Aircraft detection at planetary scale
·March 24, 2025walrus01
Much more, but they don't want you (or "the enemy") to know how much they know. Of course, Trump "accidentally" revealed the US's sattelite imagery capability (
I think once the Ukraine war is over, maybe in years to come, the impact of US intelligence will become fully clear. I'm fairly sure it was due to US intelligence on the location of Russian ships like the Moskva that they were taken out, and that doesn't even need particularly high resolution cameras.
And that's a six year old image. Imagine the state of the art in 2025.
> NSA SIGINT satellites
The antennas of satellites like USA-223 alone are so big that they could probably pick up wireless game controllers lmao
If we take the maximum size of geostationary publicly known commercial telecom satellite that's ever been launched as a reference, and what vehicle they launched on, it's probably in the range of 6000-8000kg total mass, including its expected lifespan of stationkeeping propellant.
I wonder what it would take to do this for in-flight aircraft? I.e. simultaneously surveying the entire sky and tracking all aircraft in flight? This could allow finding downed aircraft much more quickly. Would a megaconstellation like starlink with cameras suffice?
Their current best satellite in the constellation is the SuperDove and it takes images ~637 sq km at a time so, as a naive calculation, to cover the whole earth at any single instant you'd need over 800 thousand of Planet's SuperDove ignoring the difficulty of making a constellation that efficient and ignoring that you can also save a lot of birds by confining the area of interest to a narrower band of latitude without missing much activity. Your raw efficiency per satellite does take a small hit as you shrink the latitude coverage because you get a concentration of satellites along the edges but that's just orbital mechanics for you. (you can see this on the starlink constellation trackers, they're moderately denser right along the edge of the latitude band of their orbit:
Now if we reduce the time resolution somewhat and accept we may not know at the exact moment where any particular plane is but that it will get captured on a satellite every X minutes you can really start cutting into those numbers.
Most planes broadcast their position via ADS-B while they are in the air. On land those are picked up by ground stations. For a long time we had bad coverage of planes at sea, but in part in response to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 the Iridium satellite network now also picks those signals up, giving us global coverage. The satellite coverage is limited to the frequencies used by airliners and business jets, but those are the ones we are most concerned with finding if they go down.
As a point of curiousity, air geophysical survey craft (planes, helicopters) don't broadcast their position via ADS-B .. except perhaps at the start and end of a survey grid or at the turn point of a survey line.
If they "disapear" it's no great mystery as to where they might be .. they have thoroughly planned to within a metre flight paths and are on contract to drape specific areas.
However, they are loaded with instrumentaton: magnetic sensors, radiometric sensors, EM sensors for EM surveys, multiple GPS receivers and calibrate to neutral for data collection runs (like zero'ing a scale with a empty tub on when cooking to just measure the tub contents and not the tub).
There's an aversion to unshielded equipment, extranuous broadcasts, and pilots wearing glow underwater divers watches with radium dials.
I feel like I've seen lots of geophysical survey aircraft using ADS-B for their entire flights. Do you have a reference?
It would be much less costly to implement even wider spread use of ADS-B than already exists (down to very small size of aircraft), and increase the number of ADS-B receiving satellites in low earth orbit (which already exist, and intelligence agencies also have their own), than to attempt to do this in the strictly visual spectrum, based on frequent repeat visits of a particular few square km of sky imagery analysis (multiplied by the vast area of square km of sky that is the planet).
I don't think turning the Earth into a panopticon is worth the supposed benefits here.
Radar would probably work better, assuming that works through the atmosphere, and assuming it should act as a backup to ADS. That could work on ships as well, which also need to be tracked due to recent "accidental dragging of anchor" incidents.
Radar has been used on satellites for ocean surveillance before but it takes a lot of power. That means carrying a nuclear reactor, or enormous solar panels plus batteries. And a huge constellation would be needed to achieve anything like continuous coverage.
It probably wouldn't be feasible to have a single constellation tracking both aircraft and ships. Different types of radar operating on different frequencies would be needed for those applications.
They should look into how this can be combined with established radar-based aircraft tracking techniques, e.g. Kalman filtering.
For those curious/wondering, the last satellite image is of the Budapest International Airport [1], a reverse Google Lens image search was surprisingly good at finding it.
There's no need for Google Lens. The image shows an LLM chat interface below the satallite imagery where the user is asking what significant events happened near Budapest airport on the capture date.
That said: it's actually fascinating that Google Lens found that so quickly. I guess there are many overhead photos of airports, and each airport has a relatively distinct shape?
> LLM chat interface below the satellite imagery
I subconsciously block anything LLM-chat related by default, just as I do with ads. I tried looking through a source of that photo in the text above, text which seemed less AI-coded, but wasn't lucky (or I didn't know where to look).
> it's actually fascinating that Google Lens found that so quickly
It's one of their (relatively few) most recent successes, yes, of which not that many tech people are talking about. Or at least I haven't seen it discussed on forums like this one. For example it's also particularly good at image finding locations based on pieces of architecture seen in the photo backgrounds, let's say part of a church, a mayor's office, stuff like that.
