretend that the initiatives they are working on are huge value add for the company.
In the past you knew you would retire from your company, also the compensation differential was not that huge across levels, so there was little incentive to BS.
Today everything is optimized with a horizon of a financial quarter. Then a pandemic hits, and we realize that we don't even know how to make freaking masks and don’t even have supplies of things for more than a week.
You're just getting older and looking at the past with rose colored glasses. No one is going backwards in capability. It is about how accessible and cheap the thing is. In the 90's, a license to install Maya or 3D Studio Max, or Lightwave was extremely expensive, those products were not promoted nor available to the general public. They would cost tens of thousands of dollars, for the software alone, not to mention the hardware.
Today it is a commodity. So we are flooded with low effort productions.
With that being said, we have more capability than ever, at the cheapest cost ever. Whether businesses use that wisely is a different story.
There will always be outliers. I see many comments with people who derived value from whatever they perceived as something uncommon and unique they could do. Now AI has made those skills a commodity. So they lose their motivation since it becomes harder to attain some sort of adoration.
In any case, going forward, no matter what, there will be those who adopt the new tools and use them passionately to create things that are above and beyond the average. And folks will be on HN reminiscing about those people, 30 years from now.
But for example Toy Story (1995) had a budget of 30 million. Today's Disney box office flops have budgets closer to 250 million.
This is a tangent, but I don't think the cost of things like 3DS or Maya were ever major barriers to entry. They were widely available for 'free' download. I think the companies involved were basically using this as what would eventually become the modern 'free for entities with less than $xxx annual revenue' license as there was seemingly less than 0 effort to ever enforce their copyrights. To say nothing of the countless commercial books available for both, which simply would not have had a market if it was only selling to people who had real licenses for the software.
If it's a commodity why is everything worse in quality? Commodification doesn't explain drop in objective metrics like performance, security, and complexity. It doesn't even explain the decline in stuff like customer satisfaction.
I don't think talent is the problem either. There's a lot more talent now than in the 90's.
Boeing calls to say hello...
I was thinking about examples of where things got worse over time. They include some common appliances that use water, due to water use regulations. No reason my dishwasher should take over 2 hours to run. But then there's other things like food delivery.
I used to deliver pizzas in the early 2000s. I would get paid
$4/hour (later bumped to $5 per hour)
$1/delivery (pass through to customer)
+ tips
I had good days / times where I was pretty much always busy and made around $20/hour by the end.
So delivery cost the customer $1 + tip (usually ~$3), cost the business maybe $40 a night (~2.5 drivers for 3 hours), and I made out pretty well.
I can't compare exactly but I feel like today the business pays more, the customer pays more, the drivers get paid less and it's all subsidized by investors to boot. Am I totally wrong on this? But I feel like delivery got so much worse and I don't know where the money is going.
I'm glad I'm not the only one noticing appliances getting worse across the board. I don't buy enough of them to really know if the trend holds overall but the correlation is pretty much perfect between how new an appliance is and how much I hate it. For example the controls on my new LG washer and dryer are incredible bad. They've made it hard to impossible to just set the run level manually to push you into set programs for bedding or whatever. But they never work right! We've given up on using those programs entirely because they are terrible.
The main culprits I've seen are cheaping out on quality, replacing traditional controls with touch screens or "AI" magic buttons, and squeezing in more monetization streams or adding gimmicky features that actively make the product worse.
Maybe things will turn around someday. There are a few rays of hope, like the touchscreen fad in cars gradually losing its luster, but it seems like we've been on the wrong path for a long time and I'm not sure it will ever correct.
> I can't compare exactly but I feel like today the business pays more, the customer pays more, the drivers get paid less and it's all subsidized by investors to boot. Am I totally wrong on this?
It is exactly that! Food delivery is an excellent example of 'things just got worse'.
In 2019, 'delivery' was a specialty a restaurant would have to focus on to offer. Pizza places (Papa Johns, Pizza Hut, etc) and other specific delivery-focused restaurants (such as Panera Bread, Jimmy Johns, or your local Chinese restaurant) would have actual W2 employees who did delivery driving, as part of their job. The restaurant would want deliveries to go well (for both the customer, as well as the driver), so would make sure their own staff had reasonable access to food, some light training, and would ensure they could deliver it somewhat well. (They would reject orders too far away, they wouldn't serve food that wouldn't survive a delivery trip well, etc)
In post-COVID 2025, "every" restaurant offers delivery, but almost no restaurant still employs their own delivery drivers (locally, Jimmy Johns might be the only one left). Everyone else just outsourced to DoorDash. DoorDash drivers are employees who are 'legally-not-employees' (1099 employees), so they no longer have any direct access to the restaurants, and they can't train well for any specific service, because they might have to visit any-of-50 restaurants on any given day, all of which have entirely different procedures (even if they are the same brand or chain). Restaurants have zero incentive to ensure deliveries go well (the drivers aren't their employees, so they no longer care about turnover, and customers have to use DoorDash or Uber Eats or equivalent, because almost every restaurant uses it, so there's no downside to a DoorDash delivery going bad).
Prices to consumers are double-to-higher than what they were in 2019, depending on the restaurant. Wages are down, employment security is entirely eliminated. Quality and service have tanked.
Presumably, investors make slightly more money off of all of this?
> They include some common appliances that use water, due to water use regulations. No reason my dishwasher should take over 2 hours to run
I don't think this is a great example, because saving water (and thus the energy needed to heat the water) is both a social good and a private good.
Your new dishwasher program might take longer because, for example, (a) it's more efficient to soak residues than keep blasting away at them, but it takes longer and (b) if you alternate between shooting water at the the top and bottom drawers (but not both at once) then you can get away with using half the water, in twice the time.
Most dishwashers have an 'express' programme that uses more water and energy to finish faster, so if that matters you can still have it. If it doesn't matter to you (e.g. because you're running the dishwasher overnight, or while you're at work), you and everyone else benefits from the greater efficiency.
So I think this is an unambiguous improvement. :)
The average quality of appliances is a separate question. Anecdotally, I finally had to replace a 22-year-old Neff dishwasher. I got a new Bosch one (same firm, different logo), and have been pleasantly surprised that the new model is still made in Germany, seems pretty solid, washes well, and is guaranteed for 5 years.
Not sure about price comparisons but what I can say is that many experiences feel worse. Paying 50-60$ for 3 tacos to be delivered, going out to basically any restaurant, pricing models on almost any subscription service(Adobe good example).
It’s led me to learn to DIY as much as possible, making my own fun and experiences so to say.
> Am I totally wrong on this?
You are probably getting more, and the difference more than goes entirely into rent.
Real state is destroying the world's economy.
The money is going to the driver's rent.
Donald Trump made appliance water use regulations an issue in the 2024 presidential campaign. Of course his opponents mocked him for it, and it probably was a little silly, but the messaging was effective in getting voters fired up about government overreach.
AFAIK the reason that newer dishwashers (new more than a decade ago) take a 2 hour cycle is that it's a more efficient cycle in both energy and water, but not in time.
> Whenever people see old systems still in production (say things that are over 30 years old) the assumption is that management refused to fund the replacement.
The problem is not refusing to fund replacements. The problem is refusing to fund maintenance.
A lot of managers in old school business were sold on IT as a tool. And tools? You buy them, use them and replace only when they break. Maintenance is minimal and you sure don't evolve them.
That's how you get couple decade old software chugging along, being so key to operations everything you want to add has to be aware of it and its warts which will then infect what touches it. And replacement projects cannot work because usually they mean changing how things are done.
But 20 years of rot are a symbiosis between users and tools:
- some tool does not allow a workflow, so users manage and find a workaround
- there is a workaround so next version of the software landscape cannot break it
- people want to do some new thing which is not in the software, changing it could break the previous workaround. So either people don't do the new thing or adapt and create other workarounds
Multiple rounds of this and you have a fossilized organization and IT where nothing can be easily changed. The business cannot adapt. The software cannot be modified to allow adaptation because it could break the business. Now a new competitor emerges, the business is losing and that's when everyone starts blaming everyone for the problems. But in reality? The cause is 20 years ago when some management decided to add IT as a cost center.
My solution to this problem? Create your own competitor and kill the old business.
I’m sure that’s a factor, however we need to probably also acknowledge that “younger people” (whether developers or managers or etc) lack exposure to things that were genuinely better previously (and where technology is concerned there are many examples), and thus have no mental model for it. They literally don’t know any better, and they’re operating within that framework.
Crude oversimplification: if all you’ve ever known are slow and bloated web app UIs on mobile phones, you’re simply not going to know how to make good design/development choices outside that environment.
I don't think that's the reason.
If it were necessary to have seen something to know it's possible, nothing would ever improve, and nothing new would get made.
> Go watch CGI in a movie theatre and it's worse than 20 years ago
Objectively this isn't true as CGI technology has improved by leaps and bounds (think e.g. subsurface skin scattering in new vs old Gollum), however there's a lot of other factors at play; old CGI used film tricks to make it blend better, new CGI uses full CGI and digital whatsits and doesn't care anymore. It also depends on budget and what studio takes care of it. Good CGI is invisible, and there's a number of non-superhero films where the CGI just isn't visible / you're not even aware of it. Anyway, what 20 year old CGI are you thinking about, and what are you comparing it with? I'm thinking The Spirits Within (2001) or Beowulf (2007); the former did not age well, the latter was already panned as having poor CGI when it came out. Avatar (2009) pushed the frontier again I think.
> go home to play video games and the new releases are all remasters of 20 year old games because no-one knows how to do anything any more.
This is a blinkered view of reality; there's thousands of game developers outside of this bubble, from single person developers making modern classics like Stardew Valley or even Minecraft when it first came out, to teams of developers that are bigger than those that made the games of 20 years ago.
