George Foreman has died
·March 22, 2025cyanbane
Man, those grills are useful. What I like about their engineering is you can run them on a typical kitchen circuit without worrying about a circuit breaker being triggered. This is not always true with other appliances. Typically stuff that can heat is very power consuming. Even washing machines and stuff like that can sometimes trip breakers (heat + spin). So yeah, it can be convenient.
Hulk Hogan told the story of how this was brought to him first to endorse but she insisted it was stupid and that instead he endorse the Hulk Hogan Thunder Mixer, a handheld blender.
He rolled his eye the whole time he told the story.
Who's the 'she' in this story?
Maybe his talent agent?
Sorry, his wife. I missed a word or two there lol
I mean... I consider myself a versatile home cook, and I've owned and used more products similar to the Thunder Mixer than products similar to the George Foreman grill. Sometimes it's a mystery what people buy. Why would you buy a separate appliance rather than a ridged grill pan for your stove top?
Some friends of mine back then had a reason I think may have been pretty common: they lived an apartment building that didn't allow combustion grills on the balconies. And coincidentally this sort of rental property is exactly the type to have an absolutely fake junk "extractor" for handling smoke in the kitchen. So they could put the Foreman on the patio and do an okish job with some steaks or burgers without smoking up the whole place.
Maybe precisely because the guy endorsing one product is much more relatable than the guy endorsing the other.
Nothing against Hulk Hogan, he is certainly one of a kind, but when it comes to my food I'd take advice from a down to earth type like Foreman a thousand times over that from a persona as detached from real life as Hogan's.
I have both a cast iron grill pan and a Forman. I use the Forman frequently because it heats up fast, cleans easy, and reliably cooks both sides at once…without oil, butter etc.
The grill pan has none of those attributes and can’t press a grilled cheese.
Yes it takes up counter space and is ultimately going to the landfill. I wish that were otherwise, but for me, they aren’t deal breakers.
Because it knocks out the fat, obviously
I asked my ex once why she owned a bullet blender instead of a normal blender, and her response was "not for drugs, I just saw the infomercial"
Doesn't it cook steaks on both sides at once?
Hulk Hogan also destroyed gawker because he was too cowardish to admit he's a sex freak. Obviously Peter Thiel was involved because he's too cowardish to admit he's gay, but the takeaway is that our society is run by toddlers who never learned to regulate their emotions (let alone manage the wealth a capitalist society allegedly demands. Eg people outside of Buffet demanding to be taxed more and Chuck Feeney making the gates foundation look like money-grubbing assholes).
I think the multiple N-bombs in the tape were the much bigger problem.
Gawker destroyed Gawker, they acted like toddlers themselves and lost in a way that seemed like they were trying to.
It's interesting that we ended up with Hogan, Ventura, and Trump as figures in our politics. I feel like the last time a republic got to that point, there was a lot of lead in the water. I guess now it's mostly plastic in the brain.
Weird attribution of morality when buffet gave $40B to the gates foundation. Also, aren't we all toddlers who never learned to regulate their emotions? You and me just cause less hubris because we don't have as much power and the time to convince ourselves we deserve it.
RIP. Was a big fan of Foreman growing up, even though his initial heyday was before my time. Which is one of the reasons I'm fond of him today - he was 48 years old when he was last heavyweight boxing champ.
Every time I'm feeling "too old" to do something physical, I try to remember the baddest man on the planet was older than I am now - a fact that is still crazy to achy 'old' me now.
Same here, and well said, friend.
If you're interested in seeing an interesting conversation one of his sons has with brilliant comedian Daniel Tosh, where they talk about his legendary father, check out:
What a cultured man, raised by a true man of God. George Foreman is a testament to the best of humanity, and this one son (at least) is a testament to that humanity.
What a life, what a legacy!
Thanks! It's getting late so I only watched the first 20 mins for now, but agreed. He obviously had a great upbringing. I'll check out the rest tomorrow.
That aside, I used to love Tosh.0, and didn't even know he was still around. I'm a little sad to see him becoming and even sounding like Bill Maher. The old edge pusher is gone, understandably. We all got old and I hate it :).
He's no Bill Maher, friend. Tosh despises Trump, because Tosh has that surfer chill and believes in being kind.
And I still think he's super funny, if not quite so edgy. His "WWJD rubber bracelet" bit has one of my favorite punchlines ever.
If you want to see a great (IMO) younger comedian, check out Greer Barnes. I discovered him yesterday and I've not laughed that hard at a comedian in quite a while. He is next-level brilliant.
Peace be with you, friend.
I didn't know who George Foreman was a little kid, so I saw him in the commercials for the George Foreman Grill and assumed that he was the inventor.
I was very confused when I, at age 11, read a comic published in 1990 (I think) and saw an advertisement for (I think) a boxing video game with George Foreman on the cover. I thought "huh, I wonder if he's related to the guy who invented that grill on TV".