Being able to google lens whatever can be seen of a gothic-like cathedral in the background of a photo and getting the name of the cathedral and of the city itself almost instantly is some CSI-level stuff, again, a rare win for public-facing tech these days.
TFA doesn't really explain how is this better/cheaper than existing ADSB based technologies, or where one is more appropriate than the other (ie which use cases it's targeting)?
It's not at all comparable. ADS-B is opt-in: you place an ADS-B out transmitter in your plane and turn it on to transmit your position [1]. You're perfectly free to turn your ADS-B off if you like. It's not even required for most of the US, so some planes may not have it installed (ADS-B out is only required within 30 nautical miles of a Class B airport [big airport], inside Class C airspace [medium-size airport], or in Class A airspace [18,000 ft above sea level]).
Military aircraft don't use ADS-B out a lot of the time. Spy planes are obviously not going to transmit their locations. A civilian plane with an electrical failure might stop transmitting ADS-B out. Being able to identify planes via satellite is a whole separate capability.
[1] In all the planes I've flown, ADS-B is configured to transmit whenever the master electrical switch is turned on, but it can be configured to be turned on and off at will. See this video on a mid-air collision involving an eccentric character who liked to fly with ADS-B out turned off: If I recall correctly, he had his ADS-B wired to his nav lights so he could turn it on and off at will.
From my experience in general aviation, I've never met anyone who intentionally turned off their ADSB. It is generally wired into the transponder, and the bulk of air traffic worldwide happens where a transponder is practically required. Yes, it is technically not needed but you can't get help from ATC, can't fly instruments in the clouds, and you can't fly high.
Sure, it can happen but these are edge cases. Space-based ADSB solves this problem with a fraction of the effort and much better data. Spooks might need this for military stuff, but for the bulk of planes, it doesn't make sense.
You are NOT at all (legally) free to arbitrarily turn off your ADSB on an aircraft equipped with it. 91.225(f) [1].
> Except as prohibited in [unmanned aircraft section], each person operating an aircraft equipped with ADS-B Out must operate this equipment in the transmit mode at all times unless [authorized by FAA or ATC].
A common way to add ADSB to an aircraft not originally equipped is replacing one of the lights with a uAvionics skyBeacon[2], which has a LED light + ADSB-out transmitter. So the nav light switch would control it, but you'd also now be required to have them on at all times.
There's a whole world outside the USA which does not follow FAA regulations. I, flying an unpowered glider, turn mine on only when I need a clearance.
ADS-B is mandatory in many jurisdictions and for all commercial flights basically everywhere. Obviously like any transponder, you can pull the breaker, but turning it off is likely to beer the end of you're commercial piloting career.
That video is great, thanks. Though the ML solution doesn't seem to claim to be able to identify individual aircraft, just do daily counts of aircraft at specific airfields. Which I guess works for military aircraft, but I guess if you're a nation state actor you've already got this sort of technology/intelligence?
Nation states are always interested in paying less to get this sort of intelligence though.
Authentication? ADSB isn’t authenticated. Anyone can emit, anyone can spoof, and I probably shouldn’t say that over the wire. The FAA said in 2012, when the conf at Defcon was made, that it had its own secret mitigation.
Getting the Doppler shift right against multiple receivers would be physically impossible
(If you’re not travelling at the right speed of course)
Agree on ADSB, but couldnt you spoof this using paint or 1:1 scale cardboard aircraft?
I was wondering about that too. They can only detect aircraft with wingspans over 25 m, so most fighter jets (and also GA aircraft) are too small. Large commercial aircraft can be much better located (and identified!) via ADS-B. So that doesn't leave a lot of aircraft (bombers, tankers, AWACS and other larger military aircraft) for which this is useful.
Mentioning the military might give you a hint...
I mean, commercial services do filter out mil adsb, but they are out there and available. So the use case is tracking movements of military aircraft?
In my experience, military aircrafts are visible in flightradar most of the time. However, if they are flying in a group (e.g. choppers), usually only one of them is visible.
Not all military planes are going to actually have ADSB, obviously. Also even the unfiltered stream requires an ADSB receiver somewhere.
It's not true that commercial services filter out military aircraft with ADS-B. In fact, FlightRadar24 even lets you filter to only show military aircraft. I see over a dozen flying near San Diego right now.
What would stop anyone from putting this on a quadcopter to deliver payloads to parking planes?
Search YouTube for videos of Ukrainian drones striking Russian military aircraft on airfields. One reason not to attempt this is that it would be seen as an attack.
Nothing except existing anti-drone measures around airports, e.g. radar, jammers, anti-drone drones, and eagles (
What I'm saying is that a lot of infrastructure is very vulnerable if there is someone who wants to cause damage. Hand grenades or improvised explosives on commercially available or even home-built drones can cause a lot of havoc, assuming you have the operators and they can avoid being tracked down. The Russian invasion of Ukraine shows the efficiency of that, at this point there must have been hundreds of thousands of drones been used to great (and financially asynchronous) effects, on both sides. What ends up in the news and social media is likely just the tip of the iceberg.