Also, your opinion isn't fact; in the top 20 best selling games of 2024 [0] there is only one arguable remaster (GTA 5, which is on its 3rd remaster) and two complete remakes (FFVII Rebirth and CoD 3), with the former being a completely different game compared to the original. I share your cynicism about the "top of the line" video game market today, but you're not correct.
(meanwhile I'm playing 2007 video game (Supreme Commander))
[0] https://www.gamespot.com/gallery/2024s-best-selling-games-in...
Actually I think your examples show that it is you who may be incorrect.
Stardew Valley is 9 years old.
Minecraft is almost 16 years old. The current version of the game has not dramatically changed in terms of the experience of most players of the game in over 10 years. (Hardcore players of any game will always make a big deal of any minor changes).
I was born in the 1990’s. I was playing games regularly in the 2000’s and the 2010’s although I don’t play as much today.
Hardly anyone in 2005 was playing 1996 games or 1989 games regularly.
Even in 2015 not many were playing 2006 or 1999 games regularly. (I think World of Warcraft was the only very popular old game in 2015)
But now in 2025 you bring up a 2016 game and 2009 game to argue with that other guy?
Hell what happened to the major big budget games? I remember playing Witcher 3, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Cyberpunk 2077…but even those games are ancient now. Witcher 3 is 10 years old, RDR 2 is 7 years old, Cyberpunk is 5 years old…
In 2015 I was playing games more often but I was playing games that were more recently released…. Not really games from 2010, 2008 and 2005….
Hell the most popular game for kids now is Fortnite which is 8 years old and came out in 2017! I wasn’t playing Mass Effect (2007) too much in 2015. The difference between Mass Effect 1 or Elder Scrolls Oblivion and The Witcher 3 is the same time difference as when Fortnite was released and 2025!
> Go watch CGI in a movie theatre and it's worse than 20 years ago, go home to play video games and the new releases are all remasters of 20 year old games because no-one knows how to do anything any more.
Even more glaring is TV shows, where you now get an 8-episode 'season' every 2-3 years rather than the old days of 20+ episode seasons every year, often non-stop for 5 or more years.
It's not so much about capability/competence as pushing production values to unsustainable levels. You could get away with much less expensive VFX, sets, and costume when filming in standard definition. Now every pixel is expected to look flawless at 4K.
Another more controversial factor is that everyone brings their politics/activism to work and injects them into everything that they do. Now everything has to be pushing for social change, nothing can just be entertainment for the sake of entertainment.
Is that a change? George Lucas certainly brought his politics around Vietnam to Star Wars. The 70s were a very radical and political time for movies
> Even more glaring is TV shows, where you now get an 8-episode 'season' every 2-3 years rather than the old days of 20+ episode seasons every year, often non-stop for 5 or more years.
That's often a good change. Less filler for the sake of having another full season.
In many cases, quality is being driven down by automation that’s drastically cheaper and produces results that are deemed “good enough”.
Some of this is inevitable as new products and services move from being high end to mass-market, and it’s perhaps a bit chicken-and-egg to determine whether we accept this because we most people never really cared about quality that much anyway or because we just learn to accept what we’re given.
But it feels like there could be a world where automation still reduces costs while still maintaining a high level of quality, even if it’s not quite as cheap as it is now.
I once found some old price catalogues (early 20c) for shoes etc. and estimated the items there are barely any cheaper today in real terms. Now obviously that's partly because we have cheaper substitutes today, so we've lost economies of scale when building things the old-fashioned way and the modern equivalent has to be made bespoke... but it's still pretty alarming given we should be ~10x richer.
But consider an example which can't be blamed on that. My city (Melbourne) has a big century-old tram network. The network used to cover the city, now it covers only the inner city because it hasn't ever been expanded. We can't expand it because it's too expensive. Why could we afford to cover the whole city a century ago when we were 10x poorer? With increasing density it should be even more affordable to build mass-transit.
Obviously people blame the latter example on declining state capacity, but I'm not sure state capacity is doing any worse than Google capacity or General Electric capacity.
De-scoping is also a commonly-cited result of higher interest rates. We recently lived through a prolonged episode of zero-interest-rate-policy (ZIRP), which encouraged long-term and risky projects. When interest rates go up, the minimum acceptable return-on-investment (ROI) required to lure investment money away from low-risk investments like government bonds also increases correspondingly.
I'd be willing to bet that the biggest reason is that there hasn't been any antitrust action against the big tech companies. They just sit at the top, siphoning value from every other market in the world. If you need to use the internet in any way, FAANG taxes you.
None of these big tech companies really need to grow bigger. The smartphone is essentially done. AWS just prints money. Social/consumer apps are "done". What more is for them to do but collect rent?
The US government needs to break them all up. That'll oxygenate the entire tech sector, unlock value for investors, and kickstart the playing field for startups.
Google, Apple, Amazon, Meta, and maybe Microsoft. Break them up.
State the terms! Maybe come up with the US gdp % growth bump you would imagine we get for each of these companies being broken up?
Break them up along functional lines or just break them into multiple smaller entities that are each still doing pretty much what the larger one was doing?
Maybe Microsoft
At the same time, ZIRP completely distorted the market and gave us multi-billion dollar companies that never had a workable business models, but filled offices all over the world with useless employees. I really enjoyed having a chief happiness officer, but I don't think the company needed it.
It’s easy to have happy employees when you have infinite money and no pressure to ever build a sustainable product. Personal experience. Things do take a very sudden and powerful turn when the bubble bursts
Yep. This is part of the core of the unspoken reality in this article--there were/are way too many people, even in nominally "technical" roles, for a well-adjusted market. A large portion of this employment is a direct result of the "prosperity" of the ZIRP era, which has now ended.
Yeah I think there are a bunch of different reasons that corporations are doing less, interest rates are a major factor, but the point is that it isn’t exactly the “AI is taking our jobs” narrative that people want it to be.
Starting in 2022, US companies could not deduct SWE salary expenses in the same year, only over 5 years like hardware CapEx. For big companies, this will roll over in 2027. Meanwhile, LLM expenses can be written off immediately as OpEx.
It seems like we're in kind of a lull that's being caused by expectations of what AI is about to be able to do. And these expectations could be completely wrong. But it's already causing changes in corporate planning and spending.
Agreed! Uncertainty to do with short term economic issues, medium term geopolitical risk (Trump, China, Russia, etc.), and longer-term issues (national debt, Medicare, etc.) also shouldn’t be underestimated.
It also feels like the investor class has lost the ability to make strong/informed bets after the decade of cheap slot pulls.
I have a second hand experience with this. A friend trying to open a quickbooks account. He created the account successfully, his card was charged but then couldn't login as his account essentially doesn't exist. Contacting support was useless because they can't find his account either (though one was able to locate the charge and refund it).
Tried it again and hop the same issue. Now he is going for a chargeback. There is nobody in quickbooks that can solve this problem as most of the support (from India) seems to be there just to re-read manuscripts.
But hey you should buy into the stock as they are going into an AI transition: https://www.tipranks.com/news/intuit-stock-nasdaqintu-layoff...
Intuit is a perfect microcosm of everything wrong with the western status quo. Complete disregard for their customers, corporate focus on regulatory capture and other forms of rent seeking, product updates that reduce functionality from prior versions accompanied by price hikes.
The AI takeover of the startup space makes me feel a bit crazy because there are still thousands of world-changing app ideas that have zero to do with AI but nobody's funding or building them.
We can't possibly have run out of consumer app ideas in a decade or two, right?
Honestly, as a guy working in open source at the time, the massive brain drain when crypto came along and young people wanted to get rich instead of solving problems was increadibly dispiriting and frustrating. Seen in comparison, the AI stuff has a much bigger application space, is building tools, and is far less frustrating to me.
Not only get rich, but do so in the least productive, most destructive way imaginable.
I wonder...what sort of world changing apps do you think we're expecting to see?
I think about it quite often and there is a LOT of apps out there, and really, humans don't need that much to be happy.
> there is a LOT of apps out there, and really, humans don't need that much to be happy.
There’s more music out there than there’s ever been. More tv shows and movies than I could possibly watch, but I still find new things to watch and listen to.
But tech? Maybe other than my Robot vacuum, I don’t think there’s anything in the last 5 years I’ve seen that I’ve felt is going to make my life easier or better. Which seems odd because the pace that technology seems to be improving only seems to be accelerating. We can do more than we ever could before, but it feels like the appetite to improve things is no longer there.
And human attention is a limited resource that just might be tapped out at this point.
Honestly even before it was AI, it felt like everything was blockchain or "Uber for X". The majority of startups have been trend chasing for a while.
To a broader extent isn't this kind of the history of silicon valley ever since the dot com bubble?
For every small startup trying to build innovative robotics to solve a healthcare or agriculture problem, there's 10 startups getting 100x funding because they figured out how to put jpegs on the blockchain and the last guys that figured out how to do that had a nice exit...
I forgot what the economists call this but it's the characterization of housing market. The value of your current house is determined by the last few local sales and little else. All of the startups using the current in Vogue technology feel like that...
How quickly we forgot the “Web 3” revolution!
Well it was a scam. The ultimate scam. Literally, they only supported scams and suppressed projects with real potential. I say that as someone who worked in the space and saw it turn into a scam... Started back in 2017.
It feels like we ran out in the first decade since the iPhone (2007-2017) and have been running on fumes since. Can you name some world changing consumer app or company outside of AI fluff that came to be in that post 2017 to end of 2022 period when chatgpt was released?
There’s a lot of B2B stuff.
How much easier is it to manage and operate technology in 2025 than it was in 2005 or 2015? I have three core tech teams with 12-18 people. I’d need 500+ to do what I do today in 2005, assuming the tech could do it.
