600M years of shared environmental stress response found in algae and plants
·March 21, 2025hsshhshshjk
Lazy question if anyone knows: How does one get acquainted with the field of bioinformatics? Is there a particular book or online course that gives a solid introduction?
From reddit:
Here are some general staples:
General Bioinformatics knowledge: https://www.biostarhandbook.com/
The paid handbooks were fantastic and well worth the price imo. Coding problems for bioinformatics: https://rosalind.info/problems/locations/
Learning techniques involving bulkRNAseq and scRNAseq: https://diytranscriptomics.com/
Also check out these threads: https://www.reddit.com/r/bioinformatics/comments/1bm3r9g/scr... https://www.reddit.com/r/bioinformatics/comments/191ykr/reso... https://www.reddit.com/r/bioinformatics/comments/12puflj/plo...
I recommend:
Compeau and Pevzner, Bioinformatics Algorithms. https://www.bioinformaticsalgorithms.org/
The also have a new extension (which I haven't checked out yet myself):
“Advanced Bioinformatics Algorithms: An Active Learning Approach”
Pevsner - Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics, third edition, is the standard for a reason.
I am not in the field so I can't say whether or not this is an effective way to learn anything, but it at least looks fun: https://rosalind.info
I like this book
which is more heavy on the computer science side and less on the biology.