If you are using a quadcopter you are probably close enough to control the drone directly.
Yeah. And even if you're not, a coordinate for the airport location and a camera with a basic computer vision system capable of identifying the difference between tarmac and aircraft is going to be more useful than a real time link to satellite images
I mean what's stopping anyone right now? All the tools are there and readily available, it's just that most people don't really want to go to jail for a long time.
> On the commercial side, understanding how many aircraft landed in a city on a specific day can help predict economic trends
lol, as if you'd use satellite imagery for that and not just (freely) available data on airplane movement.
> assess the impacts of world events - such as the quantity of aircraft present for large sporting or entertainment events
wow, there were a hundred small airplanes in Las Vegas, there must have been an event there, who knew. Everyone knew and it's easily available information.
The application is military. That's the only thing this is good for. It's the only thing their screenshots show. Why not just say that.
Not only military. Commercial transport aircraft can bring things in anticipation of an event not yet publicly announced, or such that won't ever be announced. Same applies even to Vegas: a dozen additional private aircraft may bring people to an invite-only event, which none of them is going to publicize.
OTOH all the commercial and GA aircraft should be visible on sites like flightradar. Military aircraft require much more involved detection techniques, especially as many of them are designed to avoid detection.
> should be visible on sites like flightradar
They censor. You can pay to exclude yourself.
Presumably one can also pay to unexclude some data? When "the price is right".
While I broadly agree, I think the era of general freely available data such as aircraft movements is about to end. We're entering an era of siloes.
I agree with your conclusion, but I'm really curious to know your reasons & predictions here. Can you elaborate?
The DOGE guy doesn't like it because people were tracking his plane and he also happens to be replacing FAA stuff with his starlink (which deorbits every 4 years and now will have more govt propping it up and guaranteeing redeployments, if the military stuff didn't already do that).
As long as I can stick a 1090 MHz ADS-B antenna on my roof and listen to transponders as they pass overhead (which I currently do), at least some data will be out there.
If your locale were to escalate to wartime-like measures for some reason (because of real threats, or some crazy/rogue leadership), couldn't recording aircraft movements and transmissions be suspicious, and sharing that data be suspected spying/treason?
Is there freely available data on commercial & private airplane movement in India, China, and Russia? I'd be very surprised by that.
Yes, although coverage is probably lacking in rural areas (eg
I'm surprised how good the coverage is over the mid Atlantic, far away from any hobby ADS-B receiver.
I see dense coverage on flightradar24 over India, China, and Russia. Can't say how complete is that.
This would have applications for police for detecting unauthorized activities such as smuggling or movements of agriculture planes (chemical spraying) on private airfields. Assuming the planes are >25m.
>25m rules out all sprayer planes, all hobby planes, and anything smaller than a CRJ-700, like all private business jets.
It also rules out most military planes! Including the B21 Raider stealth bomber and F35.
So that limits it pretty much exclusively to large cargo aircraft, large passenger aircraft, and large military transport aircraft.
This is not terribly useful for anything other than tracking military logistics but only the US does that by planes in any significant manner.
That >25m is a giant limit they just kind of walk right past.
That's the same category for me. The category that either gets people killed or violates people's rights in some way. It's not going to be used in any way that's a net benefit to normal people, only to the top 1% and the government.
> After significant experimentation with many different model architectures, we determined that aircraft <25m in length or wingspan are too small to be reliably detected in medium resolution imagery, so we elected to focus on aircraft this size or greater.
Build small aircraft.
Framed this way, it seems obvious that drones and UAV would arise out of this "evolutionary pressure" on aircraft.
Of course, if you have more satellites or faster imaging speeds you can use higher resolution images.
If you were wondering why the US stopped bothering with long range stealth bombers
When, precisely, did the US stop doing that?
The US Air Force has developed, tested, and is now in early production of the B-21, a long-range stealth bomber, one of their most important projects.
B-52 is still very much active. As for stealth, B-2.
Like B21?
You mean the long range stealth bombers that are parked in enclosed hangars when not in operation?
Nonsense, spy sattelites were a thing when that program was developed. Even now it's pretty difficult for a sattelite to reliably spot, let alone track a flying airplane. (I'm making this up by the way, I have no sources or information and if any side did have sattelites with that capability, they wouldn't tell anyone)
Aren't they just waiting for the active camouflaging technology to catch up? Normally, we think about that as something on the underside of the aircraft so that it appears invisible from the ground... but the same principle could apply to the top side of the aircraft if it ever becomes viable.
That would only be relevant to commercial-based optical spectrum providers. Gov mils have SAR (Synthetic-aperture radar) capabilities that would render that moot.
Can SAR penetrate steel hangar roofs now?
Just consider: If a private, for-profit company that sells public imagery is publishing this openly, what capabilities does the NRO have that synthesize data from SAR radar-specialized satellites, visual spectrum camera satellites, infrared-band specialized sensing satellites, and possibly NSA SIGINT satellites that capture emissions from aircraft traffic?