Breakthrough B2C products don’t appear annually. But everything is better. Apple Maps can estimate my travel time for a 300 mile drive with 5 minutes. I bought a last minute flight to Rome last summer knowing nothing about Rome or speaking any Italian and I did fine, thanks to iPhone and the mobile app ecosystem.
I think this is the cycle. Take a look at the S curve, things move in jumps with leveling out/adaption periods in between.
Slack, Zoom, TikTok
And those are just off the top of my head
Tiktok was released in its current form in 2017, I believe. Is that before the period you're asking about?
Sad to say: Tiktok, Only Fans, Discord
It’s not unique.
We’re coming out of a long growth period fueled by two decades of war and the inflation that came with it, first in asset values from ZIRP and then from the COVID capital infusions.
Look at where we sit economically, at least in the US. Real estate, a core economic and political engine is a bomb waiting to go off. Commercial real estate is totally underwater. Residential real estate is in another bubble. I won’t go into the madman in DC that’s gonna light the fuse.
Everyone knows it at some level, so projects are getting cancelled. Changes add value but create problems. Take away change and the implode demand for labor. Avoiding the need for marginal later lowers the marginal cost, so you start purging expensive people.
I feel like a portion of it is the way that many/most companies have been captured by their finance departments. Everything is accounting. The CFO in many organisations has become the most powerful exec, and many CEOs seem to come up through the CFO role.
Outside of places like Meta, who are printing money at a ridiculous rate, finance acts as a break on any long-term or big bets. There can be no risk taking.
I feel like this is one of Google's problems now. Once upon a time they were willing to take big swings with their piles of cash, now it's all about revenue maximisation at the low level. I forget which change it was, but they started charging for something, or limiting quotas on something, and the email contained the phrase "in line with industry norms", and I just thought that was very tellings. Back in the early 2000s Google was constantly defying and upturning "industry norms", now they are just like everyone else, squeezing every last drop from the smallest stones. Getting rid of the previously grandfathered in free Google Workspaces was a good example. I find it hard to imagine that the cost of those even registers in their accounts compared with everything else.
Sounds all too similar to General Electric, pre-Jack Welsh...vs. General-Electric, post-Jack Welch.
The first prioritized engineering 'most everything that a modern nation might need. The latter prioritized only engineering its own financial statements.
Both did very well...at least at their top priorities.
As they said in The Wire, “We used to make things in this town. Now, everyone just sticks their hand in the next guy's pocket.”
Isn't there also the possibility that the US job market simply isn't doing to great at the moment and businesses are adjusting, or preparing for a downturn. In the case layoffs would be across the board, not just entry level or in the service industry. Perhaps the service industry and blue collar jobs have already been trimmed to the limit and knowledge work has simply been lacking. As pointed out, it easy enough, at least for a limited time, to simply not do stuff and just attempt to coast for a few quarters/years.
If it was truly a decline in knowledge work in general, it should be visible in other economies as well, but I don't think that's the case, at least not here in Denmark. Arguably we typically trend a bit behind the US, so it could be looming on the horizon.
Yep, my company used to be know for service quality. We've seen an increase in negative feedback. The response from management is that it's only a small percentage, so it's nothing to worry about and that we'll focus on AI instead.
It depends on the industry but a lot of the concern over service quality was always "cargo cult" management than anything really rational. Google (Alphabet) has been enormously profitable for decades despite the fact that their customer service is famously terrible or nonexistent (unless you're a whale of an advertising customer). Most of us don't make purchasing decisions based on service quality.
Bachelor Degrees need a complete rethink, it was basically modified finishing school for rich capital owners, needing to make their children of proper class before they could take over their businesses.
It then became a vocational degree for the working class, despite being completely detached from useful skills for a wide swathes of degrees. The only value is that you could talk the talk and become a member of the professional managerial class if you impressed the right hiring committee/individual.
In spite of this, we decided the working class should take out crippling loans to pay for this degree, and be in debt for the rest of their working life.
It's not sustainable, and just forgiving the debt only will make it all more expensive and less aligned with actual results we desire (useful workers).
The liberal arts model was intended for the elites, and the idea of education as means of producing useful workers is straight from a totalitarian planned economy. But there is also the Humboldtian model of higher education, which focuses on educating informed citizens who are free to make their own choices. Learning vocational skills is easy enough if you have good education, and it's also necessary to be able to do that outside school, as careers rarely last a lifetime.
American higher education is expensive, because you chose to defund public universities. And because you have an unhealthy obsession with rankings and top universities. Those are the things you need to change more than education itself.
Another reason they're expensive is because the government basically guarantees they'll pay for whatever tuition the universities set, so they raise prices. There's lot of other factors, including administrative bloat, and maybe partially from less funding... But they're still funded in large part by the government via loans. I don't know the right answer, but I know it's not simply more government funding.
They also don't pay taxes because of a supreme court decision in favor of MIT for being a "Charity" and reducing tuition for some. Then every Uni piled on and decided to use a lot of that money on sports.
> and the idea of education as means of producing useful workers is straight from a totalitarian planned economy
I disagree. I get food from the supermarket, my roof is built by someone else, unlimited water from the faucet. This stuff isn't coming for free, it is other peoples work. Of course i want to learn something useful to contribute back. But western societies don't seem to have a "We need X people with Y skillset" institution. If someone came to me like, "we need a welder to produce $needed_thing" then i would have put my skill points into that.
So what is more efficient for this? : 4 years going in debt to get a well rounded education with a concentration in learning maybe 1.5 years of welding (in theory): or 2-3 years as an apprentice learning your specific trade and focusing on your one task (not in how many credits needed to graduate)?
We had this structure with apprenticeships. Companies were the ones to say "we need x people with Y mindset". And they can pay to foster those people and mindsets.
But they abandoned that because they didn't want to fit the bill for their own workforce. They instead put up with mediocre welders they kinda sorta train for 6 months and maybe the good ones stay. Great model for society.
> American higher education is expensive, because you chose to defund public universities. And because you have an unhealthy obsession with rankings and top universities. Those are the things you need to change more than education itself.
There's this and also the massive budgets for college sports and fancy student housing that make it worse.
The massive sports funding is mostly only a thing for D1 schools and it doesn't take much funding away from academics. The sports mostly pay for themselves through ticket sales and media licensing, with the big chunks of revenue coming from men's football and basketball. Sports also drive a lot of alumni donations.
Defunding public institutions while glorifying prestige has created a system where access is limited and value is warped
>the idea of education as means of producing useful workers is straight from a totalitarian planned economy
It's a worldview that necessitates only teaching what leads to a job. It is anti beauty and anti human.
We are not machines of production. We are human beings, we deserve to learn stuff that doesn't help us produce.
> useful workers is straight from a totalitarian planned economy
I'd still strongly prefer a totalitarian, planned economy. Hell it sounds like a straight-up pollyannish fantasy at this point. Watching people expect the chaos of building our country around the right-to-be-a-dick-to-others to result in a functional country makes me want to burn everything down.
But making your own labor force pay for their education? Straight suicidal.
> despite being completely detached from useful skills for a wide swathes of degrees
It's a nice suggestion, but it's one that isn't supported by the evidence. Even controlling for other factors, a college degree makes more productive workers. And given that it's controlling for other factors, "selection bias" becomes a hard argument to make. STEMbros get real arrogant about their degrees (I have one; I've seen it first hand), but like it or not the person with an English degree still learned a lot of useful skills.
Going to uni to major in a specific career is how you get screwed when available careers change.
> Even controlling for other factors, a college degree makes more productive workers
I'd like to see this study. Most of the data I've seen that is pro-college still has massive confounds.
Two twins graduate high school. One gets a crappy copywriting job, and spends her free time reading books on how to write better, and specifically how to do copywriting. The other gets an English degree. I'm not nearly as confident as you are the one with the English degree is going to be a better copywriter.
I don't disagree you can learn skills, but cognitive science literature solidly shows far transfer is not a thing, and when it is it's incredibly inefficient. i.e. Reading the great works of Russian literature might make you a better copywriter but at a vastly slower pace than writing copy, or reading a book on copywriting.
I think an undervalued aspect of college over self learning for most is that college requires you to learn a broader array of things. If I was allowed just pick the classes I wanted to take for four years, they would have all been computer related classes. I would never had taken Chemistry, Physics, Drama, Psychology, History, International Relations, or anything that makes me a more educated and well rounded thinker.
I don’t necessarily disagree with you but kind of a poor example considering copywrite work seems to be having a severe identity crisis because of AI at the moment. At least the English major still has their education to fall back on while the copywrite might have their entire skillset made obsolete with no other credentials to utilize.
I don't think there is any doubt spending 4 years studying a subject will increase skills in some areas. The question is whether the benefits are worth the cost (and that question applies both to the individual student and society as a whole).
Remember the cost of all this is absolutely massive. Mostly the 4 years of lost time.
It doesn't have to be though. In Europe the vast majority of people attend public universities that don't require having to end up with a degree and crippling debt.
I left uni almost 20 years ago, but one year of my tuition was about 1000USD at the time, something I could easily afford with a part time job. I'm sure the cost is higher now, but I would have thought it is still orders of magnitude cheaper than in the UK or the US. Germany subsidizes university tuition fees for a huge percentage of students, and adds a monthly stipend for expenses and free public transport while enrolled in uni.
Your point is valid, challenging the worth/cost of higher education. But I think it is the cost part what is broken in some parts of the world, not necessarily the worth part.
A higher education/degree teaches you how to think, not what to think. I’ve never used the knowledge from my physics degrees directly, but they taught me problem solving skills that I have applied to my career.
Here’s a pointed take on it from one of New Zealand’s successful businessmen: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/education/the-art-of-business-...
I mean we can reform it without necessarily throwing out the baby with the bathwater. In Europe a bachelor's can often take 3 years, and maybe we can even shrink it down to 2 years; this is already kind of a thing in the US with some schools offering a 5 year bachelor+master's program.