I asked my mom and she laughed, and that day I truly learned about celebrity endorsements.
I can live 50 lifetimes and it wouldn’t be enough to understand celebrity endorsements… Foreman was one of my favorite athletes growing up but unless he was the greatest chef on earth I wouldn’t touch his grill with a wooden stick
I actually had one for a couple years when I lived alone in a fairly small apartment. I really liked it; it cooked hamburgers well enough and it was super cheap, like $15-20 when I bought it during a sale.
Obviously a full-sized grill would have been better, but I didn't really have that as an option in my apartment. It was easy to clean, cooked stuff relatively quickly, and neatly fit right next to my toaster. I think it's a good product for what it is.
Why they got a retired boxer to promote it, I have no idea.
He was an affable and funny man, who also happened to be a boxing great.
What made him so affable was his deep humanity and kindness.
And the endorsement worked, for sure!
I always thought the same until I got one.
It is a really good product.
It especially stands out if on a diet and going to eat a lot of chicken breast.
Steak I wouldn't cook in it but it makes great chicken. Especially on a diet that you aren't going to add much else calorie wise with how you cook it.
I get that re: celebrity endorsements, I've never understood why someone would buy a product just because a celebrity is in the commercials.
Now, that out of the way, the Foreman Grill was/is? a nifty little product that actually worked really well. I was gifted one, and despite having a really nice grill and big yard, sometimes I just want to be quick and lazy and bang something out.
I mean I am sure the endorsement gave it a recognized name, but people forget it was basically the Instant Pot if its day. You could buy George Foreman grill cookbooks in stores. It very much became its own thing, to the point many people know of George Foreman because of the grill he endorsed.
as another comment said, it makes for a decent indoors apartment grill. i used to use one all the time to make hamburgers or grilled cheese in college.
I only just discovered that he didn't invent or at least own the company that made the grill. Not being American, I had no real idea who he was outside of it.
Recommended George Foreman movie, When we were Kings.
I didn't think much about George Foreman until I watched When We Were Kings. For me, he was just as interesting as Ali, and I was so impressed with how he returned and reinvented himself after the loss to Ali that he was my personal reference point for resilience and personal evolution. RIP.
Yep. Highly recommend "When We Were Kings".
the foreman grills gets a lot of flack but it's a damn good cooking utensil and if not for him I'm not sure it would have been as publicized as it was.
also a great dad, christian, and boxer
5 marriages… 100% Christian. No way to say it better.
I don't know what 100% Christian is intended to imply here, although it's obviously critical.
Biblical christianity isn't for the perfect or righteous, but for sinners. Christ rejoices more over the one sinner that repents than the 99 who need no repentance (John 15).
I don't know much about Foreman. But, his fifth marriage did last 40 years. Seems like, at some point, his perspective on marriage/commitment got more aligned with biblical wisdom.
Do you think Jacob had his twelve sons with the same woman?
That little grill got me through many years of apartment living where I couldn’t have a propane grill.
> also a great dad, christian, and boxer
Indeed. Very much so.
You can learn more about him in this conversation one of his sons has with comedian Daniel Tosh, who's his neighbor and friend:
George Foreman III demonstrates how deserving GF was of all his success. He and GF3 are the best of humanity. And Tosh being a very kind and open-hearted human being, too, makes the conversation not only interesting but simply enjoyable, especially for its insights into his legendary father's life.
A good guy and all around gentleman. My uncle Bryan met him in Topeka in the early 80s and encouraged his career in photography by posing for a few "fighting stance" photos for the local paper.
Time to pull out Jack LaLanne power juicer, and some chicken thighs. RIP.
George Foreman is dead. Long live George Foreman!
George was a beast. Dominant Boxer. One of the greats.
Also, I loved, loved my Foreman grill. Made so many good meals in college.
What he did in 1987 Will always be remembered.
Truly a masterpiece of ring iq against sheer strength and stamina.
My condolences to everyone affected.
In a gerontological context: It would interesting to understand more about his genealogy. Does the age of 76 mark an above or below average age in his family and their historical lifespan?
As someone who has experienced great success in life, and also been (at least at one point) in peak physical shape, the cause of his demise seems especially interesting to me.
For anyone curious this is the product (and catch phrase) he was most well known for:
"Although Foreman never confirmed exactly how much he has earned from the endorsement, Salton paid him $138 million in 1999 for the right to use his name. Prior to that, he was paid about 40% of the profits on each grill sold (earning him $4.5 million a month in payouts at its peak), yielding an estimated total of over $200 million just from the endorsement through 2011, substantially more than he earned as a boxer."
Not sure if luck or stars just aligned. But that is some legit naming rights. Kudos to maybe, and I mean it... one of the best at it.