Realistically maybe we reform community college to be the required thing instead of traditional undergrad, since the cost and length is more comparable.
More productive or more extractive. Managerial class has the degrees and they pay themselves and each other higher wages. A lot of production is done by those under them... Are they actually more productive or just lot more extractive?
This is a bit black and white. Or maybe just cynical :)
It's inarguable that bachelor's degrees had real vocational utility in the last few decades (despite the memes).
A variety of degrees from a state school (with in-state tuition) would lead to good, white collar employement along with modest loans (if any) so there was clear ROI.
The bachelor's degree has become this strange hybrid of outdated prestige signaling and a vague promise of employability, but without delivering on either in a consistent way.
When you put it like that it really is a bad product.
> we decided the working class should take out crippling loans to pay for this degree
Historical point you've completely missed. You used to be able to declare bankruptcy and discharge this debt until very recently. This was not "decided" this was a trap sprung on the working class at a time when blue collar labor was almost entirely off shored.
> and just forgiving the debt only will make it all more expensive
That's why you discharge the debt instead. This is an institutional failure. They knowingly pumped a market at tax payer expense. The hair cut is theirs to take.
I couldn't agree more with this. I'm a mature student who left school with nothing, joined and left the military with nothing, and managed to get a relatively decent paying public sector job. I decided to put myself through a bachelor's degree part time and self funded. I now have one, it's a nice piece of paper, but the skills I gained from it I likely could have got a lot cheaper on udemy. In fact udemy is very likely to be more up to date.
I obviously think the computer science degree is full of useful skills unlike a lot of degrees, but it's nothing I couldn't have got elsewhere.
With a kid in university I am torn because I know that having a degree actually means nothing in the job market, not like it used to.
>It then became a vocational degree for the working class,
This may have been some policymakers' intent, but it never really became that. Universities and colleges resisted being seen as mere vocational schools, and refused to modify curricula for that purpose. You'd see all sorts of academic arguments about how teaching them to do a job would be wrong, that they should still be teaching them to "think" and have heavy course loads of liberal arts.
So parents and guidance counselors may have thought of it as vocational school, while getting the high-class university experience (as best someone of middling academic achievement can manage that) along with the high-class university tuition bills. Well, the guidance counselors didn't get the bills. Nor, in many cases, the parents.
>It's not sustainable, and just forgiving the debt only will make it
It's ok. We don't have to sustain it. The demographic implosion is well under way. We are at the point where elementary schools are closing (and everyone's making up excuses for this, so we can pretend that it's for any other reason than a demographic implosion).
>and less aligned with actual results we desire (useful workers).
At any point in history, most of the output from workers went (indirectly) back to the workers. If 98% of the workforce did agricultural work, this was because 98% or nearly enough of 98% of food was needed to feed those workers. Same for any product, no matter how tangible or abstract. Sure, there are exceptions... if people worked in a diamond mine it wasn't so diamonds would go to diamond miners.
If they don't need workers for the relatively small amount of food that is consumed by some small group, if they don't need workers for making garments (or building buildings, or any other thing) for the relatively amount of those products consumed by some small group, then they don't much need useful workers at all. Most of humanity is obsolete, or at least would be considered so if you belonged to a small group like that.
Maybe lower education should just have a different schedule with other activity years? I'm not particularly impressed with the average American's ability to be a positive element of society and despite all the problems, I think liberal arts students are probably better than the rest when considered over their lifetime. But why should each individual take loans to have the critical thinking to vote in the interest of larger institutions?
Does liberal arts teach critical thinking? Do students who study liberal arts vs a mathematics/engineering show greater improvements on critical thinking tests?
I get the idea we want a more educated population that can better make decisions. But the biggest way the populace makes poor decisions is they are economically illiterate, and they don't really understand how the government works. We should probably spend more time teaching this in high school and a typical degree spends very little time teaching these subjects.
The populace making poor decisions isn't just economically illiterate, they are increasingly fundamentally illiterate. Teaching economic literacy in school won't matter one bit when an increasing number of people are graduating unable to read even at a basic level.
But in order to solve this problem you would have to overhaul our educational system and right now we have a party invested in destroying it so that it produces voters more aligned with their groupthink.
What is your definition of economic literacy?
What I worry a lot more instead is how knowledge of manufacturing and engineering could be lost due to our greed.
Typical scenario: Industry I is not doing fine in country C (i.e. the fund managers are not happy about lack of growth of the public companies in this sector) due to reasons R1, R2, ..., Rn. Then management decided to outsource and eventually dismantle the factories to "globalize" it. Knowledge retained by the older generation of engineers, technicians and workers were completely lost when they passed away.
I think about this often and it bothers me a lot.
I think the same can happen for knowledge work. Country A ends up turning into a bunch of managers outsourcing to Country B, and then at some point Country B realizes they can manage themselves. Companies are quite literally training their future competition. Once it reaches a tipping point, I don’t think it’s easy to reverse.
> Country A ends up turning into a bunch of managers outsourcing to Country B,
why the need to be hypothetical? this is more or less how it played out between china and america. America outsourced all manufacturing to China while doing all the R&D and "innovation." one look at companies like DJI, BYD and Bambulab and its clear that china can innovate just fine on their own now. Their products are becoming objectively better than the US designed ones.
And Japan before that. My mom told me that many years ago "Made in Japan" had the stigma that "Made in China" has (or used to have). But growing up with Nintendo and Sega and with Hondas and Toyotas being the best, I always thought of Japan has a high tech manufacturing hub.
> china can innovate just fine on their own now.
If China could turn democratic and open, the World would have such a bright future.
Alas, I think we're headed into some distopian future because China is not going that way but indeed, they're very likely to surpass the USA in every other way.
I feel like top management and share holders don't really care about things that may happen ~30 years later. And even if they care, there are a lot more other issues that may ruin a company, e.g. the entire industry is replaced due to technological advancement.
It's not necessarily the fault of the company. The government created the environment to make it the only way to stay competitive for a lot of companies. Some bucked the trend, and I respect them for it. There is a push to bring things back now, but it's going to be ugly. It's much better to avoid the issue in the first place like most countries, but it's too late for that.
They definitely not, and there is no safe valve for it.
Can't blame them though, this is what Capitalism teaches all of us. I'm short sighted too, but the thing is I won't be able to go wherever I want when SHTF while fund managers can probably do so.
I don't think that's ever really happened. If you look at GDP per worker the closest anyone has gotten to the West is Japan & South Korea at roughly 3/4 the production of France.
They can take over existing industries like autos because they do it for cheaper. They can compete in niches for innovation. But they are all capped by structural issues that will prevent them from matching the economic innovation of the west.
I think GDP is a biased indicator when states are competing with each others. Industrial output makes more sense IMHO.
> Country B realizes they can manage themselves.
That's a thing we were taught in "Civic Culture" in grade 5 -- that slaves can become masters through hard work and making the master dependent on them.
But now I see it more in a figurative way, because it rarely happens with actual slaves, but in a more metaphorical way, it certainly can happen.
It did happen in the Muslim world. There are "slave" dynasties in many parts of that world (Egypt, India) which were robust dynasties borne out of freed slaves.
Denzel also delivers this lesson in Gladiator 2.
This is a huge deal in some industries even today. Such as film photography. No one makes 35mm cameras although it would be all too easy to rehash a good 90s point and shoot model and have it sell like hotcakes (see prices/hype on olympus mjuII). No one even makes or services lab scanners anymore; all those noritsus and fronteirs for pro lab scans are approaching 30 years old and nothing is even close on the market or could even catch up to what went on in terms of R and D building these machines for a seriously profitable industry at the time.
Film has been getting increasingly popular. Local film labs are busy and new ones are opening. It is the vinyl record of imaging. Yet despite this, kodak and fujifilm have responded as most lack of forsight businesses do and cut film stocks, raised prices, constantly trying to squeeze more blood from the stone which goes on to kill growth in the industry vs supporting it and fostering actual growth and more profits more than 1 quarter out.
There is always retro enhusiasts of "obsolete" tech/methods, people knit despite there being cheap cotton clothes, people tinker with 50s cars despite everything.
While there is tons of money to be made for niche-enthusiasts, these niche's aren't always large enough to properly re-industrialize (chemical regulations, expensive machinery,etc).
Retro enthusiast solution in this case is a 3d printed can you attach to your lens and its on you to revert and grade the color in lightroom. Better hope the camera is perfectly aligned to the negative that is perfectly flat and you have a lens that can focus a flat field free of distortions. It is a far cry to the engineering that went into these pro lab scanners. Just the color science alone people struggle to replicate, resolution and sharpness throughout the frame as well, speed of handling for lab setting is second to none. People still pay a premium for these scans on these particular machines.
Kodachrome homebrew efforts don’t get close either. The process is too bespoke and reliant on instruments that no longer exist. Even proper c41 chemistry is down to just when the full kodak kit is in stock and not backordered by desperate developers: those instagram brands kit contains blix and are inferior as a result to a separate bleach and fix kit. Fuji press kit the old alternative is hard or impossible to find.
And no one is making new cameras. Only fixing old ones and only popular models able to be fixed and worth the time creating a secondary market of parts for (so basically Leica and pay for that or be relatively SOL to varying degrees for most else).
The biggest issue is this stuff was created when film was a global industry. tens of thousands of engineers were working on every step of the process for decades. That is gone now. All that old knowledge and learnings mostly gone because these companies kept poor records and destroyed old obsolete notes and material. Not just how the camera works but how to manufacture it and everything else at scale or at least in a way that it is actually profitable. And perhaps it could never become profitable without efficiencies brought on by scale and massive investment in manufacturing. And it would actually be forever be lost once all this equipment we still have falls apart.
> No one makes 35mm cameras although it would be all too easy to rehash a good 90s point and shoot model and have it sell like hotcakes
Quite a few new 35mm cameras are being developed and sold. From the budget Long Weekend, the uber-pricy Leica M6, and the mid-range Pentax 17. Even some half-frames are coming out, including from Kodak.
Didn't that already happen with US to China from the 70s
german automakers are experiencing this right now
The problem with the German automotive industry is in my opinion different: they developed cars which are not different from the kind of cars that many people in their market want.
Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
Shareholders in the 70s made a lot of money. They'll be OK to rinse and repeat that history.
> Knowledge retained by the older generation of engineers, technicians and workers were completely lost when they passed away.
That has happened quite often in the past [1].
Only three real examples on that page.
Petrification: no real loss to society but I will concede that this appears to be an example of actual loss of "progress". Very few people are saying "oh diety, if only I could preserve this animal with perfect color and texture (but discarding all other characteristics).
Greek fire: the history of when this knowledge was lost is unclear. Also it was intentionally kept secret. Certainly we have functionally similar tech now. I'll give 50% credit.
Panjagan: We don't even know if this was a weapon or a technique? Everything about this is incredibly vague.
In summary, this has happened approximately 1.5 times in the past. Not "quite often".
That list doesn't seem exhaustive in the least. A modern example is Fogbank, a classified nuclear weapons material that we recently had to reverse engineer to successfully rebuild certain warheads.
Edit: I see someone beat me to the punch with Fogbank. For another example, look to the F1 rocket engine that took us to the moon. Despite having the actual engineering documents, we just don't have the manufacturing skill to rebuild one: https://apollo11space.com/why-cant-we-remake-the-rocketdyne-...
Fogbank was a famous case where we forgot how to make it: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fogbank
Similarly expertise in plutonium manufacturing has been lost, and now that countries have run out they are re-learning how they did it 40 years ago.
There's also the still open question on how the pyramids of Egypt were built, and AFAIK NASA lost the knowledge how to build some stuff as well. And the recipe for Roman concrete was also long lost, with researchers being able to reverse-engineer what it likely was only a few years ago [1].
[1] https://news.mit.edu/2023/roman-concrete-durability-lime-cas...
I had never heard the story of Sloot Digital Coding System [0] linked from that Wikipedia entry. Truly not trying to be judgmental or negative but I was exhausted just reading the article, let alone the idea of chasing that particular albatross as my life's pursuit lol.
Really fascinating bit of trivia though!
[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sloot_Digital_Coding_System
What is the scenario exactly? The knowledge is proprietary and thrown away? And also the worker never wrote or used the innovation elsewhere despite it not living in a patent?
There is such a thing as institutional knowledge, you build it up by retaining staff properly, training replacements and handing this knowledge down, you need continuity. Another important part of this is doing a thing often. For example, if you halt manufacturing of a widget and then want to restart manufacturing it two decades later, you are going to run into every single snag and problem found during the first iteration of the process, you're starting from scratch and you might not even be able to actually replicate the original process properly.
The effect even applies on a larger national scale, where if a country stops investing in infrastructure projects for a long period, they will find themselves incapable of executing these projects properly in the future.
Some about being pedantic, but what’s the value of I,C, R1-Rn here? Seems like a distraction!
I'm guessing that the people who most espouse the virtues of AI do not "test" the output much and just let LLMs pump out errors.
I use LLM's daily, but as a tool to brainstorm, mostly, or to write small parts of scripts (e.g., shell, not TV shows). But everything has to be verified.
Last weekend I was using ChatGPT Music Teacher (or, trying to anyway) to prep some voice leading practices for guitar. I spent almost a half hour trying to get that model, then the base ChatGPT model to give correct information about inversions and the notes in the chords. It was laughably wrong over and over again.
It would misidentify chords, say that a chord had the base attributes of a triad (tonic, third, fifth) while giving me a chord shape that had the root twice, and a third, and calling that a second inversion. Or giving incorrect fret/note information.
If I didn't know theory and how intervals work on a guitar I would have been pretty screwed.
As it was, I wasted a half hour and never got anything usable.
I'm not saying that the technology isn't fairly amazing, but like, don't believe the hype.
The most I've done with it so far has been asking what a nice database layout might look like for a given problem, copying the output to a markdown file, and then referencing it as I personally design the schema.
LLMs are pretty cool, but they make all sorts of unpredictable errors, and - especially when you're using them for things you're unfamiliar with - introduce all sorts of hidden costs you won't catch until later.
I've wasted so much time trying to get LLMs to help me code. One issue I have is that I can never seem to get the AI to say the word no. No matter what I ask, it will say "Absolutely! You can solve [impossible problem] like so...". At this point I basically use them as documentation search engines. Searching for things like "does this library have a function to do thing?". Gemini and deepseek seem to be good enough at that.
I've entirely given up on using LLMs for exploratory exercises.
Or the old asking a question Q1, getting wrong answer A1, explaining why it’s wrong with Q2, getting answer A2 that hyper-focuses on Q2 and misses important parts of Q1, restating Q1 you again obtain A1, repeat ad nauseam.
Its because chatgpt does not have the right answer. It has a trove of old forum posts with those keywords strung together in them and guesses what word is liable to be next based on the dataset.
You can see how this is more like listening to a crowded room and relaying random words than actually learning through understand ideas and building off of them.
The vast majority of jobs that sustain our standard of living are blue-collar: farmers who grow our food, textile workers who make our clothes, construction workers who build our homes, plumbers, electricians, waste disposal workers, etc. I'd say it's white-collar work that became overinflated this past century, largely as a reaction to the automation and outsourcing of many traditional blue-collar roles.
Now, with white-collar jobs themselves increasingly at risk, it's unclear where people will turn. The economic pie continues to shrink, and I don't see that trend reversing.
It appears to me that our socio-economic model simply doesn't scale with technology. We need to have a constructive conversation about how to adapt.
The way I see it you only have two real choices:
1. Raise wages to match global increased productivity
2. Democratize ownership
That's it.
Democratize ownership it is.
Imagine an early human group of 40 people. If one person hoarded the food of 37 others and employed the remaining two just to guard it, it wasn't long before the ruse was up and there was a revolt and the food reclaimed.
Now, only because of scale and abstraction, basically the same setup is possible (0.1% owns as much as 50% of the population).
Our time is perverted ownership-wise, and it's time to go back to a truly cooperative society.
Cooperation, not hoarding, was the foundation of the beginning of civilisation.
My ideal future resembles Star Trek: a world where money is obsolete (at least on Earth), and people pursue exploration, science, and the arts purely out of passion and curiosity.
A society driven by innovation, not profit.
I don't think the world where a mob of people can gang up on a person and take their stuff is as idyllic as you think it is. If the person who has figured out how to earn a lot of food doesn't get to "hoard" it, it'll just get hoarded by a person with the biggest stick.
What's worse (for the society), is that in this world nobody has an incentive to create wealth, because they know it'll just be taken away. When rich people aren't in power, people with political capital and big guns are. I don't think that's better.
If AGI takes over, that changes things, somewhat. If it creates unlimited abundance, then it shouldn't matter who has the most (if everyone has plenty). Yes, it would create power disparity, but the thing is, there'll always be SOMEBODY at the top of the social hierarchy, with most of the money and power - in the AGI scenario, that is someone who is in charge of AGI's actions.
Either it's AGI itself (in which case all bets are off, since it's an alien god we cannot control), or the people who have developed AGI, or the politicians who have nationalized it.
Personally, I'm uncomfortable with anyone having that much power, but if I had to pick the lesser evil - I'd prefer it to be a CEO of an AI company (who, at least, had the competence and skill to create it), instead of the AGI itself (who has no reason to care about us unless we solve alignment), or one of the political world leaders (all of whom seem actively insane and/or evil).
There is no sequence of steps that takes us from where we are to the society depicted in Star Trek, or at least none has been outlined so far. If it were to happen, the world would need an abrupt phase change (e.g., First Contact). You may be tempted to call me a pessimist, but I am a realist. To convince a realist, one must show a sequence of steps.
>> My ideal future resembles Star Trek: a world where money is obsolete (at least on Earth), and people pursue exploration, science, and the arts purely out of passion and curiosity.
The problem with the Star Trek fantasy is that it's a lie even within the show. There are still people with obligations. There are still treaties and trade. There is still a hierarchy where some people have more important jobs and report to others. The only thing that seems different is that no money changes hands.
If we actually automated everything so no one had to work, there would still be a gradual progression and a time when some people have to work while most don't. I'm not sure how you get through that phase, not to mention what it looks like on the other side.
One thing I think should be considered is not so much how to pay everyone "enough" but how to reduce cost of living so more people can work less, or eventually not at all (somehow without owning everything and amassing control).
I like that ideal, but it only comes about in abundance. Unfortunately, I think humans are programmed to rarely feel a sense of abundance because we innately desire social status. Social status is a relative metric, meaning it only exists in relation to others. This, combined with a greed impulse, renders a constant need for more. In other words, the human state often runs counter to a sense of abundance, and this seems incompatible with that ideal. I think that’s why capitalism, warts and all, has been an engine for progress.
Worse yet, we are moving away from money but towards power being the goal. Automation stands to fundamentally upend the whole cart , destroying capitalism as we understand it today.
Money exists fundamentally to motivate people to perform some action. In the end, it comes down to paying labor. No one pays the earth, the forest, the sun.
Automation stands to make human labor too expensive to compete, since our needs far exceed the energy it takes to operate and manufacture us.
Without human labor, you don’t need money. You just need more anthropoid robots to make more anthropoids and to execute on whatever it is you want to do, own, or construct. You don’t buy a yacht, you build a one-yacht factory to make a yacht.
Capital will become human-sparse, needing only resources and energy and will exist to serve a small group of beneficiaries, if anyone.
>The way I see it you only have two real choices:
Unfortunately, due to the way politics and money work in the US, we have zero real choices...
>1. Raise wages to match global increased productivity
This is blocked by our two-party political system. Openly by Republicans (at the moment) and practically by Democrats. Both of our political parties seem to serve the people that actually pay them (ie. rich business owner donors) vs. people that vote for them. At least if it comes down to a problem between the two. This is shown in sharp relief in the famous chart by Martin Gilens showing which laws get passed in the US based on interest group.
>2. Democratize ownership
This is blocked by actual owners. Money equals ownership in the US. So, perhaps we can use our dollars and spend a certain way, one might think. Just BlackRock, Vanguard, Fidelity, and State Street combined have more assets under management than the entire United States GDP, and they are just 4 companies. Good luck!
>That's it.
That is probably not it, but if it is we are fucked!
The general folly I see in these types of discussions is that people believe that we must fix these things because in the mid 20th century we reached a relatively great state with broad-based prosperity (at least in the West), and so obviously we'll fix our problems because otherwise we'd backslide to a worse state.
Sorry to be a pessimist, but progress is not guaranteed. I see the mid twentieth century as largely an anomaly in human history. Going forward, I see wealth concentration continuing to accelerate, with a widening gulf between classes that control the means of production and everyone else, which due to technological advancement will make a lot of people's labor much less profitable. Basically, a reversion to a more feudal system, where there is essentially an aristocratic class that hoards and lives off its previous wealth, and pretty much everyone else living at a subsistence level. Think Ireland in the early 1800s (not necessarily that level of absolute deprivation, but same level of relative deprivation compared to the land owners).
The reason I see this as the most probable outcome is when I hear people talk about "raise wages to march global productivity" or "democratize ownership", I don't see any rationale as to how or why that would happen. Do you think the people in control will just give that away from the goodness of their hearts? There is literally no economic or social reason to expect this to happen. It's clear that democracies can be successfully manipulated into "blaming the boogeyman", so I don't think the democratic process will bring about these changes.
Happy to hear a rational argument to the contrary, but my primary point is that I rarely hear any argument about how we get to there from here.
I agree with your points over all, but lacking a complete "rational argument", I'd just like to outline a few ideas that I'm still working on, and while not a complete fulfillment of your desire for a map from here to there, might be a starting place for ideas. Like you, I see the seeds of a potentially dark future--but maybe it isn't our fate just yet.
I'd start with changing what and how we measure. A move away from single-dimension variables like GDP and simplistic closed-form calculations like the Black-Scholes formula and all it led us to believe.
If we agree simple-but-wrong metrics are bad, then we can (I believe) move towards simulations--not "my simulation" nor "your simulation", but ways to talk about beliefs and outcomes. I think the future will involve AI-assisted computable discussions, where multiple variables and the ability to dynamically incorporate or exclude assumptions from opposing perspectives will lead us to some shared agreement and mutually beneficial outcomes (while allowing for many areas where people will continue to disagree).
I'd propose next that we continue to raise the prominence of evidence showing how cooperation is often better than competition. Nobel prize winner Elinor Ostrom spent her life identifying systems and methods of cooperation. She proposes, "We are neither trapped in inexorable tragedies [e.g. of the commons] nor free of moral responsibility."
Robert Axelrod ran simulations on the iterated prisoner's dilemma and concluded, "forgiveness, cooperation, and reputation" are a stable strategy in most real-world conditions.
Strong ideologies that promote extreme individualism, marketed as scientifically sound, deserve great skepticism IMO, and should be treated with the same wariness as two missionaries knocking on your door.
I agree with all of this, and frankly it has me terrified for the future of humanity. With enough AI and automation you don't even need other humans, just the resources to hoard more means of production. The only rational argument I have for how we get somewhere else, is eventually once we start hitting the end game of resource accumulation someone's going to start launching nukes and the destruction of technology will send us back to a time when other humans actually mattered. A bit optimistic, I know.
If you accept the statement: "poverty causes violence", and "wealthy people (ultimately) cause others to be poor (which I can admit is a tenuous claim, but I think many people would agree, at least in certain cases), then all "violent revolution/rebellion" is is a redistribution of suffering, bringing it back to those who caused it.
It's an incredibly murky train of logic though. Most wealthy people have done nothing directly to cause the poor to suffer. But if you examine it closely, you can find links from greed <---> suffering everywhere.
> Democratize ownership
I think there is another word for this.
read To The Finland Station by Edmund Wilson.
There are only a very few cases where Democratize ownership worked and it was under a benevolent dictator. After the dictator died, everything fell apart.
The book you referenced appears to be about the rise of Marxism. I'm neither agreeing nor disagreeing with the GP when I say this, but I think it's worth pointing out that you can democratize ownership under capitalism, e.g. a worker cooperative [1] is a business owned by the workers.
I think you’re casting too narrow of a net here. Other options include an automation tax, UBI etc. (unless you consider those a subset of your items above)
> unless you consider those a subset of your items above
It is the same just with extra steps which put politicians and such in control of it all. Which is why something like these really are the only viable tactics to the overarching strategy. Politicians won't allow change that excludes them from power
Automation tax sounds sketchy. How would that work? All computers have DRM and programming becomes illegal? Unregistered physical automation becomes banned? Man the toolmaker can no longer make tools? What use are a bunch of depersonalized hominids?
Oh, that's easy. I choose #3
3: The top of the economic ladder reacts to worsening conditions by switching from promoting riskier growth based economic policies from which they might glean opportunities from new wealth, to allowing only status-quo reaffirming policies in an attempt to protect their already aggregated wealth and positions of economic power.
This leads to worsening economic and social conditions for all non-elite parts of the population, as their economic and social issues are left unaddressed and thereby worsen under the status-quo.
This leads to more pressure for the body politic to act to solve those problems, but as the top of the economic ladder now only endorses policies that support the status quo, a new political movement will need to grow that focuses only on stagnating and blocking any attempt for the government to act. All proposed reforms that allow the government to act for the benefit of the masses are blocked, all existing abilities of the government to help the masses are hollowed.
This worsens economic and social conditions, which then means this becomes a catch-22.
The political entities that are responsible for this dynamic, out of quiet guilt, instead begin lauding themselves that their actions are not the cause of worsening conditions for the masses, but are instead the realization of the representation of the ideological soul of their nation. This leaves these individuals intentionally deaf to the possibility that they might be wrong, and further reinforces their inability to compromise or present solutions that would challenge the current status-quo. This also becomes a catch-22, and can reach the point of fetishization. It also increases the tendency of this political class to promote policies that are ideologically driven political projects that hurt the country economically, because they fundamentally arise from a position that large parts of the population are not true citizens and deserve punishment.
If this trend continues unchecked, as things continue to worsen, merely rendering government unresponsive becomes insufficient. So it results in the election of strong-men type characters that sell themselves to the populace as being the only ones capable of breaking the political deadlock that prevents solutions to issues within the country, while simultaneously promising to their richest funders that they will actually use their power to further entrench the positions and wealth of the existing economic elite.
This creates a new group of politicians that seek power for themselves by exploiting this new dynamic, where they compete by their willingness to break cultural norms in order to service these two groups, and much later, a reactionary progressive cadre that functions similarly on the opposing side.
This new dynamic worsens the economic and social issues at play, as the crumbling competency of hollowed out social norms and institutions lose their ability to function as effectively for the mass populace until the standard of living has fallen sufficiently to match the capabilities of the country to support it, and an increasingly deaf and authoritarian political class is far less effective at managing the needs of the people than in the previous more-decentralized state. Quality of life continues to drop, either slowly over time, or violently.
At this point, the new political class will consider usurping power and wealth from the rich elite, as there are no longer legal norms to constrain them.
Regardless, with decreased capacity in an ill functioning state, where the new political elite has acquired power by servicing an elite class focused on maintaining wealth instead of driving growth in the nation, the country loses its ability to compete economically with rival nations, and begins falling further and further behind, thereby worsening the above cycle.
But what you have to remember, is its all worth it, because the alternative includes potential taxes, promoting policies to raise wages, or reinvesting in your fellow countrymen, and those things are all worse than what I just described /s
What do you mean when you say the economic pie continues to shrink?
Since 1960 American GDP has more than tripled in real terms (constant dollars): https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/NYGDPPCAPKDUSA
To add four year degree is a very recent phenomena. For most of the people it was an exception. The norm was to become an apprentice after or during high school and then go on to become a master tradesman. We might just be seeing a reversion to the norm.
The whole AI thing is just a symptom, I think. The real causes are:
1. The boomer political class that is perfectly fine with spending more and more money but unwilling to pay for it, mortgaging everything the previous generations built. Basically sucking all the value out of it for themselves so that their children and grandchildren will have nothing.
2. A big symptom is that tax rates on the richest have been going down for the last 50 years, and are now ridiculously low.
3. The thing that makes that work: unnaturally low interest rates, for the last several decades.
4. A complete unwillingness to use antitrust to break up the largest companies.
I don't see how this is going to turn around, because the propaganda is now so good they have convinced the poor that all of this is somehow good for them.
> It appears to me that our socio-economic model simply doesn't scale with technology. We need to have a constructive conversation about how to adapt.
This doesn't add up with the number of billionaires and the growth over the last decades - it just seems that there's a bottleneck and the value captured from technology isn't trickling down.
Of course, you can claim that such "billionaires" and that part of that "value" is the result of speculation, but since billionaires can use that speculation to buy money and acquire more assets, then for sure there's some value there that isn't getting to the vast majority of the people.
My 2c is that most normal people are incapable of capturing this kind of value simply because they aren't educated enough on how to use a computer to do these things.
ChatGPT is the first time in a while that a new technology is easy enough to use and integrate that the productivity gains could be captured by the lowest-skilled workers.
Uber/Lyft are the antithesis of this: their apps do very simple things but at scale and with an eye towards confusing their drivers. It's not unthinkable that a co-op version of these apps could exist, but the folks with the skills to build them get snapped up by big tech pretty quick.
IMO if we want to share the wealth, the ONLY way to do it is by upskilling workers and simplifying technology.
> a co-op version of these apps could exist
There are a bunch of white-label ride share apps. When Austin banned Uber and Lyft in 2016 it took about a day before new services popped up to replace them.
The problem with building Uber and Lyft isn’t the process of writing the software — that’s been done many times over.
The hard part of course is investing the money in marketing and support to match the user recognition and experience that Uber and Lyft, subsidized by VC wallets, can provide to their customers.
One of the things you have to take into account is that a lot of these tech companies grew in the gaps of regulation, while legacy companies were forced to abide by standards and regulations; for a lot of tech companies, they broke the markets and thrived in the infrastructure paid for by taxpayers.
Uber, Airbnb are good examples of this. When regulation caught up with them, the damage was done for better or worse. To this day, some regulators still struggle to keep up due to the lack of resources, and the tech does achieve this... and now you have tech oligarchs dismantling the government bodies responsible for regulation.
So I don't think it's just a matter of people upskilling to generate more value, because people pay taxes for the work they do - they can't afford the lawyers and structures to avoid this. The people who have the luck and the opportunities to generate this kind of value are already doing it, or will do it, or don't want to do it.
So while I agree with you, and people should have access to the opportunities to upskill and to generate value, I also think there's a massive gap in income and taxes in a lot of democratic countries. These things can go, and should go, together.
At least for the moment, AI still needs knowledge workers to spec and prompt and check. AI makes knowledge workers more productive, but it doesn't eliminate the need for them.
And if knowledge workers are more productive, then knowledge work is cheaper. Cheaper knowledge work increases demand for knowledge work. So the number of workers required might actually increase. It also might not, but first order analysis that assumes decreased knowledge workers is not sufficient.
C.f. garment makers. Partial automation of clothes making made clothes cheaper, so now people have closets full of hundreds of garments rather than the 2 sets our great-grandparents likely had. There are now more people making garments now than there was 100 years ago.
> Cheaper knowledge work increases demand for knowledge work.
This is Jevon's paradox.
> So the number of workers required might actually increase.
The increased demand for work turning into new jobs for existing workers, that is where the question is more complex.
This has gone the other way too in matters of muscle - people who wouldn't have been employed before can now be hired to do an existing task.
When you go from pulling shopping carts to an electrical machine that pulls carts for you, now you can hire a 60 year old to pull carts in the parking lot where previously that job would be filled by teens.
This is all a toss-up right now.
In an ideal world, I will be paying less for the same amount of knowledge work in the future, but as a worker I might get paid more for the same hours I spend at work.
My hours are limited, but my output is less limited than before.
It’s actually the Jevons paradox, non possessive, named for William Stanley Jevons. I thought it was possessive too because many people write it that way.
I don't see why it can't be written possessively since he stipulated it. It makes more sense.
You would write it Jevons' paradox. Six sources on its wiki page write it as such in their title.
There are several dynamics here.
1) AIs enable knowledge workers to be more efficient. They don't replace them. But they'll get more done. So, you might need fewer of them.
2) This frees people up to do different, more valuable things. There's a scarcity of people on the job market. We have record employment, not unemployment. In short, freeing people up to do valuable things that need doing is a good thing.
3) A lot of the economy is the service economy. It's not about producing goods, or providing essential things like food, health care, etc. Instead it is about providing services to people at some value. The reason the economy has transitioned to that is the industrial revolution. A few hundred years ago, most of the economy was about scraping together enough food for people so they wouldn't starve. That's a solved problem. Farmers use machines instead of dozens of employees. Some of those machines are autonomous.
4) Economies are about value chains and upcycling low value resources to high value services and goods. AIs make certain things cheaper which just frees up spending on more valuable things. What's valuable is determined by people and what they value.
5) If you fire all the people and replace them with AIs (the dystopian view of AI) and they no longer make money. So their spending behavior changes. The economy changes and adapts. Spending just shifts to things we value. Like maybe a human touch.
6) You could argue that much of the economy is already bullshit jobs. Who needs managers, marketing experts, social media influencers, and all the other fluffy jobs that we invent? Somebody values that. That's why that stuff exists.
2) and 5) assume people let go or fired have ways to make money afterwards. That's the high question mark no one is really considering right now. People can't spend money they don't have.
I think people talk excitedly about this post-labor society without considering how we upkeep it while all the value labor is managed by billionaires and worked on by an exceedingly small labor force maintaining the real labor force of AI. Current directions don't support topic ideals like UBI.
I don't subscribe to this narrow view of economics. The AI fallacy is that whatever they do cheaply just stops being valuable. We pay a little for it, but we spend most of what we have on other things. What that is shifts over time. Pre-industrial revolution it was food and agriculture. Then it shifted to manufacturing. Today it's people doing stuff for other people (aka. services). Over time, we work less and less and we earn more and more.
You mention UBI. You could actually argue that we already have some notion of that. It's just a terribly inefficient, poorly administered, and very costly, and not very good version of it. People don't starve, they mostly have access to health care (the US being an exception to this relative to most countries, including most developing nations). And shelter too (people freezing to death because they can't hide from the elements is pretty rare). Many people live on what they get for free. It's called charity, social security, unemployment, pension, childhood, etc. But one way or another, somebody provides for them. And being dependent on just the free stuff is something that would horrify most normal people. But it's there for pretty much everyone.
Feudalism is cyclic. It comes and goes. We had a lot of it early last century. And then we got communism, socialism, unions, etc. And a surge in economic wealth for the middle class after things were rebalanced. The post WW II economic boom in the US was powered by Roosevelt's new deal. I don't think there's much respect or loyalty to the current batch of trillionaires. They can exist only because people allow them to. Future governments could find themselves empowered and tasked to do something about the economic wealth distribution. Such things have happened before. Often after some kind of revolution.
Progressive taxes
I wonder how the ratio of people making garments relative to the total world population has changed though in this example.
No easy answer since most garments > 100 years ago were home-made. But I can confidently assert without data that the number of man-hours of labor in the average closet is substantially up.
garment makers chosen because of this recent discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43450515
How can you be so sure?
I found this document: https://web.archive.org/web/20210126040017/https://ribevikin... It asks the question "How long would it take to make a Viborg shirt?". The answer seems to be 354 hours per their experiments. This is from seed to shirt. (linen)
I'd be surprised if we had that many man-hours, let alone 3 or 4 times that (this is a single piece of clothing), in our wardrobes. Conservatively assuming a man-hour in the wardrobe costs us $5 (while people are often paid less, their salaries are also but one expense), you'd need at least around $1500 to equal just that shirt.
100 years ago is 1925 - people were already buying cloth in stores at that time. You need to go further into history.
the more obvious recent example is that we employ more bank tellers than we did before the ATM, because the ATM reduced the amount of labor hours needed to operate a bank branch and made a lot of marginal bank branches pencil out.
Only the recent trend of online banking services is really actually turning this around.
According to this cheap food is good because people just start eating more. Actually cheap imports can be really bad for local businesses.
Now imagine dystopian world where AI can solve most data / engineering / science problems for cheap. Or even for free, just ask.
AI working isn't the dystopian option. Imagine AI can do none of those things, but the people who control the capital believe they can.
That's the dystopia.
> Imagine AI can do none of those things, but the people who control the capital believe they can.
I don't need to imagine, that's the reality we live in right now
Yeah and not unlikely.
There are trends in both directions in manufacturing. On the one hand, we had amazing fountain pens with forged gold nibs hand-tuned by a nibmeister that can do things you can't replicate now. The trend was toward really crappy pens that could be mass-manufactured and required less skill by the consumer to operate, but are demonstrably inferior. People chose to buy the cheaper, barely passable option more often by orders of magnitude.
On the other hand, we have automotive manufacturing. Modern cars are more reliable, safer, more comfortable, more performant, more featured, capable, (and expensive?) than ever.
With knowledge work, it's clear that certain things will get "optimized" into disfunction. (Look at the complete lack of agency corporations have taken away from the people operating the public interfaces to the company.) Be it help/support centers, resolving unusual issues, or dealing with automated bans/account deactivations.
It's hard to say what direction it will go...
Free after it took a trillion in energy to train
How much time, energy, and resources went into developing your language of choice? How much datacenter energy is burned recompiling GCC every night for the last 30 years?
> There are now more people making garments now than there was 100 years ago.
Exponential population increase only began 75 years ago. This is correct but the analysis is wrong.
Current AI is just a word calculator, it hallucinates because it doesn't know what should come next, a 5 is a 5 to it. LLM will never be general intelligence
> A recent academic paper found that software developers who used an A.I. coding assistant improved a key measure of productivity by more than 25 percent, and that the productivity gains appeared to be largest among the least experienced developers.
I dunno about this citation. I just read the paper and it considers "productivity" in this context to be the number of builds, commits, and pull requests in a developer week. Interestingly, there was no statistically significant difference in build success rate between those who used the AI tool (Copilot in this case) and those who didn't.
Personally, I've seen junior developers most negatively impacted by AI. It seems to stymie learning and reasoning skills.
In my experience, the best developers out there have all worked through hard problems by themselves. "Been through the trenches", so to speak. That means getting right to the bottom of difficult bugs etc., no matter how long it takes.
On the other hand, the worst developers reach out for help the moment things start to look unfamiliar to them. Over the years I've tried to encourage such developers to think for themselves, but I've come to realise some just can't do it if they know someone else on the team probably has the answers.
Availability of LLMs seems to be the worst thing for this kind of developer. Now they don't even have any kind of social barrier to reaching out for help. I just don't see how they're ever going to learn to do anything.
Code monkeys have always existed, and can be useful, but why wouldn't the engineers just go straight to the LLM instead of going through code monkeys?
There is a recent paper by Microsoft that describes exactly that. (Although they didn't restrict the negative impact to junior developers)
There is definitely an effect of ”you forget what you don’t need to remember” happening even to me.
Yes, but I'm not sure it's entirely related to AI. I think one of the real lessons of the pandemic was that you can outsource everything knowledge related because paying peanuts for something that's somewhere from 1/8 to 1/2 as good is better than not paying peanuts. And this effect is deeply multiplicative the less skilled and more entry level the role is, a factor AI only exacerbates. The precursor to this was tech jobs postings, year by year, mostly only being for, first, 3+ years of experience, and then 5+, and so on.
That said, AI, as it improves, will only exacerbate. At least until it becomes so multiplicative that having an AI + pilot is so productive that you'd never not be happy to hire another one.
Everybody is commenting about AI, but that's barely mentioned in the article. In particular there is this quote:
> The gap in wages between those with a college degree and those without one grew steadily beginning in 1980, but flattened during the past 15 years, though it remains high.
I suspect there's a lot of factors at play and the expansion of access to college is part of it. The value of secondary education is somewhere diluted. There is the end of the zero interest era. There is massive layoffs of federal workers which skew heavily towards knowledge work. And some of it is was Starbucks cites as "removing layers and duplication and creating smaller, more nimble teams" which is a pretty normal cyclical thing where an era of expansion and promotions makes your org to top-heavy and bureaucratic so you trim aggressively and probably end up rehiring some as needed. Like a controlled burn of an overgrown forest. And if some of those are permanently lost to AI then that's a bonus.
I think a lot of business leaders are just expecting a recession and want to be on good footing before it hits.
Personally I think it’s because a university degree used to be a proxy for cognitive ability and conscientiousness. Now that many more people have them that’s less true. The market is starting to realize and we’ll see some “corrections” going forward.
Companies got fat during the boom, especially post-2020, and now they're shedding layers to get leaner and more agile. It doesn't mean those jobs are obsolete forever, just that the pendulum is swinging the other way for now.
>Everybody is commenting about AI, but that's barely mentioned in the article.
As usual, they didn't read the article. They read the headline, assumed it was about AI, and wrote the same boring "management bad, AI bad, the present bad, programmers good, the past good" rants.
Unfortunately, knowledge and intelligence has been losing a lot of value over the past couple of decades.
Aside from tech making information more accessible, centralization and monopolization likely played the biggest part. Driven by the design of our monetary system. Most new money enters the economy backed by endless streams of real estate debt (mortgages), public debt and corporate debt... All these well-moneyed areas (real estate, government, corporations) have become monopolized and highly political. There's just no room for real knowledge work. It's all about status games and BS internal politics. People who benefit from Cantillion effects have no interest in bringing nerds into their organizations to compete against them for their spot in front of their easy money printer.
Insiders are mostly hiring people who are dumber than themselves; people whom they can control.
I flip flop daily on whether it has or not. Even the best AI engines write truly awful code, and it might not improve. But it also makes it easier for people to coast, and turn in half assed work, which is certainly a pathway to the decline of knowledge work
> it also makes it easier for people to coast, and turn in half assed work, which is certainly a pathway to the decline of knowledge work
I understand your sentiment and I partially agree with it. But this kind of phrasing implies that "doing the bare minimum" (to put it in another way) is a strictly bad thing.
Sure, its easy to condemn someone "half-assing" a job by labeling him as lazy or something like that. But the reality is that most of the time we don't need the best nor we are willing to pay properly for this effort.
Imagine your baker, for example. Do you really need 100% of his effort and care to be put into every single bread he makes? For me this answer is "no". All I care is that he comply with all regulations and that his bread tastes good, I don't really mind if it's not best bread in the world. And even if it was the best I probably would find it too expensive to buy in a daily basis.
Another example would be blacksmiths, at some point they we our only option to make something out of metal, and they would put quite a lot of care and attention to every piece they made. But at some we created some machines that can create things out of metal. These machines, at first, weren't really good and the products they made were of inferior quality. But they had enough quality to be useful, were cheaper and were able to produce immense quantities of goods.
What I'm trying to say is that sometimes the "low effort" option is the correct choice. And I don't think this means the decline of knowledge work, this just means we will see a change in what is considered "relevant skills" for knowledge work.
> Imagine your baker, for example. Do you really need 100% of his effort and care to be put into every single bread he makes?
But the analogy here is, if all bakers started using bread machines every day, and new bakers only learn how to ask the bread machine to make bread, the decline of baking will surely be a step closer.
And sure we can quibble over tools the baker uses such as ovens or dough mixers or what have you, but ultimately they must know how to make bread. AI platforms attempt to remove the need to understand the code, so that people don't need to learn how it works to make it.
I guess the thing is I don’t want to do the “bare minimum” I want what I do in life to mean something. I want to work hard and care about everything I do. Whether that’s family or work or leisure. Coasting and doing the bare minimum is not a good way to live. Society is pushing people to spend more and more of their life on meaningless slop, then wonder why there is a mental health crisis.
Totally feel this.
It sucks, because so few things in tech _are_ meaningful, and exist for a reason other than to enrich whoever owns the company making it.
>But this kind of phrasing implies that "doing the bare minimum" (to put it in another way) is a strictly bad thing.
It is. It shows a lack of character. Have some pride in your work. Have some pride in yourself. Being lazy is pathetic.
>Sure, its easy to condemn someone "half-assing" a job by labeling him as lazy or something like that. But the reality is that most of the time we don't need the best nor we are willing to pay properly for this effort.
There is no such thing as "need". You don't need anything. People lived for thousands of years on a diet of mostly grains living in uninsulated houses with open fires. Everything is a want. People's wants are never satisfied, you can always want more.
But even if nobody else will appreciate it, you should do the right thing anyway. You should do it because you take pride in your work.
>Imagine your baker, for example. Do you really need 100% of his effort and care to be put into every single bread he makes? For me this answer is "no".
Nothing to do with what I want. He needs to put in the effort. He needs to do it for himself.
>These machines, at first, weren't really good and the products they made were of inferior quality. But they had enough quality to be useful, were cheaper and were able to produce immense quantities of goods.
The men that designed the machine, or ran the machine, or made the moulds, or assembled the parts, all of them worked bloody hard and were proud to do so for their families and for themselves. Work ethic was prized. This wasn't low effort. It was a different tradeoff between material inputs and material outputs, but it required no lesser work ethic. It didn't permit laziness or idleness.
There is nuance to the two separate ideas of "doing the bare minimum" and "taking pride in your work". I agree with you that taking pride in your work is important; I wish it were more highly valued nowadays, honestly.
The flip side is that "taking pride in your work" nearly always results in being taking advantage of from your employer, at least in salaried positions. And if you can spot the social patterns and games played such as valuing employees that work overtime (without pay), on weekends, etc, it is clear that employers love getting more value from employees without compensating them. Work extra hard for 6 months to maybe possibly get a promotion? People are generally waking up to this reality, hence the 'quiet quitting' mindset.
One can both take pride in their work, and respect their time by adhering to their employer-employee contract as written.
Lastly, in the baker example, they have a direct reason to put in their best effort (assuming the baker owns their bakery): they will gain goodwill and repeat customers if they bake very well. A salaried worker is so far removed from being directly compensated for their work. I predict the situation would be very different if salary work got commission based on sales and overtime pay.
>All I care is that he comply with all regulations and that his bread tastes good, I don't really mind if it's not best bread in the world.
That's part of the issue. They ignore regulations and the bread has mold. But we eat it and say "well I'm not dead". Because we're being conditioned to eat, not taste. To consume, not question.
Meanwhile, I complain the bread tastes stale and moldy and I get argued down by fake bakers that "no you don't understand this is the future of bread". Well, it sucks. I don't csre how much you're paid to say otherwise or promise they it'll taste "good" (read: not crap) in a few years. I'll go to my bakery until then instead of having your bread shoved down my throat.
Make it taste like bread first instead of hyping up how it looks so close to bread. That's the whole issue causing the downfall of society.
There’s also the case that the regulations don’t exist.
And what’s more worrying is things where the negative impact is higher order.
If the bread has some poison that will kill you in 5 years time etc.
Currently we maintain a bar partially with human ethics and processes, whether that is directly preventing bad outcomes because of liabilities or reflecting on bad outcomes once they happen to improve regulations (a lot of which relies on introspectability).
Once AI starts replacing the decision-making layer, we lose the collective understanding of how processes fail. Once you start needing to constrain the space of machine error, you’ve basically arrived at almost solving the problem again.
> Do you really need 100% of his effort and care to be put into every single bread he makes?
Nope; just mine.
You are describing quiet quitting, which is a reaction to the period of overwork and burnout during COVID.
"Quiet quitting" is just laziness from people that don't take any pride in their work. It was not a reaction to "overwork" or "burnout". Laziness has always existed. This was just a new name for it.
Quiet quitting is realizing that you want to move on in your career but every interview process takes 2+ months for beauracrit reasons instead of actually judging your ability to do the job.
Quiet quitting is having no safety net when you're no longer satisfied with your job for any reason but your Healthcare is tied to your employer as ransom.
Quiet quitting is realizing you are going to be terminated in the next wave of layoffs 3-6 months later and that your efforts will not save your job anyway, so focus on jumping ship.
Greed has always existed, this was just a new name companies tried to gaslight with. I don't want to hear about "lazy workers" in a time where layoffs (that aren't performance based) are only increasing in a society thst decides it lawful to treat an employment contract as as a toy to be thrown away at any whim.